PAGE JOUR EYES Licencee for Numounls Full-vtie Frames, the Newest In Eye-Wear PUMPS, WALKING SHOES TIES, DRESS SHOES A large varied choice low heels, cuban and hlgh'neels to select from : $2.95 EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwolcry Repairing, Hand Engraving CIIAS DODIMEAI) Optometrist in Charge Phone 264 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties CUT RATE SHOE STORE Leaders In Shoe Values and Shoe Styles . Catering to Particular Women The Cut-Rate has always offered shoes that combine both comfort and that well dressed appearance. "Grown-Up" Styles for Growing Girls Styles just like ble sister's. ..A complete line of shoes reasonably priced for everyone from baby on up Complete Stock of Men's Shoes, Too The Cut-Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN 615 Mall Orders Promptly Filled THIRD AVENUE Open Saturday Night B. C. Furniture Co. Phone BLACK 321 4ext Door to B.C. Clothiers 1 Beatty Washing Machine In Al condition. Just like new ' 1 Lar j She China Cabinet A real snap new 4 Large Size Dressers From.. Third Avenue New and Used Furniture At the Lowest Prices in the City. It will pay you to come in and look over our lare stock of new and used furniture 832.00 $21.00 8 Reconditioned Typewriters Of various makes at very low prices 1 'National' Cash Register Just like 01 f? A A 7.50 to 810.00 J! Kitchen Ranges With oil burners. Complete from 40.00 10 50.00 New Furniture 2t Mattresses 3-3, 4-0. Special 16 Spring-Filled Felt Mattresses Regular $22.50. . Now 6. Studio Couches Can be made Into double bed. In the newest patterns 7.50 16.50 39.00 12 Chesterfields Of the finest quality and makes at given prices. J , It's interesting to .know when reading the Daily Newr that the people of the whole district are doing the tarn?. Waterfront Whiffs Result of International Fisheries Cora-mission Deliberations Awaited Death of Jack Morrison Mourned To the readers of this featur nf1 the Dally News-our hearty best' wlshp fnr a hanmi onj - I M anu Jl UOjJt, I UHS New Year are once again extended. Looking back, 1940 may be said to 'have contained many things to be thankful for as well as some things that might have been better. At the present moment, the outlook for the future is as reassuring as the uncertain conditions of the world ! these days may permit. Again, pur compliments and best wishes! I GIFT FOR ' i m Early in the new year the International Fisheries commission will be going into session to consider representations made at recent hearings conducted along the coast and draw up the regulations to govern the Pacific halibut fishing for 1941. As far as quotas and fishing areas etc. are concerned, no changes of any conseouence are antlclnatprl PrtnMnoi . 5 J i : - f- - - N'lA itlVVl CO V . -. Centres In U'hntl thf Pmwlcclrtn Ulner'A- fln!n frr ntfan-n in aitonri ... VVU111U4MIVII C3 V VIU T W U V VV j may do In regard to taking over the the annual meeting of the Fish- auminisiraijon or curtailment regu- enes wesearcn uoara oi uanaaa, lations. The Industry itself Is dlvid- They will return to the city about ed on that question and what the the middle of January. Commission may decide to an an-1 pears to be problematical. j HOSPITAL Incubator Presented by Trince Hu-pert Gyro Club at Christmas Luncheon Yesterday .mar. ik tm 1 1 jl ruicitsnanic, uiLiLAiidi a memoers iiifrri ntrs nr or me 1 no nnni com 5first of Aie week, was reported u6 TMcn . had ,00ked after tne missing from a fishing boat which lp . f Yl uie "uoaior. was stranded in Vanrmtvpr r,w' Tjai " in 'w"! receiving tne "ic incubator, iiicuuiiiur, Mr. Air. near Bella Bella lieved here that probably drowned. THE It Is now iohansen Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green. 41S Ballinger & Stafford Repairs of Ail Types Typewriters, Cash Registers, Adding Machines. Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Etc. Location Corner 3rd Ave. and 4th St. Next C.P.R. Ticket Office SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnz company with an all the year round navrnll In Prince Rupert '.Tinker lauded the Gyro Club for " the good work it had carried out for was 1 .v.. . . i... me communitv over manv vpars " - - - j j in the development of playgrounds i . . inn1 Ik n-A.n At H . jonn Dybhavn and Dr Neai uiauuu 01 same. More lur .... . psnpplallv Via n Tj-. ...1 , 1 l uarier jeit oy J Wednesday nesaay pvp- eve ' -iiwwicuscu wuat S . .the Gyro Club had done for the hos- puai in spienalflly furnishing a NOTICE OF APPLICATION I OR CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS 7m No. 2,- Nw Deal No. 3- and New I Dfal No, 4"' Mlnrral Claims , Situat in the Sttklne Vtlnlni Dlvl eral Act must .be commenced before Improvements DATED this 28th day of June. 1940. UAt.M. NOTICE To all norwKrm nnw M.M.nt 4 Wltliln THREE MONTHS after the com-' ln Into operation of thla Aft, jflve'' tiotlce In wrlUnB- tn ,. nir-ir... ' the chanze. Th ,name by which the person wan preloua- , ..u, .wie name aaopxed oy way of .uiuuiKc, iuie country of origin of the fjeraon, whether the person U British by ru imuumuzwuon or uanajien, the inaMvui. r j . . "-"j nA.-rai ui ilia janwiy wnoae I name waa changed at (the same time, and such further Information as the uircovor may require. The Director shall maintain a register In which shall be recorded nurtJeutiu-n irf under this section." rorms lor thta purpose may be obtained without rharge from Division of VIU1 Watlstlcs, Parliament Bldgs, Victoria,' B. O. ' - El Phone 957 JONES' in corinectioni'MI7II7 TTVni? with the Christmas luncheon in- llJjfY 1 I i El eluded vocal solos by Johny Obu- china and accordion solos by Mike fTf A A pUTiID Colussl. Charles P. Balagno was ac- Vl VrVll I Ji companlst. In the drawing for a turkey, pre sented by Bill Stone, the winner was Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. Christmas greetings from the in- ternatlonal secretary. E. L. Kasv of EddJe Cantor is an actor ln- Cleveland; the district governor. Q. stead the usual comic In "The T Vnrlrft rf Vnnnriiivpr nnH fl fnr FAMILY MARKET LEG of PORK wara, purchasing hospital bonds Per lb. and now providing the Incubator. FRESH SIDE PORK On behalf of the board, he grate-1 2 lbs. fully acknowledged the latest gift. 'SHOULDER of PORK- Per lb LOIN of PORK Per lb SIRLOIN TIP- Per lb. BEEF 'lon of Caaslar District. 1 V..' Where Located: At the Divide between TBONE ROAST the Gnat and Ptarmlcran Owv ' Pr Per lb. IK l.fwfuI 11oWct: Jeph B. Clearlhue, Victoria, B. O. 'TAKE NOTICE that I. ' Joseph B. Clearlhue. of Victoria. B. O, Free Miner's Certificate No. 56041-E.' Intend sixty days from th date hereof, to : apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificate of Improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of 1 the above claims, . AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action under Section 8S of the "Min PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb STANDING RIB Per lb RUMP ROA8T 6 lbs SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb. ROUND STEAK Per lb Per lb. VEAL tlen Columbia, who since December ! 1820, have chared their name Sec- ROLLED SHOULDER of reulila that"! "Change of Nam VEAL Per lb I la' FILLET ot VEAL "Every Q&na who dcmlolled In th .Province and who has, within the per- Per lb. . POULTRY Special 15-lb. TUKKEYS Per lb Saturday Only GEESE Per lb. ........ .' CHICKEN Per lb FOWL Per Jb Phone 957 Saturday Specials Fresh Killed Bulkley PORK Valley Pork 25c 25c 15c 25c 22c 25c 22c 20c $1.00 25c1 20c lbs. SHOULDER of VEAL CJ- .3 ,rar, preceains tne coming, 1 pn nf . LtAJ I VEAL into operation of thi An. nh.... uTi1 ft A name, whether the, change waa effeo-i 6 lbs 9UU ii in jinig province cr outelde thla, Province. unA a-ViAtv.. v.. i effected tjy deed (Poll cr Bdvertljiement 1 LAMB - "r or in ine UazeMe crl uot. and whether notice of the change SHOULDERS Rtrnirr nmo Of . T LAMB . .... waa Klven itn ith nirt nr n I r. iu whether the change was effected 'at the 1 rrn nt i A wn .k&U OI LAMB Ume of belnz naturoii .v,.n w w 22c 2,1c 1 Or' AOU, 25c 25c 30c 25c i;B:iiiiniiiii!i:ciioi1im;ffi;iEt:i: Turns Actor Instead Of Comic 'Forty Little Mothers" At Capitol Theatre nf w n nranf WnlCXl IS the In owijf ui riuiy AlOUiers,:. feature - offering w on --- Uicl utciiiucit uapw. v? . - v Hoillngworth of Calgary, were re- s1 ot the Capitol Theatre Terred to. hcre aItrnn and evening. Luncheon guests included G. P. He s,ns only 00(5 that Tinker. W. D. Vance. George Dibb, J3 Peter DeJong, Leonard Cripps.Nor- !!ir , fw Vvi itlrrp T r v. ry 4"lkuVi trio Tl lhalT. popular current lullaby Curly Head In a High B. E. Bailey. Sam Joy, Mike Colussl Iiased on ,ue French comedy and A. S. Nlckerson. ",u,UK;u' '"y "iue ,,, . . .... . Mothers" 1 thp atnrv rwf o Hmlil inere win De no uyro uiuo luncn- , " eon next week as Wednesday falls f"ege P'or who inherits a i l . . baov and a lot of nmhlnmi rhn on new x ear sway, iiie nexi ciuo . ,. 7 ' ' w " gathering wlU be In connection with hf attempts to conceal It In the Elrls board In? .1.. i.u - .1.- srhnol Tho nie visii oi me utsiriri governor, , , " "-"' 1 rr. v , t is one that blend.i mthm mmnM O. T. Yorke of Vancouver, on Jan- nartr ft fn tnetal 1QJ1 rf ft At and even drama. that Ume W. H. Tobey, formerly of JUun Anrn. distinguished this city and a former Gyro district Broadwfv sta? star, heans the governor, is also expected here. Mating cwt. She is tht head w the girl's boarding school and. V T the. heavy of the story. TailLUUVCl 1U Al iturcd In the cast are n 1 T T (Ralph Morgan, Rita Johnson, rllfK UUIV IIP 1C NflW Bonlta Granville. Diana Lewis and .Nydla Westman. tC. Some say that eight-months old SEATTLE, opatttp Dec. 23. Seattle ,-nm went n.ihv Onintonnt, -.--I- .u. . The Prince Rupert General Hos- fff fo the leadership of ' TLT w,ow' pltal came into oossession of an- e Paci.fic 00351 ock?r Lea5ue ..JERUSALEM, Dec. 27; (CP) other valuable piece of equipment IT n'?ni ,M n yanuv ijth AustraUan Infantry Brigade, by gift vesterdav when, at the "y a tauu" "ere, - prints its own i i .. .u. score score oi of five live to to three. mree. Spokane, Spokane, newfoai newspaper - for 4he folk " back m, . . .iiuuuaj luutircuii oi tile riince . . , . ... , . ine enure waterfront and fish-1 Runert n ninh formal n ing community mourns the na..:oi . a. ' w.. fc no nr r ti .. . : v m a., ""."uaiui uj . ..un. ti 41 i " yojji.. ouuu i. Morrison, F " ,e """"" the club to the hosDital twm- Hali-!entatlon ma'de tW ZSJ'n' w on ciSlS out Marketing Board, ' . . 'Points behind Spokane. u-hnw wdra, wnose tho rlnV. ....i. k u.. v,o ncM.n( .j. .. ' rinn nv rnp Tires npnt. I n A a I death occurred Christmas nrisrmas rv icve Miintr 5. . The league standing to date: and whose funeral took WLLFA Pts. S place thU V half o th hosp ta board one afternoon. There was no better ' 0 Pmwr VlVanC0UVer -9 3 9 63 54 21 1 a'KMii 1 n nncnira rvrn m inn ' 1 - - feea Fishermen s Union here and membershlrj. The hone of th rinh I I M !.r"" aP actIre hal1- and its members was that this niece, ;but bcat cperator since the days 01 me oiq trawlers on this n me luni ui me ceniury. His pasfdns removes nnp' nr tho . I .- L . ,1 ui cquipmcin wouia prove useiui and efficacious In helDine the hos-1 pltal to carry out Its good work. links with he olden times of theT f , WaS made to W" industry. F' stone- chairman of the commlt- 'tee on. the Hallowe'en hoedown h fu. j 'x... . jdance, success of which had made .u, uici wuiu iicis Deen re-1 ceived at nrovlnclal noiw hMrfJit 1 Possible . , , to .purchase the lncuba-! quarters t here fmm Rpii r, . tor for tne hospiUl. and to Dr. R. ixJoncernlng the fate of a fisher-1' .Jl6' ?ai,k D'bb an.d1.W1,llam CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone isiaisiBni:caifln;''a tntdy, December 28, TONIGHT OM v 2 fihnu.. .Aa I AND 32 TAXI 1940 and 9;os EDDIE CANTOR In "40 LITTLE MOTHERS" (At 7:30 and 9:33) Also Cartoon - Novelty Sport TICKETS NOW SELLING "New Year's Eve Midnitc Frolic" HUSH SEATS 50c RESERVED 73c COMING MOW, TIIES., IVtD. Jean Arthur, Melvyn DvuiIm in "TOO MANY HUSBANDS Also "London Can TaW. u ' " v II Reach ten tnouoai.d iim "want ad." In the pally NeWj. To Our Afany Patrons and Friends ' we Extend A Very Happy New Year THE SEAL COVE TRUCKING AND TRANSPORTATION CO. "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at. STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD RUPERT BUTCHERS IJULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Prince Rupert (). (i British Columbia CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PBINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, H:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION PAKE, to VANCOUVER and IIETURN 75 Hn (III T,cket3,onsale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. !iirL" V v Final return limit March 31st, 1941 w11 InformaPn and Reservation, etc. r.n Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Runert Agents, for Trans-Canada Air Llnea BIG DISCOUNTS Off All FUR COATS Our season Is Open to Buy "aw Furs and We Need the Money Goldbloom The Old RellahiA NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Froprletor "A nOMB, AWAY FR(M HOME" Rates 75c Dp 50 Roonw Hot St Cold Wr Prlnct Rupert, B.C. Phone Z81 P.O. Box 111 ?