PAOZ EEC Miss Expert Opt'cal Service Watch Clock and Jeweler? Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS. DOMMEAD Optometrist in Charge Uectuce for N'u mount The very latest In eye-wear Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STOKE OF MANY GIFTS Just Arrived A Large Shipment of New China and Glassware Visit Our Hascment Floor for China, Cut Glass and Novelties of All Kinds Quiet Wedding At Burns Lake Margaret Bride Of Burns Lake Mothers' Day Camp rcomes BURNS LAKE, May 17:-A Tery Roy Jewell fin. wn0,.. r, held In the United Church at BURNS LAKE, May IV: A quiet Bams Lake, on Sunday, wedding was solemnized In the Two musical selections. "Moth-Untted Church manse on Thurs- ers Day" and "We Thank Thee day evening of last week when tlx Mother" were well rendered Miss Margaret NcNell Camp of hv th ehiireh hir nth.- Vaneouver became the bride of Ml ft same n'r caIa k t IM. Roy Henry Jewell of Bums Lake. Louise Miner. "Wonderful Mother uul v,rp qiucianw. lae 0r Mine, and a solo by Mrs J witnesses were Mrs. J. H. Jewell dark. Tell Mother IH Be There - and Mr. Ernest Moore. The young Master Tommy Smith delighted couple are to reside in Burns Lake, everyone present with his approp TERRACE Mrs. George Littic and Miss Clara Little were at home to a number of friends on Thursday afternoon. Miss Little is home after an absence of about two years tn the sooth. riate song. CT- "Can a Boy Forget VtLk 4tU His Mother?" Readings were gjveh bV acTcmi oiciBoers oi me congregation. Those taking part were "Mrs; J. Gowans. Miss R Campbell, Xtrs. Thomas Smith and Mrs. J. Clark. "Our Mothers" was the utl of fh' wrtee preached by Rev. Adam Crisp. Th railmv MiW4fu. w . i .. GARDEN i The work 0f a common thief or some mischievous boy or girl, a Fourth Avenue garden, that of Mr and Mrs. Thomas McMeekln was raided last night and flowers torn .uo.r roots. Other com plaints 0f this kind have been common this year. Anyone Interested in fliwers IkiiW fn-rfi;-ately report to the policy If the see anything of this sort going on. There has been a very beautiful .display in the rock garden back i of the Court House this spring. Any who have not seen It should Tlstt this beauty spot now. Arthur Bayne Is dolne excellent nt in developing that garden and when ; it Is finished, say in two or three years from now, it should be a wonderful place to visit roses and gilds. He does not want 'masses of common flowers because approached with an Invitation to neat Mathews 63 died wnen v, 7 'ould 0Te"un hU choic-arranae an -xemraion from Prince bullet richoted off a staL l . 0ther pwe who have Rupert to Terrace on rvvntninn tnuv " Jfeveral city lots can eo in for Day. ? CIiKSl ann .landvirv. Mrrt,i, .w- M'WJFZ to- f it it Tim I 1 Safe, Clean, f I Comfortable f j Dining Car I Mcalaat I Moderate I V Prices 1 ranmr rumr i r - o " airu Liitr rabbit hunt. EdSTtfw can a a a From PRINCE RUPERT and return. 15-day Limit TO Coach 'Tourist Standard OTTAWA TORONTO ,r, ,r"M $91 MONTR E.L 6U 78.45 92.60 QUEBEC .... . 67.95 83.00 97j HALIFAX 81.10 99.40 117 .35 Good in Tourist Sleepers on payment of regular berth fare JGood In Standard Sleepers on payment it regular berth fare BtovZZ?H ,towl t any point within retnrTllnilL Children, 5 years and under 12, half fare. Correspondingly jow Ure8 fTOm n Westtrn i SUtUOC-, also to Other Eatrn rlnt. ' yviUM) twiui tsw itrcii rutt nc uti ti wht Full in'cmation from any Agent Announcement wmov t oooo oooooocoooc omoooohoohdoooooooooooooooooooo 8 SMITH and MALLETT LIMITED We Wish fo Announce that the Name of this Firm has Been Changed to Smith and Elkins Limited he chanse is in name rnly and the ownership and management ill be the same as during the past twenty years. V7t take this opportunity of thanking the public of Prince Rupert nd DUtrict for their patronage for over thirty years and trust .lat pleasant business relations will continue under the new name , common flowers which Drooaaat naturally here prove very useful. I tVrv the Hortieultoral So ciety will be makln? un 1U prize ilst for the summer show. Any- ihould rt In touch with the s-e-jreUry. C. O. Ham. He will bring them before the members of the """'t ai lis next meeting. PF.F.IINGS HEN FOOD LONDON. May 17: (CPi nn show here at the Royal Horticul tural Han was a poultry food con-1 'oinlnz 80 nercent of haahnu refuse Including 30 percent potato peelings. PENNIES FOR CLUBLAND INDN Mav 17: ( CP -Soldiery sailors and airmr-n for r parti of the country and overseas are sendlne nnnts to siv th famoil Clubland Cambrv!l Rarl S E from ehvn d'vwn T t If Yen Want QUALITY' GROCERIES Low Prices Prompt Delivery Leave a Trial Ordrr With Us MussallenVs Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents 01 5 i ummmmi:mmmm 6 1 SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED i g ' 0, Box 274 PLUMBING AND HEATING I'hone 174 ? IDORA Roller Rink DalJy Sesslons as Follows; Monday and Thursday Pal Nltes, 7 to 11 Tuesday, Wednesday, 7 to 11 Friday, 6 to 11 gat. Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m t0 8:30 p.m, 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties i rvrr nn.T virxs DAWN PATROL OVER GERMANY ltffe"'TS,eypE?erlS Layout for a neat window box. Often plants that do not succeed outdoors will thrive In a sheltered window box. :.; Different types of garden are "n In Prince Ruoert as else where. Only those with rientr of .Gen s -.e can afford to ha big. splashes of common flowers "I have ian' i. A flight f Bristol Blenheim bombing planes is shown taking otf from a Royal Air Force base tn France on an early morning flight over Germany. The bomb it are hearth; armed for and aft with heavy machine guns. National Rifle Association Provides Instructors For British Annies LONDON. May 17: tCP At the request of the War Office th Notional Rifle Association, under cers and whose auspices the annual Bistey . mMih i. k.i i . ... e scnooi. m iavu u urttcir. win provide a limited number of tn-treesort In accurate rifle shoot- TW. -.1. . . . .. The vUlace- commissioners nut mv ivhtk ntnWv wc " forget-me-noU or ceras- " ? uy thronol. mi it 'r. tlum or Doronleum. TW r5rsuisp w. Kicnardson. 7 ?r'PPr.H "!2r .L.. to ue -caT eh t-tructor, wU, wrk un- and urn. frth. . 'I" wT! "ne.y a,7 :he lfteiPlanU. Pts, growlne growmg nosslWv rxmlmv only iw a 7." der fler th of the small ' ywM muv niHUUUUl SOU th- two)-' s -' rrt-m. Moet civic reception of the sidewalks ha hn re nar for Air at a 7arieUes Take rden paired with new olank deckms; FATAL R.tBBIT HUNT where repairs aopeared neceseary. MELBOURNE. ' May 17- (cp of James Boyd 0n Borden Street He specializes with sweet neas outbreak of the war the N. R. A. offered Its camp and bulWmas to the War Office and the offer was promptly accepted. Stnee the llrat week in October the camp has been occupied by various military units. During the last war. Sir Philip Mid. the association undertook the rifle training of almost the whole of the territorial force and the new armies. Between August. 114. and December. WW, H,4 offi N. C. Oj passed through FLORAL SILK DRAPERY DAMASK M Inches wide, sunfast colors of rose. rust, chrrry red. eggshell, gold, green, blue Priced away below regular selling. Q-f n A Dollar Day, yard 5iUU SILK CURTAIN NETS 20 pieces silk curtain nets in various pat-trrni Liaht honey shades, values up to 89r yard Dollar Day. q a r 3 yards for 1UU NEW FLUFFY DOT MARQUES ETTE 40 in hes wide, all sunfast colors, two-tone ffert of ro r-een. blue, yellow eetrthcll and mauve. Dollar Day Special. Q -f An 3 yards for ?UU RAYON BROCADE Extra pood autlltv rayon brocade 15 ord shades to choose from. Q- A A Dollar Day. 4 yards for ?1UU COTTON CREPE Cotton crepe. 30 Inches wide, good miaMv 15 hades to choose from. Q- a a Dollar Day. Sjrardjjor OAUU SAMPLE SWE.VTERS AND KNIT GOODS A complete range of travellers' sample In high riasa knitted outerwear including men s, ladles', misses' and children's garments Priced less than manufacturers cost for Dollar Day selling. LADIES' RAYON SILK VEST AND BLOOMER SETS Vests and bloomer sets. Raysuede non-run quality in tea rose and white. Sizes small, medium and large. aa Dollar Day, act pl.UU LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS Ail the newest style In satins, crepes and novelty cloths'. Values up to Q-f A A $175. Dollar Day, each pl.UU GIRLS' SILK and WOOL HOSE Oood strong stocking over the knee in fawn snaae only. Size 5 to a'V C 1 A, A 3 pairs for SOME FISHING SYDNEY. N. S. W . May 17: CP A black whaler shark