VXSZ TOUR Skeena Crossing Youth Succumbs Dick Woods rasses Away in Haiel-(on Hospital, Buried at Home Village SKEENA CROSSINO, April 12. ProPte to the occasion. The pall- lutrareia were, oen itusseii. Arrnur' The h riMth death of of Dick ni-i, Woods, fifteen !.- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woods of Kitsegukla, occurred In the Hazelton Hospital Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. The death was not only mourned by his family and relatives, but by the whole community. Funeral services were held Wednesday in the United Church at Kitsegukla. The hymns "Rock of Ages" and "Near My God to Thee" were sung. Members of the Sundav Malkin's Best Tea Per lb. Malkin's Tare Honey 2's 29c 49c Grape Fruit Juice La;gc bi-oz. sue Malkin's Tork And Beans 3 for 25 c 24c Golden Corn 2 for 25c 60c ered the hymns "Thy Will Be Done." A comforting sermon, entitled "The Destiny of Life," was given by N. McEwen while Chief Morgan led the congregation in prayer. M. Wesley was at the organ. The Band, under the direction of Walter Wesley, headed the procession from the church to the grave side and rendered music ap- Peas and Carrots 2 tins Malkin's Best Pumpkin Per tin 10c Malkin's Marmalade- 32-oz. Jar 28c 4-lb. tin 43c Malkin's Best Red Cherries Per Un 15c Sockeye Salmon' Is 34c is 20c 25c 111 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific Te Vancowrr Tia Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB PRIKCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 p.m. T Vaomttr Direct SPrince Korah April 2th, 18th, 30th, May 10th To KetthJkan, Wran;eIL Juneau and Skagway ApriJ 4th, 14th. 25th, May 5th, 16th, 27th I Conasetion. at Vanconver with Canadian Pacific Services '.' " Tickets and Reservations from W. L COATES. Ornrril Arrnt n.i ' iiiiire rvunrri. ki: Your Coal Problems Solved We have in stock a well pre- Wer&'fd eSSCft pared carefully screened Coal ( you sAouiffdm ' to suit your Individual re- IfoMi' A ntiirmnf -i. L . . Ai in coal, to procure the best In Lumber and Building 651 52 Cod 6urnf LSVMGlCSl Philpott Evitt &. Co. Ltd. kVIl SAND CEMENT GRAVEL . J0U nave V1,,,,ethlnS t0 sell classified advertisement Mitnis naMtr will nnn lot vnn lnni it i f i United Church Sale Is Success In spite of the Inclement weath- a verr successful snrincr sale Howard. Jeoffry Johnson, Tommy, "C,Q tsieiaay aiiernoon in Brown and Joe Brown. nrst Unlted Church Hall. The Dick Woods Is survived by his hal1 was t84 "y decorated with parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Woods, ,prin greenery and tea tables brothers, rvan. Max and Walter I wltn d"dlls. Receiving the Woods, and sisters Lulu and Pansy 8uest3 at tne door uere Mrs-Woods, all of Kitsekukla. J c Jackn and hits. Andrew LEOPARDS MAKE TROUBLE f ; inompson. Mrs fionrtra fl ELGIN. South Africa. April 12: bv xt r j n.nn .n4 r (CP) After killins 60 sheen. ' ..v.m,, uuiutg CtC O. Al. Ifonarn un trannoH nr. UnnHaik m i- - . M ....... '"'"t . viiu- kuicu in i monuis. LINZEY & DAVIES Phone 585586 CASH SPECIALS - FREE DELIVERY FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby chicks from vig orous new blood leghorn breeding itock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pullets (97) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm. Mission Clty.BC. tf FOR 8 ALE Sealed tenders for the purchase of the gasboat "Audrey w. win De received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, April 15th. Length 42 feet, width 10 feet, draft four feet and powered by 16-20 Easthope. Boat may be seen at Yacht Club. Terms: Cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A.1 Watt, Official Administrator. I B01RD AND KOOM (83) OOOD room and board in private iiome. Apply 25 Borden Street (87) IV THE M'l'KCME Ol KT OK IIRITIhH fOLI'MRIA lS 'KOIUTE i ... TAKE Nfmn .x... . ... I r-oo. Ind-bUtJ to t)u. Estate of U" ald Jee Julian 7-k.T required to pr the amountoTuiSr to 'n forthwith tart alt Pw Tln claim. e4?amt the EaUte ai rraulml tv. 7 .C nproper.7 venr nor ShwL 1840 hich - vi uie mia Ewtate aha.ll be made Ukiw ii. . UCh clalma u .K.M .v. . . 