REFUGEES ! MOVING IN Another Fourteen Hundred Arrive J At Eatern Canadian Tort i AT AN EASTERN CANADIAN PORT. August 2: (CP) An ocean liner today landed 1400 passengers seeking haven In Canada including children and European refugees. Included among those arriving today were the poet, Robert W. Service, and his wife and daugh ter who left Immediately for their home In Vancouvr. Service was tmii-ine Russia vfnen me war broke out He told a grim story of fleeing across Europe fromj Oerman bombers, of towns blow-i lng up and acquaintances bombed nd mowed down. NAZI PLANE SH0TD0WN Air Raiding Continues A dire on Both Sides of English Channel LONDON, Aug. 2: (CP) One Oerman plane was shot down yesterday as the Royal Air Force repelled Nazi raids on the east and vest coasts. Anti-aircraft fire lUrted and fighter planes sped up to engage a single surprise raider rtlch dived through clouds to bomb and machine gun the southeastern English town 'bf "'Norwich' but the enemy managed to get my Five persons were killed and several Injured. In this raid which Year tu but one of isuycratu litfje eUni-ge and no casualties being' reported from the others. 1 London listeners heard Hamburg.' Bremen and other German radio IS PASSED BY SENATE Unemployment Insurance Measure Gets Third Reading in Upper House LOG SCALE WELL AHEAD 1910 Shows Hie Lead Over 193D, Due Largely To Increased j Spruce Production j Log scaling in Prince Rupert feet as compared with 55,662,301 board feet In the first seven months of 1939, a compilation of official figures shows. The scale amounting to 26.240,754 board feet this July compared with 22,-754,898 board feet In the same month last year. There has been a large Increase In spruce production this year, due to some extent to the demand for this tlm- , , ber in airplane construction. OTTAWA, Aug. 2: (CP) Third yesterday to tne unemployment in- ig39 also belng shown l0T com. surnce bill with minor amend- rlson: ments which will ge back to the Juiy 1940 juiy 1939 House of Commons for ratification. Board Ft. Board Ft. The Benate voted down 47 to 26 a Douglas Fir .... 1,385,072 213,044 proposal of Senator Arthur Mclghen SDruce 12.725,812 1,515,371 that unemployment Insurance en-lCe(jar 4,832,224 actment be postponed until the end Balsam 800,156 of the war. Illemlock 1,790.718 Jackplne 709,742 A 1 J I 1 Miscellaneous nrresiea in Canal Zone Eijhty-One Aliens Are Taken Into Custody for Illegal Entry and Will be Deported Mrs. W. Hawthorne Dunn and young daughter Sharon, who have een sDendine the cast four months here with Mrs. Dunn's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krlkevsky, are sailing tonight on tne Princess Adelaide for Vancouver to Join Mr. Dunn and from jnere will motor to Trail where Jfr Dunn is in the employ of the Consolidated Mining w.d i'mcltlng 3.010,033 1.089.615 2,902,923 385.162 1,045 Totals 26,240,754 22.754,898 Although the scaling of poles and piling In the Interior, at 100,-810 lineal feet, showed a decrease from 263,664 lineal feet In July 1939, the total for 1940 to date, at 1,034,513 lineal feet, Is still substantially ahead of 606.410 board WASHINGTON, D.C., August 2. f-.t in the first seven months of Secretary of War Henry L. StImson'j93g 0f the July products 94,195 announced yesterday that eighty-one foreign agents were being detained at the Canal Zone and will be deported on grounds of Illegal entry. He declined to reveal their Identity or disclose the countries they represented. Every alien has how been discharged from Canal Zone service. lineal feet was "cedar with a small amount of hemlock. Ties counted this July numbered 10,676, all Jackplne, as compared with 14,851 pieces in the samel month last year. ', A total of 488 cords 01 wooa were counted this July. King Leopold's Children Are Now In Lisbon LISBON, August 2:-Chlldrcn of K'lg Leopold of Belgium have arrived here by uerman plane from lie it di news i DE GAULLE CONDEMNED CLERMONT-FERRAND, France General Charles de Gaulle, French officer and head of the provisional French committee in London to carry on the war, was station'' cut off. indicating contlnu- forestry district for the year 1940 j condemned to death today by a d British raids on Germany. to date totals 83,352,053 board mUita military ' court which tried him in absentia. CONTINGENT ARRIVES OTTAWA Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, announced In the House of Commons today the safe arrival in the United Kingdom of another large contingent of the Canadian Active Service Force. It included part of the Second Division under Major General Victor Odium and reading was given by the Senate waJ ftJ followSi figures for July! certain ancillary units. RAID ON NORWAY LONDON The Admiralty an nounced today that a wireless I station and a 4,000-ton ship had been attacked yesterday in operations off the Norwegian coast. MUTISM OUTPUT LARGER LONDON The British maga- zinc "Aeroplane' rap an article which estimated that Germany's aircraft production was In the neighborhood of 1,800 planes per ( month and added that "there is j hot the slightest doubt that the potential output or untain ana wl( America