S4I. 1 A ices w.a. Success llfld Saturday After-,1 Jjir Canadian Lesion Hall ,,iry of the c -. Royal f a..:s. Royal v.. ... Carp f-nd c Ccrvlci! Corps r :t Tea in the Hrmr -operation to jifiir ,rrvice. Please Stout milk bottles daily t nrfrt tlif m for tomor- minion most: 10 Dairy AINTING unlive Kalsominlng 'RNB CORNELL f iin and Anderson's I'hone 4C Canadian Legion Hall on Saturday afternoon. Guests were numerous and were received by Mrs. Albert Robinson, the president. Johnston, Mrs. J. R. Low. Mrs. R. E. M. Yerburg and Mrs. J. James. Mrs. William Young, as general convenor, was assisted by Mrs. K. Malthouse, Mrs. J. Watson and Mrs. T M. Brltton as servlteurs Cashier was Mrs. D. Lawford. In charge of the home cooking table were Mrs. Alngl and Mrs. Chadsy . Raffles were in charge of Mrs. D. Gibson and Mrs. Merrill, the draw-, Ings resulted as follows: J , Tickets to Capitol Theatre, won by T Wolfenden, No. 185. Leg of lamb, donated by Bulkley Market, won by Mrs. J. Ratchford, No. 4. Table lamp, donated by Mrs. J. R. Low. won by Mrs. S. D. Anderson, No 84. Twenty pounds of sugar, donated by Mussallem's Grocery, won by Mrs J A Frew. No. 137. Ladles: and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING Reasonable price, good work I'hone Blue 916 201 3rd Ave. KIMIKO UYEUE Moth Fume CRYSTALS lb. Tin-. 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c Ormes Lid. Jit Pioneer Druq&iats lhe Hewn Store Phones 81 Ooen Hail from I a.m. till 10 ro. Sundayj ad Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. an 1 to m. possessed of mixed feelings In re- afternoon gara .to young girls. They are theltoria. spender of the future, the girls who later will hold the family purse strings. Yet, the big stores fls their attention on older customers while the girls go to shops of their own choice. The girls who would be leaving school and "coming out" are nowj going Into war work and the clovhes which once were needed for social events play a small part In their lives. They still get fun after work, but It Is concentrated and simple fun. "Background dresses," dresses which can be transformed Into many aspects by slight alterations are in demand. In color they are like pastels, including fine wools, and parma violet. The girls also ask for tan shades, from cocoa brown to biscuit. They want dresses with variations, such as tie-on Moulded to Figure Man delight in perklns. which replace pullovers to some extent, made in fabric, not knitwear. They are closely moulded to the figure, I The setting was attractive with j&uttorng or zipping under the arm the patriotic colors of red. white and have a idely-out round neck-and blue predominant throughout Une t0 show blouse or dress-the decorations. The Ua table wui e Blr,s require a varly ?l especially attracUve with a floral Jblou4se- not usf tlJfy but be- tailored SultS. hme rpnfr.rf u-'th anH ..hit ple nnmnttnnc onH w ;riE PriHin, cause they like to buy pinafore at the tea table were Mm. S. D. "The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre, May 28. Catholic tea, Mrs. Blain's, May 29. Battle of Jutland Tea May 31, Canadian Legion. Bundles to Bri tain. Hill CO Dance, June 0. 1 Presbyterian Missionary tea, Mrs Duncan McRae's, June 4. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Eve-l nlng Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June) 5. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's, June 5., Parent Teachers' Tea. June 8. Queen Mary tea, Legion June 14 for soimers graves. mm Hall, 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadian Leg- Ion, June 19. United Church Young June 19. Tea Mrs. O. C. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Oiippii Charlotte Islands Servjce Leave Prince Rupert May C, 17 and 2710 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from i hank J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave, Phone 5G8 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ' PAQETimnr 'Z-X-IIm- I, - , . i i - ' - j tos - - - I'or Men Who Value a Well-Dressed Appearance Mr. Art Turner Special Representative 1 1 LEISHMAN Co. Ltd. Will Be With Us . . THURSDAY FRIDAY V,,: u complete showing of the new ji, fabrics. V v.ope you will come in and see the , n patterns and style trends. atts & Nickerson Headquarters for Irishman Clothes ENGLISH DRESSING Written for the Canadian Press By ALLISON SETTLE LONDON, May 20: (CP) Lon don's department stores are always LOCAL NEWS NOTES Used Furniture bought for cash! or sold on coinmlssloriJjElln's, Moose Building, Third Avenue. Mrs. J. Armstrong I on the Cat a trip to Victoria. (tf) apron skirts, matched by a bolero the 102nd Battallon in the last war. of spotted silk dresses which show the blouse. An- Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W. A. Canadian Sale, May 21. Presbyterian Tea, MacKay. May 22. Legion Spring Mrs. James he Is a well known locally born bey. Another recruit here last week was Allan A. Kellogg who has Joined the Rocky Mountain Rangers. with low necklines to frame the face and show the blouse top. Cotton shirting blouses are popular matched by a length of the same cotton to make a turban tie and by flowers made In the shirting for the label. Special attention is paid to details. The girls have Ahnntra. n f ftrtlllra iurl ruffe Ao other reason for the popularity of . . ... . . . n n blouses Is because dresses are made ... .. Aa jcro! Lutheran Metropole. Circle .Tea, May 23, Muslin Bonnets For Informal dining and dancing, they prefer muslin and lace. Inser tion blouses and wear them with narrow-hipped, but swinging cot ton skirts patterned with rich col orings. A deep belt unties the two parts. They top off their costumes with toff the face bonnets of shirred mus lin, nets lace or cotton and threaded with ribbon which tie on curls over the forehead. They leave the tossed trifles of ribbon and flowers for older women. LINZEY Crisco 3-lb. tins AND INGRAM LTD. Quality Food Low Trices Prompt Delivery Butter First grade. 3 lbs. Sweet Clover. 3 lbs. Pineapple Juice Large 50-oz. tin, Special 2 for 2 tins. 2 for 1.00 95c Cut Green Beans OCn 17-oz. tins. 3 for Niblet Corn Del 90 Picnic Hams Swift's bone less. Half or 24c WI1U1C. LU, Sweet Mixed Pickles Polly Prim. Family 9 SO Jar 59c 35c Tomatoes Choice quality. 17-oz. tins. On Dollar Sodas Red Ofip IV, WW Arrow wwucmw Corned Beef Helmet. Regular lC uns Tuna Fish- -Crawford's. Victoria Day 29c Sweet Mixed Biscuits Nice assortment. "fl Q Lb. Jk V V Jercen's Carbolic Soap - It Floats. 27C o pars New Canteloupes 9p nice size. im Sunklst Grapefruit 2C 7 ior Store Closed All Day Saturday- Tonight's train, due from the east at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. sailing this j Mr. and Mrs. J. O. AndeiTon are ala for Vic- sailing this afternoon on trie cata- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood left on last evening's train for Jto Brantford, Ontario. BLACKHEADS Imply dlMoW! nd dlMPpw kf thli oM Impt. uf nd t mrthod. Cit Iw ouncM of proi1n powder from ny drof tor. prinkU ea hot. jiolta. pplr U7 7 bUOBMd WUI U gOM.. Rev. E. E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Church. Is sailing this af ternoon on the Princess Louise for Douglas Stalker having enlisted for military service, sailed at the end of the week for Victoria. The son of the late Capt. R. A. Stalker, who was an officer oversea:, with la for a trip to Vancouver. Judge W. E. Fisher left on last . . Lvsnlnn'. trnln tnr n trln tn 8ml- a. tripi' J r j th?rs to conduct a session of uouniy uoun. Notice is given that gun practices will be carried out from riedcrlck Battery between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, Thursday. May twenty-second 1941. (119) Dominion Constable A. J. Wat klnson returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from the Naas River after having been en gaged for the past week In taking the cnsus of natives at Green vllle and Klncojlth. Lat week In dlan Agent James Glllett took the census at Alyansh ana uanyon City. TRAPPERS WARDENS North Manitoba Procram Fr Pelt Industry Brines Results THE PAS, Man., May 20: (CP) Muskrats producing two litters averaging five each every summer, are rolling In dollars for northern Manitoba trappers who for year?; have faced poverty due to lack of an organized fur industry. Muskrats fell in production from around 800,000 a year at the turn of the century to but a few thousand by 1936, when the Manitoba government rehabilitation program was started. Four years later 400 heads of families received $21.75 a month from rat pelts trapped on the 12-1,000 acre STrmmeTberry Preserve, 40 miles south of The Pas. This year the Manitoba Depart-, ment of Natural Resources sent 700 heads of famlliel into the pre serve and the 1941 catch of 200,000; animals is expected to give each family $25 a month for. 12 months. Last year's catch was 126,000 animals. At public autcion they brought an average of $152 each. Trappers are placed in zones un der supervision of a head trapper who directs operations and en forces game laws. Pelts from vari ous ones are delivered to a control) point and later transported to Make Our Store Your Shopping . Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all tia itxr round payroll tn Prince Rupert SPECIALS Sneddon's Grocery 500 5th Avenue East rhone 581 Butter First grade. 3 lbs. Magic Baking Powder 8-oz. tins. Each Clover Honey 2-Ib. tins. Each LIbby's Dill Pickles 28-oz. tins. Each Aylmer Niblets 16-oz. tins. 2 for 81.05 19c 31c 27c 25c Aylmer Red Pitted Cherries Choice quality. "Ht Each Royal City Peas and Carrots Choice quality. 9f!f 2 for Libby's Ripe Olives QQt UV 16-oz. tins. Each Nabob -l's. Clark's Pork and 18-oz. tins. 2 for 69c Beans 23c LIbby's White Aspira- OQf OXj gus Tips Each Witch Hazel Toilet Soap 5 bars for 25c Fry's Cocoa l's. Oin OJA Each All Bran Flavored with malt, sugar and salt. 22C Royal City Peaches ,2 Packed In heavy ,-fl fn , syrup. Each Crisco Pure vegetable short ening. 3-lb. tins. f?0 Each market for auctioning. From the Under tne trapnne zoning yuaii ci He thP nrnvindaJ o-ov- a trapper who can establish tnat 71 , ,, . he has trapped over a certain area ernment takes five cents a pelt as nuiX7of years can obtain royalty. In addition 20 percent Is traDDlnz rights over the deducted to cover costs of patrol- area. it is stipulated that he must ling and other services and to be 'develop the district, con' erve the used toward development of other breeding stock and generally per-areas. The remainder goes to trap- j form the duties of a game warden, pers in regular monthly instal- j The first of the registered zones-ments. i was opensd this spring covering an Conserve Stocks Registered trapllne district?: have been set aside with a view to ending ruthless competition between resident and itinerant trappers. YES' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept $2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 733 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phene 37 P.O. Box .511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PHONE 116 ,HHHHHHHHHb area north and west of the Hud son Bay Railway. If you want sometning. advertise for it. Hundreds of people get what they want that way. (tf) MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size roll developed and printed 25c Special "Decko-Art" prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFENS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P.O. Bex 220 Vancouver B.C. FLAGS - FLAGS Celebrate Victoria Day with the Union Jack and all the Canadian flags in the small, medium and larger sizes. Toy Pistols and Guns, Fire Crackers, Noise -Making Rattles, Balloons Get them at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 330 3rd Ave. West j Clean-Up Paint-Up 1 Make Repairs, Build We can supply all the. materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call in and talk it over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd ICE PHONE 117 Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen arc Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia I. .'Ml 113-' iti ' : -i ;8 m 1 Si -3 viS t t i t t ,