aoe TWO 5 V..W,''.',T' BROKEN LINES CLEARANCE We are offering exceptional values in short lines to clear. AH High Grade SHOES and priced to clean them up in no time. One look at our window will convince you Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor The Case Of Bulgaria - - . Bulgaria joins the list of nations forced to submit to Hitler either by duress or force, certainly not by choice, 'Like Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, 'Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France, Rumania and the rest q say nothing of poor misguided Italy The Bulgars will jibw co-operate with Germany while hoping for Great Bri-tnih to win. The reason is, of course, obvious. Bulgaria! if more fearful of what Germany will do to her in the - meantime if she fails to co-operate than what Great Bri-tain will do in the course of fighting the war. And, after .jwhthe war is over and Great Britain wins, she knows she will get a square deal. ; This is the condition that places the diplomacy of the I fair-dealing democracies at a disadvantage with the du- j plcity and menace of the ruthless dictatorships whose sole object is to gain their ends by fair means or foul. It is the rule of fear or force, lying and double-dealing. Certainly Bulgaria must .know from the experiences of the others : that any undertakings Hitler may have made to her will be respected only so long as it does not interfere with the Fuehrer's program of aggression and his lust for con- : quest. It is just another illustration of what mio-ht eventu ally happen to Canada and the United States unless Hit ler is stopped before he has connuered all else. The obvious aim of the Nazi drive through the Balkans is, of course, to strike at Great Britain in the Mediterranean area. All intervening events are merely incidental to that aim. If Turkey and Greece hold out, they will, doubtless, be attacked. It is useless to think otherwise. " That is why Great Britain is rushing to the aid of these nations and it is why we here in this country should ;f$ everything we can now in aiding Great Britain through .supporting our own government in its war effort. Efficiency In War v ' In spite of .criticisms, the federal Dftnartmonf nf Muni , lions and Supply is, doubtless, fully alive to. the necessity of increased efficiency in Canada's production of the sinews Of war, , Even here in Prince Rupert we may become restless at times and wonder why this and why that is not ueiiiK uone. In changing the country from, a peace time easy-go ingba.sls to the hard-working was status, a great deafof - organization is reouired. The ministers themselvpo nv-p ; doubtless, doing all in their power to find and rectify the ( ;wHea)f spots. They, we are confident, are as anxious as we 1 to win this war and critiq'sm will be welcomed by them, no ' matter whence it emanates. It is a low and unpatriotic reasons to take advantage jof and embarrass the situation. HiurLunaiejy cnai appears 10 oe tne object of some. Savings Certificates :iIntfW'n..aM to buy ;9r pledge themselves to buy war eavi.ngs cenincaies po tne lull capacity of their ability to dq m we would suggest that this is not a charitable mat-ter but sound cood nersonal business. Mnnv Q. C. CITY The sum of $107 was cleared at tlie dance given on Valentine's Day by the Board of the Skldegate Inlet General HaspltaJ. The affair, wtrch was held In tne Skidegale Mission elty dances were held, the winners. being Mrs. George Chastenay, Mrs; O. Hill, George Turner and Bill Murray. At supper time a drawing was held for a black slate to'.em pole hand carved and eight Inchus In length which had been donated by a member of the Mission. The winning ticket was held by George, Rasmussen. A grand march, led by Mr. and Mrs. William Russ. was a feature of the evening, Music for dancing was supplied by the Harmony Boys. At the door were Mrs. Solomon Wilson, Mrs. Albert Jones, Mrs. D. McColr, Mrs. E. C. Stevens and Mrs. W. Barry. During the evening Dr. McColl thanked all present for Uiclr support and paid tribute to the many Individuals who assisted in making the dance the success it was. It was a gala night for the youngf sters recenU when Rev. B S. S, Hartley's amateur movies were shown In the church here in aid of the Auxiliary to Aliford Bay. Very interesting were the views, including those of beauty spots on the Islands, logging camps, Indian relics, etc. Some scenes were shown of Vancouver Island Including the famed Butchart Gardens. There were excellent views of the United Church Mission boat the Thomas Crosby. To bring the enjoyable ev ening to a close, a brief cartoon comedy was shown, to the delight of the little ones. Alfred Carlson of the Extension 'thirty-one unions while by Febru ary mis numDer naa increased to thirty-six. At the. close of the talk a question period was held. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladles Auxiliary to the United Church was held last Thursday at m iftttirirn ILAiricu ROOM West. FOR RENT 343 7th Aye. ROOM AND BOARD Box 77 Daily News. (5T) WANTED WANTED 1 or 2 light housekeep- ; lpg rooms. Box 76, Dally News. 5qi' WANTED 1, 2 or 3 light house-' keeping room or ffms. Box 78, Daily News: ' (tf) j WANTED 2 furnished or unfur-j nlshed rooms. Box 80, Daily News, (57) WANTED Furnished apartment or house. Box 70, Dally News'!' (54) work Wanted YOUNO girl wants stenographic or clerical work. Box 74, Dally News. (53) MAL'E'IfELP WANTED" glad a few years hence that the government oncouraKcdSA.';1i??'i!? s "WfWiJWW-; us to aave. The savings thus accrual may stand us in S lator plan that guarantees in stepcj jjt a Jater date. Ruying wai; sayings certificates is making no gift. We mighialsajmember that, if we do not respond to the apnearto save voluntarily, the government has it in its power to take from us in the form of taxation whnf. ir creased, business, to all classes of merchants. Unusual earnings on advanced commbjslpn and repeat business arrangement. Universal Sales, 55 York, .Toronto. (55) ' needs ami not giye it back either. By all means, buy war, T LOSTT 1 sayjnffl certificates You yourself will in the end be the LbsT-onecar chau ? Please nhone: ' greateseneficiftry-by so doing. ;. 0-579. " THI DXTET NEwi the. Manse when Mrs. B. Hartley was hostess. The newly elected president, Mrs. Gordon Jollffe. was in Ute clulr. Rev. B. Hartley led hi prayer after the opening hymn was sung. Mrs. Hartley played the piano accompaniment for the hymn. The president opened the biulncss meeting by making a short speecn Hall, was exceptionally well whlch he lhanked the ladles for tended.. Members of the board ietty. y.nnnr ,hoV hnrf done her and ,i, t-.j f"1- "W " . - : siding In the village had charge of the decoration of the hall and also supplied the cakes for the midnight supper. In the gaily decorated hall, amid hearts, serpentine, balloons and confetti, the merrymakers in which she outlined the alms ana objects of the auxiliary. After routine business, a novel "Hobby Sale" was held, at which the sum of six dollars was realized. This 'money will be used to purchase danced until 2:30 aw. Several nov-jcurtalna for the chancei rail. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Agnes Mathers. Mr. and Mr. Frank Gale entertained their friends in their new building at Queen Charlotte recently. There were sixty guests, both bid andVoung. The young people enjoyed dancing in the spacious store to thje music of the local boys' orchestra: Two prizes were giyen ror "spot"' dances. At supper delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughters,. Mi&'Elsie-and Eileen, and their youripr friends. All present admired the spjen'dld structure that is covered, outside by a brick-like compo-siUonfbf'red and has a green roof. Inside, the store and upstairs apartments are finished In beautifully grained fir veneer. The Ladies' Auxiliary to Aliford Bay held a meeting last week at the hospital when Mrs. McColl, the wife of the superintendent, was hostess. A letter of thanks from the boys at the "Bay" for curtains the auxiliary-had provided was read, It was decided to hold a showing of amateur movies In the church soon to raise funds to purchase further necessities for the airmen. A collection amounting to five dollars was taken and will go. towards the same purpose. Tea was served by Mrs. Mc Coll at the close of the business meeting. The Queen Cliarlotte Social Club Department oi me university oi. r,7 ; Z . I heW brI party M the school British Columbia has been a recent visitor to the Islands in connect "c w wtre; Mrs tion with the work of the Credit Unions. He spoke to an interested audience at. the school, Queen Charlotte, illustrating his lecture with lantern slides. The progress of the M"aHtlme'twaltltMI6YiSas,;hoTi; as"weH-asJmariy local scenes: 'Ex'-ccrpts. from articles by " leading thinkers of the day, Ihcludlrif Dorothy Thomson, Bruce Hutchison and J. B. Prlesley, "were read. Mr. Carlson reported; thatinore progress Is being made Ty wage-oarn-ers than by those havjng seasonal work as far as the Credit Unions are concerned. InNovember of last yeir there, were In British Columbia Roberts, first, and Mrs. Duval, con solatlon Mrs. D. McColl and Mrs. Q. Chastenay were In charge of ar rangements. Refreshments were served at midnight. Proceed will go towards a. new Community Hall. The fourth anniversary of the Rug Bee Club was celebrated recently when the regular fortnightly meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Jolllffe. There were nine members present. As the hostess had finished her hooked rug, the afternoon was spent In knitting on Red Cross garments and In playing a few hands of bridge. Tea was served at a daintily appointed table In the afternoon. Members of the cast of the f orth-comlhg'productlon of the Farthest West Dramatic Club include Edna Beayen, Claude Duval, George Turner, Mrs. V. Douglas, Mrs. Ruth ; Barry, Alwyn Chastcney and Oeorge Rudge. I A "spot" , costs you only half a J dollar. Try It in the Daily News (classified column. (tf Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 57$ ABSOLUTELY FREE ! Valuable Gift and Household Premium's are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases of 25 cents or more. It is too good to pass up. Come in and let us explain the pjan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" CO-ED Beauty Salon (Elsie