Friday, December 2yf84fl, y i 5HK DAILY KETuB paoe seven Timely Recipes milk, mnff" etlr condensed EXPENSIVE GUESTS 1 over 5 minutes nntn rapidly boiling water LONDON, Dec. 20: ' (CP) Ten of Man m the M millions of rats in the United King-1 JIFFY XMAS FltOSTINQ cns. Add orange juice and Tind and dom cost the nation about $111,250,- ? vf.iii-o: unsweetened chocolate Wend thoroughly, spread 000 a year, rjid Lord Woolton, food i on cold 11 -a cv, u There Is no reward tor keeping rant cake. condensed Garnish wW, iiiuiisier, nas urgea me puuuc neip strip, of C3n. extenninate them. .the ten commandment! promulgated 1 tablespoon cianje Juice. ,led wa"2e tel desired. This by Moses. The reward li in 1 tabkspcon ftra'ed oranc rind T f VfW t oronr !rrr tat nini n rf trrtm keeping" them. Melt chocolate In top of double Kenfrmiiir ... Use for 1t. Hundreds Of Deoole eec' r i i fatal There's nothing so to .'ca- uuuuv cup cakes what they want that way. tf) .reer as getting a political Job, Good L Good H uck ealth I SEE AND HEAR These Mantel and Console .Models UEFOKE VOU BUY There is No Carrying Charge at Edward Lip sett Ltd. . 'iiiiii imiMra . j HAILWAY I I.INf.S CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trnns-Atlaiitic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via .Ocean .Falls and Way Forts S3. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, lOpjn TO VANCOUVER DIIIF.CT Jan. 2nd, 16th, 30th 9th, 19th. 8.8. PKINCES8 NOPJMI -December with Canadian Pacific Services Direct Connections at Vancouver rir.kets and Reservations from n prince Kupen, u.o. . Accnt - Good Wi Good ishes Whisky HOLIDAY LUCK flu's Christmas and New Year's The Greatest Achievement in Modern RADIO The Uadio Vou Have Long Waited For 3aTramnl of BriiMh Calunlju I High School Boob: 'That ;girl over there smiled at me". Chum: "That's nothing-. When I first saw you I laughed fit- .to spM". ) Irate father: "For two montiis my boy has gone to youx school, and he te none the wiser." "ffiranm," said the healt kacli-cr. 'Must be heredity." One of the newer Christanascars this year is inscribed witix the following doggerel: "Soan, Adolf and Benito, Consumed by deep regret. And blubbering ifor. sauerkraut And starving for spaghetti. Well bombed and well blockaded. Of Blitzkrieg punch bereft:, Will discuss capitulation , ; In the only shelter left." . ; 'i He: "Say, who Is thaJt funny-looking fellow who dnVs yoiir, car and works around la lhe;gor den? He always frowns at' -m'e whenever he sees me herse." She: "Oh, don mind hSsm. That's only father." It was during a big sale tempers were patting frayed. "It I were trying to match politeness, I'd have a big Joij to ffrid it here," said s. lady -caistoijiej; glaring at the assistant. "Really, madam," replied the girl; "Let me see your sample, - please." Canada At 25 Years Ago December 20, 1915 Main bodydf Allied expedition in QallipoU with; t'j drawn from Anzac and Suvla Biy, with, only two casualties and- ifit loss of few guns. Opunarls pdrty. t returned in Greek elections, sup porters of Eleutherios Vexilzelo j stti- , staining from voting, I JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding: of the Seal Cove Trucking ' and Transportation Co. And for Your Service Offers 1 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YARD CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS i. ;. . Small jobs are our business but the biffger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please . . . . li 5 Celebrate Rijjlit This Year Turkeys arc scarce so order ' early and get the best l)irds We have a larce number of Canon Chickens direct jfrom the Smithers District. Splendid jounj blrcls to. pounds each jf Bulkley Market A popular favourite villi those who appreciate good' ffj lager leer. Order an adequate supply for the holiday li f 'I f IKjP season a,ul 1,e sure it's SILVER SPRING. I and II M" I, i ,. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the uwernmeni or DWisn UOiumota Wanted-Raw Furs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to, J. E. OnXIIIEIM. Prince Rupert, B.C.. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY A WARM HOUSE tsltef- Aids In making the Christmas season an enjoyable one. People have been known to use a ton of coal as a Christmas gift. Clean coal,, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises ue keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE CS1 652 GUNN'S Variety Repairs General Kcpalrs on all Rubber ' Footwear and Garments. Tires ; -and, Tubes Vulcanized We are fullyMequlpped to do all bicycle & wheel goods repairs. Service and Economy Cth St. opp. OK narber Shop - Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water In Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX FRU1MIOMME Proprietor