I I I If ...when they can U u good looking as thls...al idvanced In itylCf mod ern la every llne...ai flat-teriog to jour get-up.. ; Sec the Stetson Range ; Others at $1.00 r I The EAST SIDE I COAL Co. IB iato anv natron i OCTOBER 27, 1941. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE I SUTSOHS Hilt POPULAR Today! MEDALIST $7.50 I RATOL1NER .... $7.50 PI AYBOY 5G.50 M K SG.00 KLNSINGTON $5.00 Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Ave. Thone 315 ir to Bryant Co. Ltd. i'mie was introduced America at midnight, h 5883. ;iiic riL'iiii uuai. i rrcsh Local Flaw and ' Mail Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5 p.m, From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ;.... n p.m Sunday 7 p.m. known Juneau physician, was a Ver, returned to the city from the Friday 2 p.m. Passenger aboard the Princess SOuth on the Cataia this morning. From Stewart and rremicr Louise Saturday returning to the Tuesday a.m. Alaska caPltal aftcr a trlP to Seat Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts, who Saturday 8:00 p.m. tie. have been on a honeymoon trip For Alice Arm. smith fnllnwlncr their rprent rr.ar-' Naas River, and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday n:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls Thursday 10:15 p.m. Saturday 10:15 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 11 9:00 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 10 a.m. For Alaska Wednesday 9:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 p.m. Oct. 15 and 25 a.m. From Alaska-Thursday 6:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 p.m AMMTIOUS SHELBURNE Canada At War 25 Years A20 Oct. 26, 1916 Ten German destroyer., raided English Channel; off. Greek King Constantine gave Allies fresh guarantees of CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C., Ph.C. P il, ni-i ,, w I lilL- Wallace I I ALKNTIN DAIRY ; PHONE 657 I 1 I (.(Kill T.IVI I'llM'Kil' ! I I mt of m 1 ii ii ii i : lock - Phone 610 We Also Carry KELMONT CO. Ladles' and Gents' Suits or Topcoats to Measure. M. T. LEE, Tailor P. O. Dox 975 Phone Gr. 960 J. Bmwk, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station C0ATQ"A11 wlnter coats- trimmed and un-wVlO trimmed. Sizes 12 -fl Afl .Si Annt.te's Hoc-Down Sale ... IVO Oil nprP QUO Crepes, embroidered, beaded and ULJOLO sequin trimmed; all the latest shades. Sizes from 12 to 44. All dutstand- S49) nn.ne'.. Hue.i,wn Sale I Prfrvnc c-VtAstfc rrlntc tu.'PPfis find JiVUt v " - VIVV(J, CUVV.li), J, jO wools: new stvles and shades. n '2 '.o 50. Reg. value to $7.95. "'" Hoc-Down Sale S2.00 URLS' DRESSES-prr',, styles In j creoes & " Res. valuo t.n .os tn9 ff? '"Hc's Hoe-Down Sale ltW Hocdown Oct. 31. LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Your next date, Gyro Hallowe'en, Anton Dybhavn arrived in the Exhibition Hall, Friday, For, Vancouver , Tuesday .......l...:.........;ji2:3'o'p.m:' Mrs. Charles Dodimead left for Thursday 10:15 p.m. Trail last Thursday owing to the Friday 9:30 p.m. serious illness of her father, D. A. Saturday 10:15 p.m. MacKinnon. Oct. 7, 20 and 29 "p.m. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson and From Vancouver Dr. Carson's father, N. Carson, Sunday pm 'sailed on the Prince Rupert Sat- Wednesday io:00 a.m. urday night for Vancouver en-Friday 10:00 a.m. route to Toronto. Oct 15 and 25 a.m. For Stewart and Premier Mrs. Vance, wife of a well Mrs. Walter Peters arrived in son of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Lincoln of Calgary, to Miss Ailcen Linda Boivin of Winnipeg. SAVING ACCURACY city on the Cataia from Vancouver, ' Mr. and have been this morning Charles Graham, Inspector of mines, sailed on the Cataia this morning for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Rev. E. W. Slater of the Anglican mission boat Northern Cross sailed this morning on the Cataia for Stewart. Mrs. W. Garlick, who on a trip to Vancou- tomorrow at 11 o'clock from thej cast, will be at least six hours late : Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday S5. Cataia .. Friday S.S. Prince Magistrate W. D. Vance had a .' . . . M . INFANT DIES 1:30 p.m. Thursday SS. Prince George 11:15 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 pjn. S.S Cardena .... 10:30 p.m, Saturday 8S. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Oct. 7, 20 and 29 ( SJ3. Princess Louise p.m. From Vancouver I Sunday SS. Cataia p.m.. Wednesday SJ3. Prince ' George 10:00 a.m., Friday S.S. Princess 1 Adelaide '- a.m . SJS. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. SJ5. Cardena p.m.' September. 22 Oct. 15 and 25 For Stewart and Premier Sunday S.S. Cataia 8 pm. " busy session in city police court tQ maln lmg tratn ! The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. this morning with no less than ' Ralph Branch, Ninth Ave. East, seventeen cases on his list. Most nf thpm uprp nf a mlnnr nature cuiuercnce in. mlssloner, D. J. PORTSMOUTH. October 27: 0 "u" "a" Navigation accuracy and co operation of British air and sea savin? them. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert M. Bates, Victoria; E. Serntzen, F D. Docid. H. Thorpe and James Morgan. Vancouver; S. Rollock. C. H. Klein. W. B. Newcomb, M. T. Taylor. Sgt. Thompson and A. C. Nealc, Aliford Bay; Major and Mrs. George Constable, Charlotte City; Mrs. Nelson Brew, Haysport N L. Clark. Georgetown; Martin Mille- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. S. Robertson and Maryann Miller. Prince Rupert; Mrs. A W. McFadyen, R, i Jonps and L. Johanson, Calgary; jj0Vi jg prtterson. prince George; j. Bridge, Nov. 14. C. Norellus, Gronlld, Sisk; Charles MeCay and Robert Cunningham, Longworth; N. Babych, Phclan H. Peterson. Royal M. G. Sellon and C. Smith, Prince Rupert; Johnson Russ, Greenville. HOME FROCKS Colorful print home frocks, wash dr&sses; hundreds of frocks specially purchased and marked down for this event. The values are tremendous . . . s;y:es and colors exceptionally wide. Annette's Hoc-Down Sale tJ)JLiD Cf';'ID''P specially manufactured from men's 1 U suitings, in brown and teal blue only. Sizes 14 to 20. Reg. value $4.95. ' Oj Q-Annette's Hoc-Down Sale pXCeS dIDTC-In navv and brown; odd sizes, only JIVIIVIO to clear. Annette's Hoc-Down Sale CIr'T,Ca's, P'ald JumPcr skirts. ts. Sizes Sizes from from JiYJUl 1 U 7 to 14. Reg. value to $1.95, Annette's Hoe-Down Sale $1.00 $1.00 died Q'ed on on Saturday Saturday evening. evening, His nis n, of the v, city if nnm com- ui iuc and ha,f months . Matheson, with Ernest Gammon of the volvlng both whites and natives. Inspector provincial police and rcpresenta- of the Prince Rupert The marriage is taking place ves 0( Commerce will be held to-Church evening at First United night in the morrow of Sub-Lieutenant John o'ce to consider possible nnrnin inr.i nvoi nffir nnri amendments to the local traffic bylaw based on recommendations made by Inspector George A. Hood of the Motor Vehicle branch of , . . . the provincial police who made a 7' 20 and 29 Pm- survey here recentIy- thta afternoon at the riests' Home of the Roman Catholic Chur:h of Miss Amv Burv. dauahter of Mr. When founded, Shelburne, N. S., and Mrs. D. Bury. Eifehth Avenue population now 1500. was plan- West, and Michael Montesano, son ( ired as a rival to New York City. 0f Mr. and Mrs. A. Montesano. A reception will follow at the home of the bride's parents after which the couple will leave on the evening train for Vernon where the groom is to take up military train- j ing. , 98, Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Gyro Hoedown, Oct.31, Exhlbl- V V Canadian Scottish RrpeVand tw, . re SjTtf Armouries BoTownsend's seas give naval captains so exact Orchestra. Refreshments. Admis-a course there is seldom delay ln .5'on 50c. . Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Eastern Star Ball, Nov; 7. Oddfellows' Dance, November 7. Cathedral Evening Branch Tea for war work, Legion Hall, Nov. 8. R. W. Sinclair, Inverness. Central rnmhrnl T. I Scotch Dance Nov. al Odd-Fcl- lows' Hall. Admission 35c. Orange Sale, November 5 Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. W. A. Canadian Legion Bazaar. Chanter .Telephone Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. Rebckah Nov. 21. Catholic Nov. 27. ANNETTE'S HOE 20. Dance, I.O.O.F. Hall, Tea. Mrs. Hankinson, r I l CUssffllO FOR KENT COMMODIOUS OFFICE R O OM for rent in Daily News building, including large office desk, cup- Classified ads. get results. Phone 1 board and chairs. Possession immediately. FOR SALE FOR SALE 44-ft. boat, good living accommodations, fully equipped. Good machine at a low price. Apply McLean's Boat ! Yards. Seal Cove. (tf) 1936 CAR With Floats. Apply News. Heater, at New Box 163, Dally (252) FOR SALE Studio Couch, also white drcsscn Phone Blue 316. (253) FOR SALE Household Furniture, etc. Phone 493, S. C. Thomson. (253) WANTED 1 WANTED To rent house or flat with at least two bedrooms, per-I manent resident. Box 164, Daily News. f 251) WANTED A reliable trustworthy housekeeper. Apply Box 161, Dijly News. WANTED Housekeeper for small rooming house. Phone 741. LOST LOST -Gruen Wrist Watch with engraving on back, "Harry from Hilda, 1939." Finder please phone Signal Barracks, Signalman H. Harris. (251) FOUND FOUND Boy's Watch, black leather strap at Beach Place. Owner can have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. OTT'tfJ'T'C -Girls' Jumper skirts from 2 to 6 UXlVIIv 1 U years. Reg. value $1.49. Qfi Annette's Hoe-Down Sale UtJ 5 IJQT'P Sheers, lace trimmed, dovetccn 13 JL J U VLiO with long sleeves. Plaids and dots. All sizes, all colors ... a hundred to choose from. Reg. value to $3.95. fl i ff Annette's Hoe-Down Sale JfjLJJ 'WU7 A TCEJC-Pullovcrs. coat sweaters, all $1.95, Annette's Hoc-Down Sale colors and sizes. Reg. value They Stay Brighter Longer EDISON MAZDA lamps y J CANADIAN GENERAL lIMITIb NEW HUMAN CURE P.READ OF NORWAY LONDON, October 27: 0 After 1 Since December, cellulose has experiments covering 10 years, been mixed with flour in Nor- Penicillin, a mysterious fungus 1 way's bread. which destroys disease-carrying I germs, has been applied success fully to human beings for car Runert 3 am. buncles. conIun:tlvites and rash rlnirp returned tn tnc cltv on tnei.. . . the city on the Princess Louise caUla aUla this tWS morning ,irom sicwart ana rrcm.er- . Saturday from Victoria to pay a m?Z?' Tuesday-SB. Cataia a.m. vt.it a-ith hpr sistPr Mrs i. L. . . I SaturdayS. S. Prince smith iTirh Avonim The The train, train, due due to to arrive arrive here new George 8 p.m. asleep. The turbers. 75c TJAQI7 In silk mesh, silk to the top; also plain llUuL silk hose. All colors, all sizes, ff Annette's Hoe-Down Sale tJlJl WATCHFUL SHEEP 1 animals Instinctively j Quality Groceries Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 Reasonable Prices Prompt Free Delivery Service Throughout the City (Opposite Canadian Legion) MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" ELECTRIC CO. ': Grade A Raw Milk I Good for Rabies and Adults 4- A flock of shrpn Is npvor tntaNu'i nfAIITI nJ T A II V , UWiHUUlU I'illlVl rnoMK ni.Aric nan t tnl dim. 1, l W J!- IT . . . . T NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1D6 "Mom," says your son, "it's just a little cut." . . But Mother, Even Little Cuts Need the Best of Care. We carry a complete line of First Aid Supplies for the home. Havc'them on hand when needed. WATERPROOF ADHESIVE TAPE 12" to 3" wide; at at 15c to 65c BANDAGES 1" to 4" wide; 5 yards for 10c STERILIZED 1 yard for TAN-GEL For burns,; tube to GAUZE 30c 20c 65c 50c ABSORBENT LINT 1 oz. for ABSORBENT 1 oz. for 1 lb. for IODINE 1 oz. for ....... 2 ozs. for ... 25c COTTON- 15c .00 15c 25c First Aid Kits 1.00, '2.25, '6.50 Ormes Ltd. Tii Pioneer Druqctats THE KEXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. WN SALE Viinci-o, having just relumed from Montreal and Toronto on a buying trip where, on account of the volume of her business she was able to procure from the leading manufacturers in the itstamling buys in spite of war conditions, now is in a position to pass on to her many customers in Prince Rupert the benefits of these purchases. Don't on any account miss this unequalled sale! HANnRA-A11 new fal1 stock-in Dhck- HiHIAUriVJu navy, brown and green. Unbelievable values. (Tt AA Annette's Hoe-Down Sale pJL"J CI TkPP Oxfords, straps, pumps, sandals; all OrivEiu styles and colors. Reg. values to $4.95. Annette's Hoe-Down Sale j?JLttF PIf?T QHOFQ-8011001 elrls snoe3: ox VJiiLu UilUILiJ fords, patent pumps, straps and wedges. Reg. values to $3.95. fQ Annette's Hoe-Down Sale tJJLTL SLIPPERS -Bedroom slippers and mocas sins. Reg. value to $2.95. Annette's Hoe-Down Sale $1.00 COMMENCES TUESDAY OCT 28 at 9 o'Clock and goods are on sale at same bargains at both ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR, 530 Third Ave. W. and STYLE SIIOPPE, 313 Third Ave. W. REMEMBER ANNETTE'S LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW! in 1M! Wit 5 'lt'C 1 n Mm :4 .m El " III mjm. mWl'IMWJ!lmtMMMBMMi