TiCZ FCCH r ntm DUE Jew a B C c o o c c c c e F02 RAM-G COUGHS -M PkC TO Wasthma, BiOJKHms Hotel Arrivals l mace Re pert aa its. S- L SacsKH. X. W J Bene. Port Ceai-Oardoa H. JoOfcfle Qs?e CSty-. J. a Bean Any- T G 95c January Log Scale Is Large Prsdortssn Was Bijtrit For Thst Matk la Year. OfHctU Ftrares ; Sbs-w VICTORIA Feb. X: Er. Jinoiry was smi m yea board feet iiTjacjai Man tret m Trail Business Man Succumbs Trays. Chiewah. rVMfVd ad Phtoftaih Lzoov rf woi l Goidea widm aad ostdow. Ahnts FH-teea, drryio? Cases. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drudge? ists The EexiS Phones II Jt C Oyr- Diii- tfB t a re. ti2 1 aja. SodaT xad Btii'- frwa lite! ya 'M ? t 9 a-rs. USED FURNITURE An iter Scattered Bo; Hxa! Scataered Roc ... .... iTaale. Baffet aad S rvhoktcred Chafes U 3fohTh cotts Liitrmitm Taole aad t Maer Chain At . CboMiftVM Ccarmu to a bed. At . .... Wateet floMhed Beo Wait centre panel, coil spring Qoeoec Eriel-Hned Heater At .... .. Moaxtch Basse Ar coal or wood. ODD ARTICLES Pair Taoe SkMa ad ihoes riir Tote Skates and Shoes At ... Doable fUrrri Ilaauaeries Shat Genii faaae . Stanley IHre Box and Saw At , Siozle BHted Ax HUb KnMe 95 Q S-GaBon Crack At . Eastman Kodak Sise 110 Cyma Watch " Jewel S2.95 S3.95 95c S37.50 S17.50 S39.50 S15.00 S12.50 S31.50 S2.95 S2.95 S20.00 S5.50 95c S4.95 S6.50 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 516 TIIIED AVENTE Stare Hears 8:2 ajn. to i.H pjn. i George J. Knm. Luti;rr mt Mer-i 1 TRAIL. Fete Mr CP George J. hnhieantar Co. d re- He bad been many years. Ca, Died Ob Sa taiiy AMATEUR ! PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES i Derefepiag: and Print in 7 Sets Complete $3.85 TODAY'S STOCKS XX s Okaltt. LBL PacaBa, J6. Mercery. S-Prairie najaBha. Jt. Toronto I Seattle. 11- tJeatral ooaaagooooooogeoooeoe'O'OCi wea-aeegcoa o Cans. Sasenara, 44J5v g, Seat Matortte. XM. Little JH4. 4Su Gods Lake. J. Harareck. 1 ML lac jacket aA. Lac Sea! Like, Bridge. XSl LINZEY DAVIES PHO.VES SI5 SK Grapefrait Luft 25C jsr 30c teBew Sweet Taraips Mite New Potatoes On DL- 3 ibc for Lettore Lar? Os bead, 2Z 15c 20c Spinach Op 2 fta. for Bunch Carrot 25C 15c FX EST GRADE Qr 9 BUTTDt- 3 .hi. Breatoood Peas Each ViWet Corn 2 for Non OATS 18c SSrenrare OATS 28c 11c 25c Beef Steak Sasee OQp OUl" Per bUe Parity noar-Btr, g-now. iis v HeiBX Larre Ketch p 2 bottki 43c fro sath as we as loal Pi'ipoiiick was TEZ DJCT KXT7S Whifflets From The Waterfront jjrtse shower far ia: the rate af i SUies wi: j to be The ronOLi were phtk acd wie cai natfai-1 diysndsnm the Tacka Tab. fM Saw In al WAS VARIED rmt J. Satrth. OUrfal Ftrwre of (Hfrrmt Seioinr. la Loral lUrW. , UUrior. Die at uwb Lake i Closed By Departasent Today j After Period Of lairasiTe rfeh- ta aeaUj of Frank I Sair-tJ cf ; ooras Jimw ai wtj fimdkt Lake, who passed peaee-Dek- ,fJty away at the bosne ian-h miattj hr Central Lake Dssrr: After tare ar laar weeks ttshlnc lost ear of ru asaot rated ressdects tae Be of which Bora as saaswory rar - -n Mr Sauth oat to Montreai in inc t Harhar cawed to herrbnt and saeedUy auiked westward I at ami today The ran was fmcfettoa far the Hadson Bay Co i oewaaatB this year ML to Edaaoataa vbea that etty wis B dM arUor a was tare only a laf caMa aad tast town Be at the Bah rv Mac haaled Inaai Hiadif hi Afteita. aroacd