——$$—$—— | The Daily News — The Big Athlete “Helped” Scoop on His Way itn A WOMAN THAT SAYS A GIRL SHOULD NEVER MARRY A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - —SUPPYIE YOU CALL OM SOME PROMINENT MARRIED WOMEN AND GET THER OPHIONS ON SS —~———s W WouLDNT You\ BE daPPicR IF You HAD Mu4RRIED A NWF TY UTTLE CHAP ATHLETE , / Wy biKke Your BOSS-Never, ) ASK ME ro INTERVIEW 4 MARRIED Lary AGAIN, AND Pur A POUND OF Bee SYtak ON my EXPENSE ACCouRY) j Generally witt . . . Finance Minister Pregl ep : 7 that with regard to the electric and City Solicitor ight, and the telephone bylaws, aay, it is hardly probable that any as- sessment! will ever have to be made, and that with regard to ild point out ‘Continued from Page 1. electric light, but also for the|the city hall, its erection supply of small power and the system is now carrying/ fair that the expens: not only a night but a day load. vantages, which will always be necessary, the present sum of £66,000 a revenue sufficient, after paying; res for twenty years. The tot-/| bali. | sinking fund for this new is-|croft ai = : ee a sat eae See is an piants,| absolute necessity and it is only should be spread, and not all paid by the To pay for these increased ad-| people in one i year. HAMILTON DOUGLAS, F. PETERS, is required, which will City Solicitor. for the necessary extension of pole and wire. The city is advised hy its elec- Football Match engineer, Mr. Mathews, that , otball match was played ning expenses, will be] A. and B. teams drawn lized to pay both sinking fund} from the Prince Rupert Caledon- interest on this new loan,jian Football Club last night and » on the old loan, which} resulted in a win for B team by previously made. We might) a score of 7 to te at this point that the sys-/the conditions a good brand of was served up and a ther that the city has appli-|iarge number of spectators were is now on a paying basis. seccer’ ions for man; new customers.| present B. team combined well deben-|and brought off some good foot- Currie at half and Willis- proposed to issue will be $2333.00; the total interest will be $2970.00. The] back and Kelly at half back star-} estimated gross revenue is $50,-|red for the losers. 000 a year, which will, we are ad-| —_ vised, after paying all expenses,; W. O. Doughty, son of Sir G. easily pay sinking fund and in-| Doughty, returned by the Prince , George. ' h regard to the Chairman Finance Committee Considering} and Canada. He wil! remain here outside left were best | Uncle Jerry Returns Ry the Prince George arrived H. Kugler, who has been in Mr. Kugler is of the opinion that this wear will see the greatest nflux of people Prince Rupert and Northern’ British Colum! ja! has yet witnessed. Mr. Ki ri is doing considerable advertis- | iret i ek tl ace “The News” Class i i? me | : ing and boosting in the south for rince Rupert, and while he has a d in .- Vancouver, considerable of his he has not by any LOCAL JOTTINGS left Prince Rupert; indeed E. H. Hieks-Beach and fam-} arrived on the George en | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just than ever, and regards this! route to their home in Hazelton. Green, Mrs. Green and} re extensively interested) jly s home town. Mr. Kugler Pt, that he recently had anjtwo sons were among the arriv-} ment relati to New'als today. Mr. Green represents| hundred! British capitalists operating lewspapers ited States| the Queen Charlotte Islands. juntil after the mundsen auc-| sayoy. ition sale. eo The Rea! Stuff. Real maple sugar reached Ru- i nment to Mr. relatives in the east. Willie Ro-| j} well, one of our route boys, fav- George Arrived lored the copy-mill with a chunk! The Prince George arrived | to sweeten his labors, hence this!about noon with ove! Rowell from! rge. litem. jceptible to maple sugar. ; will be published tomorrow. SSF FL FF FFFFF-F-LF-DE DF AMUNDSEN Known as Mile 119 The First Divisional Point on the Main Line of the Grand Trunk Pacific : east of Prince Rupert, B.C. t Auction, Saturday, May 11th, at 2 p.m. MAJESTIC THEATRE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : Frank A. Ellis, Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE:---Ten per cent. cash, balance in nine equal monthly payments, without interest OR---One-fourth cash, balance in 6, 12 and 18 months with interest at six per cent. REMEMBER---Only 150 lots for the entire population of a Divisional Town It will be impossible to add sub-divisions or annexes Get the plans and detailed information from the exclusive selling agents, The Continental Trust Company, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ————$—___—_—_-— j