ft ft L Friday. December 20, 1040, JSMl.' '' ' . . . I1 agaa i . 1 Hockey Standings amps That Light Your Home Invitingly Come in and see one of the choicest collections of lamps we've ever had the privilege to assemble, Floor lamps, bridge lamps, table lamps, dainty boudoir lamps.! New sty!ings and new lighting improvements. Jusjt the lamps to add charm to your home or to' select now for holiday giving, prices are new , prisiiitfly low! GORDON & jj THIRD AVENUE Home Furnishings, Electrical Su pplies, Furniture Carpets,. Etc. I LOOK 'EM OVER S CRANBERRIES Lb 30c ft FANCY FEARS Dozen 25c tt ORANGES 2 dozen 35c $ PEANUTS 2 lbs 25c CLUSTER RAISINS 30c ft HOY PIinrOLATES 2oc ft f1 flnv 35c kauiykuo- WM.'CiC ox. HKAZIL NUTS Even the . and sur- 10c TRY -Perfect Hosts Provide Walker Buy British and help Britain ' DISTILLED BLENDED because they kno4ik their Scotch and BOTTLED in SCOTLAND LABEL 2Ci ok. 3.75 40 oz. $5X0 Black Label Over 12 Years old ST1U CCHNO STIOMO This advertisement U not published or displayed by the Liquor control Board.or by the Oovern. ment of British Columbia DARK FRUIT CAKE Each $1.00 RICH SHORTBREAD Each 25c McINTOSH TOFFEE Lb 25c CHRISTMAS WINES Bottle . 25c TURKISH FIGS Lb 25c LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 4 for . 25c Toasted Marshmallows Lb 25c PASTRY SHELLS 25c VELVET ICE CREAM PLUM PUDDING-Pint 3Q 1 COPELAND'S Fruit IVJarket U mm DELIVERY SERVICE I'l.one 872 I ANDERSON I el "Early Advertising Copy Will be Very Much Appreciated JHiS it te v: I VSS&A&Wi':- 151 9 National League Toronto 13 0 3 52 29 26 Detroit 7 5 5 39 33 19 Boston 6 3 6 52 40 15 i Chicago ,..-....6 3 7 33 33 15 Rangers - - 6 2 7 42 41 14 I Americans 4 3 9 28 51 11 ICanadiens 4 2 9 29 43 10 CHICAGO WHEAT PRICES CHICAGO, December 20 Chi cago wheat futures were 'fee. lower to c. higher yesterday with December closing at 88 Vic. onto FOR SALE FOB QUICK SALE I Goblin elec trie vacuum, like new, $35. Trl- lite lamp, $8.95. 1 Rogers radio, $7.00. Phone Black 392 between 5 and 7 D.m. (299) 4 ROOM House for sale before rented out 6th Ave. E, 4 min utes walk from Drydock. Va cant January 1. Terms. Apply 1203 7th Ave. E. 298 'J I Pacific Coast League fejf W L L P APts.M Spokane 9 2 5 41 38 w, Vancouver 8 z e 4 as w Portland 8 0 11 51 M 16 Rattle 5 4 8 48 55 14 FOR SALE C.CM. Bicycle. Phone FOLKS I is SOME 3j n Blue 898. '298) FOR SALE Modernistic walnut' dinette suite. Phone Black C03. (299) FOR SALE Furniture. No dealers. Phone Green 577. , (299). LEAVING TOWN. Must sell few articles of furniture. Cheap. Suite 9, Summit Apartment. 298 1 1 FOR KEN1 FOR RENT Large furnished office including heat and light. Dally News. tt; FOR RENT 1 room cabin, partly furnished. Near Drydock. Phone Blue 822 between 5 and 7 pjn. WANTED We never had such variety In lockets and necklets as we have this year. Some are round and some heart shaped. Others are various fancy shapes. Some are hand engraved In beautiful floral designs and some are machine engraved with modernistic lines and many are in several shades of gold such as red, green or yellow. Prices range from $2.50 to $11.50 except a few In heavy solid gold at from $15.00 to $25.00. Also we have silver from $3.50 to $5.00, And even the babyisnot forgotten at prices from $2.00 to $5.00. Also we have some new designs In necklets which ara very beautiful. We Will He Glad to Show You 298 WANTED at once, laboratory boy over sixteen for approximately six weeks. Fisheries Experimental Station. See Dr. Bailey at building on wharf. 