| KIPLING NOT TO THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. He Was to Be Charged With Sedition for His Latest Poem. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | | THE DAILY NEWS. a ILLUMINATED Joe Martin Wanted to Know if BGiaze of Light When You Press the Button and there You are) -ompan’, in the Fashion at a Flash. } LAND LEASES Hauge &. Augustus W | yise Harbour L B. C. lease Take notice that I, for Prince Rupert, acting as agent for Porps Limited, of Victoria, tend to apply for pe rensesion to wing described land in- the Commencing at 4 ym “ planted on the} }mest northerly point WANTED: BE PROSECUTED HATS THE LATEST occ tas» sinen-ipunnes. of Cut Agnew, civil engineer, and| m Porpoise Harbour | } | } « staan . : Rar yast district, thence} , on application. London, Aprit 22—Jos. Martin Chicago, April 22—An active Oe et ate. and eqhe-austaat between bet 7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daity, 0c received a fegative answe 1 the and for ‘incadescent hats,” om soeuerty a a tine equa-ai is | ie per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| Houesof Commons day, when|the first of which was display-| tant between the high waier mark of Lot ot | iF Other Countries—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly lhe enke a ibe Att . _General ed here several days ago during uta, 2. high water. nae be : in advance. lhe intended to prosecute Kiplin the convention of dressmakers, | eee aie = are cP ee cater | f HEAD OFFICE l for sedition for verses entitled! has caused a local concern to/}mark, thence westerly ond ootse ot” + 4 } - : ws 7 lowing mig walter mark to pot f com Daily News Building, Third Ave., Priace Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98 Ulster,” published last week. ee a number of designs, all} me ne ome at ¢ HARBOUR LAND COMPANY - operates oO small dr atter-| ORPOIS , se a BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES Wm. Redmond raised a laugh)/ opera a from a ts ee | LIMITED. Ww. Arnew, Arent ae a iam » . var les in ie crown oO ie hat. er ustus pw, Age | : 9« I r itv by asking if such doggert was ‘ ril 5th, 19 . New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City Seiiieiean ha Ghiled, varbe. One. tiew-design was. completed! Dated Angi Bi, 1998. Py S _ y : ere 5 fan xpose o e s *s..} | i SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co i oo | In more than one country of|and exposed to the winds yes | ikenhint ines Siaisisegebiaies 00 Geany a! LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar) | ys ontal Eur jpe a writer ut-jterday. It contains tiny orange} Range & ner he buds about the » and shape| . Take notice that I, Augustus W. Agnew, / Squ tering such language as these i a 1 size and shape lef Prince Rupert, B. C., civil, engineer, a Supscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case ' two lines from Rudyard Kipling’s}0f 4 Small tangerine, and are) acting as agent co Por, oe, eens ue . : non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. poem “Ulster” connected up with green wires | te od to apply. ‘for’ permission to lease the ce j . se Sat ther lands: oe = = — === ———Ss—=— ————— - od England may drive us forth, ; | bives d with orange and other } % ae err, post plante co the 4 We shal! not fal! alone. 42ssoms in decorative fashton.| most northerly point oa P a or en) i DaILy eee ae WED - rv ae would find himseif promptly in |The hat is eonside rably heavier re rth to" A mark. thence westerly 4 _ = oor i + 8 221] > ollo low water mar | a jail for treason, together with | than the ordinary “lid” because bao west of the southwest i THE PROSPECTS OF CHURCH) ern Canada, there is a much tar-| tien who printed and published}°f the wiring and the battery. | corner of Lot 440, Range 5, Coast district, rin i im eaee. 8h wa ence | ed 4 UNION ger number ff ministers and|/the poem. But there is no like- | The tights are turned on by} rotiowine ‘high water mark northerly and| Heat 4 . ; : ; | means of a-push buton that takes| eas ster! y to point .of commencement. ret laymen who speak and write|lihood of any such action being} " PORPOISE HARBOUR LAND COMPANY, | iy ' i the basis of un-|taken. Kipling has simply para.| the form of an imitation hat pin) ea tus W. Agnew, Agent Lae The observations 0 resident! strongly against e basis 0 -|** ‘ ‘er Augustus gnew, / a ee Jeg c |phrased Lord Randolph Church- at one side. | Dated April 5th, 1912. 