weighing 1.183 pounds and measuring 14 feet, six Inches was hooked bv 11 CHARLOTTE LIVENS UP New Leae of life For Wand Town as Ketult of Resumed Lotting Operations As a result of the opening un, nearby of logging operations by the Pacific Mills of Ocean Falls and activities at the Royal Canadian Air Force ba at Allford Biy acwj Sktdau Inlet, queen Charlotte Cit ifte: several dull years. Is now taking on a new lease of life, according to arrivals from the Islands. . There are many new faces In the oW town these days. ; Whifflets From The Waterfront V f A number of well known skippers ' of White Pass & Yukon Route river j and lake boats were here aboard the j Princess Louise yesterday going north for the season after spending the winter outside Among them were Capt. John McDonald, Capt. Malcohn Campbell. Capt Coug hlan. Capt. B. McKay. Capt O. M. Street and Capt R. W Newcombe. The Princess Louise, which was In port ALL SEATS RtStKTQ PRICES Sir ,-4 n. seai sale Now a lf Box Offlre Open D: 12 Noon u 5 p.m JM ta I from 8 o'clock until le.M ajn. - bound from Vancouver to Skagway. had 133 passengers on board, roar i l.L-l!-- persons disesBbarked from the tcs- VCICUI dUOU eel here while about a dozen went 1 on her for the north. CPU. steamer Prlneeat Adelaide. J Qulnn off Dee Why It took! description nine hour o land th fish and Tavistock torn to Vancouver and waypotet. V' football an V1ANCHE8TEFR. Eng. May 17 crude ch ic CP A 'devil Inunult" ..- , tn' w'at gulled 18 rr.ilr "meetmg here BEDSPRE.DS English Jaspe bedspreads, printed .v.rted colorings. 8tse 64xM. Dollar Day. each in as- S1.00 Manufacturers Surplus Stock TOWELS 300 dosen Turkish towels poMUvely lowff than pre-war pric You should look thU special over to appreciate value. Towels for every occasion and you would be well advised to lay In a stock. AU priced in groups for easy buying. Soerlal window display. Dollar Day Special 2 Towel o-t A A for ... 3 Towels for 4 Towel for 5 Towel for . SJL.UU SLOO S1.00 Sl.OO LADIES' SILK HOSE Delustered silk hose, all new spring shades. , Perfect merchandise. New stock just orrlv-i d, all sues Dollar Day, o-f A A . 3 pairs for tXUU TEA and GLASS TOWELS Assorted colored check, size 16x30. Hem- lata reaay lor use. i 8 towels for Sl.OO CHILDREN'S SLACKS Neatly trimmed navy blue drill slacks. o, b. jo, 12 years. A A Dollar Day pair LAST Ni&irr " HIC mi' it i given Hitler by Lord la preslder speaking at a peace enmmiuee ? Serpen v;i, Dance R, "0O80.H D.1SCWQ V J bO Minute Sf:2e Teat; CLASSIC II NOVLLTY kni-r,.. 40 PeoSLcrK1(S.c On the Scrwj HON A LI) C OUIAJ "The Light That Failed Special Children Mu $J .Mornint I II At Kitwanga Capt Jehu WOUame, arrived la T" Day Sport Mi TjM port at 2:m that afternoon from ! Inlerior V j;i the sooth sad win MU at ID pm. on lur rNMi - . - L' ..t ,N way- KITWAWOA day sparu w Union steamer Cardena. Caot. u John Boden U dm- to port at 3 40 iTZu ' tootorrow nmiM f u.. . KweegUMa and mill sail at 5 ovioek on Kr . ... nn Ed wars ur DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser & Payne's See Windows For Numerous Other Items of OuUtindinj: Value Stores Close at fi OVlor k strrh' St'PERAILK FULL FASIIIONtn H0S1' New ipring shade on har " 1 ion. an pure silk and gna:. rerysheer. SlieaSWtolO - SLOO Dollar Day. pair WHITE BLANKETS White blanket, part woo: singles. Double bed si quality, extra good value Dollar Day. pair .. 84,95 PURE WOOL STEAMER RtCS Assorted colors. 100 per w Fringed ends, very useful for i.-. or couch throw. Dollar Da ORIENT HOSE Canada's finest stocking F pure thread stlk. semt-n . new shades. Sires 6 to 10' . Dollar Day. pair . BED THROWS Oood heavy weight throw. U dertd. Grey and fawn. Dollar Day, each LADIES' BLOOMERS, PANTIES a Velvosuede, tailored garments nrf 'i4tfi I3Itc infill merilun) 82.59 , - be-1 81.79' FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Assorted check patterns, blue i mauve. Size 70x80. Dollar Day, each .. . TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inches. Silk mixed tabf sorted fast colors. Dollar Day. lfositri NEW HOMESPUNS New designs, fast colors, revci ches wide. Your choice of six ! terns. Good heavy quality Dollar Day, 4 yard for -A Aii 75c si.oo 81.00 81.00 Dollar Day, gj, 2 garments for .