297 LOST LOST Wallet with $12.96 between No. 1 hut and Scottish cookhouse. Please return to Scottish mess: hall. (298)' Give Her A LOCKET This Year imt STORE WITH THE CLOCA A MAN'S GIFT . . . Should be something he'll make use of . . . What could be more suitable than a gift of Wearing Apparel . , LOCALS Capt. Clendenning and Capt. Whittle of the Irish Fusiliers are Sailing tonight on the Cardena for Vancouver to spend Christmas leave at their homes In the south. W. O. Fulton, .who has been cn a trip -Ibtilnttt leal;J)iislness; re-turnett'ibHhe'eftih'oi? the' Princess Ndrali ye'sterday afternoon from, the north. The police are appealing for sane motor driving during the holidays and warn that violations of the motor traffic sections of the Criminal Code will not be tolerated. Officials of the White Pa33 & Yukon Route going through on the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon to spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season In the south P h o n e WE SUGGEST A Dressing Gown Select a robe for him from our stock of All-Wool Flannels, Silks, Novelty Rayons and Brushed Wools. $8.50 T0 $20.00 Cocktail Jackets New and smart. Good weight silk in plain shades of wine, green and navy. $9.50 Smoking Jackets He'll be comfortable in one of these. Wool . Flannels in various weights with contrasting trims in Silk. $7.75 T0 $12.00 Included W. D. Gordon, superintendent of the river division from White Horse; J. R. Gaudln, superin tendent engineer, and D. A. Muir-j head. mx?ter mechanic Thplr tcIvpc case. Miss Florence Watt returned this morning from a three months visit In Eastern Canada. Lloyd Rice returned to the city on mis morning's train irom a visit in Cape Breton with his parents,; Mr, and Mrs.B.,'R,,i'Riice formerly of this city.' CPJt. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Henry Anderson, Is due in port at 6 o'clock this evening frona the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and way- points. Union steamer Cardena, Capt; John Boden, is due In port at 8:30 this evening from the south and will sail at 10:30 p.m. on her return south over the same route. 99m MMMMtM SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS I (Art Murray) JUST TRY 99IONCF St J. Leather Slippers We have them . . . Footguards, Soft-sole .lpper b jonts.and Zipper Romeosr $2.25 T0 $3.50 WATTS & NICKERSON Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd tori rsrxj9 xj STATESMAN OF FINLAND t (Continued rrom Page One) -js- ened after were accomnanviner them In P:ir"h wiUl JaPan- its unsuccessful " k " I A rinnl. Y,nU- war. with reprei sentktlves elected by equal, unfi. j, versal suffrage was the result, re placing the former system cf esj. tates, under which the nobles, the, clergy, the townsmen and peasant ' were represented separately.. . i Between 1906 and 1917, he turh i his attention to organizing sttong agrarian party, gradually winning more freedom of actfcrti and equal rights before the law t with landlords and tenants. Political Posts His political posts included j that of agricultural secretary In t. cabinets between 1917 and 1922.- f$, the latter year he formed his own, J ; gbVernment. This cabinet lasteji; untif 1925 when he became MInisi.i tet of Communications. He was serving in his fourth cabinet whejif for a. six years term. He held :&H parliamentary seat through all "sessions from 1907 until his presi dential .term started. A short, sturdy little man, bare". ly five -feet, with white pompadour hair, long "handle-bar" moustache and goatee, he looked much like a well-to-do American larmerwno had retired In comfort. He was popular with all classes. I He always seemed to be smiling.' 'lie could speak foreign languages but rarely did so. In faot. he did not care much for lengthy speech of any sort. NEED MOniT TONGUES LONDON, Dec -20: (CP) The'. Post Office is seeking more censors ; with language qualifications. ..- A "spot" costs you only halft; dollar. Try It in the Daily News ' classified column. (tt)'