I Smart ... .. . Different SUITS I Fashion-Craft here Spring Suits , Teal Blue, Green, id Brown Stripes rrinebones, Panels incv Weaves All ex- - 1 .... , A V A. s new and right. i t 1 T Vf 1 111 I 1 W fk atts & Nickerson muii a KiirrrMi v m lain rii. .(. ar. a. Ifntf kloxrnffe I amnn IV nm art trvcv x mi'uiid uvciuii 1 1 viiivii . . a Detroit 3, Toronto 1.. I Very Active The Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, Mrs. William Rothwell, president. now assisting In the drive of "slx-ln-one or .At". y1 ganizations for the Canadian Wax to.t ctf improtc- nons lor reiuees m me oumucu e of inning Li-mo f nritnln Th clothps made Alt" And r.? n? iiwsux . I'mprovemsats. t February 1M1. M'PRKMK C'Ml'KT t" HKITISIl 'IIMIUV IN I'KCMIATi: i lallrr of (lie "Administration .mikfr Taj lor, I)n rard 7TCE that toy Order or hu FlBher. Local Judge of Cour? of BrWtoh Columbia, 3 UUi day of March AD. 1 Adnitnlbtrador of the jdresses, baby clothes of all de-j j'-'HTjti-ns. knlt.tpd; suit etc. The; young, girls classes, headed by Mrs. ' i Malcolm Lamb, knitted most of the 33 by garments- . A very handcTie donation was mads to this . shipment by Annette's Ladies' Wear and comired suits. co? tsl spoils wear, chlld-en's coals, drenes and caps etc., which were, gratefully arknow ledged. as also was a wonderful box of bs'by garments etc. made r r , BaeSSr5f TC, by Mi Edith Grundy .and a gift r.b:a DaoMsed. who died of clothins fr-m. Mrs. J- Connery pay yie amount of thrlr m forthwtUi imd all Laims ugalruit the sa4d Mr A.D, 1941 falling which U be made having re- Mr. Engagement and Mrs. James Reaugh of y-atih claims of which I prince OeOTge tTTftiert. of thf't se-'.nd p. b, c. the P8fierr-nt Maw 1941. ter Besste t WHr Smith, Son OrfldaJ ,hW Administrator , " ot Mr. arid Mrs. J. A. Smith of Prince Rupert, bc. Prince Rupert. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY F'N"b TABLES Walnut finish, beautiful and wuer value. Each 'Wen Window Shades Cream and ereen. Each announce the en- IIIfiHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship to J. E. OKMUCIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Kcprcscntinjf HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Phone 741. 167 East 3rd Ave: . MarKpnyip Furniture ltd. -x-nvakvaujiv mm w $1.95 95c 327 3rd Avenue When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable AXI ni ivk. ir 49 4 VII M 24 Hour Service at .Kesular Hates Boys' Band Aids Services Drive Turned Out In Company With Boy Scouts Last Night To Draw Attention To Campaign The Prince Rupert Boys' Band- under direction of Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, turned out last evening to play stirring marches in accompanying banner bearers of the Boy Scouts urging support of the Canadian War Services Fund drive. Although somewhat overshadowed of late as a result 3f changed conditions due to the war. the lo:al Boys' Band continues active as usual and Is endeavour ing to retain the goodwill which It has enjoyed in the city over such a rrt oerifd of time during both good days and bad. Prof. Odv's Show Is Much Enjoyed ! Good Turn-Out at Moose Hall on ' Wednesday and Thursday evenings Some 250 persons were present at the Moose Hall Wednesday and Thursday nights for the variety shows of Prof. Ody. magician and trick entertainer. Prof. Ody Is ery talented and kept the audiences both mystified and excited with his acts. Two young men with guitars gave cowboy and hill billy songs and acts which were acceptable. The show, which lasts for almost a couple of hours, is being repeated tonight. LINZEY IS a r. nve mijes up- Services Fund s by ho means an W .i Taku lnactlve bedy. rr. irr , iwtlitoate: 63127E izxaz ftcUng u gnt M'Jvng CWV1T. Ud., Ca-ifkaale No. 83137E. In- 1 Yesterday Afternoon Acting lor the chairman of .the nominating committee at the regu lar weekly luncheon of the Rotary l This .week their, sewing club, . ing year jis follows;. nn... . , e.lheaded by Mesdames H7B. 'East-j President, P. H. Llnzey. - . . . i . i it r I. TraoctirPF AltY XrHfl n PiiUnn nnrt Dr T. W. Kercin. ana despaicnea to rrovmciai vom- w gradually at the The formal election takes place danger. next month and the new officers thiTactton. take over after the end of June, ? Z by the members included pyjamas, i ie, "Mineral Act." 