15. 1040. MacKenzie's Furniture 'tK; Kcst Ma Urns Containing over 800 small ipiral xprlngs i ra id cunun. uuui lor siecp. 50 it ni, Sprlnr-Bullt for sleep, r tic filled Mattrem Phone 775 COAL IANAIMO WELLINGTON 2s 29c Wk 49c Malkln's Pork And Beans MalUluv Best Tea- r it: 3 for 25 c Grape Fruit Juice Olp I ! 53-oz. size . (olden Corn 2 for 25c 60c 815.00 818.75 NOTICE Wi' Wish lo Notify Patrons That Our Meat Department I Now Open for limine Only High Quality Meat i ('jrr.rd. HUX DELIVERY Anywhere In the City Phone 7CI Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Operative Association ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. riioNE n lit; ; xBat i PHONE 111 P CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'acific To Vancouver vis Ocean Falls and Way Ports P S PRINCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct s fvPrtncess Norah April 8th. 18th. 30th. May 10th To Ketchikan, Wraniell. Juneau and Skatway April 4th. 14th. 25th, May 5th, ICth, 27th actions at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Iteservatlons from I. fOATrs. General Arent. Prince Itupert. B.C. LINZEY & DAVIES Phone 585 58C CASH Sl'KCIAIS - FRKE DELIVERY Malkln's Pure Honey pes and Carrots 25C 2 tlas Malkln's Best Pumpkin Per Un- Malkln's Best Bed Cherrles- Pcr Un I 15c Sockeye Salmon Is 34c 20c cyruiciiiYSj I Fm' .TT I (S3 "A MESSAGE TO HITLER" By ROBERT A. MORTON Only a few weeks to wait, and the first warm glow of Spring will touch the devasted lands and peoples of Europe! From the beginning of time, Herr Hitler, Spring has been nature 8 promise to mankind a promise ot new 1 i.-- 1J 1 . Li L i. J fellowship among men. But in this year of 1940, Spring may bring the fulfillment of another promise. Herr Hitler, your promise of mutilation and death for countless thousands of men, women i sm. avarice and barbarity. Herr Hitler, many years ago a shrunken little German professor nemed Nietzsche, who was to die insane, wrote a book. In It he exalted the German "superman," hailed the warrior as nature's su- oreme achievement, gioruled war and the conquest of the weak and preached the WiU to Power as Ger many's highest destiny. Other writers Invented the myth of the "superior Aryan race." of which Germans were represented to be the "Build H. C. Payrolls- NICER CAKES if NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A UOSnj AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot to Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phont Z81 r.O. Box 191 world. "One day my grocer recommended Pacific Milk. I took a can thinking to myself, 'evaporated milk Is Just evaporated milk." but my surprise was great. I found that Pacific Milk makes my cakes so tender and fine textured and they keep fresh and moist so much longer." Mrs. L. G. ifrom a letter. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed WOOD for SALE $7.50 per Cord PHONE 459 Phones 18 i 19 P.O. Box 575 CONFECTIONERY STOKE Now Open Till 10 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Grim Fairy Tales exiled all who resisted Its Inhuman theories and practices and thus. Herr Hitler, by means of concenlrar tlon camps, firing squads and uw deadly propaganda, the collective mind of many Germans was pais-1 oned, deluded and paralyzed. The others have been silenced. Under your inspired guidance Germany has abolished the forms of civilized Justice and has set up the supremacy of force and war as the legal principle of a German world order in which man is doomed to live and die under a Ood-sreated Nazi dictator and a regime of hate, greed and banditry. Herr Hitler, upon this planet call ed The Earth man during his brief nay U reset with the perils of natural forces that he must combat to remain even a short space of time. Then, too, selmlshness and vanity have incited man against man in warfare. But slowly and lurely through the ages there has ivolved a sense- of interdependence imong groups of men, an under ttandlng and practice of mutual responsibility and altruism. . of friendship and generosity and -elaizatlon ofr spiritual values that :ame to a flowering In the