.it. C.A tL JACK & JILL SPECIAL As sole agents for this famous line of -misses-and children's footwear we are pleased to announce that we have received permission to give 10'. discount on this nationally controlled line for 6 days only. Have Your Children Fitted With Our X-Ray Fitting System and Avoid Mistakes HooaotnwooooKio Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly Deriod. paid in advance $5jW MUCH OF TRUTH Wednesday, Marsh 15, AN AMERICAN VIEW Vernon Bartlett, writing from England in the Forum, says in part: "If the British Empire is to survive she must carry through important domestic reforms to give her greater strength. I "Why Hitler will win, a prominent Nazi said to me, at the time of the Hitler-Chamberlin talk at Berchtesga-den, is because he has realized that the wealth of a nation is not the amount of gold hidden away in the vaults of its national bank but is the brains and muscles of it" citizens. ' "There are far too many Englishmen whose service to the state consists in sitting in Pall Mall clubs. If the nation is to be strong, she must develop a new conception of wealth and a new respect for labor. It is a disgrace and a shame that there should be people able to profiteer on the nation's food in time of peace or on her sandbars and shells in time of war; and while such conditions obtain, the merits of democracy are not so obvious that her citizens will go out and fight for it as a man. If we English want to pursuade the dictators that our democracy must be treated with a healthy respect, we should at once have a ministry of supply and a national effort which would bring back into employment, whatever the cost, hundreds of thousands of men who are now learning to drag out dismal and useless lives in hungry idleness." i It w;ill be noticed that in Canada we are just appoint-' ing a committee of supply somewhat along the lines sue;-1 gested and that the Federal government is proposing to make a much greater effort than heretofore to put thel people to work. We admit they have been slow about it but its better late than never. , ANNETTE'S WELL AWAY Hut Content For Itunner-Up fortiori In Ladies' IU1Uir Is IU-coming TiRhter Although defeated two games to one by Knox Hotel, Annette"? im- nmB - n - . . . be tomorrow. 0arde last nlaht. tame wUl played three game clean swtep w inc. - ' - 7" . - , .-r. Rangers. But one the Maple Leafs now Handicap Total - Merrhantettes Mrs. Norton Vandcrsluys .. Haltiday 1939.jBrasell Handicap Total Maple Leafs A large part of The Forum, published in New YorkJJJcJfJ noint behind i 4rv - - fiimrtu t tnn vWnrv nvr tnr nt fhc names. 149 149 115 .109 35 93 .142 158 Houlden 158 Moss Handicap Total Annette's Basso-Bert Johnson 122 57 730 n pa ihrM UUVL vi ' - -- o teams tied for third place Rex." Blue Birds and Rangers. Big Sis-. tor. ifranwH frnm f mirth to sixth V. . - WW. I ,.1.1.1 ulaee bv losins to the Rex. Blue"1" Mird' took a Heau from' Dot BaUinser of Rangers with S17.I1 ICS 1C1 1 I Paid In advance, per week - U .Skattebol 197 Paid In advance, per month 5-j Owen - 140 By mall to ah parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and Dickens 139 United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00' Handicap 9 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.0C Tot' - -t 8,4 News Department Telephone S6 ' iJJ" IIa4el Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Vt Schaeirer 165 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations , .FriU ICQ DAILY EDITION .Eastman 103 113 150 set 167 typical of a special line of magazines published in the ola.(. 