We Are Sole Agents For HARTT SHOES For Men Onyx Archjjrip Shoes Perths Plio-Pedic Shoes Jack & Jill Shoes Penman's Hosiery Family shoe store ltD. i llkll WAV ' I I rtlAMJHIt I ICClMHWNgUIWtt I The Home ;of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT .BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every iAfterrwon, Except .Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News.'Llmlted, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Classified advertising, per. word,;per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone . Member of Audit Bureau or Circulation!! DAILY EDITION THE H'EOPLE i OF CANADA .When people .come .to .Canada they .recognize .that they are coming to a part of the British Empire .and when oecome Canadian clthens they are citizens of the Empire. They should be prepared to accept that situation. We .pretty much all agree on that. At the same time Canadians must not expect those who are foreign born to jive up their sympathies with their, respective mother countries. Jt simply .can't be done. Children of forelgnrborn .citizens who attend Canadian schools, being educated .at the expense of Canada and imbibing Canadian influences usually become more British, than their .parents and .pretty soon .the racial characteristics and prejudices disappear altogether. While they may have a leaning toward the land from .which 'their progenitors came, they accept the conditions under which they were :born. In time possibly we shall evolve a distinctive Canadian people with Canadian characteristics although it is more than likelv .develonment will be along continental tlines., .Close association with Americans is likely to .keen .Canadians racially North .American. f .BUILDING A NATION AVe .start off ihen with .the. raw material for building ., nation. ,We find .a larie part .of .Canada cnmlnr from .British stock. We find tbef second largest ,1s French and the .French were In Canada before the British. Then we Jlnd oulie strong .Scandinavian, .Italian, German, JujroTSlavfan .and do7ens of other Influences, In the coimf rv and. iflnnllv,. vwe have .a smntferinr of Oriental and there Is always the native population .that .was in ,lhe .country .before 98 .anyone else. With this on which to build we set out to construct a ination that will be a governmental unit. It is a great work .and must take a tremendous amount of .tact, wisdom. and care to bring it about without. causing any serious .rent. or explosion. In these groups we have people of many religious persuasions and people of no religion. We have hundreds .of different political views represented. ;In ifact most people have some ideas of their own .how .the governing of the country should be carried out and what .would save the world .if sit only was given a. chance. .We find people .going up and down the country saying there should '.be ,a change and .when the change .comes we find it is the same old thing under a new, name. AS TO THE FUTURE The pupils coming irom .our schools today are probably among the most intelligent in the world. Even if considerable part of their education comes from .the comic strips in the newspapers, they think quickly and the way in which they are able to discern is shown in their choice of pictures at the theatres. A few years aro the nlay ihown here at the beginning of this week would have been lost on the majority of the people. Today It Is appreciated as seen by the crowds attending. We find today that people attend meetings for the discussion .of more or less abstruse subjects. People dabble in astronomy and many of the other sciences and arts. We are hoping that -before long they will learn to discern whether a panacea is right, just, workable, possible of attainment or possible of attainment without a 'large amount of bloodshed. We have great hope for the future. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta SB. PRINCESS .ADELAIDE Every Friday JO p.m. To Vancouver Direct B3i PRINCESS -LOUISE. 8J3. PRINCESS ALICE Aug. 5th, 16th, 26th,, Sept-.0th Aug. 9th, 19th S,S. P.RJNjCESS CHARLOTTE Aug. 2nd, 12th, 23rd,:Sept. 2nd Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from YlYL. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. ! . 