life of the Nazarene. All of these precious growths, the fruit of the wisdom of many gener-ltlons of men these have been denied and suppressed by your command. German children, young and old, "lave been taught to hate with a ssychopathlc hatred, to see only through blood-shot eyes, to think nly in terms of a single warped nlnd. The stream of energy of the 3erman people has been turned wide from the building of civilization to the sabotage of the structure they helped to create. Your :ult has Imposed upon Its own and Dther peoples strak cruelties that have shocked and united against Oermany the public opinion of all free nations. Leading Nation to Ruin Would you have the world believe, Herr Hitler, that you and your ?roup are the Idols of the German oeople, a people bereft of all right 'jo act or think for themselves, living under ruthless military law, hounded by a secret police, with the shadow of the executioner reaching over every home? A people led to iconomlc ruin and to slaughter In i senseless war? Do you exult In the enforced acclamations of a stricken multitude? Think you, Herr Hitler, that one nan in his moment on Earth can blow out the torch of reason, or nullify the divine attributes of mind and soul? If so, I disagree with you, for, after a fleeting In '.erval, the physical self returns to its separate elements and hate, frenzy and cruelty become only a sunnea memory. r Herr Hitler, the purpose of this message to you Is not solely to con-Jemn. For you I hold the same sympathy as for an unfortunate whose offenses against humanity are the products of a clouded vis ion. Plainly It it written in the records of medical science that an abnormal ego, when charged with an over-powering urge to inflict suffering and death upon others and bordering on a reversion to primitive brutality, Is a mental 111- SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA Wolves Playing Havoc With Deer Moose Are Also Bing Attacked In Tweedsmuir Park Country BURNS LAKE. April 15: Wolves have been playing havoc with the I L JlalU( beauty, new life, and renewed inspiration for tmUmd 8ureround, Blnta and Uncha purest representatives, and by thAt'Kes jusi norm oi 'ww" Park. On Blnta Lake they killed strange fiction enUtled to rule the You, Herr Hitler, soared high on lured. calf after a hard battle In which - t ..inl.... m a a .Aiinmlii tn cuiiurrn. null is to uc jruui n,ina. nr .u.Vi crntn r.Hrv tales nn Un mnv uhn hnld a Springtime contribution to the pro- and promlses. Day and night the trap line in that territory, set Kress of the human race your gilt , propagarwja f your cult of war as- traps around the carcases of the to the world as the leader of a na- salled the national conscience of moose and succeeded In catching tlonal group engaged in spreading our pe0pie Wuh the savage doc-.three blr wolves one black, one uerman culture in Europe. trineg of Nletzche and the call-to- grey and one half black. For the so-called national Inter- the-race-to - conquer of Wllhelm . ests and honor of Oermany, you wirth. "God" it was proclaimed ' . . . . have pledged a Spring harvest of -a Nazi Ood. has ordained a world , avmB onf Z X Blood and Iron. Already, after dominated by Germans: has gtven lnT! i T 2 j "rived In the city u a the ed of Ue many promises a, easily broken as Germany a sacred mission to rule Riven, your Nazi war iriachlne has or destroy 'Inferior' peoples." Indi,a" f"1! revival of ttie l&w of the it i a t .I..IH..J t tliflt Imornine for Massett and is due lauuomy in possewinBciYULtco in. iumsie VOur cult gained followers,,. . .,u tVw. ,., nt mac, muifcuv wiui mis vvu..6 v.. i iii j i j itlncts of a higher order than your Kized power klned. imprisoned or own and material resources ripe for olunder. As one who has known and loved the German people, marveled at their genius for the arts and sciences of civilization, revered the great names of their poets and musicians, I, an American citizen, have watch ed with sorrow your rise to power, and the crippling and enslavement of the mind, spirit and goodwill of the nation. And, yet. I have some understanding of