I PAGE TWO 'THE DAILY NEWS .Saturday. S?ntr,h,r e Broken Line WHITE SPECIALS White Shoes in Straps, Oxfords and rumps. Broken in sizes but large variety to choose front Specially priced. to clear . . , DAILY EDITION $1.95' AMiLY SHOE STORE LTl The Hom6 (if Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion . Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion That Torpedoing Two Years Of War .02 SUBSCRIPTION KATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit bureau oi Calculations member or TUB CANADIAN I'ltESS The Canadian Pros Is exclualvelj to qm for rerDUbltcatlonof til newi lj entt entitled Associated AtsocL (ipe.tches credited to It or to the Press In this paper and also th local news oublished therein. All ilKhte ol republication oi special desoatohes therein are also" reserved MB Saturday, September 6, .1941. SPORT CHAT This world would be a more hazardous? lace for rneiy U Mildred Burke of Atlanta, Georgia, had her way. Mildredl s a w&man wrestler. And she'? a good one. In six professional years she . has grappled nearly 500 times wlthbut a loss, she says. She claims the national women's wrestling chamoion as recognized by the National Wrestling Association fii'd 'h'e Midwest Wrestling Association and no one seems, incline'd t6 argue about it. Mildred- five feet two arid 130 pounds is no slip of a girl. She has a 15V2 inch , neck, coal-heaver shoulders, and a pair of legs suegeStlve of a couple of redwoods. Wrestling, she says has done it, and you, and you, and you could learn to throw your husband around If you only took the time. "The average woman." observes i auburn-haired, 26-year-old Mil- j dred, "sriends too much time smok-, Ing and drinking. Every woman would be much better off with a little wrestling just for exercise. They'd learruto take care of themselves." Mildred can, and does. She has. on occasion, wrestled arid thrown a 170-pound man. Two of her sisters are ordained ministers of Four-Snuare Gosoel Churches in California. But Mildred wantea to wrestle. B?ck home in Ooffeo-vllle, Kansas, she competed In high school athletics and went to see every wrestling match she could. I Aainst her mother's wishes, Mildred pestered Billy W61f. a former "wrestler, to teach, her. wfestlins. ( Annoyed, fie n'tre'd a boy to dis-'roiirafee her, watched flabbergasted ' i i . a ..'-.j.--v,i J UrivinrM him ns Lnp io-vca"wu Wy... 2S around arid pinned Ms shoulders to the mat. There was no lunner argument. While Her mother visited In 'California; she studied for six month under Wolf, then began serious wrestling. "The first thing my mother knew about It was when she saw me In a h'ewsre'el 'out in California. Goodness! she burnt up trie wires. But she's tfrtfud 'of me now." : It's a toufeh srame. she says, b'ut she lives it. injuries? it's all in -knowing how td take care of your self. Cauliflower ears? Drain the swelling ahd take a two-weeks va cation. Six years or more of steady , , , . . . . . ., wrestling has left Mildred unscar- The torpedoing of an American warship carrying mail red. Swift as the proverbial cat in from United States to the American troops at Iceland was the ring, she is adept at scientific a serious matter and, if it can be proved that the vessel wrestling and prefers to avoid wii- was a German ship would be likely to have a senous.ettectiJuv.IOUi&- j' on the war. Just such an incident as that would prove suf-'jy Jce MVoStVcked' ficient to cause the United States to start a shooting war her ln the mbuth and loosened five instead of a war of material and supply as at, present.. The teeth, she got "really mad." fact that the President declared the vessel would Ibe tr'a"ck-1 ed down and eliminated made it clear that Jhis would be ut of the ring Mildred spends considered a warlike act. i- d?5?g-S.!S! she wrestle's as many as three ,tlmes a week. She drives about 100,000 miles a year, she says, and wears out tw6 cars. She runs from one to five miles daily in front of the car. in tin cue icvicwa mat die (jciii niciuc tiicoc uavoi""vfc" ... v....., covering the course and the conduct, of the war which KanSaf; flve years ago - who Jm. Adolf Hitler iei, launched ...unc,..r1 just iW two to yeais war ago nn-n tn to t;nti?fv satisiy u.v ms thete Promptly his was wftl thrown no ilniculty on his head- Wlh maniacal y ambition little emphasis seems to have been laid. stagedoor' johnnies. "They take one on the revolutionary changes that have occurred in the look at my manager's ears," she lining up of friends and foes in the great struggle," says i laughs with a gesture toward the uie V ancouver morning paper. I former wrestler, "and leave wnue riitier has succeeded in enslavintr one huhdrediaione million people in Europe, these victories are beginning