PAQK TWO LADIES CREPE SOLE SPORT SHOES In white, beige and multi-color with wedge and spring heels Runners - i'for the whole fanWy- at lowest; possible prices Penman's Hosiery In all their latest spring shades, just arrived Family shoe store ltD- The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations MEMBER or THE .'AAtMS MESS Tb4 Cirmdlan Vrttt u iclulvely entltleii us oae Tor reputllcatlon of all nw OnCfttcbc cmllttd to It cc to tba Assoclltad Ptess In tbU paper and also th local aero published therein. All flth'4 at r)Utllc&tlon bf aoeclal desoatohes therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Can Gibraltar Resist? Wednesday, May 7, 1941. EDITORIAL Something For Nothing Most people like to get something for nothing if they can. In Iraq the British went in and drilled for oil and found a valuable oil field. They built many miles of pipe Jlne across the desert and an oil port at Haifa. From this they made profits. They also Were a valuable source of Bupply for the British navy and merchant marine and of On Throne Again The ruler of Ethiopia, who was ousted by Mussolini some years ago when the country was conquered by Italy, is once more on the throne with residence at Addis Ababa. During the time he had been in Britain doubtless he learned much. He now has a number of Italian subjects and he will have to rule very wisely if he is to retain his throne. However, he will have the backing and advice of the British and should make a success of the job. While he was away the Italians-did -some-useful-work in opening up the country. Their influence will be felt for many years. , Man in the Moon The Northern B. C. Power Com -I young Reddy. .Youhg Reddy Is always on dooty, 'Do not mind If he looks a bit snooty, With hose all alight He really Is bright Though his figures not that of beauly. Did you hear about ttw British tank In En it Africa whl?h was sent on ahead -to deal with some of tho smaller Italian forts? second fort and again at the 'third. i lan officer came out and sakl: , "Look ncre, senor, before we surrender I thfcnk we ought to put up some sort of resistance." "Is that so?" snarled the 'erg-eant In charge. "Yes," said (the Wop. "60 I was wondering whether, before we hoisted the white flag you would mind very much if I threw a few stones at your tank!" Wife: "It's strange, but Helen and I can. hardly understand each other over the telephone." Husband: "Did you ever .try talking one at a time?" "Excuse me' said the barber: "did you have tomato ketchup for lunch? If you hadn't I've cut your neck!" Auntie: "How are you getting along with your arithmetic?" benefit to the shins of all nations. Had it nnt hpen fnr.2or-,w Audrey: "Well. I've learned to add up the zeros but the figures' still bother me." One much diSCUSSed problem just now IS as to the1 Editor: "Say, this story can't be ability of the fort of Gibraltar to withstand enemy attack. rln'ed: Ic ' als Jlwre tha the Much strengthening qf the place has been going onfZvsn right, i cover during past years. Tunnelling has been in progress and, her with remorse in the next everything possible done to make it impregnable. Under .paragraph." the older conditions of warfare it Was thoucht that the! ? tlnsin nn..1.1 1. A1. TT 1 l.i. ' jjiawe cuuiu nub ue lanen. unuer present uay conaiuons BRITISH OWNED It is impossible to tell what may happen. Our old judg-'h Tb7 llSl ments have been reversed so many times that we are; learning to doubt everything except the bravery of ourj bricAdier-s capture men and their ability to meet the Germans under any ' Wellington, n.z.. May 7: cp reasonable conditions. They showed they could do it in -Wnen Brigadier o. h. Ben, in Greece and in North Africa and they expect to give a good 71?