Lieu suggested that Italian tere planning to resume- s .:'o Egypt At the same time j I tt aid o be ready to try to njtoa and three thousand today, ... , annoui announced. ACKS BY R.A.F.: pS Bombing Planes Keep Up.; pitin Until Stopped Weather fl Rotterdam. By M0N, Oct. 5; (CP) Royal "Invasion coast." the Air r trj announced. Direct hits the rails twisted and use-ith big craters In the h luccessful attacks were n an airdrome at Ble- ar LeIIavre where a " aj set afire. Norway yesterday one Ger- npply ship was sunk and Mt afire. A'r Ministry also an- '"need daylltht attacks on i on the Holland coast e trried out yesterday by "oval Air Force. These in- rresj Association said to-tht adverse weather con- on prevented Roval Air "ids last night. 'sidential foperties ansferred pimtlal realty: 1 "wup purchase of Mrs. E. "ft "OUSe 1428 Rnrnnd Ave- ' "CStvlew Fm Moore purchase of 0. II. m rum Avenue ! ddcs Jr. purchase of L. Z Hart'8 house, 340 Sixth west J. Pcb,.... . Fuliti . "a purcnase ti L uig nuse, 1913 Atlln Av Jfriri iik I'urcnase or t rea l nvenue. Re SmV.u "y purcnase oi U. on""i (HO Taylor Internment Fortress dence Is Being Placed in Reports Now Circulating at Berne, bwitzcrlanu, and hlscwhcre; Italians Arc Helping? j BERNE, Switzerland, October 5: (CP) British and tral sources here placed mounting credence tonight forces on the Channel and North Sea have completed mtions for an attempt to invade Great Britain and waiting only the word "Go." There was no suggestion soon. nowcYti, wmk ui mi-1 ite German move was antlcl- fcnir reports from the Medl- Prisoner Shot Dead !i Gibraltar with Italian aid. Z ... ' ' ' 7 udr firan I ily report that 7 ""awa, - iw-J-tr- t Dualists and even troops 7 nesl ueuer- "erman prisoner. r to I wa and killed when he amoving through Libya tutors from Germany,!1"'" "Iti"""" " 1 fcM.mmnr that f I VP hnnrfrpri J " The shooting oc- curred while, ja guard was tr'aIlrng"'"Nueller and Rudolph ' Ruschebach after the two in- tcmces tried to escape from I rs. M. U. fliadlll Acquires nci- dence Of J. H. Malr Who Has Bought From City I Mrs. M. C. Madlll has purchased Heads Students' Council This Year At Booth Memorial High School This week Booth Memorial High School Students' Council had Its for pay stopped on some oooi aim shoe employees during an air raid when a Midland city was oommu recently. RUGBY PLAYER KILLED T.nNnnn. Oct. 5: (CP) nlot Officer E. J. Parsons, former Yorkshire and England Rugby Union halfback, has been killed on active .service, , Reti nres J. C. HILL Paymaster for the Canadian National Railways. Western Region, for the last 32 years who has retired under the superannuation rules of the company. Mr. Hill was located In the Bulkley and Nechako Valley district durmg O.T.P. construction days in Charge of the old railway pay car. ; RAIDS ON ENGLAND fighting planes, ushered In the fifth week of the London air siege today but up to' 7:30 p.m. Inst twenty-three planes to the fierce fire of Great Britain's ground and air defences. Nine British fighters were lost but four pilots are safe. Thrusts at London were parried in a three-hour battle over the Kent coast where at least eight the residence of J. H. Malr on Bor-1 attackers were brought down. A den Street. Mr. Malr recently acquired property from the city. ALEX BILL PRESIDENT few planes that got through the I coastal front were met by another screen of fire over London. Bombers droned over the cap!- i tal earlier than usual tonight. ! Invading planes were also' re- . ported over northeast and southwest England and the Industrial i Midlands. ; For the second successive night ; last night London had lighter I bombardment than usual and i Londoners were comforted by the gathering winter barrier of storms and clouds. first meeting for the purpose or electing officers. Alex Bill wasj Of TS1f 7T 4 ft elected president, John Oood, vice-j I I fllll lvuuuai 1 fll A I I ndrfm Arm.a Mae Rlam, sec-1 trtarv. 