is much In excess of that." The rate of British production alone, states the article, has been expanded to a figure in excess of estimated German ACTIVE IN MEDITERRANEAN LONDON Possible new British naval action In the Mediterranean was Indicated In a radio broadcast from Madrid which said that five submarines, four destroyers and an aircraft carrier along w ith three capital ships had sailed from Gibraltar. SUCCESSFUL AFRICAN RAIDS CAIRO The Royal Air Force announces a "highly successful raid" on an Italian ammunition dump near Bardia, Libya. Flames were visible for forty miles after the bombing. Successful ralds'pn oihrr objectives In Africa are also reported. ft INCIAL Library VICTORIA, B.C. Sails LAYING BRITAIN'S VAST BARRIER OF MINES A huge barrier of mines has been laid off the u oasts of England. It contains no .hidden dangers for shipping, as proper notice has been given ac nu to international law But to Germany the field presents a difficult and formidable obstruct Ion--a complete bar against raldi by the larger nazt warships on coastal towns. It presents au a r.ervc-racklng problem to U-boat commanders. A British mine Is shown here being sent over the side of a minelayer to take Its placeUn the formidable barrier. PLANS FOR mvl J AT All Totalitarianism at Home and Extension of Domination Abroad Nipponese Ambitions TOKYO, August 2: (CP) The government of Prince Fumlnaro Konoye announces plans for a new Japanese state based on sweeping totalitarianism at home and dedicated to an independent foreign policy which would extend Japan's domination southward over French j Indo-Chlna and the Netherlands! East Indies. I Claimant To Monarchy Of France In Rio RIO DE JANEIRO, 1 The Duke of Paris, August 2: claimant to the throne of France, declined to' Icoment yesterday on, reports that he had received an invitation from President Petain to assume the monarchy. Nor would he hint what would be his answer should such an Invitation come. Japan To Protest To Great Britain 1 1 Take Exception To Blockade Of European Coast TOKIO, August 2: (CP) The Japanese ambassador to London Jwlll certainly .protest to Great Britain at the new blockade involving such neutral nations as Spain and Portgual, the Foreign Office here said yesterday. Earthquake Toll Is Over Thousand Later Reports Indicate Extent Of Latest Catastrophe In Hard Hit Anatolia ANKARA, August 2: (CP) The death toll as a result of the latest Anatolian earthquake rose to over one thousand yesterday with many more injured. Relief has been sent to fourteen devastated villages. Weath&forecast . ! Tomorrow s Tides Prince W - outh High 0:32 a.m.' 21.4 ft. 19.9 ft. 13:19 p.m. winds, part &Jte? tow 7:10 a.m. 1.8 ft. showers. 19:15 pjn.j 5.5 ft. - - J NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXIX.. NO. 181. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1940. PRICE: CENTS Germa n Coast Suffering Heavily Bulletins NEW POLICE CHIEF Announcement Li made today of the appointment of Sergeant J. II. McClinton, formerly of the provincial police service here and for the past few years at Vancouver, to the post of- city chief at Prince Rupert, succeeding Sergeant C. C. Jacklin. Up to today the f-.t :re post of Serjeant Jack lin had not been announced. Ser- couver. JAPANESE CATASTROPHE TOKYO Ten were drowned, tr.. i.mnh'Hliir 'ards were destroyed and hundreds of fishing ri w-i'hed awnv as a tidal wave followed an earthquake on the western mast of Hokkaido Island, a northern island of Japan. TO TAKE CENSUS OTTAWA The decennial national census will be taken June 2, 1911, Minhter of Trade and Commerce J. A. MacKinnon announced today. Special attention will h paid to obtaining statistic? of basic Industries. ACCUSES UNITED STATES MOSCOW ForeUn Commissar Moliiof of Russia yesterday, accused the United States of hold-In; the eoldyot Estonia, Latvia m ,nA. UthuanlawhierWM rUhtly belongs to , Kysia. The United States made no comment on (he accusation. AT FORT LEWIS WASHINGTON More than 40,-000 National Guardsmen were yesterday called to training camp on the western coast of the United Stales, chiefly to Fort Lewis, Washington, where they are to train. The troops are to be acquainted with new equipment and engaged in war games. JAPANESE EXPANSION TOKYO The Japanese government yesterday made a proclamation of its intentions of expansion into China, Indo-Chlna, Malaya, the Phillipines, the Dutch East Indies and some reports said even Into Australia and New Zealand. The government said that it will work in co-operation with the Axis powers In the expansion program. AMBASSADOR WITHDRAWN LONDON It was learned yesterday that the British arabassa-dor to Turkey had been withdrawn. No further details or reasons were learned. WHAT MOLOTOFF SAYS MOSCOW Premier - Foreign Commissar V. L Molotoff last night declared that Adolf Hitler had scored great successes so far in the war but he had not yet achieved his main purpose to win on his own terms. SHANGHAI ASSASSINATION SHANGHAI Charles Mettsner, White Russian leader, was assassinated in the International settlement here yesterday. He was well known for pro-Japanese BLITZKRIEG EXPECTED LONDON Official quarters here are skeptical about reports both from Berlin and Rome that the mass invasion attempt of Germany is deferred. Continued heavy movements of Nail troops in France toward the coast are reported. CANADIAN AIRMEN BUSY QUEBEC Canadian airmen are credited by Squadron Leader Go-bcil, home from England, with bringing down 100 German planes in the air war over F.nglind. IMPORTANT GERMAN PORT OF HAMBURG IS IN RUINS FOLLOWING R.A.F. RAIDS Bremen Has Also Been Hard Hit and Irreparable Damage Has Been Done To Hundreds of Military I Objectives Nazis Drop Leaflets ! on England LONDON, August 2. The important German port of Hambure. as a result of "pulverizing" raids which have geant McClinton win be arriving been conducted by the Royal Air Force, is practically in t - a i. -. i - i it l T 1 T m me cny nexi wcc. trum nnns ana Bremen, wnere tnousanus oi urmsn DomDs have also been dropped, has been badly damaged. Irreparable damage has also been done to numerous other More Britons Are Arrested TOKIO, August mnrp Rrltnns were today In the course of Japan's trated on hundreds of military ob- drive against alleged British 1 Jectlves with any civilian deaths Or spies. Six of those previously damage which may have been ln- arrested were released yes- J flicted merely incidental. terday. One of the two latest For the first time in the war, Ger- men to be arrested Is a mis- 1 man planes last night dropped pro- slonary, the other a scientist. , paganda leaflets over England. Unless all the Britons who 3,i 1 They were four page brochures have been arrested are re- leased at once, Great Britain may be. forced to take decls- ive action against Japan, in, TODAY'S STOCKS irwuruxiT 8 O Jonnoton Oat Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. . Bralorne, 8.30. Cariboo Juartz, 2.00. Dentpnla, .01 A. Fairview, .00 Vi. Gold Beit, .20, Hedley Mascot; .30. Mlnto, .004. Noble Five, .OOVi. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Oreille, 1.20. Pioneer, 1.81. Premier, .78. Privateer, .40 B. Reeves MacDonald, .25 A. Reno, .13. B. Relief Arlington, .06. ; Salmon Gold, .03. Sheep Creek, .84. Cariboo Hudson, .022 A. Oils A. P. Con., .09. Calmont, .24 Yz-C. & E., 1.31. Home, 1.57 B. Pacalta, .05 A. Royal Canadian, ,14 A. Okalta, .70. Prairie Royalties, .11 B. Toronto Aldermac, .13. Beattle, .80. Central Pat., 1.80. Con. Smelters, 35.00. ' East Malartlc. 2.75. Fernland, .02 'i A. Francoeur, .30 A. God? Lake. .31. Hardrock, .65 B. Int. Nickel, 34.00. Kerr Addison, 2.15. Little Long Lac, 2.15 B. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.44. Madsen Red Lake, .32. McKenzie Red Lake, .97. Moneta, .45. Ndranda, 55.00. v." Pickle Crow, 2.65. Preston East Dome, 1.75. San Antonio, 1.69. Sherrltt Gordon, .65. Uchl, .35. Bouscadlllac, .02 , Mosher, .01 li. Oklend, .03 Vi-Smelters Gold, .OOVi. Dominion Bridge, 24.00 B. 'j t German points or military lmpori- ance In almost continuous day and night raids which have been carried out. Further, the Royal Air Force in ready to take care of any blitz- Germans may choose to launch it. This was declared today in an ol- I ficlal statement which said that 2: Two 1 raids which have been carried out arrested by the British have .been concen- measuring twelve by eight inches containing Chancellor Hitler's "Last Appeal to Reason" and offering it Great Britain "reasonably peace or ! gathered up the leaflets. The full contents pi Hitler's peace speech, delivered to the Reichstag a couple .'of weeks ago, have already been i published in Great Britain and the translation from Berlin was heard I at the time. , Incendiary and high explosive bombs were also dropped In certain parts of Great Britain during the night but an official British communique said today that, during the last three days, enemy air raiding had been comparatively light with a small number of bombs scattered over widespread' points, causln? slight damage and few casualties. - Since yesterday Royal Air Force bombers carried out further raids on German shipping, oil refineries, supply depots and communication lines at the cost of four British planes. Today there was a daylight raid on the port of Cherbourg from" -which three British planes failed to return. IS TAKING OVER SHIP Armour Salvage Co. Acquires Freighter Salvor Vancouver? Prince Rupert Service Returning today from a business trip to Vancouver, Capt. W. P. Armor, manager of the Armour Salvage Co., announces completion of a marine deal of more than usual interest and Importance whereby his company acquires the freighter Salvor and the Gait Steamship Co. With the Prince William, which is to be converted from steam to tlicsel power, the Armour Salvage Co, will institute a regular freighting and towing.servlce between Prince Rupert and Vancouver. The Salvor, in command of Capt. Albert Gcorgcson, will be taken over by the Armour company on the conclusion of the present voyage and will continue in freighting service as at present. The Trlnce William, formerly in the Canadian National Steamships service on the Queen Charlotte Island run, has been in Vancouver tor the past couple of Jears' H'Jl'.A V f.