op soat oat sad awed la IBM to Tas-caater vhetc be )atoed the Royai nrU Artflery Theo hack to Montreal be awt and awrrted bis ttfe The AI- hefare the Boer War oa the of vtach he Joavd the hraaaatao hot year 'PMeao' SeoaU of the IVM lotei- Bpiif i Senate After the oar he OMaa ahauatr Catahv. Capt pteeed arrta on HM arm of buad Moabi FiBaaav. arnved la port at ahEte-Bve M Mat aKht freai the tooth and hare vhfc oBad at X aim for Saroart aad amttfl aatceaarie attacks of se ahe Mrcod hha to leave after- AcaM he started for Bntuh Oo-laaaMa. buatlxtt in Taacoaoer hi ISOT vhere he )otaed a sorwry party ta Prteeeoi LoaMe. ander the late E P CaCy RCJ-A Oay laanlam a rm b late, h da in to Oataa aad Fraacoat Lake. tct Out afleraooa an iiwlid iand arar the and other Alatkaa Fraacoht Lace aoat office. oul aa hoar htter at hat trade as a carprnter OrandTronk Porifk Me thro ahar Meal dry dark lor re- od the B & B DeoarUoent of the of bar taUahaft vhteh vac at raftmad and beeaaa oeB by atnkteg i aj a FM- kaoxv froai Prtaee Baacrt to Mat oeek. AMc- Saatther antil the rear ttlt when Co.1i atnaiir he retamed to h booMOteod whirb Larry Porta, ar- he croo craated. iai naiidhn ac- inied M part yiaaudaj aowaaox other tract of land tauaediateiy d-'frooi down the coaot to tor f the . Mtathaj which he Uauwad until rtas Pacific Monarch and was Bed the fam iiraaar one of the beat in ? at the oceaa dock. Thar after-.the to OMOe an M the BosMea a host of friends M all! iJiAal reference to be Pershart; Shower For Miss iMarybelle Stiles w wrf piayed. to Mho Uarraret Miss MaryiM-e aseaSs were aaasted by aad Mas Zdaa aboard. On b-ha of FSapotrxk wsth a beesral twowi hrow aad a ustlie autoeae. land eapoeMfty hi railroad. cMrlet he teaoes to asoarn his haw. his xoruuaasl lYanaparmthM CO.S Mrs. Henrietta Maith steaaKT North Coast. Copt. A. J. Pdnaid. bora at B..rkhand. armed tn port at M Sooth Africa, now forest -j :w tast wfsz mm Seattle aad at Soathhi saiied a: aidziizht tn canthsaatioB with trand chfldres tn srreral narU of her Toyaee to AMaka. The tei ptcked vp of the Aa odd the asaraamt af Mr. anstthm deotfc death. Those present were the Mhoesi "Te ln-r-a e BamrtJ E3rn M w Beon Vaksttase Jior- xrA DoBy Srrt H ! en GibfQc GeraJdhoe Code Edna MT" to tfcra r ! Hihhard Mrraret UcfhJan. te Marrare: McLeod. Jean MacLean. Jean ITUarx. FVsreace Parker. Isa- xiiu. srr I ok waanan Aaese UanriTfcis t. cvn Thehra MoBy Bhson and ZtlZl Mn H B S'.fs sswar so owe esstsA oC 1 WIZARD OF OZ" COMES aad three dvhters n s in at The Vtoh. now Mrs. K L BMs of SH-"dsh. BC bom at New Acatha. the Sooth Africa: Dairy, now Mrs. at Fsrrtoston of aVoardak ar' ww ieare tor iwst Half of Week 'saw barn at Haartton and May BowjOQandint ?eatare aRrrtnf oa the Mrs. Strom Anderson, of Decker srreen of the Caqstoi Theatre for Lake born at asaithers. jthe first half of tats week with I Paaeral aerriees were heM at atattnees this afternoon and .Boras Lake by Be I H Watt-fto"" a wC as the aoaal rr- Ues of 8t John's Aneftean Chorrh nunc tiym The sorrterJe b oce the totenaent beinf attended by toodred maascal and fUaned in "omny friends of the deeeajetf (teehricosor Mew inventions tn Oa &rday esenmt Mrs. Gone the casket Bosotifwl floral oAertnes ieTediwmd recordinc coior pootocraphy. the hhrh co at at sor-teeai la which the hardy aid - . . . j-cv eer wa neia .ne arrmtne yeart oon. of aa eeentfal hfe were spent at wh:hai peuefat hose an the Francois Ptok Lake farm whkch he freest the . etoamaOnc the aae of cporsal mttsic and lyric wrtt- tn. rastaaitnc and efforts were esa-died tn its prooorUms. Thas the tMoo story is broaeht to the Althoaeh set to nttuar with eat- that onehT toX! Ivl BJwiorable (TrV the g,or rBJun ?he wme as in the a Wide aodirr.rr br x.Jiirif (t Hexivng the land as the Kar.u oo to the Lar.e t. tan a tr.r wiaard : the at am iwo jhc woodauuL Bert La -ry aaa BflBe Bwrt 'Oeod Witch Man , as the wicked wvs The WMard of Oe aud to be the j m Oaeie Ber. n oncrnaj srreen araskai eoafj v. wno w buuia a MMt , Try a CUaan.'. A GREAT 5TAGt rHi -. - I ! BECOMES A TECHNICOLOR MIRACIE ; 19 HJOmi 1 Mw . t ftmj tt lit Mtt - ; ill ! IM vai FRANKMORGAN IfWL W I fR AY BOLGEr" fc. I roer - Vsav a B E R T L A H R tUBp 11 rjACK 'HALEY R I COOM I i a in ir RURKC taT ... I z - I f sri. if m f( jf mmTb iiiaw iMMMwnMa'si f airai j 111 ibi LXTR.1 ADDEI1 The rvz Parade ru tares -l. M Of . SKJINC. 5rCLUTT--SNOW r U I eitore At St aao J 2 SMwi nbii. :.. IDOKA Roller Rink Dauy Srsawc. : Toss, WJ Than, tjm M r r-vd.T t tot Sot. Odatree ic 2 to M. t lot i Sper.al Amnrr-Malt f-ir P- .' P. Staea Befreah- the chorea, fooad the fatthini - . ierved ay the hosteos. Mack horse Doke of 1 Maw Isabel Braaaaa watch bad workod aa tne i. U''amBSmiammmsammsaaBmmmwi m , GENERAL COXTR-ACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Stone MaOBary. Brick t Csnerrte Work Excaratioa and Landscape Gardeniar Macadaat Roads or Sidewalks Phone 23 for Merreito or Green S27 for Casey SHOOTING GALLERY AdotBtnr IDOR.A ROLLER ARENA Mee trt aad aeeer kaowa a 4sr- I presented Mass Stttea la has staB. hased bed. - TIMKLK IIX lasSW brmiea Kini'n wm S a:,u tt Dworics ForiSr. ftlaee atanr. aarr taaa aaoa oa Ctw IKfc tey id SbrcB. tSSS tar OS proHm 1 ! X30SS snr B-O OaSs beat Mw SOS tnS epran. Otoar fmrfWira af OS a c vs W II e Sttr a l. 9ur X Star' . BMur . r JSs Kl- 9tr 7 ew as vtr jto. ' s& Sccr IS Til Til OsSSM sStaOa oe wm ocna d r tarlwr XHsas CSassa Pia at Mow K ir 2na as bnaofe at Ubt ff r i m a tfifTS SLoSMk. rtoimuK of Bnobk Catsassw ' SSOTJCZ Oah. own jaj 4, j jPI aaaa M Osoj tnra OS aS sm-l or t ansa & IUS7M tcOs ssw Waemm cf st nvesantar raami far sa yu tarr. mt sod tso ' Sfwsoo a rf s Ukmi ia & t B C UOt. Cptr Ul. Sccsar vb' oU cc ihSs aousc ss tax r m&xC ta nym met of mm I sUbcnJ Osasa. yasr lacmt M Worn! CaMBU aiaa be SrCSnS saul soti v: m ia ill in 1 1 as At Ox iBir(d ttpesstsm. I SATO st Pace BaperL. 8 C t&fc r jy at i ay. I r. s Rraar. r ' MacKenzies Furniture BLANKETS AH weal. bile and tier rtsooeicKe Sheets Pf r p.i S2.50, S3.00, S3.50 Pbne r:5 osrt. -- , I rxirt-rx I M"r2Jh CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-racific To VanroBver ria Ocean FaOs aad Wy port SS KUMCE8S ADELAIDB Drery FYhJar Pm To Vanroarrr Direct 8S -PRINCESS LOUlftir Feb. 15th. 2oth. Match Tin. W h Winter Exrarsisn Fare Vanc-urr and Krtwn Sfl Sale to lraary 3Mh. l Fi.ul " Ret am Ltmlt March 31st. 140 ConnerUon at Vancoater with Canadian Paoftc Sen-cc Tkktti and Resrrrations From W. L COATES. Grnrral Atrnt rrfnre Itur"- &C Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY rnovs tn Fresh Shrimp no.T wsx Daily st I t- TR0T1EK"S DOCK