Quality You'll Enjoy AT AH A K OF TEA GARDENS rM Society To Drive Out .iroeiit in vci Lnu Of City of the Prince uiiural Society at mxht. decided to r Pnnoe Rupert to i . k 'Oarden Week." wpek the member effort to Increase a of the aoclety. It w:se to make reaer- j i . DRAMA IS sUte governor; Ruth Donaeiiy. a Klbbee'a atle; Eugene Pallette. a m poMUeal hirellflff? Beoiah Bond. summer flower as siewarxs mower: awito Aiiwyn c? promised by James1 H B. Warner. Oram Mitchell and Brothers. David Harry rarey 'DAY OF ! PRAYER I'rinre Rupert Join With ReU Of Empire In Appeal Fur Divine Intercession Prince Ruoert loined with the rest of the British Empire Sunday in observing a National Day of i Prayer In intercession to God for j the safety of the Empire and an Al-I lied victory In the war crlai. There I were especially large congregations In all city ehurchea. Sermons of the Spencer Ltd.. Milton Jatk, The patters befitted the seriousness of Fernchffe Oladiolus Farm, H. M. the occasion and there were also Eddie and K. McDonald's seed special prayers. house. . ! At First Presbyterian Church in Those present ai the meeting were H. F. PuMen, president; C. O. Ham. Charles Balagno, Mrs. the morning members of the Im .mat, equally ir not more important, I than strong armed force, was the; j support of that army with a citl- aetirv of total mn 3 nrl vmun Im. D CXKfl A lMTTr' !bud w,tn odllif principle. He IU1YIA1 1 1 11 flttoned the attitude toward God warcu mo exwvea eren in uus very A .Urrint romantic orama telling , f "a"11? d H while there were inc awry oi an earnest young man - - , - peop for wr Zd tceped m patriotic Ideal, and C' " uld ., r, eould not af- Caching, of history who is suddenly the Horticultural eatapui .nu we unite waies, of o., outl KUI tIT Jll U - I .n for the summer ln th toUs of a political machine iff activities. ; but suceeftfcfuH)- battles tt wide- start Oarden Week Pn?ad corruption, "Mr. Smith Ooes 10 Washington." starring James (!- ided to have a . Monday evening. Stewart and Jean Arthur, is the have paid their '. feature picture for the first half At r others wbo wish rrt t the Capital Theatre .a.: dolUr fee will : (. clock Monday An outstanding aspect of the pic - i. r permitting, and tur' lu scenes of Washington. U-. see the West-i"e locale betog xarfety laid in the ji:d any others that 'Notorial CaptUL ,w If this Jaunt Stcrt is the ysaing seoauw Miss cr.sa similar drives Arthur is his secretary who at first a! a later date to aeofts at him but eventually falls In ,f th irv Tkiiu love Willi him. ensue Plans oat for -ukr the trip wffl AWo Staying important parts in baseball ihe Daily Newt but the picture are Edward Arnold, as (rningf beforehand a patiUeal boss; Thomas Mitchell, rtarv c O Ham. or as a Washington correspondent . Nrwv As only a 11ml-1 Claude Raina, as aaothar United ,f r-.ir-. -m he Bvs(1.'RLate aenator: Out Klbbee. as a National Dav of Praver was also observed In the other city churches including Anglican. United and Baptist Baseball Is Still Alive are now being the farthering cause ln Prince Zztt at LOCAL NEWS NOTES Men in service. Can 32 for spe- NoUce is given that gun prac- rates. tise win oe carriea ou clal military . Tonight , lericic r on- Deiween me uu "'IJ t's truu. cue from the 8:30 ajn. and 12 noon. May 29, i :u o'clock, waa reported 1 1940. j Itnia afternoon to be on time. G-uelph. Ontario. Toronto, visiting at Watrous. Win nipeg and Sudbury enroute. Rev. J. H. Myrwang, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, sailed , . . Col. Raloh Webb P. 8. O.. dls- jack Wllwn. who has wen men- Canadian soldier and tiriffl with tne araii oi mc xw- - six former mayor of Winnipeg, will be ert Bakery here for the past months, left on Friday evenings; tne speaicer tomorrow av mc irBu-traln on his return to his home at weekly lancheon of the Prince D. C. McRae left on last eve1-ninga train for a few days busi ness trip to Terrace, accompanied by A. Mycrolt. McRae Bros, saies- perial Order, Daughters of the Em-1 . plre. under the municipal regent. ,r. w nalan. whose husband 1 Wlnslow. Mrs. Norrtngton, Percy Mrs. H. L. Landry, attended In a'i-H nt thi Northern Pyrites Miller Theo Collart. Mrs Tom body, numbering about forty. Thel,,. nn the Ecstall River, left on Priest and II T Locke. i pastor. Rev. II. Q. Funeten. held,,... -veninc's train for a trip to this afternoon oh the Catala lor Vancouver. He will proceed to Minneapolis to attend a chureh convention. v r. Freeman, former engineer nf the Port SlmDson Hospital and 'for the past few months located which, even though there might be here sailed this afternoon on the a victory oi arms, ehaos could only Catala for Vancouver wnere ne expects to locate. Mrs. Freeman and family being already mere. New York Stock iMart Is Weaker All Averaees Are Down Today Stock Eschanse Trading In Rupert Gyre Club. A. J. Prnd-;J homme has accepted an Invitation to address the club on Wednesday of next week, telling of hU recent trip M) riuiujtt Announcements AH adverttsmen In this column wint charged tor a full month at 25c a word. Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Darton's opposite new hospital. May 29. Evening Branch WA. Tea, May 30, Mrs. J. B. GlhsonX Girl Guide Association Tea, Mrs. J. R. Moriaon's. McBride Street, June 1. Presbyterian Mlsslonary'Tea. Mrs. Wm. Lamble. June 5. ) Hospital Auxiliary Home June 6. Tea, Nurses' P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows Hall, Friday, June 7. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's. June 13. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. W. worried : EW IUKr- Ma Nlchoils'. June 13. of the!York Hock markct had a nntwr RuDert 1 'a1" yesterday with 760)00 """"w share A a raj Navy nujLixiAiv Auxfflary Tea xca auu mic , rH f nu n..'' changing hands. Industrial aver- of home cooling will be held ln lrvai manner and it i rtiM ' age at ctosmg -as 11655. tip r.cx.VR. Barracks. June 15. ! raite 23.62. tjp i!6. and utQltles W K. 3.6. Hkelv there wUl be a . v,- .f-,. m 39 in rtew of tmtavorable war 'WTineut. the market plunged down- Cambral June .-FroMc, Moose "nl ta earty trading today with Hall. June 21. Tii - In h Fusil rs have TOiced ; heir mte-iUuiu at entering a 1 heavy losses in the first two hours . . imm Kh-mlrf nrf,nnM leapup aunng wmcn irauuig ratiwc uuua rium -uilc . re-ier-dlv f-!t led 790XKX) shares Industrials wei-e w mc t w- 4T7 at 11.1 '58 average and jTesoytertan iea, airs. a M I VSSSf 'i tJT .TT -BSSBEBK.. -&1BBHBaBaBBBBBBWBaBMBMBSaBSa-'-- aaaBBSSSSSSSSS aaRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnBa.iSSW.JK-W aBSSSSSSSSSSSSSS J. R . . -M srrsw t v..H. esc i ' .. - .. -- T - - 1 I T7i vrv Bv xssssv am. .a .Baaaa;aaBaBaBBaBaBaBaBaBBBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaBBBaaBBaBaBaBaBmBaBV BSSBBaasssssssssaBBBiBBBBSSSSSSSSWaBBSSSSSSSSsr assssssssssssss F " BaV .Cav 4 W gggsWBaWSBSSBgggf .I'ggr-gggggggggggggggggW ' aBaBaBaBaBaggggSamS BaK-igggggSlggggal .VT9SbHI .jfjd " lA..r.SaBaV -BKAHfifiHklllO 1 if II W N ,l,n tronH ic tn rTlmf hv marr f'irK ana . TlaSlTW mitltlaHTl I 3 JUUBK... , I - 'M v . t - "II . . Mm HHUHKm 91 I 1 'aHBBBBBMA.'w o v. SaaasaBBBBBBBBa;! I J " T ITLIIIIU 1U HUllk. IKUUC IU1 iBBBBBBBBBBBBBH I kaA. 