Ml 1 m FAGETWO MEN'S Work Boots We carry a full range of High Arch, Greb, Valentine and Pioneer working boots in various weights and designs. Leather and Panco Soles. Priced up from $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DA1LY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue II. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year. $5.00; Half Year, $250; One Month. 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion - J25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion u J)2 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau oi Circulations MEMBER OP TUB CANADIAN PKESs Tfc Canadian Press la txcluilrely enutteil to use lor republication of all newi AeiTMtehet Utl to It or to .th Associated Press In this paper and alao the local wws pubUabd therein. All TUtoH oi republication ct mwclal deBoatclies therein are also rwervad Wcgiijn Thursday, February 14. 1941. - 1 Meeting Tonight - - - j Tonight in the City Hall there is to be a meeting of I those interested in the promotion of the sale of war sav-! mgs certificates or war stamps. So far the campaign does not seem to have been taken very seriously in Prince Rupert but the meeting tonight is the opening gun of a real war support movement. Every person who attends the' meeting is an inspiration to the others. Selling is never; an aneasy easy job job but but the the Selling selling of of War war savings savings certificates certificates is' so important that we feel sure everyone will wish to par-j tiefpate. It is the next best thing to joining the forces' that are going overseas. We shall be glad to record the progress made from day to day and we hope to be able to mark up big figures during the next week or two. Bren Gun Effort - - - We have just received from the John Inglis Co. Ltd. a small partfolio of protographs of the output of the plant including shipments of Bren guns for both the British and Canadian .. governments. . The plant covers eight . acres of V 1 'it --? I 1 ! ! .1 - uuiu wim nineteen ouuuinga ana nas since 1858 been en-j ping; Women Of Moose Tea Is Success Affair Yesterday Afternoon at Home ( its. Sam llongan The Women of Uie Moose held a very successful tea at the Iwme of Mrs. 8am Hougan, Fifth Avenue East yesterday afternoon. There were a number of raffles, the results of which follow: Sllex coffee maker, donated by Gordon and Anderson, won by Mrs. Chris Jensen, ticket 87. Thirty pounds of sugar, donated by Mussallem'a Grocery, won Mrs. Nels Amoth, Ucket 78. sen, ticket 94. Five sacks of coal, donated by Prince Rupert Feed Co., won by Mrs. Anna Peterson, ticket 78. Mrs. R. Murray was In charge of the raffles. Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. Hague were in charge of the home cocking. Mrs. 'siatta and Mrs. Storrie presided it theurrisT sYrviteur were Mrs. J. C- Wilson. Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. Amoth. In charge of the kitchen were Mrs. Overend, Mrs. C. Jensen and Mrs. Field. Cashier was Mrs. TattersaU. The guests were received by Mrs. Haugan Sr., regent, and Mrs. Haud-enschlld, past regent. Convener was Mrs. Sam Haudens- by. child. The tea was very successful and Table lamp, donated by Gordon's' the proceeds are for war relief pur Hardware, won by Mrs. Christen- poses. Man in the Moon Invest in a., bomb, bomb may 'get Hitler. nov. Your Make your dollar 'talk. Let Spitfires deliver the message. Last night I "held a dainty and so I little hand so sweet, "Are they paid for?" I asked. The reply was "No." "Like my wife again." Jake says if you ever i chicken the white ones easiest to find during a pinch are CANTERBURY, Eng., Feb. 13: (CP) A commission has been appointed by the Archbishops of repair, restoration or rebuilding of church property damaged in 3f D FOR SALE modern, two lots, taxes $1800.00 with half cash S. E. PARKER Storage space FOUND Bunch of keys and egg, beater. Owner can have same by I calling at Dally News and paying i for this ad. 1 "uju'cm 10 ucuiy ten i icu uii. uiie ui ine articles recently I made for customers is a large marine engine for a Bn- found Pair black kid gloves. tish Columbia shipyard, a picture of which is included in! wnCT have same v-"oej the portfolio. at Dally News and paying for this ad. Notice to Contractors SEALED tenders marked "Building" will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Thursday, February 20th. 1941, for demolishing the building known as the old Prince Rupert General Hospital.' Conditions and speclflcaUon j can be obtained at the secretaiy'i office of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The lowest, or any, tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. Birch, secretary. (37 and 40) THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. F. hi WARAND 1 VALENTINE Much Mystery, About . Custom's Origin But, MUsives Follow . . Trend Of Time ( Khaki-clad cuplds coyly cavort on many comic and sentimental i.. a. an i r-i 1 thought my heart would burst Jenunes oi wartime mi, uuw , .nAu, aa k .cards bear nictures of sailors, sow No other, hand unto my heart could greater solace bring, tThan that I. h,eld last night, which was four aces and a king. dlers and airmen, .separately and In groups, patriotic pictures show bulldogs, .flags- -various devices.; And others stick, to old-fashioned-, lace and verse, with little or no A dozen of war ln make-up for chap brought a photo-j"1"6 .graphs to the door the other eve-r eDruarv lining when my wife was out. He Men ta tne 'ore kel)l 83103 showed me some photos and said sta"s busv wlth their demands for my wife ordered them and what'card rl My designed for din t Hiinif f tiipm- r s.irt hpv men oil service sold like hot cake. were like like. tne a dealer observed. "Friendship val blackout a wholesaler reported. This year's business in valentines of all. kinds toped" a live-year trend to bigger sales. . I People seemed to be trying to ."buck one another up" with cards. entines conveying good win ana rt i, . . , but the black ones are the easiest axvun were u.." tr, hirf t roniiPd that t din nnt popular, and serious valen- need to pinch chickens. Tliey always came to me when I winked the other eye. TO RISE FROM RUINS tines of almost all types .void in great numbers, Uie Canadian Pre.s learned. "You can always sell to a sweetheart," said' a publisher of cards, who reported "spirited sales" gen erally. He added children's valentines are more popular every year. Valentines or children to send their na rents and crandDar- . v.. iiui . ents. cras for adults to children, ,are printed in increasing quantities. Why St. Valentine's? send ever- : Origin or the whole thing Is obscure. "Valentine" Is the name of a confusing number of saints and priests. The two best known were a priest of Rome and a bishop I of Terol but both lived In the same period the days of Claudius II, Emperor of Rome both died the same day, and both were buried on the Flaminlan Wav. so their ' r" biograrhical paths are confusingly 7-ROOM HOUSE 7th Ave. East, In cr0ssed, ' good condition, sepuc tans, imiy were v- h,, mali- on the eve of the feast of Lun- caira, a pagan festival honoring lFaunus. "Undent rural god, and Riiiimne Building, 2nd znd Ave Ave..,t i.-u-i,,,- iy, VM., 1st floor, seven-... . " " room suite 2nd floor, with 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors. Concrete foundaUon and walls, 2nd floor tile walls. Roof rebuilt 1935. Hot water heating. Building leased at good rental. 7500.00, terms arranged. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. entme or the Valentines becamn a part of the wild celebrations. Later the pagan festival, with so many others, changed to a Christian festival as the celebration of a saint's day. For nearly 1.800 years Enelalnd nas oDserved the anniversary of ,the Saint's nasslmr. in isF0R SALE Dinette suite, Chester-, inappropriate form. The origin of i:iu .iiiu nunc "'va Uie ocriooonea love-note and the 603. (37) sentimental verse Is traced to the jFebruato Juno feast of the Ro- FOR SALE Furniture, oil burner, mans, at which men chose part-couch and sundries. 1 -Helgerson ners by lot. That practice sur-Block. 37)Jvived in England to the 17th cen- vury, accoming to the diarist. CAR For Sale at Bargain. Phone' S3"1" Pepys. Green and 7 890 between evenings. WANTED between 5, Returning To Favor tf. Valentines slumped after the First Great War from the pinnacle FOR SALE-1936 De Luxe Ford se- OI Popularity they had reached dan. First class condition. Phone " ! er In tne v ot Charles Red 838. (41) ""ens they were popular and the .novelist tens of Sam Wellers lab orrous composotlon of a "Walen- tlne to an Ipswich housemaid. 1 r ru . t , . . ir. r P"' ncuwKKS madcap maacao msnwr. Hatred in manufacturincr maohinerv nnd fnnk fnr infliic.1 " Z TT t ! r' ii i i , wflniiiu iu nr4Ni unmeaiaieiy,,vant contused the whole Lssuk h trial UUrnORGS. r lvft VPnr; ntrn tftu nii nnmnnnti T"ia r " " ' -"ijr incn iaur or a rosm apartment or iiai. signing nis master s name to over by a new one of the same name and, while carrying on I furnished if possible. Apply e. p. outpourings of his own heart. tneir old business, they have added to it the manufacture sidaway, c o Biological of ordnance for the Canadian and British governments. They have gradually expanded the plant until today the manufacture of Bren guns is only a small part of their work. Their commercial business has grown and the pictures are evidence of the completeness of the plant. a ne maciiine gun piani is a nuge piace ana the and assembly rooms of the plant all indicate that real FOUND Statjon. But within the last decade there (38) nas been renewed interest In Val- - jenUn cards an Interest appar- J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. ike Colussi Accordionist and Teaeher A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED (14 CHIROPRACTOR Stanley VT. CoHa, D.Orb.C. Wtlace Bltck, riwine Cll When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates NEW LOW PRICE oh the 1? PMr ?ntly intensified by the war. as pt:ple are buying mote cards of serious sentiment and less of the Jeirlng and mocking variety of sarlier generations. MEETING OF HILL SIXTY .Mrs. E. Of 0. Moore To lie Regent 1. O. I). E. Chapter The annual meeting of Hill 60 Ohrmtpr Imrvrlat Ordpr Dnirah- BOMBAY, Feb. 13: (CP The Oaekwar of Baroda has given $222,500 for purchase of a trawler for use in the Royal Indian Navy n mlnesweeping and anti-submar-'ne duties. THE SEAL oi QUALITY ills GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye . PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Trinee Rupert Phones 18 Si 19 P.O. Box 575 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable Gift and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come In and let us explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" tut COCOA 80 NOURISHING CUPS TO THE POUND SERVICES EXPANDED Y. M. C. A. To' Have Service Secretaries From Here Tliree War Working The Young M;ns Christian As relation is now planning the sta tionlng of three war service sec retarles In this district to direct sume his duties as so n the acUvlties of the organization relieved at school He in connection wun tne various ' ' . mlllLn, (a.... ters of the Empire, was helld at """" the home of Mrs. J. L. Smith, Fourth Avenue West The annual reports were read and Indicated an encouraging year's work, especially that submitted from the war con vener, which showed the following articles had been forwarded to those on active service. 80 pairs seaman's socks ; 57 pairs hand knitted socks ' 39 pairs sweaters ' 70 helmets 4 , , , 4 4 dozen handkerchiefs' 1 . ! 14 scarfs 14 pairs mitts I In addition 11 pairs pajamas and 11 pairs socks were supplied to evacuated children. ElecUon of officers resulted, as follows! Honorary Regent. ,Mrs. ' J.' "Man- son (Ganges). 1 . : Regent. Mrs. E. F; Moore. First Vlce-Regentj Mrs.' H. N. Brocklesby. , Second Vice-Regent, 'Mrs. J. A. Frew. Secretary, Mrs. D. Orchard Mc- Leod. Assistant Secretary. Mrs. H. A. Breen. ' Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Brind. 1 Educational Secretary, Miss May Martin. Echoes Secretary. Mrs. J; H. Macey. Standard Bearer, Mrs. E. O. KIdd. There will be a senior officer who Will make his general headquarters In Prince Rupert. This officer has not yet been named although Allan Hurst of Revelstoke Is at present acting, however, to leave w ; Vancouver to carry o:: duties as a travelling belli? dig lit TTTlJ! sew tart James Wilson arrive St9 from- Vancouver. He wal nukf t. headquarters In Prim Ru;:crt particular duties to b, m i-.-s. lion wiUi the local f jrts. i Walter Ferguson ot Bo?ti; Men-orial High School traci,.:;.. rj. who was racently appo.nied to tis Y. M, C. A, war servi wi.. W tr ( after the services to tho Air Tm bases at Seal Cove and Ali.'M Bay. Advertise in the Oay Newt aHaflUHMBHavHIHHHBSHaRBi This advertisement is not published or displayed by the L qucr Control Board or by the Government 0(f British C-lumbu. Hot Water Bottle SPECIAL Guaranteed Bottles $1.00 Ormes ltd. "Jim Jhohtir Druggists The Rexall Store fbonei II Open Dally from I auntlll 10 Sundays and Hot Itvf from 12 to X P-n. aa i