'sleepers, nightdresses, underwear. 24. IRQ QUAKER OATS (JC BOX TOP GARDEN Grr FLOWER SEEM Imaginc for 15c tod a Quiktr 0t Boa Top you can get a $1.50 retail ?alue big packages of gorgeous varieties from prue-winning strsinsof seeds, warranted by the famous.6rm of Vaughan'a. Get full' details at your grocer's at once. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word Rcbekah Tea and Sale, April 2. Little Theatre Plays, April 2, 3. Hill 60 Dance April 4. i Lutheran Tea, April 5, Metropole. Queen Mary Tea, April 14. Mrs. Parkin's Red Cross Dance, April 18. Armories,' R.M.R. Orchestra. L. O. B. A. Spring Sale, April 23. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April Oyro Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business WITH THE AMAZING GREEKS Although threatened how by the senior part ner of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis, the Greeks re main Undaunted, high in morale and determined to defend their country against all aggressors. Albanian" boys indulge in a little hero-worship with a group of Evzones. the hardy fighters who wear 'ballet cdstumes in peace times but who showed t .iat they were no "sissies" when it came to chasing" invaders halfway backto Rome. - LOCAL NEWS NOTES library, tag day Saturday. .(74) Moose Dance, Tonight.. now improving Prince - Rupert hlsj'capatity as a city council yes terdayr. , - . Engagement "UOVEUNMKNT LHttOK ACTS . (Secfilon 28) Notkr of Annllratlun fr a IV-eP.leeiiKr xiaf TjIT 4. VbtwsVHv crlVaTV .tttMa la, bn the 9h lay rf'May. A. D. 1941. Vh:eutiiler-sirml Utrd to epply to the Liquor CtonifiTol Board far u license Ui respect at preiWleea being part of a building known-Va tine Belmont Krtel, situate at-727 Third Avenue, west, rrnoe Kup-ert'. -upon, .t.he tends described a IJOs Nt. A and 8. BUXft Ho 3a. beoucn l. Prlnre Kmpert Twwnsite. Msp 923. Prlnc- . Rupert Land Rsglnfs'Mcn Vivrit. 'n the Province of British OahnnDla, lor th sal "es 'beer ibr tlie Bbwh battle Xor consurrapftlon on the preinlMS or. elKCwiwtvere. DATED this 28th dy W iwcii. a 1941. JOHN HOSKINB Phones i8 & 19 P.O. Box 57Sj Easter Candies and Novelties Now on Display from lc up Also Easter Box Chocolates MUSSALLEM'$r CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion (74) Children's i show, Prof Ody Moose . the 3riV JSnglecke returned to oriS Hall tht 8 ok- ChUdren cny night's train from, a v..io..-f4r, 4n Interior noints. o -- UUdlMd VV -------- . Thomas A. Kelley, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, after a visit to his camps on tho ouppn nharlotte Islands, sall- A bylaw authorizing the ale of a ed l3St night by the Prlnce Ge0rge number 'of . tax sale properties fQr Vancouver which were recently enumerated .1 J. 9 n4nnf ' Banquet For Bennie Lee Local Merchant Honored Prior to Marriage in Vancouver j (74) A banquet was held at the Grand , . Cafe last evening by the local Chin- nnrnmriTT , TmUoose S. O. N. Fishermen's Farewell ese Youth Association in honor of PRFInFNTSrfffnn; ' ''n Dance, ddfeUows' Hall, tonight. Bennie Lee. The occasion was his 1 IVLilJliLlll A -Building, Third Avenue. ( (tf) Everyone welcome. (74) departure on the Prince George for , ', . , .Vancouver where he will' be Officers for Next Year Norn- Anyone having salvage material on u ig MJss gue cha inated at Meeting oi uat .to. pyejq:xe . wpplr vMl hprp uHte lhu Darents. ' of that city, Iteleohone .Green 962 or .Kea -hi. .... ., , v i r tt Piifi e cn ii nno rf Thomas- Anderson, manager of namnbell. well known . ...j nf the Tucks Inlet reduction plant, Wr!iri ,v,prrhant and Mrs. ; I Club, proposed new officers for the com- galled, yesterday, afternoon on the Campbell were passengers aboard lr Princess. Princess. Louise Hulseor.(yancouyer.-; -for, Vancouver.- . ...P5 princess T.oui Louise vesterdav yesterday af- af- Ross . ternoon going through to Seattle Mazzei, -having -regained . lt consciousness, is irand hescnusrters a smencua uimutv- - , ,, ,, nA ,c flf . i . t t.i i tfiifi ill nuauiiai aitu j - vm, -.o IPincnl 01 clolnc? OI au atacny ay r Mining tho frnecTc nrpsint nr. i.np Wo. rtlcle too. large or,too,smaU by princess Adelaide . banquet was Thomas L. Hum re--. ' night on his return to Victoria. icently returned from China. j AIR BASE HARD HIT Royal Air Force Starts Big Fire' on Island of Rhodes CAIRO, March 28: (CP) A Royal Air Force raid Thursday on an Ital ian airdrome at Caltato on the Is- W-aS-Haauy.reconiiuerCQ iu ""ul- . QnT,pa, f p T r,rAnPr nrl ,s , Dt, . vr J U4.J rAnr, hv rU. r.nm. "W" Uliu Ul Juivum iu ui u....u mv-; ,-T-Tr, 'V rthain r,!ttinTn Alexander Hardle against a convlc- iterranean left a cloud of smoke; KffeiS JSufffeS Uon d fine of $400 each, icposed visiblfe for 100 mile,. Royal Air! recently by Stipendiary Magistrate Force headquarters announced. Hill or Ocean Falls for trespassing Airdrome buildings and a fuel on the wreck of the United States dump were reported destroyed. Army transport Kvichak recently was adjourned until next month on - - - coming up before Judge W. E. Fish- The engagement is announces er in County Court yesterday. W.O. of Florence", eldest daughter of Fulton is acting for the appellants Mrs. Il'TlJ. Rose of thircrty and and T. W. Brown for the crown. ihevJaie.. Mrs. Rose, to Mr- francis Colin' 'McRae. son of Mr.arrf'Mrs. F. T. M .Rae of Ottawa, Out. The wedding will take place qutetJy on April 10th,. 1 LUCKIEST WOMAN ALIVE WELLINOTON. N.2T., March 28: (CP) While fishing, a Maori woman Jound a floating mine and labbed lt with a knife. Fortunately he lailed to touch a vital spot. Later a naval party demolished it. VOGUE PURE WHITE" FREE BURNING Ciqcuiette Pap&tA Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GOtD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeye ; PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Patkrd by the only salmon canning company with an all the vear round payroll In Prince Rupert RHEUMATIC PAINS, STIFFNESS Dn't aaf th atabbini UrUr f rha attic ! anther 4T- Vt Backlrr' BuialtM WWW Bab. IW 1 mxlieaUd Ua art wtrt fwur . . . artnc quicker relief er 4eubW ym mmrj back. Mc an He. ACCIDENT IS FATAL Miner Dies In City This Morning Following Arrival from Surf ' Wet ' ' Having suffered a fractured ikull in an accident at the Surf Inlet mine, a miner named Melain Preston was brought to the city by a Royal Canadian Air Force plane last evening and admitted to the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he succumbed this morning. An Inquiry Is being held this af ternoon by Deputy Coroner A. J. Lan-J caster. IjpNowUse Improved Vicks Way To Relieve Misery oi Colds Mothers everywhere are discovering how easy lt Is to relieve misery Of colds with a "VapoRub Massage'-relieve coughing, muscular soreness or tightness. With this more thorough treatment, the poultlce-and-vapor action of Vicks VapoRub more eflectlvely PENETRATts Irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors ... STIMULATES chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster. . . starts relieving misery right away! Results delight even eld friends of VapoRub. TO GET a "VapoRub Massage" with all Its benefits -massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on IMPORTANT RIB-AREA OP BACK as well as throat and chest -spread a thick layer on chest, nrttVi p. warmed cloth. BE SURE to use genuine, time-tested VKm vaiyguo. MANDFACTURERS, Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince flu pert PHONE r.KKEN 44fi Used Furniture Bcatty Washing Machine, McClai-y Kootenay 6-holc Range, 8-pi-ce Dining Room Suite. Bedroom Dressers, Bed Spring anil Mattresses, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, Gate Leg Table, Quebec Heaters, Wash Stands, Davenport. MISCELLANEOUS 21 jewel Waltham Watch, 15 jewel Wrist Watch, Guitar, Violin, Set of Books of Knowledge, Radios, Gramophone Records, Aladdin Lamp, Coleman Lantern, Bird Cage, Mirrors, Sad Irons, Clothes Wringers, Wash Board, Snatch Blocks, Barrow Wheels, Square Shovel, Lawn Mowers, Peaveys, Stanley Steel Level, Forge and Blower, Tennis Racquet. Used Furniture Department MOCSE BUILDING ELIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. THIRD AVENUE Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines nm n TTT'-' IIIWIIMBIMWljaTlMIIIMfTnilTTr i T