131 ... umieti cuaics, ut'vuieb uiucii ui iu space uii& iiiuiiv.ii tu m. Glass showing how wrong Great Britain has been in her inter- LaBeiie national policies and in shewing how strong-Germany is' Handicap and what she might do to Britain if she once got busy at i the job. The magazine does not show open hostility hut Bejnee evidently caters to those who are always critical rather Petersen than constructive. It is in close touch with the opposition Yager . side of political life in Britian and sees little good in the HsUberg National povemmnr. hparWI hv Rt. Hnn. Nevillp Cham- Bellinger berlain. Many Canadians hold similar views and so do t many Englishmen and Scotchmen. In summing up editorially the magazine says: .' "Democracy need not despair. We have still all the English- and the French- and the Scandinavian- speaking world and we have the two Americas. But democracy' must watch two fronts. At the same time that we trade for peace we must arm for war. We cannot expect peoples j who by nature or environment reject democratic govern-' ment and are happier under a totalitarian state to be converted by our preaching to our way of life. Nor can we, annihiliate them. Instead we must incessantly hold them 1 at bay and keep them off our democratic preserves. We must try, patiently, to devise formulas by which we can! carry on trade, even .with those nations with the most t rigidly closed economies. It is at best a small planet and the only safety is guarded intercourse even between the' likes and the dislikes." . 1 Handicap 261 157 131 108 238 19 Total .914 c 205 157 143 118 190 37 &50 118 143 143 95 197 57 758 2 153 152 15G 163 141 9 771 127 145 156 141 89 150 808 2 122 1C1 122 83 119 139 213 M 5 727 79$ 1 2 140 131 169 136 201 19 79C 198 no! 142 rUistau ICS ICQ 91 8Gt! 103 102 113 in 15fl' 150, 719 3 Ranwcs ?"' Detroit rnr. datlt .vnvs TORONTO IN (HIGH SCHOOL ; THIRD SPOT; BASKETBALL' Put, Win. Junior Cham,.lonO,I,.( VWtory Over American. .. . . ... ., .... With Ocular Still Undecided aiapie Lfai rurinrr n-fcm i ------ Wings Score Victory Over I Uaugers I In In second games of the High' School basketball play-offs be- TORONTO. March 11: CP tween Oamma and Beta. Beta was Toronto Maple Leafs moved Into victorious in both senior and Jun- ? '!? It S .Xf. iliLMKUtsundlng ahead of the New games, Beta won the Junior Cham-2S nth Snttn bH VoifclSleJ by scoring a 7 t, plonshlp and the senior, arc tied last nigh on account of therun"!, vc hf Amerieetu a. wlth one fun each. Th final in N6w Yoric Mansers ana iiu- ine senior nmr j nmnl KnlH nn fifth nlfirp nnrl u--tk fatnr4 hv hsrfi-checr. ) ' 1 ... 1 I V W 1 II 1 1 " I V ...I. - . I In the thrd schedule! cane Ws tn In th first half Oamma had! 8:0 Canadiens 2 .Chicago 114 - 135" Dr, W, O. Lvall. 141 (for tti PunvHiM Irf". w"- 34 14 Big SUlers B. Dickens E. Dickens Roth well Bond Alexander TUMIeap ToUI Rex , Ethel Bury L. Morrison MU Eileen Bury 125 N. Morrison " West . 133 Handicap W Tota 56 752 W D I. r A IM' HoIkesUd and Hopkins and fit League stand i-ng to date: W L 3 Annette's 217 Maole Leafs 131 Rex 136 Bluebirds 163 Rangers 213 Big Sisters 19 Knox Hotel 10 149 71 IS m !Wl H 111 IM m in n n ifH im W 88 W nvdiwl o'fWri ' 2!wnw with h-wWwtwi at Wlnnl- 57 wt. arrived in th eH tm 80)-rtU. He arrive! o Saturday 3 j nijh tnta aet -"I W ' '-126,eveninT. Mrs. LyU arrived in the l'-lty on the Printe Rupert this i moraine from Vancouver to Joir ... Wm. 111 112 93 .133 174 55 73S I 167 127 123 141 132 89 . 77 2 194 124 137 157 134 55 91 2 181 136 123 129 164 89 in 23 879 Merchantette 10 10 IS 16 16 16 17 19 23 72 Oamma. Christian and VUtrin 54 Individual scorinj: 45 Beta- Hopkins t, Holkeslad 7 44 Macouver 4, Kihara 2. TVmbemeU- ter. Kihara. ToUL 21 7 Oamma Knutson S, Mot in 4, 32 storie 4, Christian 3, Macdonald. i Barber. Total. 1. 1 171 . ... m 1 128 11 172 89 836 Pts. 23 18 17 17 17 16 14 10 The Junior gam was well played, with both teams checking hard.' Both teams had many chances for( baskets but their shooting was' poor. Best players for Beta wet Bird and Sunundson and for Oamma Cameron and Santerbane were the rast outstanding. I Individual scoring: I Beta Perkins 1. Bird 10. SI-' nunikon t. M Jtolkettad 2. Selvtc I Sylvester, pierce. 1 I nsmmi Rantrrhane X. Cameroa 1 I 6. Roberton 2. llirano 1. AstorC Davis, Gomez. Jones. ii SlFifth Cricket MS I 193 135 Test Match Is Drawn In Rain CP - The nfth cricket test match1 was drawn when It wax rained outi tod at as Encland was within fortv S two runs of victory over South Af-Ica. Requiring 696 runs when the fourth inning started, England scored 654 for five , , jjj WALES BE.TS 1KKLAND WREXHAM. March 15 CP-Inj? International soccer today Wales defeated Ireland three to one. ,f IGARETTES FLY NORTH Canada today pioneers on wings and Imperial Tobacco products are only half a jump behind. For a typical "flying boxcar" load for the North includes such things as a dog team, sleeping bags, snowshoes, machine parts, ammunition, cigarettes. More freight is carried by air in Canada than in any other country, with the possible exception of Russia. Yellowknife, the booming rjew mining base on Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories, Is some 600 miles north of Edmonton. But, if you fly there, or to any other far-off point in the Dominion, you will find your favourite brand of cigarettes or pipe tobacco ahead of you. Today they are flown in. Yesterday they were packed in by canoe or dog team. Wherever there are stores on fashionable street or newest frontier there the products of the tobacco industry await your pleasure. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ; The Morning Af ter Taking Carters L'ttkLverfJk the bruK'.ii'! Barton Rniln' a slight edge over Beta and tnej anNOTOLIS Marrh 15 CP downed live Chiau Watt XixvtV score at the end of the first hallIn commmoraUon of tlie granitrn fj HU CUto. wltr Tb7 send hiu B-r shooting- ISIue Birds Pierce Turfjeon Boulter Hartwig Croxford .... I Keron J tt nievi ine uaRaaHtts u .uiium- ana ikusuik was a u wtwi and the Rinms nd American while Oamnu't shooting was off wlft be r4air t New York. The final score was St to Ifl tn Ttve, kMue MKtiiv' to date: favor of Bvta. Best for Beta wer Maryland Governor ihallei To Make King Gift charter ,i I to V 1634. Oovernur ! or of Maryland a! King Qori( bth In Jun- Mate ty wkj, v y. ndj it w.us MARCH 31 TO APRIL 8 30.IK) Ml.TUIt.N LIMIT uirrtitN parks FROM rcixrr Rtritf TO Edmoitlon Calgary Regius Sakaln Winnipeg Port Arthur t.4. CMh TiMiria SUnud ZIJJ KM 253J Si;j 31X4 U.u 31.11 23.20 (O.U tt75 512S I t MJU (3iili!rrti S rars aud untlrr 12. half fart. (!iirrr(Mituliii(lt low far In ntlirr Mint, 1U1 KM : MasJoJ tUtpmn rtrm W Stopovers alioved only at Ja(r, IUImotiton i Cilim In both direction within final illt. CANADIAN NATIONAL V in Smoked "Rupert Brand" i lvnia urea oaimon I 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Mors d'otuvrc One Package Benres Pour People Keeps for Weeks In Reftlterator i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. J". Prlnrr Huprrt HrilUh C"" SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! callin: at OCEAN FALLS mJ POWELL RIVER Struiurr Icavon I'riitre Huprrl rrrv TIIIKSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leuve Prince Kuperl for tin- Kt Mouduy, WcdnrMlay, Friday, 6 p.m. AiH-cOiNnrnoNKi) SLKKPING CAH Tor farev etc., call r write City Ticket Office. 616 3rd Ave. V 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamerx Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver TJS.S. CATALA EVEJtl TUES- TJ5.S. CARUENA rnlB1' DAY, 1:30 p.ra. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Doe Vancouver, Monday1 If Convenient. Pleata rnrrhano Tlrketi at Office further Information Regardlnf Reservations and "ft&te A. W, NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone It's interesting to know when reading the Daily NJ that the people of the whole district, are doing the i"