'and Ralph Anderson. ,7 F treasurer, The renrcscntatlves present were John Oood, Alex Bill, Anna Mae Rlem, Nora Thomas, Raipn Anderson, Betty Payne, Ted Cap-stirtf. FJlern Thomas. Hcmsby King, Qcorgc Mostad, Bca Ritchie, Arne Anderson, Tamatsu xama- mato, Joy Berg, Dorothy Kergin, and Eddie Clccone. STOP PAY IN RAIDS LONDON. Oct. 5: (CP) The Shoe Operatives Union is pressing WINST0DAY World Scries Is Now Evened Up at Two Games Each as Result of Reds' Victory DETROIT, October 5: (CP) Big Paul Derringer pitched the Cincinnati Reds back even with the De troit Tigers today with a 5 to 2 vlc-tory'ln the fourth game of the 1940 World Series. Derringer allowed only five scattered hits. Paul "Dizzy" Trout, starting Tiger pitcher, was batted from the hill In the third and, before the game was over, the Tigers had called on Fllngers Clay Smith and Archie McCain. ROBBED SPITFIRE BOX SWANSEA, Oct. 5! (CP) One month imprisonment was the sentence imposed on' a seaman on conviction of stealing $16.80 from a Spitfire Fund box. . i J 1 BRA RY heathen Forecast ! tomorroW sT ides ' ' . n...rt and Oueen Char r.i.nd-Fresh to strong east High . , 4:41 ua 19.0 'ft. cloudy with not much mostly 16:35 pm. 20.1 it. S temperature and occa m Low 10:38 ajn. 7.0 ft. sional ralna. 23:19 p.m. 4.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IpgiX. No- 235. CENTS I PRICE: PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1940. rincc Robert Brings 'Constance Bennett LEARNING Seeking Divorce JQ URSE Has Arrived At Reno To Establish Residence For Proceedings I ! RENO. Oct. 5: Constanca well known screen actress. has arrived htrj to ertablish resi I GIBRALTAR STRENGTHENED ALGECIRAS, Spain Two thousand British troops arc reported to have landed to strengthen Gibraltar garrison. LORDS IS BOMBED i LONDON. A recent bomb fell at the entrance of the House of Lords, blasting a crater 20 feet in diameter and shattering windows. i NEW GOVERNOR NAMED LONDON. Air Marsha Sir Cyril Newell, chief of air staff, has been appointed Governor General of. New JCealand,"u?efp4- Ing Viscount Gal way. Air Marshal Sir Charles Portle, chief or the bomber command, succeeds Sir Cyril Newell and Sir Richard The pair had hidden In a 1 ".,1' 7 ' T Tierce becomes chief of the shanty ' and Nueller rushed 1 when the guard ordered them 1 out. Borden Street orce bombers, in a day- O U tony yesterday, wrecked IHnilCA K Nnlfl ilj outside Cherbourg. foe bad been used by the m to nd v supplies to ;M Bad Weather, Dropping Bombs Reckless, of Where They Land TODAYS BAG TWENTY s LONDON, Oct. 5: (CP) Massed I German bombers, escorted by bomber command. WEYGAND TO DAKAR j VICHY. General Maxime Wey-! gand is being sent to Dakar to ' organize the defence of French West Africa. CHARGED WITH MURDER CRANBROOK. Frank Sylvester, 21-year-old Indian, has been charged with murder in connection with the deaths of Harold J. Forrester and John Lundy whose bodies were found in burned cabin in the Windermere district. FIRE BUG IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Work of a fire bug is suspected In connection with a fire last night which destroyed the Western Crown Manufacturing Co. on Kingsway. fires, less serious, last nighL The Salvation Army Citadel also had a fire. MUST TAKE TRAINING EDMONTON. The University of Alberta will dismiss students , who refuse to take military training unless they arc physically unfit or are Doukhobors or Mcnno-nttcs. PLANT AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. A $1,500,000 plant for the manufacture of aircraft is to be built at Sea Island. It will be operated by the Boeing Aircraft Co, VETERANS ARE HOME AT AN EAST COAST