Special Bargains 3lf CHESTERFIELD SETS- f; - re?. $103; .SffOO A if4,1 SETS- br made Into double nice looking. Rt. CHESTERFIELD '3; ..-aln price -ain price INDIAN RUG r. Rood design; $35: for $25 00 L,KOE SIZE CARPETS SQ93 7 19 30 NEW CAMP STOVES 5. j last tops; $9A93 e even. Special BT'V FROM US AND SAVE! B. C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324 WN'OUNCEMENT U are glad to announce tlia' e are now addini; a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT i mil- shop, with Mj. Charlie U Vatt in full charje. As Charlie has many years' ex-nerienre in the trade lie knor how to rebuild your shot right. Let liim do It for vou HE ALSO CARRY DRESS s I) c E S AND WORK INC. ROOTS. LING - TAILOR i Street Phone 649 Suits Tressed by Steam While You Wait. STANLEY W.COLTON D.C I'h.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Rlock Phone 013 j For Complete Mfl On1 1 okiinL i Call at the VARIETY STORE b b. us mux ;; a.i b; fe, J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Ben Materials, Workmanship Stcond Ave., two doors from Broadcasting: Station Prepare for Christmas Sicjei Hart or Freedman & Ga,S: sui's and Topcoats to Measure. Alleralions, Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing- IE LUXE TAILOR Orr: tte Commodore Cafe P0.E 307 BOX 725 THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye . pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon .n"!!1"3 company with an "-me- year-round payroll In Prince Rupert. Man in the Moon Dad: 'Now, son, what's this 55 .for on your report card?" k Son (hopefully): "Maybe it's the temperature of the athoolroom." It's a pretty dull day when there is no battle won or lost these days. 1 Jake says he likes the battles won very much better than ihe ' hattlpR Iflit. hilt. Via lrnnuff nra nra i i - auwno , I I. Mt going to win the last battu. ' Army recruits in England are now given an lntejligence test. jThey have to do a sort of jigsaw puzzle picking out the right I pieces to complete a series of for mal pictorial designs. , Twenty-five percent is the usual score; 60 percent is good. But the other day the army thought they'd discovered a superman. He scored 100 percent by completing all the designs correctly I iaj tin uie uiiu. tsui they only needed to ask one ques-jtion: "What was your occupation in civil life?" The reply was: "Wallpaper designer." Golfer "Dear, dear, I'm certainly not playing the game I used to play." Caddie (disgustedly) game was that?" to halve petrol consumption "Rather." he replied, "ft did all I the makers claimed for it.' and saved fifty percent bf my petrol. I also bought a new. catburetor which saved thirty percent, got another brand of petrol which saved twenty percent, and some special sparking plugs which save another ten percent. Then I took the car out for a test run. and I'm dashed If the petrol tank didn't overflow before I'd gone five miles. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Thursday S.S. Prince " George ll:15tp.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. S.S Cardena - 10:30 p.m. Saturday BS. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. November 27 SB. Princess Norah pm. From Vancouver Sunday SS. Catala p.m. Wednesday SJ3. Prince George 10:00 am. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide - ! ajn S.S. Prince Rupert 10,a.m. S.S. Cardena pm. September 22 November 23 SS. Princess Norah am. For Stewart and Premier Sunday S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday S.S. Prince Rupert 3 P-m- From Stewart and Premier- Tuesday S.S. Catala ajn. Saturday--S. S. Prince For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday S.S Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls- Thursday S.S. Prince George 11:15 P-m- Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide ' 10tp.m. Saturday S.S. Prince Rupert 11:15 P-m' From Ocean Falls-Wednesday SJ3; Prince 10 a m- George Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide P-"1- S. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. SJ3 Cardena Pm For Queen Charlotte Islands-December 2 S.S. Camosun 10 P-m- From Queen Charlotte Islands- December 1 S S. Camosun For Alaska-Wednesday S.S Prince George 10 P m Friday S.S. Prince LAST RITES a.m, ON SUNDAY ix i hi: kitibmk rontr oi'ihutimi (Ol.lMIIIA in ricoi:TK In the Matter f the AilniliiKtrut Inn Act And In the .Matter of the IMafe of 4oMph IVterMni fttherHlse known at Joe 1'rterwin, Ketedvd TAKE NOTICE that b Order of His Honor Judge Ftniwr. loraX Judge of the 3upitm Cvurt of Brttlab Columbia, I was ca the 21st day of November A. D. 1S41 appointed Adtnlntetmtcr with the WIU annexed of the Estate of Joseph Peterson otherwise known as Jte P tier sort tomverly of Tl-ell. Queen Charlotte Islands. British Columbia, ckocased. who died on or J about the HMtk day of AprU 1941. All persons lrx1eed to the said E&taite are required to jf the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having eMira against the said BeUtte are required to file them with me properly verified on or before ttie 31 day of December A. D. 1941 falling which distribution wil be made having regard only te such otadms of which I shall have bean uottHeU DATED t Prince Rupert, B C. this 22nd d7 of November A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. fl Till; KITKKMF. COl'KT OF ItltlTlSIl COLl MItIA IX I'KOIIATK In the Mttrr or the IXate of John foren Nelson, Itereaxeil TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration were Issued by ithe Supreme Court of British Columbia, Prince Rupert District Registry, In my favor on November 4th, 1941 to the Ettate of the late John Soren Nelson, late of the Olty of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, contractor, who died at Prince Rupert on June 18th. 1941. All persons Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their ln-.i -j. i ... ... n r . ..... . .I, George P-m., persons havlmg cOaJms against ttie said ,Eftte are required tn me uxm vmn me properly vermea on or oeiore vne 31st day of December A D. 1941 falling which cHstrLbutoan wUl be made hav ing regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified.- DATED ait Prince Rupert. B. C. this 17th day of November A. D. 1941. JOHN A. NELSON Administrator of the Estate of John Soren Nel-cm, Deceased. All payments and claims should be sent to tlie above in care of-his Solicitors, Brown & Harvey. Bee nor Block, Prince Rupert. B. C. i tiii: si ritDMi: c oi ur or imiTisn ( Ol.l MlilA IN I KOIIATK III the Mailer of the Estate of Peter Andreas l-omi.rn, IM'enseil TAKE NOTICE that Letters Probate were gramUxl to un out of the Supreme Court of Brtuiah Columbia Prince Rupert District Regtatry on November , oui itfii no me fcB'jii or uie laxe Peter Andreas lorenzen late of ithe Okty of Prlinoe Rupert, British Columbia, Engineer wlio died near Tl-ell, British OoJutnbto, on June 1st 1941. All persons Indebted ito the aaJd Estate are required to pny ,th amount of their lndebtedivess to tig forthwltlh and r11 persons having claims against the hM EtAite are required to file thorn with us properly verified on or before I the 31st day of December A. D. 1941 failing -which dlstrlbutloin will be made having regard only to such claims of iucn we snnail liave "been notified. DATED B.t. Prlr.-. Uimort n fl tMm t 3 n.m. lth day of November A. D. 1941. "UPF'" OLOP HANSON and JOHN DYBHAVN November 23 ' Executors of the Estate of Peter n a Princess Norah am. ' Andreas Loraizem From Alaska S(,nt to the above in coi of tlieOr soil- Thursday5-Sl Frlr"f t - .jjfltcrs, Browox .& Harvey Besner Block, B. C THE DAILY NEWS SPORT CHAT were ueui. uoi. a. u. jonnsion, volved is merelv a means r A special board was convened M.C., V.D.. Capt. Robert Bartlett, end Hubert Ward, R. E. Mortimer, Post." a. P. Tinker and W. R. McAfee. The Canadian Legion paraded In a body, its members being led There were numerous floral off "What erlngs. The following dispatch is from Randolph Field, Texas; Amoi'g the 308 Aviation Cadets reporting i to Randolph Field for 10 weeks of basic training is one Winston 8. Churchill. Any similarity to any other Wlnton Churchill U purely coincidental. A motorist was asked If he had Advertise in the Dally News. l..M ItKfilSTKV ACT NOTICE I(p: Ortlflcntr f Tllle No. 21.VI1-I to l-ot I'lfty-llirre Hundred' anil Sevmtjr-tr (U;r), a"lnr lii'trlct, said to i-o-italn Twrntj rlRhf dM-lmal One (28.1) arre. mure r let.. WHBREA8 Estialactory proof of loss of the above CerUfteMe of Title Issued In the names of Howri Campbell and Cturles F. Duke has been filed In this tried a new atomizer Which IS said , off Ire. notlre 1 hrey gtvem ha.t I from Um date of tbe Urat pubUcatlon hereof. Issue a ProvMonsl Certificate of Ittle to fceu of itfce said loet Certl- Heal, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me la writing. DATED a the I And Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 31st 4y -of October. A D. 1941 Aadrew Thompson DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF TITLES NAZI VENGEANCE an by President Jack Preece. LONDON, Dec. 1: W - Two As the casket was lowered to Frenchmen who tried o escape the final resting place. Bugler Wil- England with 15 French air Ham Ranee sounded the "Lastifnrr-p hps t Ozevllle. in Northern France and the cadets were sentenced to life Imprisonment CUssiFltO FOR SALE DOORS, windows, soil pipe, black pipe, steam pipes up to 6 Inches. 3600 ft. of 3-8 cable, brass valves up to 2 inch. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE 7-room furnished house, and on same lot 3-room furnished shack. Phone Blue 737. -uii sale Second hand stcve ippiy -jzs Kignth Avenue West. (280) FOR SALE One oil burner heat-er. Phone Black 888. at) aa a Mi HOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. 937. WANTED Phone Black PERMANENT Position wanted by experienced stenographer. Green 980. (283) WANTED Immediately, two light housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 560. (283) WANTED A house by young married couple. No children. Phone Red 438. (282) WANTED Mechanic's tools. Phone Blue 788. (231) WANTED Man between ages of 20-26. Prince Rupert Hotel. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Central Hotel. MALE HELP WANTED 1 MACHINISTS WANTED A steady Job is available for a limited number oi machinists in a new, I modernly-equipped war plant at the coast, now engaging Its shop personnel. Machinists are wanted capable of operating turret and engine lathes, planers, shapers, slotters, vertical, horizontal and universal milling machines, cylindrical and sur face grinders, horizontal boring machines and radial drills; also double helical gear cutter and browning machine, Jig borer and cutter grinders. Also wanted are tool makers, mechanical bench and floor assembly fitters,! mechanical Inspectors and progress men. Machinists and fitters must be capable of working to close" tolerances and able to! read blueprints. Men with previous knowledge who have not worked at the trade recently will be enabled to recover tfyelr proficiency and qualify for a skilled Job on modern machinery. Un usually favorable working condl-' tions, top wages plus cost-of-living bonus, Note No application will be entertained from anyone now employed In war Industry. Apply In writing only, giving full particulars, to "Employment Manager, c-o 417 Metropolitan Bld. Ilaatlngs St. W Vancouver, B.C j Oregon State To Rose Bowl i Balmy Beach, standard-bearer wiII n.,ke At pa-' Many-Attend Funeral of Late John : for the Ontario Rugby Football n v.tt, Year Dav I A tit r. . I TTm Iah AfAA1.Ai1 T J n , ! 1 TM - " ' ' ' drew's CathedraL of the Big Four for the Eastern rrr PARATDRMA np 1: Oreenn jCanada championship at Toronto state College represent the A lar. conation of friends. !" .ag0' e West In the annual New Year's . . - wem on to win me vanacuan uue nav Rnse Bowl earre here it is desirous of paying their Hnal trib-lwlth an n6 Victo over iteglMii1 utes of esteem and respect, as- Rehriders. 'f0. ..." " ..JIV. emblAd at. St. Andrew' Anglican , " i"1" ulle wl" represent we Cathedral yesterday afternoon for the funeral of the late John A. E. Chlstwell of Charlcjwood, near Winniiwe' In si 1pttr to a Hinton, well known local business Winnlpeg newspaper, suggested a MIXED BOWLING man. very Kev. james a. uioson, sure way of savlng gasoiine would December 3 Alley Kittens vs. the dean, conducted a sympathe- t0 cancei an privileged beer'Sav-Mor, Pushovers vs. Peoples tic service. With the choir in at- iicences for private chibs and en-i Store, Pete-a-Repeat vs. Stones tendance and Peter Lien preiding orce Uauor laws He sald. Thls Clothiers. Standard Oil vs. Bank- at the organ, hymns were "Unto game (golf) nas iong since passedlers, Rinkey Dinks vs. Toilers, Al tVto Ttlllc" an trVi tot nnA Vlact . ..... . ... .. "u uw6..wv me disease stage ana is last De- of the Suns of the Morn'.njj." coming an epidemic. Revoke all Following the service in the Ca- these privileged beer licences for thedral, interment was made in an time, as they are the main Falrview Cemetery. Pallbearers drawing card and the golf ln- ley Cats vs. Woanjas, December 10 Standard Oil vs. Alley Cats, Bankers vs. Sav-Mor, Peoples Store vs. Woanjas, Rinkey Dinks vs. Pete-a-Repeat Stones Clothiers vs. Piishovers, Toilers vs. Alley Kittens. HERE'S A TIP If you want the most for your money, here's a tip . . . Biiy a Good Coal ... the kind that Albert & McCaffery sells, for CJreatcr Heat Longer Burning Greater Economy For best results consult with ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 or 117 JOHN M. S. LOUBSER B.A. (Cantab.), D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal Steamers leave Prince1 Rupert for Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 LARGE GROUND FLOOR SPACE . . suitable for shows or dances, corner of Second Avenue and Seventh Street. C. E, KLACI, jCentralfcllatel Just Anived! -a Gorgeous Satin and Taffeta HOUSECOATS $5.50 to $14.50 See Them At Wallace' Wanted -Raw Furs s HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All Meals and Berth Accommodation -TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT &Q fl( p,us From Port Simpson $33.T5 Pius TaxtjJ dO(V V Tax (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from intermediate points). (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare. Tickets on Sale from November 15, 1941 to February 15, 1942. Good to return up to March 15, 1942. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m.Thursday a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5C8 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office XSaHHsnaBSSSnSSSSSHHHBBHKgB COAL! COAL! 3 Jfscmforfzhf to Mnow fiepnpper brcodfAi? We make very .sure that every ton of coal that Is sent to us from the mines has the proper heat-producing qualities. We're particular about the kind of coal we buy. In this way we make certain that our customers will be pleased. Place your order now. We'll be pleased to serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE 652 Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return $36.00 Plus Tax Tickets on sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. 15th, 1942. Final return limit March 15th, 1942. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines