ljlain ur, rAim ur and BfcAUil LIPSETTS Are Having An ENGINE Clean Up Special Look At These Prices on New Engines 4 H.P. l-cylinder Regal Engine $220.00 5 H.P. l-cylinder Doman Engine $200.00 6 H.P. 1-cylin.der Regal Engine $275.00 7 H.P. l-cylinder Frisbie Engine $250.00 14 H.P. 2-cylinder Regal Engine $650.00 20 H.P. 2-cylinder Regal Engine $900.00 The Above Are Subject to Prior Sale These Specials Will Not Last Lone; EDWARD LIPSETT Ltd. Waterfront Prince Rupert MERCURY" The car that has captured public favor to a greater extent than any car introduced in recent years. . ASK TO SEE IT ASK FOR A RIDE We Also Hare the DeLuxe Ford on View S.E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealers Its Costs Are Small Its Life is Long Sold Only by SILVERSIDES BROS. Phone 83 Fred Scadden PAINTING & DECORATING SIXTH STREET Phone GREEN 92 F. E. HUNT LTD. 0000KK0KH000000H30000KH00000000 SHIP CHANDLERS FISHERMEN'S SUPPLIES WATERFRONT LOCATION, Next to Fish Dock . . . . Phone 91 Prince Rupert, B.C. Try It Once Then Use It Always C ilux Enamel The Whole City is Asked to Join the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Horticultural Society in Their Campaign to Improve the Ap' pearance and Health of Prince Rupert Prepare For Tourists Importance Of Making This "City Beautiful" Is Urged By Junior Commerce BoJy From April 15 to 22 the Junior Chamber of Commerce .of Canada is organizing across Canada a campaign to , "Clean Up, Paint Up, Beautify Your City and Prepare for Tourists." In Prince Rupert, the Junior Chamber of Com-imerce is glad to co-operate in the campaitm with the Hor Iticultural Society because it believes that the movement ajinuu ugimjciiucc jur lue i " community. ed and vacant tots cleared of de- In the first plate the campaign la' brU, roots reabingM and fences good business. An attractive, well-j fixed up where they have fallen Inked cltv enrourape ti-inrUtt nsca-Uo dixrerwilr Th intvt Ln h iWw ing through in the summer months' are limitless. ito SDenrt ashore mnrp nf hlr limit. With thp arrrunnlUhixuml nt' cd time in port also. It encourages these thine not all at once' but to spend longer vacations here little by HUle. in keeping with p those visitors who are staying with ' growing puMte coriseionaneas of the their friends and relatives. All this importance of beautifying our ctty lb U neeaiess to tlV 1 n d mHl narmnnv tt-Hh !h natural Km n Stimulus in Prince Runert in th'tr of our ftirmtirutlnm Prliv t)n i business ftf mir Irvn 1 mamhAnt nrf -W KAm. n K .1 a 1 a 1 - . . . . , Ana mere are lew lammes In Prince laesiraoie ctty to live in and Uke ""K1". wucrr one or more oztpnae in ana a more and more at- I v"c & earners u engaged in mreuTt uiy 10 Df viauea and ad- iisnmg or otner primary industry., mired. is dependent, direcUy or lndlrecUy. .on reiau trace for a living. But we believe there ts an even more important reason for this , campaign. Prince Rupert Is ex tremely Isolated. We traverse thei .same few streets, look at the same I buildings day In and day out from one year's end to snnthor tv. next city Is hundreds of miles away ana our only road extends Just a few miles out and ends In the wilderness. We are. therefore, an rr. 'cepitionally self-contained com munity and most of us have too few opportunities to see the outride outside world. It Is all the more Imnortant therefore, that uneieanllness. un tidiness and mrllness should h j abolished and that our city should I be made as clean, orderly and at tractive as possible. How can this be done? To ac- Stened. PRIKCE RUPERT JUNIOR CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. Menace From Young Growth Trees Should Be Trimmed and Un- ...derbruth Burned Many people are beginning to complain rather seriously of the second growth trees on vacant lota in the