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBJ i !V i.lniirn fivlinn nn liit-M tn mini' the ' BYaYaYarSaiSBYBri I M V V l' '"'"S on a bcaut,,u, smooth-running, j IR tSStltf .tmmUm V m. cas)'-fidinS C.CM for on a GCM i QIbbG JHHCIm. q cling is doubly enjoyable. Hftl.B t 1 lX "SbKbbbbbbB J . .JmEe-- H n-u- ia:t r r n: -i, SbbbbbH i 3 vxi mbbv aaaaaaaaaaaai y i r rr i iiicuuiu vvii, uiiiviuiii.viMiimii ibbbbbbbbbbbvi i i nt -aaa m bbbbbbbbbii s is w -v. tbbw (i i-iiiuir mi' ucauiv Mini iiioii luiiiuiim- bbbbbbbbbbbh I - jbW m V ' a v -7-W o , .... bb-sb-sb-sb-sV l.A. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSaBBBBBBBlBWIBBBr:. 3BW KMB ' Y-X ' ,Bw S1B1B1B1B1B1W .BBBaaaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBU SbbSSbt SB BBbBbBbBbBbBbWbBbBKV BBBBPaBDBBBBBBBBBBBH C.C.M. Bicycles Are Sold By MCRAE BROS. LTD. On the Usual Monthly Payment Plan C.C.M. Bicycles Accessories And Repair Parts Arc on Sale at GORDON'S HARDWARE 5 I CREPE SOLE SHOES For Misses and Growing Girls THE SHOE YOITVE WANTED Saddle style crepe sole oxfords in browns, tans, and brown and white combinations. Comfortable, serviceable and so up-to-date. Hurry while we have complete size ranee. Growing girls $225. $2.65 Misses Shes THE SHOE ALL CANADA IS TALKING ABOUT For Men And Young Men Walkmt on Air" that's bow you feel walking on these crepe soles. Styles $0, $155 and B. C. Furniture Co. Big Savings In Furniture 30 Inner Spring Filled Mattresses Over 200 tempered springs covered by a layer of cotton and of durable ticking. Regular $1750. $12.95 6 Strongly Constructed Couches Can be made Into double bed with a heavy comfortable mattress. Special S18.75 .... i-j Springs and Mattress Includes steel bed and good quality cable spring v 20 50 and felt mattress. Size 3-3. 4-0. Special 12 Walnut Finished Full Panel Beds With spring filled mattressex and cable springs. S3 V 7.50 Size 3-5. i-0. 4-C. Special 4 Sets of 3-piece Chesterfields In all nf calo. and styles including brown, rust 7500 v and one set hi red and green. Special One 4-piece Bedroom Suite In water fall deiign. Walnut finish consisUng of vanity with round minor, chiffonier, bench and bed. Special 6-Piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of vanity, bench, bed, large size chiffonier, spring fttled mattress and spring In all sizes. Special ... Phone BLACK 3!4 24 Felt Mattresses Next Door to B.C Clothiers $72.50 $118.50 $6.95 S $2.95 1 The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN 615 Mall Orders Promptly Filled THIRD AVENUE Open Saturday Night THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! catling it 0CEAH FALLS md POWELL SiVEi Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. . Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.nu For Jojvs, tc., call or tnrlto City Ttclut Office, SSt IrA Awo, 1 f V-8-40 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. aBBBBBBBSBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBWBaBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.SJS. CATALA EVERT TUES- T.S.S. CARD EN A JfRIDAT, DAY, 1:S0 p.m. 1:30 pjn. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. 'f if Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Farther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Fhon IM I