mre meme emer med Supt. of the Cold Storage plant id Clayton, arrived this morn-|@™—ernor Judge Carss, Mrs. Carss and] vert the other day im a special) Miss Carss arrived on the Geo-| | mt te ee | 200 pas- Even a copy-mill is sus-|sengers, a complete list of which | j i Clie + Insurance settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Pees sess esr sommermrsd Wanted { ail asigilstliicaacleg tk 1 OD} WANT girl attending school to help mind | baby from 4 to 8 State what expected Address X 15, News. Choicest liquors and CiGalS— | deem Wanted Houses ems WANTED—-Large store with good show windows in best business locality. Will jease on good but not exorbitant terms. Box 217, News Office. w Business Chances { WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially range, also bedding and cheap furniture for about ten rooms. P. 0. box 105. 9-tf For Rent Sa eat ;}FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave. Apply Phone 313. )|FOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; well heated {| and lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116. -* { : Miscellaneous Y ee } WANTED—Waltress for Hotel in Hazel tor Apply Dominion Express Co if A Yale lock key Owner can lave it by applying to The News office and paying cost of this advt S1 heal Estate contracts in the name f Rachel Krell Five Dollars reward for return to News office 108-111 NO more men needed at Goose Bay until further notice. The Granby Consoll dated M., 8. & P Co 101-tf PCR SALE—Two 9x10 logging engines, with a large quantity of logging gear, | wire pope, ete. Apply R. Cunningham ;} & Son, Ltd., Port Essiagton, B. C | 90-tf MARRY—Why remain alone? The Ideal Introduction Club leads to happiness and home Strictly reliable; absolutely private; highest character if you wish | tirst class, dependable service send 10 |} cents for full particulars. State age. a Wilson, Ox 1776, Vancouver, -< | MIDDLE aged lady wishes a position in | private family, cooking or housework. Box 12, News Office 3t | NOTICE Acting under instructions from the city council, | call attention to the necessity of lot holders, under agreement from the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Com Lot Owners—aAttention! | | | pany, to complete their ttles, and have } the same registered in the Land Registry | office before July ist next. Owners | whose lots are not registered by that time run the risk of being unable to vote in | Municipal matters, or being eligible for } the office of Mayor or Alderman. The | couneil considered it proper that this question should be brought to the notice of the whole public E RNEST A. WOODS, mi4 City Clerk | Skeena Land District District of Coast Ng Range 5 TAKE NOTICE that I, Henry Louis; | Massey, of Vancouver, B.C,, oceupation | | broker, imtends to apply for permigsion } to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the } South bank of Skeena River, above Kayex | } 4nd about thre miles distant, thence south | 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence following the riv |er bank in an easterly direction to point | of combirncement, containing 60 acres more or iess HENRY LOUIS MASSEY, Ingrace Massey, Agent Dated 15th April, 1912 ae Pub. May 8th, 1912 ified Ads. EE ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’’ HERE— & CONCERT BY THE Kitlekahtla MILITARY BAND » | WESTHOLME ... OPERA HOUSE... TONIGHT SPECIAL - ATTRACTION Also a fine programe of new MOVING PICTURES ADMISSION AS USUAL 10 cents and 15 cents Block {6 Owners who place their rented property in my hande will have it looked after with the same fidelity if | owned it myself. Fire ineurance in Board Companies GEO. LEEK, 618 3rd Ave. 16 12 35 36 GR. Naden Co, Lid SECOND AVENU! agencies for and complete consign- ment of ship chandlery at Howe} & McNulty’s, 2nd Avenue. tf | Now is kodak time. Eastman’s| TERRACE at the Rexall! Store. tf . B. de Trewayne, inspec- For Sale Cheap the depart- marine and fisheries, this morning Mr. de and Capt. Robertson the Digby Island sta- tomorrow, Gasoline boat 2¢ engine, also resta fit, including WRITE— LAND Terrace, B.C. COMPANY } } What, you haven't} heard the Victrola! Come in and hear it by- all means. The greatest musical instrument the world has ever known. Come and hear it today. FROM $20.00 to $250.00 ‘ McRAE BROS. Everything for the FARM LANDS NORTH COAST LAND PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000. 00 —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasunable Prices and on easy terms, FARM |LANDS COMPANY, Limited VANCOUVER, 5.“