'i. ! J02 .25 .Friday. August 4, 1939. EDITORIALS CARDINALS COMING UP St. Louis Wins Over Pittsburr While tltetU Are Rained .Out CINCINNATI, fAug. A : (CP) They National League baseball camei by taking a double-header, from the Boiton Bees. The Cardinals, In second place, are now nlne-and-a-half games below Cincinnati. The Brooklyn .Dodgers .defeated Uie Pittsburg Pirate and are inow.on American .League Detroit 3, New .York ,12. Cleveland 6, Boston 17. Chicago, 9. 'Phlladelohia .7. St. Louis 5, Washington 9. National League Philadelphia 6, Chicago 0 Boston 1-3, 8t. Louis 5-4. The standings to date: National League Cincinnati, 60 St. Louis 51 Chicago 51 Pittsburg 47 New York 46 Brooklyn 46 Boston 42 Philadelphia 26 American League New York 67 Boston 59 Chicago - 55 Cleveland 49 Detroit 50 Washlnton 42 Phlladelnhla 35 St. Louis 26 32 42 45 44 46 46 51 63 28 35 43 45 47 57 60 63 Most Of Tennis Was Rained Out 652 48 .531 16 00 Ms. 'West .and .Mrs. Loewen :I)e- . .! m f M .1 tit- Miller tin CN.R.A. Tournament Yesterday afternoon ,ln the ladies' doubles .of the Canadian National Recreation Association Lawn Tennis Club's annual tournament rMrs .West and Mrs. Laewen defeated Mrs. .Walton .and Miss Edith Miller 6-8, 6-2. 6-0. The matches scheduled ifor last night 'were Tained out. ClMPO CONNECTIONS WANTED WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers-. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, principally fish products, and terms solicited. The Colonial Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah House, Win-neba, Gold Coast, British West ' Africa. tf. FOK'RENT CLEAN well ifurnished rooms. .Phone )Rcd -444. (182) HOUSE. .5 rooms .and .bathroom. 441 6th Ave. East. Phone Green 910. (182) LUST LOST Eye glasses in 'black case. Finder please leave at Dally News (180) PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS ,AND TYPI8TS EXAMINATIONS .for Dominion Civil Service .to be held .in Prince .Rupert. .Applications to reach. Ottawa by August 31. We have helped hundreds get positions as Stenographers, .Typists, Postrrien( Customs Clerks, etc, and can .help you. Proof of this statement .and .full infonnatlon about 'examinations, etc., free. The M. C.C. Schools Ltd., Whinipeg. tf. Soap Box Derby Attracting Many Entry List for Novel Event peeled. to be Large UTMOI llitl In thla nu.nt I. mn..lnn If l. - . - .1 VUH tk A Llli J ft W( 111. 1. II III II I I 1 I I I I I IT- don ated bv W. F. Stone. Third Pair of swimming trunks, donated by Watts and Nlckernn. SWIM CLASS CONDUCTED Twenty-One Natatorial Pupil at More Creek Yesterday Afternoon terday afternoon Just before tt Reports from the trolling grounds are to the effect that the cohoes this year are found at about thirty fathoms and even there not In any very large numbers. They have not In the oast been taken at such Special prize for the best decor- dePth as this year, ated entry In the parade which fol- season this year Is The trolling Droving to be lows the race pen and pencil set. one the most disappointing on donated by Ormes Drug Store. record. ' Special prize for '.he best built t ntrv in the naradenorVp nnfih With one hundred and fifty-nine ' -500 donated by Gordon's Hardware. pawengrs, most of them round trip .452 tourists, on board, C.P.R. steamer 292 FOOTnAI.L RAINKI) OUT Princess Alice. Capt. John Williams. Last night's havy rainstorm northbound from Vancouver to .705 caused postponem-nt of the GH- Skagway. called In port from 0:15 .628 huly Cun football fixture between until 11:30 this morning Five wr-61 Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer sons disembarked from the Prin-21 Reserve and Pioneer Laundry, cess Alice here and three took pass- 515 . . .421 .368 211 SEE IT . . SMELL IT . . SMOKE IT! The moment you see those golden shreds of Old Virginia Fine Cut you just know it's the cigarette tobacco you've been looking (or. Cut extra fine to roll quicker and easier, this is the mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette paper! Why don't you try Old Virginia Fine Cut? Prove for yourself that it is a better cigaiette tobacco. Of course you'll use the best papers "Vogue" or "Chantecler." Package 10c" lb. Tin 75? Pocfet Humidor Pouch 15( MacKenzies Furniture AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Simmons Steel .Bed Stead, finished In