14, 1940. t Watson signed To Hian him , iuiiirirru Central Hotel! Mrs. William Crufckshank of Prince Rutiert. Mr. Watson reeentlv NdMuj .1 4 mmHmmmfVt a - SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEB Strunier Irnvr Prince Kupcrt every Till HSDAY, 11. IS p.m. Trnlni Irnve Prince Rupert for the Enst MonclMy, Welne(lny, Friday, 6 p.m. Stenmer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For jam, Cc, call or trrft City Tlckit Offlc; 528 3rd Av. V-9-40 fuwkeeplng Apartments i um water Heated! C U. Illanb ! l.i " iiwsswsmjMjmauuitiiii'i Pisnwii'1!'""" " min SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining 1DORA ROl-LLR ARENA ',13 Taxi Gets thret month' writing and technl-1 Vjnf nf Svcfom cal alignment at Warner Brothers mtl-c UJOlClli stuaios on tne comedy film hit, "Three Cheers for the Irish." i Inauguration Made in Local Tram portatlon Service by Tat Maziel r uiadlan novelUt An event of much social interest; Pat Masset. proprletoro of 13 Taxi' Dance Thursday night. Idora Ar- Practices In First Aid The first aid division of the local Air Raid Prevention organisation has started holding of practices' Poland. A fifty cent ciassiiita ad. often make you many dollars. Announcements All advertisements ln this column win be charged for a full month at 25c word L. O B. A. Daffodil Dance, March 15, Matropole HalL Play High School March 14 and 15. Band Parents' March 27. 18. Auditorium, Qarrjsoa St. Patrick's dance, 102nd Armouries, March 15, admis sion 50c. St. Patrick's Tea, Uitholtc Hall. March 16. Eagles' BHdga March 20. Presbyterian Tea; Little's, March 21. ten Mr. Hogan's S. 0. N. Flslitrmen's Dance, March 28. Farewell Orange Ladles Sale, April 3. unura spring oaic, tiiu 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 9. THE SEAL f QUALITY 1.11 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon rnrkrd by the only salmon cunnlnr .company with n all the tear round payroll In Prlnc Hnrrl THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf. George Dybhavn returned to the city on the Prince Loulae thia morning Irom a two wee to' trip" to Vancouver. on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Maior J. Low of the Royal Canad- ! family sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for Ketchikan to which point Mr. Hartle has been wJi transferred as United State 1 the south for a visit with Dr. Large's brother and sUter-ln-law, Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large. A trip Is being made today to Ketchikan and the visitors will continue back to Vancouver tonight. Olof Hanson Tonight's train, aue from the Kast at 11 o'clock, was reporteo this afternoon to. be on time. . " ' 1 K,,own. Vnu r,.inimri?a8'r,nt,n 81 Service, announce the lnauzura- ena. Colussl's Orchestra. 10:30 p., Mrs. 8. E. Sunbury of Georgetown, :vp1 win naz- Aoarewrs uawearw or mis Mary-. tlon of a new ,tem oi ehfl " , tn , 63 who has been on a trip to Vaneou- P,. ,-e Rupert on H peue Blue, ana James B. Barclay. (nl(5 buaineM. intmi.u.in t PrW ver, returned from the south on -t been aligned Following the ceremony there will , f'or Bennett & White the Prince Oeorge yesterday. nupm th fl t u u , t. T Mayo of the kH, in Hollvwood be a reception at the home of the Lrs wnlch are . mmnn 1IM ln Cnnt 'u Co. arrived in the cif .rrnl exploitation bride, parents. Mr and Mr. H. B. of the Ur-er eMgH ch.Ta the prtnce Qeerge yesterday Mr . and Mrs. C. H. Elkln are sall- t., forthcoming Stile, and Jater the couple will sail . are comiuted on . mltoa from Vancouver. ng tonight on the Prince George , n epic "North on the Prince Georue for Vancou-;the customer for a vWt 10 Vancouver and else- paying according to P'iicr" ver where they will make their . the dit n i,.hh .v,,.u vnc rhnrintie Stamund returned where in the south. W.'on is sister to home. . ...... .w-w wwvrssvu VvlstVil W aU" -pw r-: jtomatlcally registered on a meter, to the city on the Princess Louise j 1 1 rr plainly showing the charge as you this morning from a trip to Van-; Lieut. Emrt English of the Can- SEBBHmnasmBBsaBfe- Tide and how much the fare Is'couvcr. , adlan Scottish returned to the city ! (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Size Size 4 Can Hide for Trice of One jamless - - Axminster Rugs Special Friday and Saturday 9x12 - $38.50 9 10 x - - Size 6 9x9 - - $34.50 $22.50 Chesterfield Suites 3-piece Ghesterfield Suites 169.50 and $119.50 HQ'S FURNITURE STORE Store Hours 8 30 a.m. to 5 30 p.m. THIRD AVLNL'E ION STEAMSHIPS LTD. fctoamer.s Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouvt-r S. CATALA KVFItY TUK8- T.S.S. CAKDF.NA FltlDAY. I HAY. 