7 flld with me. Rupert. B. c. tola ,-?JAIt.rrLac' 23rd day of March iBio; SYDNEY DOUGLAS JOHNSTON Executor of the Ete of Jesse Julian Jackton, Decemwd. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A nOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 80 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Ml P.O. Box 111 ALL READY: DON'T TALK Delithtfnl Affair Yesterday After-L .... . ... V. R.A.K's "Boots-and-SaddleV c n ... .J j Quiet Affair But All Done With Precision and Efficiency WITH THE R.A.F SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND. ADril 12: CP What happens at a Royal Air Force station when a long-distance re-; connalssance IHght over enemy ter- rttory is ordered? Here's a picture' of what It's like. The warning is issued early in the day. In the afternoon and early, evening flying crews have an op-1 poriunuy u get some steep. In the mess the officers chosen 'or the flight gather at one end of the long ante-room. Two play rhove-ha'penny. viv-ttMVMUJ- nilV.t Another i group iUUJJ . . a. V. . o while the serviteurs were Mrs. J I JtanrU hv ih. rim foin Clavrlng, Mrs. N. Thomas. Mrs. O pilot officer writes letters. No one T. German and Mrs T Fraser dl.vuuM ih rn.h Th. cui. Mrs. Webber acted as cashier. .lar scenes in the sergeants' mess The ranrtv sal na cnnrfntH .and the alrmn'. In.tltuf by the C. G. L T. under the direc-J A senior officer Is called to the Uon of Mrs. C. Boardman and'nhone. ;Mrs. Gibson and the Young Wo-Jjutant to bring the flying crews men's Auxiliary fish pond, novel-. over. I ties and plant booths were lnl The "show Is on. The word is ! charge of Mrs. Pilkington, Mrs. I passed around. The officers cross Jack Wrathall, Mrs. Clarke Mc-1 to the hangars. Outside It U bright- ., -.o. . ...vumuc, s. i cr ana weamer reporu favorable , E. O. Southby and Miss Violet! tk w . . . I DelL - a tic mm ri itr rv i mm rnif t rt i The fancy work table was In charge of Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mr o. V. Wilkinson, the home cooking, Mrs. J. Krlkevsky and Mrs. EJ. Jem r and the post-office. Miss D. Sharpe and Miss Dorothy Stiles. CUSsiFiED FOR SALE Trolling boat 'Partner". Length 30 ft, powered by 6 h.p! Easthope. Boat and engine both in good condition. Lots of spoons and spinners and very Utile used, 4-spool gurdy (not Installed). A real bargain at $375 cash. Apply wonnsen. WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, middle -sea wiaow preferred. Apply Box 494. Prince Rurrt n n err to loin the officers. In th squadron commandine officers iwui. uuhi mio wie siae of a hangar, the cantalns of aircraft now a short last-mlnut ronfr ence before changing Into flying Know Their Jobs The plan of the onrat!nn iih aewn Beforehand Is clear-cut Each man knows exacUy what hr u t do. The silence is shattered as the motors start. A military sentry with fixed bayonet is on guard. M?m-bTS of the crew come out tn th aircraft The sUtlon makes a tour of inspection and the ground crews go about their work. Every machine has Its load of Hampered by their heaw elnth. ing and: parachutes, the airmen climb into their machines. Only navigation lights are left showing. j me nare-path lights are turned on to guide the pilots In the takeoff. The leader of the first section of three aircraft taxis to the edge of the airdrome. With a heavy Joad of bombs he wants all th run he can get Oround watchers fol low me navigation lights as the machine roars across the fiM Then the bomber rises slowly and circles me airdrome. Soon two other aircraft Inin it and the other three bombers form ing tne second section follow im. mediately. All six arc quickly heading for Heligoland Bight TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtj 8. D. Jofcnrfoa Oo.) Vancouver lg Missouri, .09fc. Bralorne, 10.25. is Cariboo QuarU, 2.65. Dcntonia, .01 H. Falrvlew. .01 H. Oold Belt. .24. Hedley Mascot. .43.-Minto. .03 M. Noble Five. .00?;. Pacific Nickel. .11. Pend Orlelle. 1.95. Pioneer. 2.35. Premier. 1.26. -Privateer. .65. Reeves McDonald, .18. Reno. .30. Relief Arlington, .06. Salmon Oold, .03. Sheep Creek. 1.06. Cariboo Hudson. .03 ft. Oils A. P. Con.. .19. Camont, .38. C. Si E., 2.00. Freehold. .02Vs. Home. 2,75. Pacalta. .05. Royal Can.. .17H-Okalta. 1.24. Mercury. .07. j Prairie Royalties .18. TORONTO Aldermac. .23. Beattle. 1.08. Central PaUieia. 2.10. Con. Smelters, 43.75. East Malartkr, 3.75. Fernland. M. , Francoeur. .47. I Gods Lake. 51. Hardrock. 1.08. Int Nickel. 42.00. Kerr Addison. 2.52. Little Lon Lac. 3.00. McLeod Cock-shutt 2.04. Xtden Red Lake, .45, Moneta, .70. Noranda, 73J0Q. Pickle Crow, 3.40. Preston East Dome, 2.19. San Antonio, t.25. Sherrltt Oordon. 1.01. Uchl. .68. Bouscadlllac. m. Mosher. .07. Okland, .063;. Dominion Bridge, 37D0. SUPS IN THE SKY CAPE TOWN. Anrtl 12- rrp. When caretaker T. McKlnlev huilt a 17-foot cabin launch on the roof of an office building In the business section here, he created a problem for movers who took It to the ea. They lowered it during a quiet Sunday afternoon. TROUSER MORTALITY FLEETWOOD. Eng.. April 12" CP)When a DanUh seaman was fished from the m affh hook here after falling from h- dock, his colthlng tore and he dropped back and was drowned. THE HOMESTEAD 8 'tc making big improvement!, . . cua you come into a legacy?" r, I cot a Home Imnrrw Loan from the Bank of Montreal. A simple matter no fuss or bother. The rates are low. and I'm paying it wv,jv. uj iimaimcnij. Home Improvement Loans . . . obtainable t J3.25 per $100 repayable in twelve monthly instalments. For borrower mK seasonal incomes repayment may be made in othef convenient periodic instalments. Ask for our folder. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1017 . -W Unk tAu imaU accAtuiii au tml&mtl" Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM. Manarrr Stewart Branch . y. LITTLER, Manager Zoomed Ahead Over Germany Laconic Report Of It A. F. Obser-vers Tells Fate Of Nail lielnkel LONDON. April 12: (CP) The crew of a Royal Air Force plane on I reconnaissance over Germany gave j the occupants of a Helnkel a rude shock. The British aircraft was on ob-servation and photography duty when 1U crew saw the Helnkel preparing to land on a German airdrome. The Helnkel wai clrcllns .around, Its undercarriage already j down. The wing commander In charge .of the British plane dived under full power out of a cloud bank and new beneath the enemy bomber. Pasting directly under the landing wheels. Then he loomed up In front of the German enabling the rear gunner to fire a hurt hii. hk machine-gun. I There was nn retaliation from the German side." was the laconic POmment Of the narrator f tv,. cxntnu. The British Unued with 1U task. - - wvm w (lie con- inoitA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows : Mon Tues., Wrd. 7 to II p.m. Thursdav 7 to II p.m. Frldaj C to 10 p.m. Dance 10:30 to 2 a.m. Sat Children 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.nu- to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties NOTICE 11111 V It Complet. s. LESLIE HOWARD "Intermezzo" 'At I 30. Ont( 0bIi Plus AKIM t "VUJJ ""K A CROOKED MIlr World ts Once Onl COMING SaTtJP Mtlvjn Douti;. Joan Blondtil to .ooa t.irls G, T, .... 9 VELVirr If "r r-t. " .v,. v nc.AM, KIJi SHAKES and GOnn u.., id. U and I PAR 6 - ... uil ' 1 u.MtZ CONFECTI0XERI STORE Xow Open T1I II la. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Oppotlte CanadUa Urw (.Meet Her in a Meter Cabi DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 1 Can Ride for Price of One We Wish to Notify Patron Tha ' Meat Department I No Open for Hulnei. Only lli(h qualltr Mft Carried. FRL'K DKLIVCKY Aniwhere In the C(tv Tfc n.TM Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Opcrativc Associalion "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rrlncw Rupert BrU,,h Colniii COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. phone nc rnoNE in