4 Murray, of the University of Sas- . ili’s famous “Ulster will -ficht i New designs to be comp behets Pub. April 8, 1912 M4 katchewan, published the othe Dr. Murray may be right in his| and Ulster will be right.” It is} this week will imitate rosebuds} ——————-_-~ p } | : jontin’ paar ‘ j}and all sorts of flowers in wails 4 day leading him to the conelu- opinion that the union will even-|a subject in regard to which vio-} as ‘ ; le wuare ake q/a bulb formation can figure. it sath i sion that the proposed union Oof!tually come to pass, but the in-|/ent language is taken, in al fi oe. Ppl nl 1pm! our is In $ as | _ . Pickwickian sense, as a matter;*> “5° ‘ p wo 4 i. RET Eis FO NRC SN 8 a a the Presbyterian, Methodist and) dications are that the negotiat- x ee: | weie rht. of the - electric “hat by| = a) Congregational churches in Can-} jing bodies will continue to ‘make | - carrying the batiery in the cor- We have immediate buyers Pra ada, would be carried into effect) haste slowly’; and that some) | agies always Want. Many| *°2°- | for a few good lois in ¥ before long should be supple-|time will yet elapse before they! pew seasonable things. They al- SECTION 5 - ar . > _9 ‘i , mented by the recalling of the] will actually become organically! ways go to Mrs. Frizzell’s for the > Lots 19-20, agi are a ihn utionil xf . $750; % cash, 6, 12 months.-- F fact that the Presbyterians are} one. latest styles. in suits, dresses,|" ©! wien cs ee | collars and millinery. tf| Th. Collart, 225 6th street. tf} ie, called upon to vote nage | in the meantime the spirit of! : —_——_ Law-Butler Co. a. 2s s > ep as tk > aS , . 4 ‘ - j 4 questions, the one as to the de | union may be cultivated with) It will pay everyone interest- - The place for the very latest. Phone 60 Third Avenue! sirability of organic union, and profit ws it has been in the past./eq to look over the large new|4!Ways the most fashionable de- +3 the other as to the proposed bas-| phere has been co-operation in|}consignment of ship chandlery|5/€0S ™m suits and millinery at) eee —_—— : . at | : i : , » & McNulty's oif| Mrs. Frizzell’s. e is. It will be temembered that} mission work. in education work,| 4t Howe & McNulty’s, 2nd Ave.tf| zell tf INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE | i the leaders of the movement de-}, i along ihe lines of temper- es i Lincuebehiiipin i} jand aiong 1 iin mpe: f ; ‘ } clared at its very inception thai} , neo Pas iene te Pike Wanted — Position as exper- For row boats and launches NOTICES IN THE 7% bios See ere eer * — “““lienced saleslady or chamber-jteiephone 320 green. Davis boat NEWS they had no desire to have union} promotion of Sabbath observ-|work-at once. Phone Black 148./] house forced upon any considerable: jnee, the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.| opposing minority, but would! ¢ 4 -¢hys reulation and study : rather see no attempt made lO) .,¢ the bible, and in other ways. 1 j unite the churches unless the} yinijsters the different de- _IN THE— i union could be affected by an al- nations haye often exchan- Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley most ‘ ous vote. The ma-| goq , a ae ose fy ee - . : 3 ee ae: ged pulpits from th arliest FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM 4] jorities in favor of union have) years in Winnipeg and elsewhere OS REE ye Bn i een large in most of the courts} sprougcho a est t Pa. ¥ ; higee Rees hroughout the west, with r | AANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS of all the churches, but the min- its that have been gratifying easy terms. orities against have been t00}to the hearers. Young people es- considerable to be ignored. The] pociaily, have joined in mission. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited situation might be - oienpetblbes. work for the benefit of Chin- 9 ml ; ; cin with that of the miners of Eng-|ese and other foreign immi- PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 VANCOUVER, B.C. land in voting on the recent! , young Presbyterian is at the} strike question. The majority Of) present time doing good work| en — eee the men were not in favor of 1°-| among boys in one of the Metho-| turning.to work, but the authori-| gist missions in Winnipeg. Such| B& SP ECUCEEESeEUSeeUSeET aie o ' | ties of the union saw that ie nstances might easily be multi-| minority of the contrary vir Wi pi ed. This helping one ansther| fal was too large to be ignored. lis, after all, the best form of un-} = In Western Canada the church and is the best —prepara- union sentiment is so overwhel-j tion for carrying out any organic =) , mingly strong that there dees} union that may in the end com- not appear to be any danger ofl mend itself to the wisdam and eo any large secessions from the|Christian sentiment of the Cana-| united organization; but in East| dian churches. Highest