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. c Vancouver. Tliurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Olflce Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From J. SK1NMKK, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Tlwne W BW CKNTHAI. HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue When you gtoD. The entire fleet! will be equipped with meters, advt. on the Prince Oeorge yerterday af ter spending a leave at his home at Chemalnux, Vancouver Island. Lady Fleming of Dunedln, New! Zealand, was an early season tour- R. Hethertngton, provincial of- ist who was in Prince Rupert this fleer, sailed yesterday afternoon morning, making the round trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise. Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspec- ! tor, arrived in the city on the Prince wlth Angu, MacDonaW in charge. ian Corp. of Signals Is sailing to-; Geo . frora Vancouver Tne first was held a few evenlncsli.t .r. th rrfni nwiree for a . . ., . . .. . ..... .. i - " --- -.luruwiH ni penoaicai vistif nere ago at the city council chamber trip to Vancouver. wnere sireicners ana emergency equipment were on hand for dem-' onstration purposes. Canada At War 25 Years Ago March 14. 1915 - Admiralty re- Lieut. Gordon Smith of the Ca nadian Scottish will sail tonight I on the Prlncef Georxe for a visit 10 nis nome in ruansuiuo. William Oray Is sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver. I H. V. Morehouse, district manager for the B.C. Packers with head- ..... ,.17 n.l u.u quarters at Namu. arrived In the on official duties. He will return south tonight and expects to be I back in two weeks. 'irnoon to be shown around the plant and see how a dally news- It Is possible he may not be return-j rFv paper j, w turned vuiiicu out. vuk. ling to Prince Rupert. Canadian Girls ln Training of First Presbyterian Church visited the Dally News office Tuesday af- 111 a I aim vuxiie I ' t. . . ... rcMfwn was in cnarge oi the party. Senator J. H. King and Dr. W. T. Kergin, who are taking part in ine xeuerai election campaign in nearly 200 lives. On land British. frm n the.nPPrt of Otof Hanson, will leave forces talned emund In drive onlr,,"vc " omorrows train lor the Inter- Ulle but Russian trooos fell back Jtor- Dr- KinS will return to Van- . 1 . . "r. ana Mrs. uwrge narue ana iwc icucncu vjcittisii avMtu iii ) couver by way of the Cariboo. Dr. W. T. Kereln was the sneak. er at today'? regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Runert Rotary Club with Peter Lakle. the president In the chair. Dr. Kergin, ur a Tin rkiFK. iiiimuu ldfti mr. ui . u . .. - ,Ilow re8Ja,ng ,n Vancouver, is a Vancouver arrived In the city on charter member and pagt t. "1C r"uw t"m .dent of the local club. There was Capt. R B. Lontrrldfte. first vice-1 " " lw ul ve.er ai a luncn-presWent of the British Columbia fn of the VVomen's Canadian Club command of the Canadian Leion toda5r- Mrs J D- the presi-and recently appointed district aux-' dent- was in e chair and there Dls-1 was a ,ar attendance of bcUes illary service officer of Military trtct No. 11. will arrive in the city whohenrd an Interesting dK-Mirs n th PrinoM. Addlnldii. tAmorraw 0,1 Daughters of the Empire flctivi- afternoon from Victoria to visit 0."h spe-ial reference to war here on official duties. Oeorge Weaver of New Westmin- tttr. C.C.F. candidate for Skeena in the federal election. wtM return to the citv on the Prince George tonight after visiting Stewart. Pre.n-ler, Big Missouri, Alice Arm and Moose Gingham Leap Your Dance, other northern points in the course March 21. Daffodil March 25. Mrs. J. J. of his campaign tour and will pro- ceed to the interior Tea, Mrs. Parkin's train. on Friday's ciiurut. I j- 1 ' FOK SALE. 