- Vi. , Ai.t vnv, Mm j tv juttL, morea car, me round the crew aim especially ui uiuraiiar. asaeep alter a ItrenUous day. Fin ally dlsqfrmed the crew was warned or possible fatal results of their sleep and released. in the AL'PBCMK.rni:nr of iikitikh lOl.l.MBlA IN PRORATE In the Matter of the 'ArtmlnlMtatloh Art" And , 1. - ...... ... . L me .iuiirr 01 ine r.siate of ioe Johnson, Deceased Intetaie TAKE NOTICE tfluut tor order of km British energy well artplied and British money used to ad-!plm'd AsWniAtrato'r or the ute'2f vantage tne Arabs would never have known the oil was ,tavi"3t .T the Mid w there and Iraq would still be the home of Arabs and a few, VSJSJS to me ? on sstray eameia. The British made profits and teo did the Arabs. But the Arabs cast envious eyes at the British. Then came the German fifth columnists who argued with the Arabs saying: "Is not this your country? Should hot the oil be yours? Why let the British rob you of something that is yours by right?' With questions like these they sowed 'the seeds of doubt and, when, the British were driven out of Greece and were not doing so very Well in North Africa, the present mler decided to try to seize the country and ,drlve the British out. They hoped they could start uviy nrui .viiusiiiK.uii munuinrneuunB to rise against the British. In this they were ericduiaged by the Germans, the Italians and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, leader of much of the trouble in Palestine of late years. The British are now in Iraq and the Germans will probably make an effort to oust them. That seems to be what the war in Iraq is about. It is a fight for the oil fields. estat or befom ine vsra aay of May, A. D. 1641, and all parties Indebted to the eetate are requirea to pay the amount ctf their inaeDteoness to me forth-with DATED at Prtoce Rupert, B. C, this ora oay 01 April, A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. O, Ladies' and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING Reasonable price, good wftrk Phone Blue 91C 203 3rd Ave. KIMIKO UYEDE Mrs. lames Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 4l6 PAINTING Decorative Kalsomhiinj LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 TBI DAILY RXWI CANADIAN 1 Into thousands when Nazi : b o m b e r s 'scourge the I city breathe j their thanks td a a Can ad l a n, Garfield Wes 1 ton, 1 for hot drlrik and snacks always available. "That's my I Wall tvhan iio tonlr onra , I t O III P 1 11 V S the first fort, the white flag went pxnlalnPfl w.s The same thing happened at the HAROLD FAIR Parliament, he has found time aiso to take an active Interest in the welfare of Canadian troops. Shortly after the first contingent arrived 'in Britain In 1939 radios from Wes-'nxxi out every afternoon in a ftot I ton arrived in camp with the prom- of trufcks. i. nf nr ,1-hi.n heeded. When London raids slackened In UV Vi V nv - - If n lVD 1 n -re have been num?rous other ;n ?ns!.y and pOfne Itrsonk tae H Ail HID gifts he gave Lord Beaverbrook a shelten... he was faefid wtfh a food ,fl spitfires but surplus but qukkly worked out a sail' is advertising for limerick-. ' " rher than these thlnes !hev left h 'hellers 'n tn cold. damn rnomliipp after the sirens moaned tlie welaome "raiders pa sed." Oreat'irs an effrtrtive eervioe involved much planning before success was finally ach'ieved. At first We'n thought mobile canteens, nvea'i frdm shelter to shelter, offered the right solution. He rejected this plan, however, "beeause If.' J' I Clean-Un Paint-l In Repairs, Build he ore (Plan no service lawory canteens It is for school children only so Peedlng of Victims of Nail Air Raid fprt taibhj about hi feeding pro- where demand was ran ant I am, afraid I cannot enter. Orginlted by Garfield a service that brought from 1 I " weston M.P. food njWiSter. Lord Wotfton, a There Is a young Kilo named letter expressing "deep gratitude." Reddy I By HAROLD FAIR I Haw H Worked Is powerful. Sparkling and steady . Canadian Press Staff Writer M(md to tabitsh such Wefton ttffewi to wcaousn sucn Just what do you think . ' He can tome wfcHe you wink I LONDON, May 1: (CP)-In more ra Is mnn when Lord ' Press the button and ask for three-score London air raid WaoUon asked caterers to have sneiiers .tne population running n-x 100a rrsoy w whch SHE SAW ZEPFALL Item in Daily News Recalls Girlhood tnctdent to Norwegian Lady Now Living Here ...Hi njffl 3 SIM nil n T. , ' "Ulecl M cst pnbiukl British ColotoM. ally came down on ji A Prine Rupert lady was very weglan soldlwx w 1 interested In an litm which ap- and. with usi- of pearcd last Saturday in the "Cana- in to trie beach. ffe day at War Twenty. Five Years 0f the crew were iH 1 nobody 1s coming out of a shelter Ago feature of the Dally News., Collecting bit, : to eat during 0. "blitz" and any- The Item told of a German Zep- the ship was a pet a., way you cant feed people fti the pelln having been wrecked on the and many were dark." Norwegian coast. This lady, then a ieople or Stavaiu-ei v. Evntui'ly'h" evolved a counter- !'ftle girl, actually witnessed the cldent earned 'rr.. ton, who came from Toronto seven scrvk:e. directed by a "steward- wreck. the beaches bem r. years ago and built up Britain s r-, m( by hs eomoany and. re- It was an Impressive sight to sec spectators, "Everyone biggest biscuit-making concern. But intble fc dl'ro'ns of lhe frod ihe huie eh" In tha air approach- crawl or walk wo: . i "-"" 1-" " ,w " wi'-i iinvi, i, ini. ujuni. i . i nv. j unu tiiiiiir 4uiiit$ vii viit. aitiib, .-Htui nil" ilf. frvnrfH hnwovop Thai MtHo me lounn, nowever, on an iiai-i- n.i..H Hinviinn uta u.lf!-nrpnH ... nn rt n u v.,.i. .. tir.rtt.-A .ni i Y rrvwi j.v..h& x.m iiui aim IIJ (.IVIlikO bu WJKi Ileal -MIC W7UV.ll 111 ItatlJWIll Ul-llUlW UUfJUi business and representing Maccies- (h borcu?h whom the shelter is near Sfavahger. Th; airship had from lhe city of Fi iv i field as Conservative member of v-,d, been dliabled over th British Isles am, REDDY KILOWATT "From now on you'll see quite a lot of me because I've been hired to help tell you folks about Electric Living. As you can see, I'm hot the most hand some fellow in the world, but I'm nearly always smiling and I'll try to make you smile too. They call me "Reddy Kilowatt" because I'm always ready to do your bidding wherever there's an electric plug. I'll cook tor you, clean for you, keep your food fresh, do your washing and ironing, light your home, heat your water and make your toast. On the farm I can milk, cool the milk, pump water, saw wood and light the barns and houses. I never take a day off, I never sleep and my wages are only a few cents a day. "Just by way of introducing myself to you and showing you how I go about my business, my new boss has made some pictures of me doing a few chores around the house." right for ironed." Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited r We can iupply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one, (jail in and talk It oyer Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. rnoNE in rnoNB n .A.......,........... t Take t Up from me lectric refrigeration ave you monty. I should Jcnow, 1 run thouiandi of the thinc ind I tee all the leftover! that are saved to be nude into delicious meals." "Nobody can call me" a aissy, but! do lo've ironing. Really, these automatic iron they have nowadays are positively tops be. cause the heat is always Just the fabric to be "Anybody hungry? scrambled eggs eggs and and i Like some coffee? O.K. folks, we'll have Ihirh ready in a jiffy on this new electric range. It's the speediest thing that ever came down the pike and clean tod safe, too." 1 iVC - ' ;e f- .:e;.t ' -':5 the i.idy The Tnimjiy he heVers, whHh the and drifted in over tlie North Sea : Tvernment ai-nied h'm for feed- out of control. Driven before the i:flMSII Sl'OKlN 'n" he renovated om of his com- wind for five hundred miles after One out of evcrv j; , pony's old bakfshops and sent the bombing northwest England, 11 fin- hi Iceland speaks Eir Donnacorta Insulating Boards .BOARDS We hare" oh hand large slocks of cdal to suit every requlrerne All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also n comfp'" Jlne of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are irw the queen Charlotte Island, they are not kiln dried nnd all of the natural oils 60 necessary to long life and durao'"'- SAND CEMENT GRAVEL W,E Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 pjiu.