PORT. Fifty Canadian veterans, invalided home from the Battle of Britain, arrived yesterday. ARRIVE AT FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS Two large bombers, to bestationed with the United States Army here, arrived yesterday after an 1800-mile flight from Washington in eight hours. They made the trip in eight hours via Prince George and TITLE CHANGES HANDS NEW YORK. Frilzle Zlvic outpointed lienry Armstrong in fifteen rounds last night and won the world's hir-TTflb title. St. John Ambulance Reports Large Increase For War Year In Qualifications OTTAWA, Oct. 5: (CP) Fully dence with a view to ihs&uting- 500.000 Canadian men and women divorce proceedings against ths are. qualified first alders holding Marquis de la Falalse whoj 13 at St. John Ambulant cer'lf: present in France. ' 1 Bulletins taids or roln gas a'beks. al though we give a certain amourii of Information upon the latter subject" raid Col. Snell, "but sabotage of all kinds, the blowing up of bridge or railways or factories are' not such remote possibilities ven here In wartime and we .want to have completely trained people In every community who could offer immediate aid." A survey of the work shows that on the whole more men than women a,vall themselves of the St. John Association services. Many facfories. mining companies, the railways and telephone companies now insist that their men be qualified and pay the fees for their training. Urges General Training Col. Snell contended that every man and woman in Canada should b trained. Solders are being taught and the Commissioner pointed out Its value to aman In j the services. t "If he knows how to stop hem-, orrhage. how to give artificial res There were also several other" piration and get air Into the lungs of a comrade who has been knocks ed.out and has a mouthful of mud. he will probably save his life be fore a doctor could get to him," he fiald. More than 25,000 people in Canada were cared for during the last year by first alders whose services, are entirely voluntary. Those who belong to .the "Bri gade" which Includes all who upon qualification, buy their own black and white uniforms and will submit to a measure of discipline and being called upon for public service at any time, have Increased in the past year from 2,773 to 3,300, The total Is expected to reach 3,500 by the end of the year. Aid Farm Wives With Vacations Swedish City Girls Being Trained To Give Country Women A Rest STOCKHOLM, Oct. 5: (CP) Ao rneot difficulties of farmers' wives getting away from the work on the farm, a scheme Is being promoted with the aid of state grants, to train city girls for farm work In the absence of the regular women of the farm. The girls are In training camps and work without pay in country households in the vicinity of the camps. Libya. n TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Big Missouri, .04. Bralorne, 10.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.10 (bid). Dentonio, .OOVi (ask). Falrvlew. .00. Gold Belt, .21. Hedley Mascot, .46. Minto, .01. Noble Five, .004. Pacific Nickel, .08 (ask). Pend Oreille, .1.75 (bid). Pioneer, 2.00 (bid). Premier, .95 (bid). Privateer. .47 (bid). Reeves MacDonald, .30 (ask). Reno, .18 (ask). Relief Arlington, .03. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .92 (bid). Cariboo Hudson, .022 (ask). Oils A. P. Con, .16 (ask). Calmont, .25 (ask). C. and E,. 1.60. Home, 2.03. Pacalta, .06 ,i (ask). Royal Canadian, .lOVi. Okalta, .90 (bid). Mercury. .06 (ask). Prairie Royalties, .08 (bid). Toronto Aldermac, .19 (ask). Beattie. .90 (bid). Central Pat., 1.95. Cons. Smelters, 40.00. East Malartlc, 3.40. Fernland, .03 (ask). Francoeur, ,40. Gods Lake, .36. Hardrock, .96. Int. Nickel, 38.34. Kerr Addison,, 2.91. Little Long Lac, 2.29. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.55. Madsen Red Lake, ,4534. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.05. Moneta, .63 (ask). Noranda, 58.Vi-Pickle Crow, 3.15. Preston East Dome, 2.04. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherritt Gordon, .72. Uchl, .42. Bouscadlllac, .04 (ask),' , Mosher, .08. Oklend, .06'2. Smelters Gold. .00 U. Dominion Bridges, 29.00. Prize vasion Coup Is Again Being Mooted German Motorship Is Irive Into Egyqt To le Timed With Move On Island At Coast Port After Her Recent Capture Crew Has Been Placed In Custody Nazi Commander Said He Would Have Burtied Vessel Had There Been Time WEST CANADIAN PORT. October 5: (CP) The ' d Onrnian mntnrshin Weser. first nrize of Wdr in the Pa- higher awards, raid the command- dfi wag brought here yesterday by her captor, H.M.C.S. anSSteSuai'ers Ottawa. Prince Robert: Commander C. T. Beard of the Prince m a survey of the year's work. Robert said that the Weser was captured on the night of in the past year 50,929 persons September 25 when it slipped out of Manzanillo, Mexico, lm-; nualifrd fr r first aid and : r-r- leaving riding lights at the dock to home nursing awards, an Increase T w fool Mexican authorities. of 20.828 over th-i conrsoonding period of the previous year. War has brought channel and vauipaigll given Imrctuj to the Ambulance p Association's activities. Eight . Jjj fc(ryT)t " th'usand mere women h taken 5 home nursing courses than last R(Slinie(l rersonh?! of the Air Raid Pre- t cauUori units which have been ROME. Oct. 5: operating in the martlme 'nref f'ncp the beginning war hold certificates for th. h h. The commander of the Weser said the had been informed that there were no British warships in the Pacific and he thought the Prince Robert was a Mexican patrol ship. . Preparations to burn the Weser were made but there was no time to do so before the prize crew took oyer when there was no opposition. (CP) The The wpspr'. rrew nf fiftv-elzht !fP7 t llalUm Hl?h Command daimj have been placed in custody for the .1,1 that ItaUan C?lumM ?rned t duration of the war. s"v back British tank and arr ciai courses given uy me assocta- mored unis southeast of Sidl A similar arganiza!lc?a, tho Barranl in a sudden resumpr . . Civilian Defence Committee, which tlon ot war activity on the Rnncavplt riPTilniA has been set up more recently in EgypUan front where it has "UUOCTCU lVCpiUICO other provinces stipulates the en quiet tor the past couple Tl-l .f... same qualTeatUni. ot weeks There nave been .. 1 1 eaillieni UlVeil Notwtha weare expecttn?-I,alr iuviher. raVds-bythe-Roya; Air Force on Italian bases in WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 5- President Franklin A Roosevelt had sharp words .to say at a press 'conference yesterday In regard to (conduct which had been manifested at meetings addressed in Michigan by WendeU Wlllkra, Republican candidate for President of the United States. Mr. ;Roosevelt condemned dropping of baskets and the .throwing of eggs. Local authorities should take steps ,to prevent such Incidents. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell returned home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. j - CANADIAN RED CROSS Boston Cafe $ 25.00 (Pledged $10 monthly). Mr. and Mrs. James Clark 25.00 Halibut Marketing Board..- 25.00 Col. J. W. Nicholls 1 25.00 Bulkley Market 20.00 Dr. H. L. A. Tarr 13.00 S. Zulawlnskl - 12.03 P. W. Anderson 10.00 H. E. Alton Dr. N. M. Carter Ideal Cleaners ... F. McLeod J. Zogas R. M. WInslow 10i)0 -..,10.00 10.00 10.00 . 10.00 ... 10.00 Employees Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 275.25 Canadian National Recreation Association ..- 27.50 .Members Chinese Patriotic I Assn. J.., 176.95 (Staff Provincial Government ' (Parltlal) 1. 64.50 Staff City Hall . 42.5Q