PAQE FOUR WAR EFFORT EFFICIENT This Thaic of Government's Activ ity Dealt With at Liberal Meet-ins in Ocean Falls OCEAN FALLS. March forms. S. E. Parker of spoke briefly. Mr Ha.ison. the Candida' e. it une ounce. PLMftE' SI flee, Q.C.I: FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT 6 house. Phone CAMPAIGN IS CLEAN (Continued irom Page One) Conservatives demanded that all war policy be made public but what they did demand was information as to war contracts. Drlces. terms and conditions. In Oreat people. If the people JPIe on n nelth neither Britain evervthln liko that nnrtithe A11Ied side or the German more was discussed by a Parlla- 25. ment which was In almost con- Sneaking at a successful Liberal stant session rally In the Ocean Falls Theatre last .... Tuesday night, E. T. Applewhaite Regarding Liberal and J Conser-of tlve Poises that there would Stewart gave a resume of Can- adas contribution in manpower beu n "f ?ption Mr. Weaver felt u mS8ht difficult e to secure and wiuinment in the war to date. He also compared tne present situ the number of men that might ttlon with that of 1914 leaviug no De ul"a by ne voluntary metnoCl- method. The C. c- C. F. said said doubt as to the efficiency of the ,c- that, that, if if there soing to De conscription Ecvernment now in nower. AV.ow- of men there must first be the ances for dependents of soldiers were carcful'v explained. conscription of wealth. The ob E. T. Kenney. M.L.A. for Skeena. "at,on to Pay interest on wai analyzed asneets of various Dial- bonds was not a blt mre sacred . than was the obligation to the Prince Rupert " men who Save not merely loaned their flesh, bone and muscle while the profiteers stayed com- also heard from and Ilfcs. May ,I"aD'y at wllome and recced thelr honorable Cochrane, president of Uie Ocean obligations. Falls District Ladies' Liberal As- The c n p hart C. C. F. had forced Mlnn Ikl. LI . iTOi UflC Statesnianshln or an lnrllna.l - 'it . ' ' I ... ... .1- . 1 " i op, wiaeaiiwun!tne.arger issues wAWTt-n i . iK'S-.? g0dS by otter Varties hi their cam-glrk Apply Box 36 Da,Uy News. paign. Mr. Weaver declared. In1 ' '73); Jheir. "petty bickerings, they stress- TSOARD AN D :RO'Oai ' -d what tfiecould brlrts ttf this riKar ulass board and ;room, question reany was the national close in. Phone Black 985. tf. welfare of Canada. The real Is suer were being glided over. How were the people of Skeena roomed modem tof Parnsp!f lf h natlona! economy nt 311 Canada Black !, 295. qs was going down with unemDlovment Inr LOST anrl tne natural resources being LOST Child's tap dancing shoe. Phone Blue 272 or leave at Daily opnieted for the benefit of capitalists and outside Investors? tiverywnere in the world one News- (72) saw the picture of masses of mis Night or Day PHONE 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars nrrrmrsK MacKenzie's Furniture 21 FELT MATTIt ESSES All sizes. V Each 12 COT MATTRESSES 30"x 72. Each Phone 775 $8.50 $5.00 Built by Simmons for Sleep 327 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Steamer leaves Prince Rupert eyerj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednecday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stevrart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jarao, tc, call or write City Tlckot Ogle, 538 Irrf As, V-9-40 ery and destitution while everything was available to supply them. The world was in choas and i headed for destruction. From every country came the story that war was not wanted, that It was being forced upon the fociatlon, gave a short talk follow- vocated that all profits be taken that dcath death could could not not triumph trlumPn over v lng Mr. Haason. out of war. Industries shnnirt hillfe- important lesson from Dennis Walker, vice-president of lent to the service of the country me ucean ram uoerai Association, lr men could give themselves was in the chair. Referring to old age pensions. Mr. Weaver stated that Jhe C. C. BAic gold F- nad fought lor years for a de- LONDON. 'CP) The Montreal crease In the age limit and an nrna of k nnU Ik. T i inCfpaSA In thp al1rm"j nn CVw- j! v K'uu u L i Hit; i-AJUUOIl - u- market was unchanged today at mer Premier Bennett had admit- cj - f ted a4 tViof that tun the r n i i a side wanted war. who wanted war and who started war? No party but the C. C. F. In Canada offered a solution. The Socialist had no antagonism to any man on earth.-He said that all men were brothers. "We do not have to look abroad for the cause of war," asserted Mr. .Weaver. "We can find it at home. It is a system that is the cause of war. That Is why we see we must oppose a system, not men or parties." Mr. Weaver referred to the occasion of Easter Sunday. Easter had had its origin as an old pagan festival, celebrating the return of spring. Christians had grafted It into their doctrine which had now become a dogma. After the Crucifixion and death had come life and a new truth to kindle faith the Crucifixion was that it was the spirit of humanity and not the men Itself. Christ had been yielded to the rabble by the law. Then as now the workers had done the dirty work for the ruling class. It was up to man to awaken his own powers and lift himself. Appeals to greed, selfishness, pride or " vanity 'J should be ignored. There ed the Central Bank as a "signal" 5nrf"n . humaj-the rlst spirlt ln man- 11113 was vlctorv" for th- V r v Tf . only seven members ln the House, Black was cha,nnan of the what could not an Opposition of meeUnS- He "'erred to the 1m-twenty-six Iportance of this members do? election. There At Smithers, Liberal speakers' thVT"1 be had predicted that all three op- fnd" h.l M ' i6 nosins candidate .m Wo 5U5Bested lack v of r sympathy of the FOR SALE Baby chicks from vig deposits. Notwithstanding this'-!, Ilne partles to ME-nlzed la-orous new blood leghorn breeding confidence, fourteen Liberal speak-1 stock. Unscxed $10.00 per 100, pul- ers had campaigned the riding on !,,, An Q " lets (97). $25.00 per 100. Also the platform: to say nothing otfIvi52, Rock and Red chicks $1100 per those whd (had' been on the air. He Tl , I sympathetic re-100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis-considered t a compliment thatluL T.t a"d'en:e ln a slon City. B.C. tf.,$t tooki fourteen Liberal speakers 1 6 P.lntS he made ' tVVN!W. se- V'C.- C; F. i,here was fnot much Merest WANThl) - ln e way ot ; , i: .salL:js asking questions WANTED Capible housekeeper, for The pulp; tourist hotel. Al jSIromeT' 8d" three" months from June 15. Na: asa 'Jahwa and ; larger halibut,' : - boats iklk rkrrtp in W sallipc 1- 1 M J . t .1 if , , ; t -I . . w. 1 4"tui MuamtvitMuiis ana reier,"' ences. The Dunes, Tlell Post I Of- Of- , . There cic was was little jnue hint mni oi of sclen-j scicn-i I IHrST rail IlC I' 1 Td relief misery juicily., cx-W.i UrwAlT.m j. . . .: h a',?rf:ICKS back with W VapoRub Large Assortment of FINE Bulk Candies Come In and pick jour favorite kind Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. B. LUNDAIIL Will Continue Practice of Dentistry In Rooms 1, 2, 3 Bcsner niock THE SEAL QUALITY MM Si? :SmCKS GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ' PINK SEAL t , Finest Pink Salmon i racked by ths enly salmon canning ccmr"-:? rrlth an all tua year roctii psyriU ta Prince Rupert HIE DAILY NEWS MRS. WATT IS HEARD Interesting Speaker At Parent Teachers Association Meeting The Prince Rupert Parent 'Teacher Arybclatton, following routine business at the regular monthly meeting in the Booth Memorial High School with Mrs. George Hill presiding, heard an address by Mrs. Alfred Watt O. B. E., of London, England, formerly of Victoria, International President of the Women's Institutes and world president of the International Country Women's Association. She spoke Interestingly, dealing with her work with the latter organization Originating in Canada tn years ago Women's Institutes and country women's organizations have spread through almost every country In the world. The aim of these women's organizations was to make friendly contacts between the women of the nations and to pass along useful Information, especially on agriculture and home-making subjects. A simple constitution binds them all together In a 4ooe, Informal way. The speaker gave, in picturesque details, an account of a ten manths" trip she made around the world during which she addressed and organised Country Women's Institutes. Another of her entertaining descriptions w that of the great world conference of the Country Women which was held in London only two months priod to the outbreak of the present world war Mrs. Watt exprrssed her opinion that, if International conferences composed of men had shown the same friendly spirit of gave and take spirit, this world conflict j might have been averted. j Mrs. Watt Impressed upon hen j audience that her world-wide or-1 ganlzatlon is a proof that the wo- jmen of the world are united for' common ends and eager to do .'something to enable the people of the world to live in harmony land Happiness. I Miss E. A. Mercer moved a vote of thanks to the speaker ln which' she expressed the appreciation of the Parent Teachers Association for her very interesting and informative address. I lone Jacklln delighted the audience with two recitals which dls-' played clear enunciation and correct pronunciation as well as much dramatic feeling. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served by a committee ln charg of Mrs. R. wood and Mrs. II. Perkins. Mrs. T. Boulter was appointed convener for the Easter cahdy sale at Borden Street School. r , ONMt. Tit A INS For the East-Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 0 pjn. From the Fast-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays H pm. A flftj ceut crasMiit-a ad. wili .often make you nwny dollars. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized .Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONF 7 OVERWAITEA LTD. CASH or C.O.I). Phone 813 tree Delivery on Orders of $1.00 and Over Shamrock Hams P,b. 33c """a5""" 29c '''"23c 15c "z 19c "tS'oa'5Up-19c 19c Wax Paper loorootrons perron 17c f-sVV Ajlmer Prune Plums S)4 n WjLI Grapefruit Juice nrn gSi rmi.m 29c Fresh a-p- iqp Per tb " nti:si! niiuiuitit r" 5c COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 ! THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING ! COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Ilrand Chcmi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphos. phates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Urand Metals Gold - silver - Lead Zinc - Cadmium - Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust-Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. IJ.c. Whifflets From The Waterfront Oeorge Eckerman has been appointed local manager for Edward' Llpsett Ltd.. it is announced. He, has been identified with the firm! for some years and Is popular with the trade. He takes the place of W. E. Drake who ha been appointed general manager of the company. C.P.R. steamer Princes Norah. CDt. William Palmer, with a list of 152 passengers consisting largely of mining people going to Northern British Columbia and Yukon for the season as well as members of the White Pass and Yukon Route staff, arrived at 0:15 Sunday morning from Vancouver and sailed at 10.15 for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she Is due back here Thursday afternoon southbound Only one person disembarked from the vats! here. 20 boarding her at this port for the north. Union steamer Catala. Capt Jamer Findlay. arrived In trt In good time at 7 o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p m for Stewart and other northern points whence she wtll return here tomorrow morning southbound O0O0O0O0O00000OOO03OOCVOOOO 9 VELVET ICE CIIKAM, MILK 8 8 SHAKES and GOOD MEALS g a At the g I U and I CAFE 1 o Waterfront g OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TONIGHT At 7;30)oor, Opfa J "Pre-EIection Liberal Meeting! SriX'IAI, Slr AKli- ,J ft"..... "'r.Hi.u.YMlAT TOMOItltOW and Wtt CHAItlls LAUGHTON 'JAMAICA Iffi GOLDBLOOi "The Old Hdlat:; Have Big Ordeil For Beaver Postlve can pay mon ft, anyone else for all tin h not tell your fur tj & walrrfront, brlnr iha t GOLDIILOO.M snd rtar erni more. Announcing . . . THE OPENING OF The Style Shopp me ciome loo from Head to Fooli Tuesday March 19 at 9 a. m. With a Complete Line of LADIES' WEAR COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, 111,01 s. SKIRTS, HATS. LINGERIE, SIIOI v HOSE Next Door Hulklcy Market, 3rd ve .S iSHllllll m I ss m, a fc miJ i i irn Outstanding Values NEW FURNITURE 3-Piffe CIIKSTKItrmil SUITE-W5.00 value Special 3-Piece DINING IIOOM SUITE-$120 value. Special C-Pece DINirrrE SUITI--$70X)0 value, 8pecial 6-Piece IlltKFAST SUITE-J40.00 value. Special SEAMLESS AXMINSTEIl CAHPI.TS-Slzc 9x10.2. o.uu v.nue. Special I-Plece At DltESSEIt At Green 91G Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.i. S69.50 S99.50 $55.00 531.50 34.50 'WJMH)ni! aiATS-SIze 27x54. JOOO value. gQ5 ENTEHI'KISE CIltCULATOK OIL IIEATEIt Q7K Oil $89.00 value. Special v ' "uv Used Furniture Bargains Piece IIEDItOOM IIEDKOOM KIUti- SUITE rn Pfi Tlllltn $6.50 HEATEIIS, KITCHEN KANGES Large variety to clioov at bargain prices. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE avi:NI'e