rxax roun Due EYES . Liceneee for Numounts Full-vue Frames, The Newest in Eje-Wear EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jeweler? Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties : Results Of , Send In Your Commercial .News Earlier Examinations MIDSUMMER SPECIALS Studio Couches In green and Argonne red Can be made Into oouoie or single oea 3 spring-fined cushions. 3Q S( Regular $45.00. Now 2 Chiffrobes With 2 mirrors in Eastern hardwood. In very fine style. Reg. $45.00. Now i Sprinr-f iiled Felt Mattresses Of very finest quality, reg. $17.50. Now 1;: .i 3-nieee STUDIO SETS Venr 'modernistic, veri laW.-iaArfai. in in brown, Drown,.Hetnanoras ereeriiarti rust1 wSfcL- cimm I r . 1 VT4- , r i -k i i i i Regular $lD6.rt(4jcWli: 4 Coffee Tables WalnJt finishvery 3 Radi6 ji)4!jfVverjj finest" walni'.d; 17 I giUiUU fill , : $8.50 l-plece Bedroom Suites Waterfall design, consists of Tanlty withrotirf iirrpr chUfonier. Qns CZt to CQO AA bedstead ancf bench ?i5.DU .tJiS.UU 2J 3-plere Chesterfields In rust, wine, green, red, mahogany Strongly constructed and In CIS AA to G4fA if A latest style. From 3D.UU tlU4.0U 3 Chiffoniers Waterfall design, very latest. Special Phone BUCK 334 Next Door to aC. Clothiers $39.50 $12.95 $20.50 THIRD AVXMJ1 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING ' COMPANY" OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemi-cals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. RC. FREE LAND ENVISAGED 'General Smuts Asks It Germany . Failed To Stay Exodus From j I Dunkirk How Could They j Expect To Win Now j CAPETOWN, July 22: The vet-'cran South African Prime Minister, General Jan Smuts, broadcast- ling a message to the Empire yes-jteraapr, was optimistic over the uriusn winning the war against Oermany and Italy. He said that. :if the Germans we: unable to stop the magnificent retreat from Dunkirk when they had the Bri tish forces trapped and at a decided disadvantage, how were they able to expect to win against an almost Impregnable fortress. j France had been lost owing to bv I credible mistakes on the part of the high command and as a resuH of political divisions. Britain was well led and the country was a unit in defending the country It was futile to talk of defeat under jiuch conditions. British sea power ana - an- power were superior :o the enemy. If Hitler lost in his attack on Britain he was defeated and if he failed to attack he was also defeated. wu. His vast emnire to changed conditions nit, f ti . ... .r.7. . . "-worn weak up. iuiij wic udiiuuns m t amuiauons at Josepns ACaa-l nnr cmt. .1 . late war news, the Dally News emy were as follows: TZunTM finds it necessary to Set a 10 XIarie Norton "first class hon-irule and under the conditions ajn. deadlln; for local news ?rs ' tmUy Cn""0?15" "tot class which would obtain if the British a . . honors. Honora Sllversides (first win mwh in th. a.,,. . u. y couiliuuuons. 10 insure DUO- v, , T., , " - "' u''"6c u i"r i n,4w, , m ka o. class honors). Joan Hill (Pxlnee latter. Under British control there i contributors "TAr;irri.: have I Owrge). Marjorie Deane .1 (Port1 would be be a-free a -free Rm Europe, f to their copy freedom " OUULnUIll, in by that time JET, V 'Y",- JiL" n"duals and countries. Nazi :7refbi; or the earlier nh If ; BilC.U' t tl"r be published. U t Bird, Mary p, 0mld; NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOMK AWAT FROM HOME" Rates 75c up SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhon Ml P.O. Box in inp Parla Hatan ToVI. w. Ol euro, June Farfor (Fort StJames). George Storrie. Gwyneth Walker, Ada LeRoss, Charlotte Myrwang, Ina Robertson. Certificate for bookkeeping was awarded to Miss Mary Zimmaro (Prince George). The medal for highest speed In typing was won by Miss Marie Norton. Elgood Stephens, after a visit here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. My- M. Stephens, sails by the Prince Rupert this afternoon for Vancouver enroute back to Washington, D. c , ; ; '" , j D f vt;.:i.. a-. A r U II arm -' rM?--T'! Y Europe was the- negation of free dom. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE July 24 Stones vs. O. & S.: Irish vs. Three Sifters. July 26 Irish vs. Stones: Grotto vs. Three Sisters. July il-Q. & s. vs. Irish; Stones vs, Grotto. & vs. Grotto August 7 Stones vs. Three sis ters ;Grotto vs. Q. & s. August 9 Three Sisters vs. Irish; Q. & S. vs. Stones. Intermediate League July 23 Fraser Street vs. North Star; Dominion Dairy vs. Fraser Street Julv-.27 LDomlnlnn tlnr r. North Star: Jfdrih-Star vs. Fraser rvfetejCtaIrr North StarefetJom-linlon Dairy August 3 Fraser Street ts North Star: Dominion Dairy vs Fraser Street CUssmt 3IISCELLA X E 0 1 IS Monday Tuesday Friday Saturday THH DA1LT NKW8 Monday j. GOVERNOR-GENERAL VISITS AIR COMMAND For the East- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday From the East 0 Sunday, Tuesday and August 2-Three Sisters vs. Q. ror For Vancouver vinronmr a t,i,u r S.: Irish Canadus new governor-general, the Earl of Aiiiione 14 pictured here with Air Commodore L, S. Breadner thief of the air staff, when his excellency paid his first visit to air force headquarters in Ottawa. Mail Schedule .SPICY AND July 6, 10, 13, 17. 20. 27 and 30 From Vancouver-Sunday Wednesday , Friday sL. .. July 12, 15, 22, 26 and. 2S .. j For Stewart and Premier Sunday . . Friday Sunday LESSON5 In typewriUng. Aiso high ; roAlaska- jpeed typewriting and shorthand WeSaesdav - glrta mominzs, afternoons Ar, . , .-T7":' 1"r'" eVtnings. Regular day classes b. rrom Aka 22 28 Sin August 1 Phone Red-923.' ' ,-4. FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen range and burner, dinipg room table and chairs, kitchen table and chairs. 2 bureaus, lawn mower, rugs and other household articles. Phone Green 900. 1175) Our Pamouj Ed son Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal BulkJey Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin B The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper pro-porUons. a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c. 25e Wholesale Distributors W. H. Malktn Co. (PJt) Ltd. - July 6, 10, 13, 17,20and 27 days Fridays C-VJL TRAINS From the East . Sundays. Tuesdays and j iiiursoays . Saturdays -S pjn, Thursday , Jl pjn 2 pjn. 10 ajn. "aon. 1 1 m- 9 pjn. pjn. II ajn.! - 11 pjn. 3:30 pjn.' U you nTe sumemins to swan try a Classified Ad. CHIROPRACTOR) Stanley W. Colton, D.aPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 610 FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Bull at Atlas Boiler Works. New, 3Tx9' 10"x5 Enjine 90 U.p- International truck en-Sine. Coventry : Reyno'lds redaction gear. Atlas Boiler Works ( UPROARIOUS Y T n . n ... I Whifflets From The Waterfront TTninri steamer Catala. CaPt James Findlay, arrived in port at miriniaht last nleht from ' the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart and other nor thern points whence she will re turn here tomorrow afternoon southbound. The sockeve pack for Prince Rupert area up to July 13 totalled 30.665 cases as compared with 33.- 585 cases in the corresponding neriod last year. For the Naas River area the pack this year was 2y873 casts compared with 7,529 cases Rivers and Smith's Inlet packs this season show substantial increases over a year ago and the total for the coast up to July 13 Al- season was 79.784 cases in comparison With 69.583 cases last year The spring salmon pack for ui! skeena River this season has been 5.419 cases in comparison w h 3.316 cases last year. In port Saturday afternoon southbound frohm Skagway to Vancouver. C. P. R. steamer Prln-- s Louise. CapL S. K. Gray, had 233 passengers on board. Most : them were round trip Alaska !. ur:s:s returning south. Two per-s- as disembarked from the vess: at Prince Rupert and two went aboard at this port for Vancouver With a large list of passengers consisting principally of round trip tourists for Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Princess. Alice. Cpt Robert Thomson, arrived in port at 7:45 this morning from Vancouver, sailing at 10 ajn. for Skagway and other northern points. She Is due back here Saturday afternoon COMMUNISTS IDEA cue uunne ana uary uram Here- Trvnom t..i . In "Mr Favorite Wife- Now Show- h."S2 iJ inf 1" ing at Capitol Theatre 'BritTln M 'f .Britain If (f the war was not based 12:30 noon. RpnltpH ,. T on nd profit, J. T. Riding. " 7, tr " wnimunist. had his name re-, 9:30 V pjn . P-m I ra Cary Grant, the popular team of .. 3 moved from the list of "reserved" PJn. Awful Truth." are here again conscientious objector Tso he SSd I'u'? "n?atre f0r flrst serve " a stretoher-bSer 4 P-tn- nan half of this week In "M pnr' Wife. Randolph Scott and Gail' 4 P-m. Patrick head a notable supporting 10 a.m. fict t 1, 1 : laugh-laden, sophisticated comedy auss Dunne, cast as Oranfs wlf e. disappear when ;a scientUic, expe-dition. oP-whJch'she Lt th. 7 pon. grapher. is shipwrecked in the 11 n m CA.tk c - iwum mir seven years, r c( . . , ES , 'Grant has her declared officially IT 11:30 a-a dead and marries Gail Patrick Fo7 va7 " ' HoweT?r- Irene ot to be very p" A'leirm MS R,Ter and 1 much alive and is rescued from the 1 Miutjvii 'desert island with Scott, a hand- Frnm At!,- " auulc itleIUUl Wn0m SHe has ' and Port Sirnpn Tue!ar ?he arrives ho?ne 0D very night - ".ill US. nr hnthiTii -.k..l.. -' 1 uumiu utl ILLS sec !!r Queen Charlotte Islands- July 16 and 27 7 pjn. I From Queen Charlotte Islands ; ond honeymoon. Chartering a plane, she flies to Yosemite to overtake the newlyweds. There is dizzy hllarlt as Irene tries to outwit Gall for the love of her husband.. , The blcture . . .. linfnlsl. a J 4.'", : o spicy situations. ajrf.Iand scintillating 'moments unique! j f.uc creen. inere u a climaUc whlrlwlhd laugh finish. 1 1 In addition to the quartette of principals, the cast of "My Fav- ' Orite Wife" inrlnrie. r, ... " uiiuc- ma Dona,d ""B- Orancille c r me lasi i v Lou. linn MarnnMfln Most people rrtc-tnt classified ads. Do you? THL SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon eaanlnx company with an all the year round payroll la Prize Bvyr1 MAYBE Funicr Pictures Will b. unm men This 0n. Will Have To Do! Cary on a pot WithbJ sistable Irene and riam9r- 1 Gall on hU hand; L.IL A aw mm ai mc same 1 . IRENE DUNNE CARY GRANT in meir First BiS Hit Sin -ine Awiui iruth "My Favorite Wife" With RANDOLPH Kf OTT GAIL PATRICK (At 7:31 and 9 il ADDKI) At AtJPtI ni' thip Uncle Sam -The Parmer W1U he repeat hn & of the First Work, w DONALD DUCK in 'The IJillposters' TONIGHT, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 Shows Nightly, 7 00 and IM Hi Rupert Peoples Store CLEARANCE SALE MILLINERY Women's Hat Clearance 2 Price Groups JUS -$1.79 Rather than these hats Of course m L CHOICE OF 50 HATS alt I11 h. .v. mc tuu ui wic summer, were frie: fof sale- at a Ume when summer is not half g noit of thele hats youll wear well inn t- t., WHILE TflEY LAST VALUES TO $1 3IaU Orders Promptly Pilled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Runerf THIRD AVE. Nest to Heilbroner s Phone BLUE 907 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leare Prince Rupert for Vancouver: IAS. CATALA EVERY TUES- TA CARDENA FKIDAT, DAT.lpjn. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancourer. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver. .Mondaj a.m. If Conrenlent, Please Purchase. Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent. Third Ave. Phone 568 If vou have something fn anil . nlnocifiAn f)nv.h'snrMltlt in thispapsr will soon let you know if there is a buyer in toe city, fr .iatetjx