leather, Forecast J Wands- Moderate south to outheast winds, part cloudy with ouch the same temperature and ihors. olxxix no. u. IIKCQ 111 lUJ . . nnafl . il. i i i ""u ui uie war HKuinsi vjicut rltaln but, evidently, the under- irinf i m -a 1 ji Motor tnrnfin knits nf (Iia Mals .... nvijuw uvu WO VI vit v iiuntai uieir iirsi appearance on we , HH.U . T . . . . I "an coast yesieraay dui wneni - ..vw n.bti Ollllimi Ulttiail null,. j eca away nome so rapiaiy. nt no damace could be done to! Despite Inclement weather, the Aral At. T-i- t . . l IT. bllr m.L 'ill. 11 - at ucrmunv Willi wviitui- ;a raiding of mllUary objectives thA T7atMU r I i 1 1 IU.au -vv.wi. &yuilll( bllC Itwn nuvw ivuyni nir tunc una karate attacks on Germany and uvtujiicu icrrivuiy wim .a..is CUCtV. within the last month no less han four hundred German airmen JVA hn. . 1 . . . ... -ven uttuuinea lor uy wic un- lsh- -either killed, Injured or 1 .7.n hAClA.i.l. ..II If .. n vnmoiuiiin puois as wen ua rench are now assisting the Royal - viLe in me auacKs on uer any, according to an announce ent made today. .ymu are ueiiiB iuu ujr me uuucu owra are now concentrating York Harbor, It la announced. along the British and Scottish nj bombarded but no serious i ir irAuiirn. i iir uiiuiucio a - 1 ven off by fierce anti-aircraft' vt iLurii fin iiriLun aiiiijuiiiie. . i w 1 1 . ( mi a ai.iu ' or lmensmea air assauiw aiss r. nnpn. aa wrm snm nawn nurmiE am . -i 4ri im m .mni-nnnnr 'nniiiiv" ill - - ThihiM Pt,i9rv and si oth- Nygarci wno was sirucs py u u- ere downed In raids off the tomoblle on Seventh Avenue near the day m all. before Magistrate McClymont in .it., nnlla nrt tnmnrrnw mnrnlilB ar tvlav nprmnn nl.inPS at- ' f" . . .. r. V ,...u nn a charee of manslauenier. wruie :. .7 .. . ... nchpnr wa not actually arrnng tne vnvi in in Nnrin spa niiL nr " car when Nygard was struct a cor- the English Poa.u but were drlv- off by British fighter planes 'Af Iv . . . r . . Vioirf ihnt. hp was criminally neg- c Qamaee naa Deen none vu . . ... convoys 'crated by a minor. A utt er in a fUM. m ki.i i4it hAtninan viiuiaw -o . ..... . M'nnp miniirHLCii is uciiuuik " " " --fc J 0 " ,v"1 " ,11 1 I .vV V lX IIIIIMIIII A I L. I Helnkels, Dornlers and Messer-(11TL II polco " VkW U ft VVIMVM , .v v.wuM.ati " " imi.IilJV. J Li 1 V U. v-wv-o iiiuui: Liiiu i a i . u& uiiv . w n nn i'iiiii iiir .ri a nio isiiuncu vu ww---1 iucn uniiea ataies naa suuM.iit mmnn wnien were in cir- v-- ........ iCUiaUUU jwwiuaj Pfltltl A Vt I o i V. 1 I . I it.. Tlu4rv j wftti, u. laic: aniiAC unuii utiw i w.aah on pvniiixn 1 1 1 i li liiv a - tTCil 0 - v v.iC attlUOklVU WIV44. lUtlVVf rVl 1 fl 1 1 P 1 lUCKA Ul WilU t IV . w inany naa unaerUKcn not lo'xhe rumor, which saia many-iiauj e seuea French aircraft In con-1 oicn hren lnlured. Is beiievea to have been started by fifth column agents. An official investigation is proceeding, Halibut Sales Tatoosh, Royal. American 25,000, 10.6c and 7.5c, HANSON TO CARRY ON Conservatives Decide That No Na tional Convention Will Be Held Until Late In 19 U OTTAWA, July 25,-Hon. R. B. Hanson accepted the Invitation of a Conservative caucus in Ottawa yesterday to continue the House leadership of the party for another year. It was decided that there would be no' national convention to eject a successor, i.iif ; .t, w ATTACK ON HAIFA HAIFA Forty-six persons were killed and 88 Injured as a result of an Italian air attack on Haifa. Bombs were dropped in the harbor and the streets of the city. The attacking planes were finally driven off by anti-aircraft fire. rUISONEK IN GERMANY VEUONO The father here of Flying Officer Lome Edward Chambers of the Royal Canadian Air Force has been notified that his son who had been reported missing Is a prisoner of war in Germany. 