May 17. 1B40. Tt ftl IMPORTED FROM If SCOTLAND 1 Uert' cement Is not published or dlsnlareo bv tiie Liquor Control Board or by the Government nt Rritlnh Colombia Wow Kitchen Is the Must Useful Room in the House Make it Modern, Convenient and Beautiful -4 With a New Range FAWCETT RANGES With a Century ut iluilt Up Quality Guarantee You IJetter Baking Greater Kconomy Kxtra Convenience As Well as Beauty and Permanence See These 1910 leaders at Our Store luntes Are Sld In Prince Rupert at Vancouver Prices ' At "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily anadian Fish & Cold Storage ffton, Rupert Co. Ltd. Brltlsb Columbia our Coal Problems Solved ,T have in stock a well pre- Went'ld AfSSCrt la tarcfully screened Coal yw&MVTi!Untt ""t jour Ktmcnt. Individual re- l' In cual, tn nrocure the h' In Lumber and Building f"PPIICS- 'hones C31 C32 Cof Sum Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. CEMENT GRAVEL M interest? rhA Dflilv NeWB "'v ueon ip nr rho whn a niatfnr nrn nninir iiiu kuub. , Halibut Sales Summary Areerieftti 103,000 pounds, and 7 .5e to- 9.Te aad 7e. Canadian 70,500 pounds, and la to HUc and 7e. American Tordenskjold, Vijm, 9 7.5c. Booth. Arrow, 36JD0CL 9JS and Royal and Onah, HiAd, 9.7c and 7.Se, Star age. Loyal. 10.000, 9.7c and 7.5c, Storage. Canadian Oslo. 17.000. 10.1c and 7c. Ed munds it WalXer. Teeny MlUy. 10,500, Booth? ntbson. 9.000. 95c and 7c. Atlln. Dickie Boy. 4,500, 9.7c and 7c, AUtn. Ankar A.. 14.. 14,500. 9 Ac and 7c. Atlln. Fredelta III. 15.000. 9 Cc and Pacific. This advertisement Is not published ,or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Ji H. BULGER Optometrist Beval Bank Bldg, Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized BItfk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 157 Handicrafts Of Canada Shown At Lunch Yesterday "c, It's the cumujam erttct of to vertlsing that counts. g BEST ' trjj K.vty fijvot nd WzM full-bodied joodnctt of iv ! " mJM ptl V.C Lis' jW VI Urn I it Conditioned. jjMB By n ciclutlvt proccn rfl i itttorc tht natur.l vfl mll ytl viUmint B nd VJ G, (of true wnootHnm, iM mtllowtim tnd L M p.UUbitity. frfmolMUe Gaultier de Veren- drye Makes Plea for Revival of I Handicrafts, Especially Those Of Own Country i Peoole take too little Interest In their own country and In thinks of then- own country and In things of , Mademoiselle Oaultler de la Veren ' dry speaking to the Prince Rupert : Rotary Club at Its luncheon yester- 1 ckiv afternoon. In Canada were ex ecuted the finest handicrafts In line world, Thse handicrafts should b shown at the exhibitions more urcminently than cans of fish, de sirable as the latter were. She saia that Canadian exhibits had been dubbed "tin can exhibitions.' MJa Oaultler took a great interest In the Indian and Eskimos of weetena Caaada. She felt they IttMukl to encouraged to keep up ittetr eM arts and crafts, from which there was much to be leam- lL She said she had turned her i own home l Quebec Into a hand! 9-5clcraft centre where she was trying ,to increase the Interests In the 9 6c , handkr&f U of Canada. The handU erafta were also being returnea 10 France from whence they came with the result that today the '.French people were spinning and Wc. I weaving, vita Canadian flax and 1 wool In Quebec province .30,000 habitants were spinning by hand and weaving on their own looms wonderful fabrics. When they weave they sing. Weaving and singing na turally ao together. Without song the people can't work. I The Acadian were different 9.8c and 7c.iDeople from the habitants, coming from the chateau country of Trance That was where the true French was spoken. Parisians spoke poor French. One of her missions on this tour Miss Gaultier said, was to urge the oeople of the country to forget dif ferences of race and religion and to make of Canada one country. She pointed to what was being done In Europe in bringing France and Brl tain together as an example of what hrmM he Ann In fTannrfs. I The visitor also put in a plea for the natives, of British Columbia and the preservation of their traditional I art She had visited the local mus- eum and found some good exhibits I of native art but It was spoiled by the introduction of other outside arts. Some of the exhibits were not 'Canadian. A number of hats were shown the members of the club of habitant or Acadian design, designs which were I brought from France originally. jSome of the hats were so tiny and I so complicated that it took several idays to iron one. These were most-fly linen although silk was used for ties of those worn by the nobility. There were hundreds of pleats and the ironing was done on the hand and wheat straws were used In the process. Miss OaulUer spoke facetiously of some of the modem women who had nothing on their heads and nothing in their heads. CINEMA AWHEEL LONDON. May 17: (CP) Fifteen cinema vans have been hired by the National Savings Committee for a 50.000-mile tour of England and Wales. jPlan Your Holiday Now. . The SANOAN CAJ.IP near Mas-sett offers a splendid holiday for young and old good bathing 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, a beautiful spot with separate Cottages or Tents fully equipped. Excellent meals served In Dining Room at reasonable rates. Store on premises for campers. Badminton, out-door games, jbeach and boat picnics. Bring your friends and enjoy a real vacation with your families. Children over 8 years without , parents carefully looked after : and given a good time. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Nr. Massett. B. C. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BAT IIS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress RELIEF IS DOMINION ITNCTXION (Continued trom Page One) government which can. use . I inese Existing Set-Up Under the existing set-up. Telle! standards have varied widely and have tended to be "those of poor relief, rather than for the mamren-ant of the efficiency of employ ables.' To facilitate handling relief Mr employables, and to protect the principle of freedom or trade dc-tween provinces, the Dominion should have Jurisdiction to estab lish basic minimum wages and maximum hours of labor and to give the age of employment, but leaving to any province the right to raise mlnmvira wVes, lower hours or raise the age of employment If it wished. In the case of aid for primary industries, the commission urged that the Dominion should make ad vane - and collections Itself, if need should ever again arise for it to advance operating costs, to. an in dustry as it did for prairie agriculture. "Very serious, abuses and wastes," the commission comment ed. The provinces, under the eom- olssion's recommendations, would etala responsibility for unemploy able unemployed as they have al ways had. The financial plan would enable the provincial govern ments to. lighten the load, of the municipalities In this regard. Social luserance The commission divided the Jur isdiction In social Insurance. Unemployment insurance and contributory old age pension were inherently of a national character" while health insurance and work men's compensation were not. Reg jrovlnces to adjust their respective well as to lack of harmony within the province concerned.' However. ince was the simplest method. This . . , . . .k- . r the matter was held not to fall within th rarnmlirtntt aiitHrkritv Because f th lmoortance of the T ror rtts -J. ' "VJ ,-ifL mi1 Rinse them in BLUE to make them White Your bitc thing Hill never turn yellow if you always use liliitit in the Laos rinse viUr. It the only: way to make liite things snowy uhitr. were made to the commission urg- ing and marketing of a specified jig Dominion aid far education, list of products, analagous to the ie commission held it would not provision of Section 95 of the Bxl-je -wise or jipiuuce ur tish North America Act, said the Dominion to make grants to iit report. This list might be added provinces earmarked for tiie sup- to by any of the provinces when ..ort of general education." they saw fit. Its firtanco; proposals, aimed at The whole complex of regula.- tocal differences militated against placing every province in a posi- tton of marketing would be greatly national health scheme. The Uon w Qsnarge its respansoui- simpniiea, nowever, n consmu- eomnusslon was. Impressed by the -es regaru-ns euueaucn. -ne ccuu- unnai provision were maue ior Inadequacy of health services, rath- msslon recognizea inai eaucauon me provinces aeiegaung powers w tc than any overlapping. ,was a malter of provincial Juris- the Dominion, and vice versa. Even if the Dominion did not JiC"on unaer U1C "ritl5U r,urL" A clear-cut division of func-'ake oyer complete responsibility A611? Act- tions throughout the whole .field for employable unemployed, the un uie question or minority o 2 s recommend-commlsslon urged that the Domln- cMms. 10 "Pa" schools, the ed to bring to an end constitu- lon alone should have Jurisdiction cEums5WI wmmeniea tnai me tianl utiles over insurance Jurls-over unemployment insurance. rep WHS?! "totiicate tn dlcUon. ; Because of the possibility or Vari- btencSta je-nCeS f "The provincial legislatures of'vance-which well ous changes In circumstances, the senf may 5bouW have excrusiTe arlaiitloa commission advised against rigidity v to prescribe the sUtutory condl in. jurtsdlctlon. suggesting that concurrent Jurisdiction in social insur- tions and lnc mts of Insurance contracts and exclusive Jurisdiction to hcense insurance agents; brokers and adjusters." said the "They should also r have nce periodically to meet changing affalrs of insurance companies m IfrU)ns. L. Muamv of conditions. ""fu . 71. I f! incorporated and operating solely nA , . , , luiiiucutc ui ur u.mai iuc is tu .... ., , . . f A :Z.1V rvWiA. 7 I. :r a fcW 5 " a. . " be msinwlned a the re f r . uwwr ux J jws, apuii irora. ..i ,, j within the province of incorpora tion.: but a nrovlsce should be changing the age limit or pension ."hJJ T.n rZlJi PBaWd delegate this function rates. So it was possible Canada j ,raBU -mttlea. to minion if it so desirts; uiigm, uruiuc 10 jonow me example of various other countries by Instituting a compulsory contributory plan. If so. It would have to operate on a national basLt for effic iency. Although many representations CUsIlEO LOST LOST Brilliant clip. Finder please return to Dally News. tf. PERSONAL VACANCY THROUGH DEATH Rawlelgh Route now open in Northern part of British Columbia. Dealer who recently died sold there 17 years. Trade well established. Exceptional opportunity. Write at once. Raw-lelgh's Dept. a C.-166-202-E. Winnipeg, Canada. tf. WANTED HELP WANTED Middle aged housekeeper, no encumbrances. Phone 741 or write Box 952. '(117) FOR SALIi- FOR SALE Baby Buggy. $8. Ap-ply Johnson's Oorcery. (118) SEALED TENDERS will be received by thi undersigned until close of office Tuesday May 21st for cottage at 417 Dunsmulr Street. 4 rooms and bath and full basement Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms 50 per cent cash and the balance spread over reasonable period. Chesterfield suite and Helntzman plana for sale separately. Of flc- j lal Administrator. (120) FOR SALE 30 ?oot trolling" boat with gurdles and anchor winch. Apply Sneddon's Cow Bay Qroc-cry . - h t4KJW)ti(J4ftl contingent on maintenance of the Drovlnclal tntUs and preserva I ton ot blfth ecderate sfnaris, Such ?rnH could tr distributed on a pooulation basis, to be soent it the discretion ef the universities, perhaps, for. sdwlarsbips; and bursaries. ! Marketing Legislation Twenty years or constitutional j ionfusion in the marketing field might be solved "by the 'creation I if concurrent jurisdiction of Dom-' Inion and provinces over the grad- Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Pbone 5S and 551 'SERVICE' ?.rmi I I 40 TENNIS RACKETS To Choose From S3.00 T0 S22.00 TENNIS BiVLS 35c 40c 45c SPORTING ROODS HEADQUARTERS Kaien Hardware Co. PHONE. 3 Box 98