the process by which a people can be pushed Into the bottomless Pit of fanatical ego- flclal. The local agent, James GlI-lett. is also making the trip. Exceptionally heavy passenger and freight movement for cannery headsman's axe and by unceasing , lnts along coast !n prepara- nMniv nrnniffinn) rnp rnnppnvr . . . . tion lor tne coming season causeu the delay to Union steamer Car-dena, Capt. John Boden, which did not arrive In port until 9 o'clock Saturday night from the south, sailing at 11:45, more than twenty- four hours late, on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. The Cardena brought north cannery crews for Goose Bay, Carlisle, North Pacific. Margaret Bay, Wadham's, Brunswick and Rivers Inlet. RECALLS TOM BROWN LONDON, April 15: CP) Marjf Hughes, daughter of Thomas Hugh es, the author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays." has celebrated her 80th birthday. A Quaker since the last war, she has lived In Whltecha- oeL aiding the poor, nearly 40 year's UNWELCOME JOYR1DE Mrs. Marv Gavmond eot out of al railway coach at the wrong stop, Cambered on the train again but -ouldn't get in. She rode several miles on the step and unsuccess- ully sued the railway company for negligence. .. . . ness. lis causes ana treatment are; well known. Herr Hitler, let an armistice be declared. Withdraw from the gov ernment of your people. Let th$ most learned physicians of Ger many and America gather in a neutral country. Courageously submit yourself to. them for study and care. The roadway to that rendezvous will be paved with the pennies of American children and covered with the Spring blossoms of all the world. In the name of the youth no whom you have promised to destroy this Springtime, and of the children who will never be bora if Vour promise of Death In the Spring shall come to pass, will you not ?rant that boon to mankind? CUsfltO FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous hew blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100. pullets (97) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mission City. B.C. tf . FOR SALEHouse, two lots. Apply evenings 1003 Ambrose Ave. (941 FOR SALE 20 foot cabin boat, 4 h.p. Royal engine, $125. S. j. Mellor, phone Blue 202. (91) FOR SALE Bedroom suite, buffet, kitchen set, etc. Phone Mrs. Edgcumbe, Black 910. (91) WANTED WANTED Housekeeper, middle aged widow preferred. Apply Box 494, Prince Rupert, B. C. tf. WANTED Small house Phono Green 996. LOST or flat. (93) LOST A young black and tan male pup. Answers to "Rex." Anyone housing same return to 103 Hays Cove Circle. (91) MANCUNIAN SCRAP ' R.N.L.I. AWARDS . MANCHESTER, April 15: (CP) WELLS, Eng.. April 15: (QPf- Manchester is collecting Its scraps The Royal National Lifeboat Instlj as a wartime economy measure and tuUon has awarded $23.53 to mem February saw 4 8tons of paper col- bers of its crew In this Norfolk vll lection from households compared lage who sought a missing tu3'22 with 11 tons In January. hours In The Wash without lbid. " I MM II j I THE i Friendly Feeling of a GREETING CARD The New 1910 Cards for Every Occasion Are Coming In FOR- Birthdays, Anniversaries, Showers and Weddings, Bon Voyage, -Birth Congratulation and Announcement, Cards of Sympathy We Have a Complete Range on Display Come in Often ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8;30 a.m.to 5!30 p.m. Phone GREEN 916 Mossfield Wool White Blanket Size 72x84. $12 50 Genuine Entlish Point Blankets Size V2 point. SI 7 00 10 lbs. 63x31. Per pair ?XIoVU Size 4 point, 12 lbs. 72x90. S20 ?AiVvU 00 Per pair 2 and S119.56 sePrhesterfield S69-50 2 Only, Printed Linoleum Rugs Size 7Vjx9. OQ (V flO.tJV Sale price, each 1 Only Seamless AxmJnster Rug Size 9x12. 50 Sale price ?OOtUv SAVINGS m USED FURNITURE Extension Tables From ,. $5.00 Bedroom SuiteConsists of bed, dresser, bench QQQ Cft and chiffonier Ranges and Stoves Reconditioned, ready for use. $20 00 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 J. H. BULGER Optometrist BoyaJ Bank Bldg. Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.SX. Dally at 4 p.m. TROTIER'S DOCK i