'FOR SALE Terms: strictly cash: E. T. Kenney MLi Lots 9-10, Blk. 11, D. L. 369, A. of Terrace. E. TApplewhalte of Stewart and S. E. Parker left last night for the Queen Charlotte Islands, continuing the Liberal fed eral election campaign. Returning from the Islands, they will visit Surf Inlet. Ocean Falls , and Bella II in 00 Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5. Coola and exnect to be back here 11 pvt WArlnAfirinv mnrnlnir ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery announce the engagement of their third daughter. .Helen Elisabeth, to Clarence Bredfjord Thdnison, son of Mr. S. C. Thomson of this cltv. The marriage will take place or. March 23. Fresh Loral Uaw and Pasteurized MiH VALENTIN DAIRY manisumaii NEW ROYAL H0TEIT J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK A WAV FROM UOM filiates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. tn 19fi Terrace, Hugh M. Adams Estate. $500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429, Range 5, C. D. Lakelse Road, W acres, Peter De Boer Estate $100.00; Lot 20, Blk. 11 TODAY'S STOCKS (Cuuruwy e, D. Jotvurtoa Co.) Vancouver Big' Missouri. X. Bralorne, 10.65. Cariboo Quartz, 20. Dentnnla. .01. Fairview, .014. Gold Belt, 25: Hedley Mascot. .48. Minto, .01V4. Noble Five, J0lk. Pacific Nickel. .10 Pend OreiUe, 1.75. Pioneer, 220. Prem'er, 15 XD. Privateer, .63. Reno, .36. Relief Arlington, Xi7. Salmon Gold, .03 Sheep Creek, 1.07. Cariboo Hudson, M. Oib A. P. Con., .15. 6,! Prince Rupert, George Mackllnjg Estate $900.00: Lot 4, Blk. 37, tg Sec. 5, Prince Rupert, J. D. Peel a Estate. $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas- g slar, 103 acres, situate near Aly-1 g antn, wm. Stewart Estate, siuu.-00; Unsubdirided portion Lot 2199,R.5,C.D., 142 acres, and cottage, Estate Nell McCarthy, $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5, Blk. 2. and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6,, FOR SALE English Pram, Phone Blue 609. FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul lets 97 $25.00 per 100. Also! Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis-1 tlon mtv nn tt ! FOR "SALE 20 trp: VlvtarPRaS engine in good condition $300.00. Apply Box 35. Dally News. 66 WANTED WANTED Small furnished suite or two light housekeeping rooms, starting April 1. Reliable tenant. Reply to G. J. HauRlir v. Room 3. New Royal HoM. 6H Calmont, .36. C. & E., 157. Freehold. J02. Home, 2JS0. Royal Can., .18. Okalta, 10. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .17. Toronto Aldermac, 25i. BeaUie, 1.06. Central Pat., 2.24. Cons. Smelters, 43.62: E&st Malartlc, 3X5. Fernland, .03. Francoeur, .40. Gods Lake, 32. Hardrock, 1.04. Int. Nickel, .43. Kerr Addison, 251. Little Long Lac, 3j05. McLeod Cockshutt, 11. Madsen Red Lake, .45. McKenzJe Red Lake, 1.22 Moneta. .70. Noranda, 72.00. Pickle Crow, 3.80. Preston East Dome, 2.03 San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrit Gordon, 35. Uchi, .75. Bouscadillac, .03 Vv Mosher, .07. Oklend, .07. Smelters Gold, .01. g S o s s Blk. 2, D. L. 45, Port Esslngton, g Estate Mary D. Holland, $200.00; o Unsold portion Lot 3822. Cassiar g (Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate! g John W. Strombeck, $500.00. g Official ;Adminlstrator, Prince a ' ' Rupert. B. C. tf.ig Dominion Bridge, 37.00. a gooa attendance of members atl Dally advertising me luncheon with several guests. I Sews Is sure to bring Mrs. Frank stead. Vance u ver. provincial president of ths Imoerlal Order, Daughter 0f the Empire, ults cue dally BAPTISTE MADE IN. VANCOUVER. Further Terms I Of Peace Pact iSome of the Lesser Concessions i Wikh Are Made by Finland To End War With Russia MOSCOW, March 14 (Canadian , Press) Under the peace treaty be- bWtvii liuosia aiiu uuatm ias m 'signing of which yesterday pre- S.J AW. -!.. t.nM4ltll.- U by ten hours, the Finns will allow the Russians to build a railway connecting the White Sea and the .the Gulf of Bothnia and to oper-'atp an air line across the Fetsamo district between Russia and Nor-'way. There will be no restriction on the passage of Russian citizens or commerce acrois the area. Finland must negotiate trade treaties -and make a non-agression alliance with Russia. I Former Inspector 0f Industries Is Dead In Victoria VICTORIA. March 14: (CP) John Bennett, inspector of lndus- f tries for British Columbia during Dall ,the Tolmie government, died at the re-(week-end. Copley Bennett of Prince Rupert is a brother. a fl I 9 IS BETTER EASTER NOVELTIES before featured in the city 15c to $3 Any item reserved till Easter on request. Make your selection while the assortment is complete Sll SYMPHONY EASTER CARDS An excellent assortment, reasonably priced. 2 for 5c 5C and 10c OrmeslM. Zrfift Pioneer Druqrists g . The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 82 0 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. S Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and g 7 to 9 p.m.