to have their repercussions in smouldering discontent. In the Near East, Britain has won a continuous series of victories culminating in the occupation of Iran, which has definitely closed the door to the Nazi dream of the conquest of India. "Yet it is in the relations between Russia and Germany that the most amazing change has taken place, surpassing in its completeness and to some extent in its im portance, the defection of France. For the first time since the war began the slaughter of soldiers has reached world War dimensions. The mass casualties on the Soiri-me, at Paschaendaele and before Verdun were due to the fact that the war then waged was a war for position where gains could be made only by hurling masses of hieh against heavily fortified positions. "It is this mass slaughter for which Hitler in his fam ous confession of faith and in his speeches has frequently! declared that he has no stomach. His campaigns in Eur-1 ope. save for short spasms of ruthless 'blitz' in Norway,1 the Netherlands, France and Greece, have been comparatively bloodless. "It is in his war against Russia that Hitler has made 1 his most grievous and most dangerous" miscalculations. He' under-estimated the strength of the ally whbm 'lie so' treacherously attacked and is fighting a foe who possesses murderous striking power and as yet unshakeable morale.! "Hitler promised that he would win his victories without sacrificing the flower of Nazi youth, and the hospital trains that choke the lines into Rumania and the long trenches into which hundreds of thousands of soldiers rest forever, reveal another broken nledrrp. "Hitler has a mad bull by bvthe .the tail tail : and he can't let go." J. Bouzek "TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. twd doors from Broadcasting Station THE SEAL QUALITY 3 2i5 I m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed dV tVe 'olity salmon canning company with an aYl the year round payroll in Prince Rupert me WOMEN 5 p.m Rupert 11 a.m.i Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m OX SERVICE Inspection of one of units In Brita in Steamship Sailings DRAW IN tuayngm sinus j . 4 w for Vancouver MondayS.S. Prince v Rupert 4 p.m. Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Wednesday S.S. Princess . Alice - P-m- Friday S.S. Prince Adelaide - 2 p.m. S.S. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George S.S. Princess Louise From Vancouver- Sunday S.S. Catala Monday S.S. Princess Alice Wednesday S.S. Prince S.S. Cardena p.m.' . N'aas River and Port Simpson Sunday. S.S. Catala 8 p.m. From Alice Arm, Xaas River and Port Simpson Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday S.S. Prince YES.' 1 dAcsldALL a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. We Kepalr Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept .. 13.50 IIANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A IlbME AWAY FROM HOME" hates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Darkness Ends Intermediate League Contest With 7 to 7 Score In what appeared to be the best Intermediate League baseball game played this season Watts and Nlck- erson and Co-operative battled to a 7-all draw last night. Vucko vich started out for Co-Op but v' ' was soon eliminated a.m. perior hitting of by the su-Watts and p m,lNickerson. MacDonald then took ever the mound. Watts and Nick-erson were leading all the way until the last when Zbura trickled home was a pitchers' duel but the game FnS;?rSsnca5ieam,er Alex Bill for Watts and Nlcker-Fc-S? 8 8 nm Pitched a cool steady game. George 1 p.m.f From Stewart and Premier Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. ; Saturday S. S. Prince 1 .George 12 noon For 'Alice Arm, The Markets Fowl, No. 1, lb, Roasting Chicken, lb Bacon side, sliced, best grade Second grade, lb DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl, Ladies and 'Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing IS ntOVlNCl.W- KI.ICfTlOX VOTKUA LISTS .25 .30 .60 .55 Ham, first grade, lb 45 Rupert 4 p.m. I Picnic Ham. lb ,40 Friday S.S. Princess cottage Rolls, lb 42 Adelaide 2 D.m.lPork- shoulder, lb 22 Saturday S.S. Prince . iPork Chops, lb 35 George .... 5.p.m. ?ork, loin, lb 35 From Ocean Falls . IPork, leg, lb ., .28 WednesdayS.S. Prince I Pork, dry salt, lb 20c Rupert 11 a.m.'Vea'. lolr. lb. .30 Friday S.S. Princess Veal Chops, lb., 30c and 35 Adelaide . a.m.!Veal. shoulder, lb 20 S.S. Prince' George 11 a.m.Beef, pot roast, 20 S.S Cardena pm. i Beef Steak, lb. 30c and .35 For (Ween Charlotte Islands i Lamb, leg, lb 35 August 30 ) Lamb Chops, lb. 35c and 40 S.S. Camoson 10 p.m. , Lamb Shoulder 25 From Queen Charlotte Islands Fsn August 29 S.S. camosuh For Alaska Monday S.S. Princess Alice Wednesday S.S Prince Rupert 3 From Alaska Monday S.S. Prince Rupert 10 Wednesday S.S. Princess Alice Saturday Princess Louise .. a.m. Salmon, red spring, lb 25 Halibut, lb ; 20 Smoked Kippers, lb 15c. aha .2C Hour Flour, 49's No. 1 hard wheat .... 