Value in Plain and Gem Set RINGS There is no jeweliry line in which value is more expressed than in BIRKS’ plain and gem set rings In fineness of outline they Geo. E. Trorey are, simply speaking, the personification of Managing Director perfection. } Our ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE shows Vancouver -+- B.C. a time variety of solitaire and cluster en- gagement rings in diamond and combina- tion settings. The BIRKS’ WEDDING RING is of particularly fine design and very popular throughout Canada Write for our Iliustrated Catalogue, which will be sent free to your address Henry Birks & Sons Jewellers and Silversmiths place. bone of modern Adver the truth, and it pays. relies more and more telligences too keen possible. vertising is the straigt dence. To-day, many itchens welcome visi nothing. or an abuse of silence. ging words. Throw on The Best Procurable. | Subscribe For The Daily News And Get All the News Absolutely pure Candor and honesty form the back- The public demands the*light; it abominates and fears darkness canning factories, pecking houses, bakeshops, and public The old idea of The *‘ keep out”’ welcome’”’ fe To-day, tising. Men tell panies use the Modern selling om. the confidence and good will of the buyer. To-day, eyes are too sharp and in- to make deceit Absolute frankness in Ad- it road to confi- tors. concealing papers. The public may overlook, but does not forgive, a lie The public regards with suspicion those who attempt to serve it in secrecy and The public is repelled by juggled facts or befog- The public rewards with its favor and money those who tell it the truth. where the light shines and where the paths are straight. its confidence. the light! Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Azsociation, Room 503 Lumsden Bldg., Toronto, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part —-so write, if interested. many public It walks and shops 66 EEP OUT!”’ used to hang as a sign on every factory door. ness made it seem a crime to show outsiders processes, materials, and methods of manufacture. secrecy in busi- Now the white light of publicity is being let in by those who depend on public favor for business profits and business growth. from factory doors and the ‘‘ sign is disappearing sign is taking its service coms newspapers to tell the truth about themselves. To-day, many big industrial enter- prises are open without hindrance to the inspection of an interested public. To-morrow, many more companies, depending for their success and pros- perity on public curtains that veil their board and work- rooms-— they, too, will come to printing candid advertisements in the news- confidence, will lift the 12) ' We have an immediate purchaser for one or two Submit your listir For Sale Lot 40, block 16. sec ——— Five and Six. Price 12 and 18 haute. » $6000 Look this gs Zoo | cei eeeteenieentons a ‘ewccnoe © PATTULLO & RADFORD eer PLPALNI\ PP AP “FROM HOME TO HOME,” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hote! Excellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West + - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. > 3 When in Vancouver You Should Stay ai | 4 3 CARLTON HOTEL Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.5 Hot and Cold Water in each room 4 CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS 13 Vancouver, -B.C. _ 3 Sawew “we in Va Moderate Prices cs The ing. nee eer er Tt il able to buy any kind of printing is able to buy good print- anything dicates to people who see it that he doesn’t care Daily News Building Is Willing and Satisfied lO Oo = | man who is If he uses else it in- 98 PHONE POPPI A tA GF YF Ya a No Man Need. Us3 Paar Printing Uniess te Most pre fer FOR ‘HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THr Thira 41 tt tt ttt os LOL OOD LOLI | | : E | Baal Sal Net laine ais inbiinicsd : q 3 OUR PRICI QUR CAP CURLS Only $5.60 monated ona igh treme, Most STYLISH TOUPET ONLY 35.00 Entire Transformation $9.50 or 513.00 TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as sketch) t th iressing h : eff All Orders delivered direct to your home, s-cvurely packed Send tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 13 %0: CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. ieee - - oe > - B84, FOXBERRY ROAO, s BROCKLEY, Lonnoon,S.E. ENGLAND. Address all ORDERS Manageress Me ww a. Se te eng o ed. from $5.00 kness regu ALL CHARGES, BOTH DUTY SOs a HAIR C? TRANSFORMATIONS ANI re COD LIVER OIL J. L. MATHIEU CO., Prop. SHERBROOEE. COLDS »~> Mathieu’s Syrup ef Var and Cod Liver Oi not only stops a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere.