Civic Centre CARNIVAL August 21, 22, and 23 l Ask Co-Eds y Corset-less? l,toCaroPIn With the Col & Girls About Foundation Garments to.v, July 5: cp Tnc i.jea oiiege gin is me uojrck , (oncf rn to corsetie rs. The Lmr to be that if you can get u;to a 'ursek wmc ojic a sun and slim she'll be a confirm t wearer by the time she'a tnsugh to neea more expen- l-u one's Sweden Surveys Its New Genius L the time and 25 per cent 1 functions. The board is established f . i j ..J tni nrAmntn onj i.ttlu. I . . i in'far mem lur uicm-uu w w"tw. nU uwuc inventions il wardrobe of corsets at two pantle girdles for sports, HEAD OFFICE BUILDING If is none too soon to begin to provide funds for paying, your necessarily increased, income tax when it falls due next rAp;il. Here is a practical plan: An INCOME TAX Savings Account A Qpen immediately at the Bank a special savings LOCAL NEWS NOTES If your paper U late phone S8 or Blue 709. (U) ' Mrs. R. Oreen and daughter. 'Miss Joy Oreen, returned to the ,clty on the Princess Charlotte yes-'terday morning from a trip to Vancouver. j Father Anthony Meulenberg parish priest for the Roman Catholic Church at Stewart, sailed by Ithe Catala Sunday night on his j return north after a rlslt of a few ays in the city. Much Of Its Trade Cut Off Nation', and Mrs L- S' Tner laaes stock Of Inventions I cuy on Balu"ay aiter- , noon's train from Smlthers and STOCKHOLM. July 30: (CP)- iSalled on the Pr,nce RuPrt for Present conditions with mon Vancouver. Mr. Freer has been the most Important trade routes 'practUlng law at 6mlthe the cut off has cawed the Swedish past few years' . government to institute recently , . I another stale organizatlon-'The ' farewell a past president and Board of Inventions." The aim wiiractlve member "ho will be leaving' be to exploit to an Increasing ex- ' nexi w' the Prlnce tent one of the Swedes' most Vaiu."? rt Chamb" of Commerce Is able resources, their 'Mnnti..holdlnB a VtcM luncheon gath- f hL 7al to tell college Vi bring put valuable conlKo h" f ...... .u..j for th ninir.n f transferred to Kamloops as mana-l , A turvey of three colleges, j"" pruoiems. ( ted by the trade paper, Wo-1 The chairman of the Institution',1 R. L. Maltland K. C. of Van-Wear, shows that 50 per cent iHelge Ericson of the Swedish Tele- couver. Leader of the Opposition tffliwMr some sort or giraie Brapn uxuce. explained some of Its for British Columbia, In the course of a northern tour, arrived in the city on the Catala this af- i That, corsetleres think, and technical Ideas which, in afternoon Mr. Maltland will address nough. They want college far as they can be realized with a Joint meeting of the Women's , we i as their elders, ta own necessary despatch and at reason- Canadian Club and the Imperial able cost, are of value for the na-, Order. Daughters of the Emnlre tlonal economy and the defence' and at noon Wednesday he will of the" country. soeak before the Prince Rupert and an all-in-one for tailored; In the Jlrst place the board has:Gvr Club. Wednesday evening he and evening dresses. Above jto give consideration to the utlll-'H Droreed bv train to the ln- want to bring the rebe-'Mtlon of Swedish raw materials terlor. Mrs. Maltland is accom- 5 per cent who never.tvear . In any of the plans submitted oanylng her husband Into the fold. islerei haven't changed much. IVhionable buitllne is . still Red, high, round, youthful n rA Im m.a.. V. l ... I LI tutes for commodities which are difficult to obtain from abroad. The Board Is composed of threfl , pirated. But there are more itnembers. appointed by the gov-; of braj for different figures. ernment, but will have the power Engagement Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Orlmble an- m 34 brassiere, for instance, to call on outside collaborators nounce the engagement of their account just, fof income tax purposes, ana ucFum fcach week, each fortnight or each month enough' of your, iricoiiie to accumulate by next April the full amount of your tax. By faithfully following this plan, you will be fully prepared and will avoid ? embarrassment. fTh"e Bank of -Mcntreal is glad to offer this special service lO , make it somewhat easier for you to meet your tax obligation td , ' V ' help our country. BANK OF MONTREAL , ESTABLISHED 1817 A BANK WH HI 8 MA VI it ft 1- mts ARE WEt-COMB" When you go on your Holidays take the Dally News with you. Site will pay for the paper for two months out of town. (tf) T. N. Youngs of the local ore sampling plant returned to the city on the Prince Rupert Saturday after spending a week at Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Baker and Mamlly returned to the city on 'Sunday night's train from a holl- Uay trip to Vancouver and Vic toria. RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH Announcements All advertisements In this column wlQ be charged for full month at 15v n word n find three or four different -and advisors for assistance in;eldest daughter, Dorothy Mary to i teen, August 2. terin( tlans for achieving the I judging specific cases. All docu- J. Darwin Smith, eldest son of re described above. iments relating to Inventions will Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith, Lang- be kept secret and .matters will be ley. Washington. The wedding will i Nmw cl(tM!f.ra Ads ortng 'dealt with in the simplest and take place in the Anglican Church, i most expeditious manner. Wrangell, Alaska, August 17. to Help You Pay YOUR INCOME TAX Next April 30th November 1. United Bazaar, November 21. OOVEItNMKVr I.K1I OIC ACT 'tlon UM KELLOGG'S RELIEF ASTHMA 4 i OFF FOR BAHAMAS Coming Of Windsors Stimulates American Interest And Recalls Other Days LONDON, July M: One report yesterday said that the Duke and Duchess ( Windsor would sail thb Thursday aboard an American liner from Lisbon for the Bahamas where the Duke has been appointed Governor GeneraL Another report said they would spend' a few days In London before crossing the Atlantic. NEW YORK, July 30: (AP) The fond hopes of Ootham hostesses once more are directed toward the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Aspirations to entertain the famous pair alternately blossom and wilt as the theme song shifts from "Now they're coming" to "Now they aren't." The hardier hostesses, thwarted in 1937 when the Windsors cancelled their scheduled American tour, are playing a patient, waiting game. If the new governor- general of the Bahamas, and his - American-born wife for whom he Norman McLellan, who has been gave up Britain's throne, don't engaged In mining in the Atlln come to the United .States pretty district, returned to the city from soon, the would-be hostesses will the north on the Prince George play Mahomet and go to the Ba-yesterday morning. hamas. Many, however, are frankly dis- H. Loakes of the Digby Island couraged, and have ceased figur-marine station returned to the atively scanning the eastern horl-clty on Saturday afternoon's train zon with the expectation of seeing following an absence of a couple the star couple In the romance of of months in Smlthers and else- the century swoop down soon In t where through the Interior. clipper plane. A number of invitations were dispatched to the couple at Lisbon, attempting to persuade them to pause here on their way to the Duke's new post. One was from a valiant patron of a benefit for refugee children. He wired Inviting the Duke and Duchess to at- I tend the show, and said, "Your " presence may solve entirely the Oddfellows' dance for dry can- chlW refugee problem here." Former Partners Married Few of the invitations came s.u.N. Dance, August 9. from the Lone Island Bold coast ,M . . . . families with whom the Duke 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, A,A . . , . . , dined when he . m was last here In August 16. 1Q,. 0 , , ,.,. ., hL.OB.A. Bazaar. October'ielhV Prince of Wales. , I ' The reason was that time and w. a. uanaaian igion tsazaar. the tide of events which changed David Windsor's prospects In those 16 years from King-Emperor over 'one-fourth of 'the earth's Inhabitants to governor-general of a small chain of Islands also wrought many changes In the S1L:'J'XZ K SS "ousehold, he visited T. prett, ism Akj ot August rwxt the under- gls who danced with the young inj intends to ppiy u, utt Uqnor prince In 1924 are married and OontrOl Board for a licence m respect some . have ,l,,.. children , In vtu high school, i t of the pre.msci. being part of a build- inn known as Spruce Creek Hotel, sKu- Alice Wlnthrop, the young ated on Spruce Off approximately dauehter of Mr and Mrs Henrv nine mlle from AUln upon ZTUS JJ lnd described aa placer mining lease Rogers Wlnthrop, Who were his No. 887 at Spruce Creek, British Col- official hosts rlnrln that three. p1,VTertPrc.Ro!1 b": week visit, is now Mrs. Robert Q. uaa uoiumoa xor uie sale or seer Dy x-uyiic. me guuu w in. Doiue ior con- aj L"ana niana Onpst uuest to 10 whom wnom hi ne 6av- eav sumption on premises or elsewhere, n.itet) July and, i40. his finest polo pony before he left spruce creek hotel limited for Canada, has been married Applicant J. H. BULGER Optometrist RovaJ Bank Bldf. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments ZOO KfMtmv 51V and up Hot and Cold Water. Shower Baths .Mrs. C. E. Itlark, rroprletres Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, Electrical Appliances, Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 224 Seventh Ave, W. Phone BLACK 735 Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Uulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 38 and SS8 twice since then. Her father, Frederick E. Quest, who was one of the Prince's hosts, has died. So has Will Rogers, whose wit de lighted the Prince, and who turned out in a blue serge suit to occupy a place of honor at the Prince's request at an ultra-smart stag dinner at Long Island's Piping Rock Club. ; ' C. H. MacKay, communications nujnate who pla.ved squash racquets with the Prince, and gave a great ball In his honor at "Har-oor Hill," his Long Island show place, has did. The great house, a copy of a French Chateau, surrounded by rose gardens the house that .glowed that night with flowers and lights, and with the MacKay gold dinner service Is now unoccupied and for sale. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., on whom the Prince called at her Sagamore Hill home, still Is active She's coming from Connecticut next week to celebrate her 79th birthday August 6 at the same house. But In general the scene has 'changed In that 16-year lapse of time In the course of which Ed ilward Windsor ascended and re- 'nouncea a great inrone. BRASS BUTTONS THERE CAPE TOWN, July 30: (CP) Unique to Canadian soldiers with their brass buttonless "battle rompers" the button-stick familiar In other wars, In a favorite gadget for South African troops. It bunches the buttons fromihe khaki for cleaning. Funeral Notice Members of the Canadian Legion please attend funeral of our late Comrade Damase Slgouin from B. C. Undertaking Parlors, Wednesday, 2 pjn-"Lest We Forge.t." Tonight's train, due from the tfast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 3, New York 4, Pittsburgh 6. Brooklyn 7. Chicago 7. Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 8, Boston 3. American League Philadelphia 9, Detroit 7. Only games. Popularity Contest Nominations for Contest Will be Received From Any Firm or Organization Wishing to Enter the Name of a Young Lady Last Entry Date August 1. Information or entry form may be obtained from Mr. C. G. Ham, McRae Bros. Ltd. Sturdy and Strong Wheel Goods For Hard Usage COASTER WAGONS Canadian Hardwood Box Bolted Construction $3.50 $5.50 $7.00 $7.50 Monarch Tricycles 12-inch $5.50 14"inch $6.50 SCOOTERS $325 Kiddo Bikes - Pedal Cars $2.85 and $3.50 C.C.M. BICYCLES Free 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap-All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of 4iC 40c size. 65c value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of O Giant Size. 55c value for utk Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. SilP 75c value for Ormes Ltd. 'Jiut Pioneer Drwzstets The Resall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.