1.80 Second Patent 1.60 Flour, 24's 95 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 65 A "spot" costs you only half aoiiar. Try it ln the Daily News classified column. (tf) YOUR NAME on th t..i.ii VoUfa' LIsU? n Is your own duty'toreir-Mer. Take no chances. Do .int. ion anyone elise. You cannot vote irnlefrt registered on .the PROVINCIAL list Be-111? on the Olvle, Municipal or Federal lists positively does not put You ' rm ithe Provincial list. Hie list closes on the 13th day of September, 1941, after which date positively no applications will be re-.Ceived by me. ! Qualification for Registration-I I. British subject by Birth or Nat-urMlzaitlon. 2. Twenty-one years of age. 3. Residence of Six months In Prov. lnce of British Columbia; One month "'"nwi ln Electoral District. NORMAN A, WATT, ! Registrar of Voters. , Prince Rupert Electoral District August 30t0i, 1041. FOK SALh FOR SALE 10 used coal ranges in good condition, 20 Springfield mattresses in all sizes at $18.50, 24 ... ' ti 1va FOR SALE Full size violin, Strad-' ivarius model, practically hew.j complete with case arid bow.( Cost $50.00. Will sell for $20.00. Phone Red 605. 1200) I . - - FOR SALE Carpenter tools. Room 35, Alder Eltick. 210 FO'3 SALE .Rsmington typewriter. Phone Red 523. . (.211 ) HOUSES FOK SALE Rooms 4 bedrooms, fully modern, centrally located, splendid condition, garden, 2 fireplacei $3500. Real value. 6 Rooms 3 bedrooms. 8th Ave. W. $2100 terms. $1900 cash. 4 Rooms 2 bedrooms, garden, 7th Ave. W. $1600 terms. Rooms Concrete basement, furnace, 2 lots. 7th Ave. E. $2300 terms. 3 Rooms Fully modern and basement, splendid condition, automatic furnace, electric range. 6th Ave. W. $1950 cash. Rooms New roof arid foundations. 2 lots. Furniture and good radio. Near Ridley Ildrrie. $800. C. P. TINKER CO. LTD, FOK KfcNl FOR RENT Very comfortable I bedroom, newly decorated, 64C Taylor St. Phone Green 830. (209) I NOTICE WANTED WANTED Man Valentin Dairy. for dairy . 1 OUR daily delivery will be made. commencing Sunday, Sept. 7 between 12 and 6 p.m. Instead 0 6 to 12 p.m. Be sure and leave bottles out. Dominion Dairy, Phone 10. work, (210) TO RENT Furnished house. Take over any time. Apply Box 143, Dally News. (207) WAiilTED Furnished, . house or apartment by newly married couple. Phone evenings Red 241 ask for Clifford Taylor. (209) WANTED Light housekeeoinz rooms or house by woman with two children. Apply Box 144, Da-lly News. (209) WANTEb IMMEDIATELY House or apartment by Dry Dock worker. Phone Green 607 or write P. O. Box 1365. (213) LOST LOST Pair of green love-birds. Finder please notify Mrs. P. Wingham. Phone Red 903. (207 PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, 8tno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER, garten with our help, Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post 'Office Make Our Store Tour Shopping HeadqUalrteft Satisfaction Gnarinteed Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" SAVOy HOTEL l-KASKK STREW 1 cnCSteriieias 111 Uie linrai, otjira. I Krtliri If... . unpainted chest and drawers at low prices. Phone Black 324. B.C. Furniture Co. l arl Zarelli, Prop. Hieaint-rs Leave I'm;;:? R. ror vain x.?t I7ATAI.A rVKIIV Tin,,.. '.au.u, ItSO p.m. Due Vancouver Thuri p.a (.AKDI'NA KVFItV 'K)W iu:iu p.m. 'qneen Charlotlr Mandi Leaving Aug. 19 and M, ' September 9 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Kesmatiuu from rUAIMK J, SKINNER, hlott Kupert Agent, Third Art. Phone 5C8 Jean b. rivf.it a.t and WITH W, NELSON A.T.CM. Teacher of Piano Theory Announce the openlr.joltl:. Studio on September t " . Private and Claa TCL Phone Green 83G after i pi r resli Loca Raw ml Pasteurized M'lk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annei 150 Heated Rooms not Water Steam Eith) Dining Room In Coonectlot Mrs. C. E. Black, rroprittrM Prepare for Fall and Winter Men's Suits remu.if'W Alterations, Repax ':?, Growing and Pressin 'Qi: Servlci' ieaturlng Freedma.i I Gnhbps. fi.imiip! Har M ! T n 11 - 1 Ontti, fl'r. Topcoats to impure DELUXE TAILOR j Opposite Commodore Cafe Phone 307 Wj CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton D.C fl Wallace Block, Phone t School Supplies ill o-iKriil nun Htv nt reasonable prices. The VADIP.TV STORE. S30 irrt Ave. W. Phone Kcd J- I FiiEE! FKEE! New issue Premium o0Jrl in, Call in and let us expis" this plan to you. Dishes, verware, flatware and m useful items FREE with o cash coupons. MUSSAIXE.rS ECONOMY STOP "Where Dollars Have Wor Cents" Phones 18 & 19 P -,,u