Klohp) Exchange BWf. BLACK CC8 Central Hotel iCfchtral Hotel Annex ' l15t Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Paths IlrifnjnRoom In Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress, CONCERT BY BAND IS FINE Entertainment Staged Last Nlfht By Koky Mountain Hangers Best Thing Of Ills Kind Tver Held Here An audience whbh completely filled the Capitol Theatre last night thrilled to the music provid-rd by the regimental band of the First Battalion, Rocky Mountain Rangers. Never before in the city had such a fine band been heard. Rarely has there been such a musical treat. An ovation w,as accorded and i.t was heartily merited. Those who had een and heard the band on .the occasion or so it bad been on parade since the regiment arrived hare knew it was a smart marching band. The concert last night revealed that it is much moie than that an outstanding coniert organization. The group, numbjrinx twenty-seven, Ji com plete" and well balanced. Evidently, tach of ths individual members is an artist in his ' own rl?ht.. Not rnly is the band a credit to the leglment itself but also to (he city of Koti loops which Is its home. Prince Rupsrt mulc lovers will not ba satisfied until they have heard more. That was apparent from last night's acclaim. Fully equipped with effects in addition 4': the conventional lu-stium-uits. the band featured de scriptive numbers which were flaw lessly executed and timed. Outstanding were the humwesque "Lightning Switch," an ingenious knit medley of many familiar numbers which veritably brought down ihe house: the pastoral fantasia 'The Smithy" lAIford) and the humorous march "Jolly Copper.-rmllh." Fine Indeed with Us tonal '.ffects was also Ketelby's intermezzo "In a Monastery Oarden." Rounding out the program were 'he rouslnt; opening march "Old Glory" and Miller's medley overture "The Golden Crescent." Equally excellent solo features wcra the son? "Without a Song (Elisoii) by Band Sergeant Docker who pave as his encore "Prayer Perfect;" violin solo by Bandsman Ho)t "S-r de Ballet" rflerlot IJh "Chansonettc': for an encore; 'iplano lo by Bandsman Edward Thllt) .-n's Ovrtury (Qullten 1h,- enrerc being "WaKz In C Fharp Mimr" and th? grand "Lost FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TKOTI KK'S DOCK High Quality Latest Patterns ' AH British Woollens JUST ARRIVED Come In and choose the cloth for your spring suit. Ling the Tailor Sixth Street Phone 6S9 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry KILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 410 THE SEAL 0' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only talnton canning company with an all tbe year round payroll (a " Prince Rupert I Chord" with Band Corporal1 Day as (cornet soloist, accompanied by the j band. Lieut. Oscar W. SJoquist. direc tor of music for the regiment. carried out the duties of cohdu;tor with precision, smoothness and discrimination, iris control beinrr noteworthy. ' Capt. F. 11. Allwood, entertain4- ment officer, acted as master of ceremonies. Before the opening of the pro gram, u. o. Boning manager oi the Capitol Theatre, welcomed the band as an ex-service man fJerson- ally and on behalf of hli company. NEURIT Thaiuwij u kit k... . . ..." . I -ill Nriik. N,.)f;rVJ.,!,-iM United Servicer Jag Day Is Hel) WnnH V n nt t lor mmmffldln' BatUrQay In SUppiip 0I th. n.I who We briefly. TheCapt. a, Allwood took charge of the ceedlngs. pro- successful u day J. E. Boddle of the mlttee. Acting a: ue -Mt.' Near the close ol the program, . . .,,s nr IT f. A. Tarr took to the nlal- ... .. V. V"L form to extend apprecfcLUoh to the ment for having staged a wonder-full entertainment in aid of the Red Cross of whi?h h? (Dr. Tarr) Is local president Tiit Program The program was as follows: 1 l . . . ... . March "Old Olorv." (Ord Hiimel TY ... L .;. Aiee, miss rami , , , . Pastoral FanUsia. "The Smithy." (iurowir ' : Jerry Eastw d Band-gt. Docker. , ' " '" 1 " Humtf eue,' '"TJjel Lljjhtnlhx - Switch," (AJfo.rd). Vkln solo,-, -6cfne de Ballet." (Alford), BandiTDan' Holt. Intermezzo, "In a Monastery Oarden." (Ketel,bfy).. Piano fooc"A Children's Over ture (QulUeij); Baiidian Edwards, , Overture, "The. Gulden Crescent," (Miller). " ' Comet solo'Tlie tost Chord," (Sullivan), Band-Col. bay. Humorous March, '"The Jolly Coppersmith." (Peteril.' "Thereir Always'be an Enfflapd ...4..'. y i. m Br , band and the theatre manage- ..- . .' . UJ ' ! fert, Mrs. J. Laui Mi t liam, Miss Norma W AlU-n, Mis; M; v E .. ) i Mlfs Evelyn A." r Large. Miss M; jJemlcc Eatwi; d D: '" ' B.. M! la, I Life Insurance . P. H. Linzej Local llf prrsrnUliTe tit Hupert PHONE GIIEEX (U Thik Is lhe Time of Year When QUALITK COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us ,as to the best kind to uro for y-r Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery, Ltd.' riiONB lif Hio.Micj FOR ACID INDIGESTION We Recommend REX 4 oz$. 75c -16 ozs. $1,75 . ? . i v , . ilenyour Money to Canada liuy y?nr Having Certificates f Ormes Ltd. r- ,T TM nUli 9Ut rhonci 81 :t Op Bally trom I kirn, till 19 r. Ciniaya o Holiday! from 1Z to Z p.m. When YoM wVut a BeliaWe, pomfortable, Dependable PHONE 13 " ,4r gervlf it netutar Hates ,