walnut; Simmons Steel Cable Spring; Simmons All Felt Mattress--.Regular price complete $20.50. August Sale Price, S99 tZ(i bed complete, all sizes ip.OU The.;e Beds Can be Kent For You Until Required at No Extra Cast -Phone '775 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.B.8. CATALA EVERY TUES' T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Jhurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday turn. If Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 'ogf from thLs port for the north. I C. N.'R. steamer Prince Oeorge. .Capt. James Watt, arrived tn port at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell Hlver and Ocean Falls and Mils at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return morrow evening southbound scneuu ea jor nere yesieraay be-- . r was be f t ween. leacing. Cincinnati Reds and nl9Vt.rm,nH ta" ," an rit', " one group -were me non-swimmers . ,n New York Giants was rained out , p,?""d "nyf.'.crlfri0,k while the others had a chance to while the St. Louis Cardinals clip- " " k,. tT' r".I""V a","'prnvc their strokes under the ped a .full game off the red' lead1 give the name of his or her "car." even terms -with ,the Giants Tor Nnmbers f h Anna rt I n 9 t c- nAAn rtrlliilelst- J both tlubs hating won forty-six qamcs and lost forty-six. New York-Clnclnnatl postponed. altowpd t0 k fQT me year Brook 4. Pittsburg 1. yn Second-,Palr of sport sport shoe shoes, will be allotted it a later date when It Is f seen how many entries may be expected. A comolete list of the valuable prizes follows: First Tennis racket, donated by Kaien Hardware. Along with the first nrlze the winner will receive r 'liver cun whrh he or she will dive, along with life saving, will al so be taught. Whiff lets From The Waterfront J vessel had HO.passemjcrs on board Is Ex- parted to rnln. I Union steamer Cardena, Capt. The fine weather In the early . . n nnrf(.n nmllit n0fth from With the b.g Soap Box Derby only J". ?L JXE. S f dtt? L f! two weeks off.lt seems that Inter- t " "V ,7 4:30 um a,iernww?. a"u' V - - u.v.ueu uivtucu .H iM iwu vwu jruup, ... , ,,ere nt t-jq tomorrow momn SOFTBALL waypolnti. TONIGHT I 3 Grotto . Mots, Llpsetts tv f nere to- .. . . tnnsouoaiea Mining & Bar'" " v. n...., iruiii uric iu nasi comlnB.cut of Vancouver. Quite a c. P. (It. steamer p Aine aouin ana w t Ci" N. It. Tit les r'nr the rit ':f 4. i The oyro playground sian man- number dmmoarKea nrrc io yiv-uwi, w.. , aged -to condurt a very successful CWjdlE!lst by train while sevenl.arfn port at3lt5 thU fu;ra:.; swimming class at Morse Creek j es- maklng lnc round trjp. n l. . .. .... ..... . - . r. iun irf iirium mi V.tC0ju I Mondayx, .Wednesdays mt day i j, PonttMise steamshlD & Bsrgw Fridays t; ,, boys or girls who wish to enter the ,7 V " , , Co.'s steamer Amur is av prn rm. "M"r-"- If attendance enthusiasm at here south-' Tuesdays. .Thundays ana race are required to file their entry nl Anyox and wHl call ruj with the director In charge at any W1"e c,a wamim mvw.g iut upj t0 Jna(1 aMay nuiiu equip- punuu, - M of the four nlaygrounds AlonK both bpl,in'rs thp who can mfnt wnl(.n being moved by the Saturday jw with their own names and ages, each entrant will be expected to - - ti nlMG Ttc umiw Thij adverllsemnt H not published or ditpUyed by theUoa I Control Board or by the Government ol Brlliih C.:J USED FURNITURE J or the Livinj; Jloom 3, Piece Chestrffitld Suite At Seamed Axminster Carpet-Size SxlOVj .1 Seamed Axmfiuter Carp( 8lzc 69x9. of better oualttv $36.00 i 815.08 811.50 For the Dining Jttoom - PJece Oak Dlnlnr lUom Suite CoruLsttn of Buffc' rciJ table with three leaves and 8 upholstered 35,QD For the Kitchen 2 .Monarch Kitchen ilUnt In fine condition 1 Kllehen Table Like new S25.00 8nd 832.50 S3.75 ELIO'S FURNITURE THIRD AVENUE Prince fl SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS id POWELL HIVES Sttramcr lenyf Prince; Wtipcrt every SATUHDAY, 7 i.ni. MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains leuve (Prince Ktipert for tlir iMumluy, Wedncmlny, Friday, 6 p.m. PaHMcner Kxprcss FRIDAYS, 11.00 M.m. For farrs, etc., mil or tcrite lAty JlCkvt ifjjloe, $28 JrU . - i" J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldff. ' rcah Local Kav and Pasteurized Mi VALENTIN DAWy PHONE 637