1 1 1 , PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA' SS $ If! f NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCF RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1940. ! France Appeals To Germany For IF J BJ ruuu cum iuci VICHY. July 25: The s govern ment of France Is appealing to the German armistice comm.issl'm to permit Increased supplies of food and coal to enter nioccuild France from Nazi-occupied France. .PLANES BY ' UNCLE. SAM Three Thousand Monthly Will Be Sent Starting January, Beaver-brook Announces- (OourtMj b d Jo&furtoq oo.) brook, minister of aircraft produc Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 8.00. Cariboo Quartz, 1.85. Dentonio, .01 A. Falrvlew, .003i A. Gold Belt, .20. Hedley Mascot, .30. Minto, .OIV. ; Pacific Nickel, .08. , Pend Oreille, 1.15, B. Pioneer, 1,75. Premier, .75. Privateer, .49 A. Reeves McDonald, .25 A. Reno, ,13 B. Relief Arlington .04 Vi. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .83. Cariboo Hudson, .02 Vi A. Oils Calmont, .25. C. & E., 1.30. Home, 1.59. Pacalta, .05 A. Royal Canadian, .14&. Okalta, .71. Prairie Royalties, .15 A. Toronto Aldermac, .10 Vi. Beattle, .73. Central Pat., 1.65 B. Con. Smelters, 32.00. East Malartlc, 32.00. Finland, .02 '2 A. Francoeur, .27. Gods Lake, .30. Gardrock, .65. Int. Nickel, 32.a. Kerr Addison, 1.95. Little Long Lac, 2.15. McLeod Cockshutt,"l.30. McKenzle Red Lake, .90. Madsen Red Lake, .29. Moneta, .41. Noranda 48.3,4. Pickle Crow, 2.32. Preston East Dome, 1.67. San Antonio, 1.60. Shcrrltt Gordon, .62. Uchl, .34. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher, .OlVi. Oklend, .94V2. Dominion Bridge, 22.Vi. CHICAGO WHEAT PRICES CHICAGO, July 25. ,Chlcag6 wheat futures were up IVic to ls,ic yesterday with December at 76?ec The prices' fell off 'about lc since then with' December today at 75 tion, announced yesterday that ar- I rangements were being made to re- ' . I .1 , 4 u . Trnlln4 Ccivc iiirpiaiitr iivui uic uiiiicu : States at the rate of 3000 monthly starting next January. At the present time 600 per month are being furnished by the United States ,it,r t iv i;' OKCu. .v j United Stales Confirms WASHINGTON, D. C. July 25: Secretary of the Treasury Henry 'Morgenthau announced today that a conference of United States gov-1 ernment, military and industrial representatives had agreed upon a British proposal to supply 3000 I military planes to Great Britain (monthly, starting next January. Methods of placing the orders and delivering the machines are being studied. If will result in a great 'expansion of the manufacturing (facjllties. 1 IS COMING TO RUPERT Dr. D. B. Finn, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Due Here Next Month OTTAWA. July 25: (CP) A fish-, lerles news bulletin announced to-'day that arrangements are now un-Ider way for a conference In British .Columbia between Dr. D. B. Finn, deDUtv minister of ftsherles, and representatives of ail secuons 01 , the herring industry to safeguard conservation. : Advice has been received locally that Dr. Finn, formerly director 01 the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will be in Prince Rupert on August 21. " 80 RAIDS ON MALTA Civilian Population Suffered at First But Little Military Damage Hase Been Done LONDON, July 25: (CP) Italians have raided the British Mediterran ean naval base of Malta more than eighty times, Indicting at the start comparatively heavy civilian casu alties but wlth-llttle military damage, military circles said yesterday, WHAT OF DALADIER? k VICHY, France A special tri-tninal will be set up to try former Premier Edouard Daladier and other former government leaders for "responsibilify" for France's entry Into the war and her de feat, it was Indicated oday. There is speculition as to what will be Daladier's fate. Under totalitarian pure technique, practice of which appears to be due in France, he may go to the guilli-tine, be imprisoned or meet with a convenient accident. ATTACK ON FOREIGNTERS BUENOS AIRES Bottles filled with incendiary liquid were hurled through windows of a British-owned' department store here last night, starting several fires which were quickly extlnquished. A German-owned cafe was also 8700,000 REALIZED , free shows staged by Canad ian noing picture industry throughout Canada recently resulted In the sale of $700,000 of war saving certificates and stamps, it is announced. VANCOUVER GETS RAIN VANCOUVER Vancouver received beneficial rain during the night and gardens are looking much belter today as a result. FLOUR PROCESSING TAX OTTAWA The fixed price of 70c for No. 1 northern wheat at' lakehead will continue, Hon. J. A. farms in view of the already filled storage facilities. MINISTER REPLACED LONDON A spokesman at the Roumanian legation announced today that V. V. Tilea, Roumanian minister to Great Britain since 1938, is being replaced. Tentative Dates For Registration LONDON, July 25: The Captain of the Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleonl, who was lnjurcdwhen his ship was sunk by the Australian cruiser Sydney In the Mediterranean Sea 'a week ago, died yesterday. I Tomorrow sT ides' High Low 3:30 am. 18.0 ft. 18:08 p.m. 17.5 ft. 11:35 pjn.. 7.0 ft. PRICE: I CENT8 azis Sihbk French Repatriate Ship m rtfWllUf' I1M ft If W A DOCKS NOW .....i British Torts Have Already geen Bombaudtd by 1NI ui Planes Driven Off - Am w '.t.L - vnrrpii in in iiaruniE lIM Used By Germany LONDON, July 25-Followin a rni ui - L.uk rcitmrH thrlr at III UWIli t- nUUh thtnnlnr today r nu i i nun "'f-"-" the southeast coast of Eng- nu iiiu ifv j .l Jah kv anll.alrrraft - J itrllUli Cnlffir niircnlt at in altitude of 12,000 feet. oiiy'i riids followed German J..a 1 lack la A n r TROOPS AT GIBRALTAR Canadian Minister of National Defence Has Heard Nothing of Dominion Forces Heine Sent There OTTAWA, July 25. Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national de fence, has heard nothing, he says,, of Canadian troops being sent from England to Gibraltar as reinforce ments there. Canadian troops are already In Greenland, Iceland, the West Indies and the United Kingdom, he said. Col. Ralston was speaking of reports from Spain that Canadian and Australian troops were included In reinforcements being sent by the British to Gibraltar. Mines Are Being Laid Now Around New York Harbor : " , .- .-j..... .....i. NEW YORK, July 25: Mines SERIOUS CHARGE - War News EVACUATION LOSS REVEALED LONDON Authorized sources said today that 2,823 persons are missing and believed lost since the sinking of the 16,000-ton Cun-ard-Whlte Star Liner Lancastria at anchor oft Saint Nazalre dur ing the evacuation troops from France, planes bombed and machine-gunned the Lancastria. 250,000 NAZI CASUALTIES LONDON The Germans, it is reported here, officially admit 250,000 men lost since the war gan. Since the French armistice, 100 German soldiers have been killed in f ranee. HEAVY GUNS G erman Torpedo Boat Sinks BEAT THEM Chinese Were Forced to Fall Back Yesterday in Action Near Hong Kong HONO KONO. July 25: (CP) In the Ditched battle yesterday of l Chinese guerrillas and regulars with I.Tnnanese force which almohth ago of nritlsh occupied the strip of mainland aa-German Jacent to the British Colony of Hong Kong, Chinese attacked In J force at dawn but eye-witnesses said that superiority of Japanese ' artillery forced them to retreat. Vessel Laden With And Seamen300 Bulletins Death of Olof Nygard Result, In. ..TODAY'S STOCKSVx-rU LONDON, Jury 25.-ora.favei- ;T"Tfy the Manslaughter Prosecution Against Ole Osberg Officers Lose Lives Plain Markings Arc Disregarded and Practically No Notice is Given Those on Board Were Being Permitted to Return Home LONDON, July 25: (CP) A German torpedo boat sank the 6125-ton French vessel Meknes which was cany-, ing 1300 French officers and soldiers who were being repatriated to France, First Lord of the 'Admiralty A. -V. Alexander told the House of Commons today. He said that the sinking occurred last night off the coast of south- em Britain when the Germans dis Portuguese, Spanish And ! British Pact LISBON, July 25. A Por- tuguese communique today an regarded the French flag at mast and also French colors painted on decks and sides of the ship. The ship was shelled and torpedoed. Alexander said that British warships picked up about one thousand sur- vlvors and about 300 were drowned. The survivors were landed In Eng land. The Meknes was bound for Mar seilles and the French government had been advised of her departure, Alexander said. Every precaution nounced conclusion- or an h d b t fc t indicate her neu- agreement among the Portu- tralitv of the Ad guese, Spanish and British gov- miraity charged that the attack was ernments designed to meet deliberate and t urther asserted that Spain's wneai neeas ana i- -,the aerman high command ell cllitate further her purchases (ted Nazl responsibility. Scant i U nf . .. ducts.- Portuguese colonial pro- warnln(t was elven. those on board INVASION DEFERRED 25: (CP) Indl- ,v. "w " " McKinnon, minister ol traae ana iinvade Great Britain may be de-; commerce, announces. There will iayed further while Axis diplomats be a 15c per bushel processing seek injure he will not have tax on flour to be charged upon 'rouDie at Germany's back door, millers. This will help finance .oermany will play host to repre-the fixed price. The Winnipeg j 5entatlves of Bulgaria, Hungary and Grain Exchange will remain open RoUmanla on Friday at a confer-for the time Being at least. The , ence presumably to discuss Bulgar- carryover is placed at 290,000,000 ian and Hungarian claims on Rou- to 293,000,000 bushels and the 1910 manla. Miglt crop is estimated at 350,000,000 to I At the Salsburg conference It is 400,000,000 bushels. Farmers will 'predicted that Roumania will be ,be required to keep a large pro- I forced under German and Italian portion of the grain on their 'pressure to concede to the tern- torlal demands of Hungary and Bulgaria the former Transylvania and the latter for Dobruja. While Jugoslavia Is not Invited to the conference, "profound changes" are expected to be demanded of that nation to make it" more friendly to the axis powers. German Minister to Turkey von Pa pen left suddenly for Berlin to-' day to confer with Foreign Minis ter Joachim von Ribbentrop prior to the Salsburg conference. Later It was announced at Ankara that Germany and Turkey had signed a trade agreement. A full settlement of Balkan OTTAWA, July 25: (CP) August Questions is believed to be hoped 19, 20 and 21 have been tentatively, for by Germany to be reached at set as the dates for the receiving Salsburg before the blltzkrelg on of registrations in Canada under I Great Britain commences, the national-service plan of thei- government: Volunteer workers to assist In connection with the regis tration are being sought throughout the country. ITALIAN CAPTAIN DIES Australian And Jap Diplomatic Exchange Soon CANBERRA, July 25. An exchange of diplomatic representa tives between Australia and Japan is expected to be effected soon. The Australian government Is much in, favor 'of it. being given but five minutes to take to the boats, - - rtfHtifi The German High Cdmmand admits the attack. The British government was permitting the Frenchmen to return home for repatriation after they had declined to serve with General Charles DeOaulIe In , of the war against Germany at the side of Great Britain. Expected Hitler Will Await Outcome of Forthcoming Conference With jj 1 m "VI! Balkan Nations (HALl U1L 1 Juiy cations are seen that the attempt r,f rhanrpiinr Adolf Hitler's Dlan to TO REICH Both Great Britain And United States To Participate In Blockade Against LONDON, July 25: (CP) Great Britain has taken steps to halt oil shipments through Fascist Spain, thereby plugging a troublesome new gap in the blockade, it was reported today. At the same time an authoritative source at Washington said that United States' stoppage of oil shipments to Spain in American tankers indicated a virtual embargo against fuel and lubricant supplies which, might reach axis powers through an HEAT WAVE CONTINUES Death List in United States Reached 280 Has NEW YORK, July 25. The death list as a result of the heat wa,ve In the United States had reached 283 up to last night. In soma parts of the Atlantic coast and south there were cooling rains but in th.e Middle West the searing heat continued. The warm spot of the nation was Lincoln, Nebraska, with 110 above. : - -- , . NEW YORK corrcK NEW YORK, July 25. Copper futures were unchanged to .03 . lower today with December at' 9.15a per pound. ,(. if ..j