city. They say that flies are encouraged by the thick under growth and that It Ls also a Are hazard. It is suggested that the trees be trimmed from the bottom up to a height of about seven feet and the brush burned. compiun uus everyone must co- Valuable Donations operate so far as hie nrnnrtw r trn..tv. ir.n. u quires and his mean allows. Th a i exterior of buildings should be re-1 on gardening to be used a prize at paired or repainted where npc. h ,., , ,u. r,,. I ary. gardens dug where there are pert Horticultural Society. Brandt h?vf k! .f1 wh"e toty of Vancouver have also made a nave been started, garbage remov-1 donatloR of prizes. Man in the Moon 1 Next week 1 dean-up week Do your Mt lor the city I hale to think of it. but I sun pose I must Uke a bath next week Jake sayt he thinks the rity itself will have to do more cleaning up than anjrbody he knows. He ug--esta they look around their own ack yard and get bmy VttMV a wonderful time we are having ui oMtemptatlng the etaan-! . Next week we moat mob emplaUnc and get to work. I bear that some people have he savtitc their rufebiah lor the -Ky to haul away free of eoat next week. Fancy having nothlnc to do 'Mit telephone. The city eommfeaiener la here so let u Just show him how clean. Udy. neat and beautifully damp we can be. They My Art Nkkerson. president of the Junior Chamber. Is Juat a-rearin' to to after, th-e untidy corn ets next week wtth Trev Williams vieWtwc the broom and Rom bow-'nf the fob. What a team they ake. Juat watch out all you mi crobe! It la understood that this microbe hunting Is to be the leading sport of eitleena during the week What a lolly old time we are 'hoot to have. I am wonderine what Junior chamberite Is to ar- -ompany the city dump waaon when it goes after the rubbish Juat watch out all you microbes And aD urutchtly places For the boys of the Junior Chamber Will put you through your paces. Oet down the scrubbing brushes And wield the brooms right well. For everything that looks Mke dirt Will be consigned to the dump cart. Help Make The City More Attractive The Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Clean-up, Paint-up and Beautify" week. The railway company is doing splendid work in keeping their properties beautiful and many public spirited citizens are continuing to do much to add to the natural attract-weness of the city but there is still the odd corner that needs to be cleaned out, the building that should have a coat of paint and the garden that requires a little more attention. The city has placed a truck at the disposal of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to help in the good work. Telephone 282 and tell us what you want taken away. . Let'sdesignate next week as "Clean-up, Paint-up and Beautify week and see what improvements can be made to add to the pleasure of both tourist and resident City Hall; April 12, 1940. R. S. GILCHRIST, Commissioner. 11 JAP-A-LAC ENDURANCE V HOUSE PAINT An economieal "beauty . 1 VK: tresUnenf for rur I . I f JB kin;' Hst a to(h, I jfiz C. I jm ,muc fijti that Uusht !Aft,3'it I at weather' Keeps iht HVf T I Ki "it pa;i.teU'' look for fJljjjjr'f J Reg. $4.45 2 Coat Ptfii,a I sale rr;-, ?, 7 $3.95 Gallon M . i saasT aT JAP-SPAR VARNISH The perfect all purpo " h Stands up umlff e i t r e w m tainr t n Reg. $7.75 SALE ruffln Im f4VaO it roti.d and UUIIUII Printing, Stationery Office Supplies IJcsncr Hlock Done At fli IK I M nit in vmjMBfijmBBaaaaMnHMajaaBBaAaMa 4-Hou, Enapl I I M HMWESTID PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP. ASSN. Phone 701 aaaaBll MMMmmuiutM(iiiiitrtmw Dibb Printing Co. Phone 231 During Ctcnn-up Week (let Your DRY CLEANING Ideal Cleaners .McIUJde and FJfth Streets. fhnne 8J8r,0. nx " (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 I Can Itide for I'rlre of One