Ml 4 lit MEN'S Work Boots Wfzrrj f foil range of Hih Arch, 5reb" Vajeafine and Vfanter worfc-inz boot in j-anous weights and derfgns. Leather and Panro Soles. Priced op from $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rtiscE KimzT - Erasa coixmbia Ptlifctd Er?t7 AXUmcca, accept Scsdar. br Pi xtrt " " ' ' pafly ICtTH, lisKed, Ifcird Areaae H-F. PULLEf Uanigfoz-ftitac ' ADVEBTISIAG EATt Lixil Ridm, per nne. pr iraertfoo Cairtfrfd AiiierUieaeEta; per -crd, per injertioa . " ! Advertiiiar ad CUnUtivu Tetepbeae CHURCH IS Mezaler tt Aaiit fcereau ! Cu rtfUUent xsMBim. or thz cxsKbu rat H fuf tm it rzjisxlrij too tu ot Icr rCKCe&io of t3 brn tufrlw Uteri U AM-xtiV9d hta $B Uif kr c 1m ttx turnout The Position Of France Saturday, iaimary 25, The position of France is not a pleaaant one. With the country drained of food by the Germans, the pusipess me demoralized and the capital and most of the seaports occupied by the enemy, it i not the place anyone would choose as a place of residence. Yet the country has it safety-valve. Most of the Frencn navy is away from French noris. rrratlvin colonial water. Much of the armv h In iryssi awaiting the outcome of the war and ready tq join wnp the AHies u the country w hard pressed by the Cerrnaa. Thw is the only thing that keeps Germany rgm overrunning the unoccupied part p the country and forcing co-operation againat Great lntam. Misrepresented - Ypr'wme year back effort bare been made to drive Premier PattuBo from power no matter how it is done. There have been several caawajgns of nikrepresentation, ifuch ax that over the Prater River bridge. Evidently the conspiracy thw time was more widespread. Because Mr. Pattullo had the courage of bis convictions, they were going to drive him from office. He is being called a wrecked a spendthrift and many other names, some even, hinting that he is failing in his duty in carrying out a proper war effort. ' Vyen the Premier returns to British Columbia he may tie expected to man set ji imjgelf rjgt. Kg J? well able ip take fre of himitelf. Most of the men who are criticiz-4ng"jiira have not read the Sirois report and have no intention of doing so. They take their cue from irresponsible newspapers and politicians and have nd'first hand jnforr Ration. Vsually the ones that shout th Ipucjest are thpse hp. know the? least. Command Of Seas - - - 7rd Halifax, the new British ambassador to the Un ited States, travelled to Washington in statip. He; wa? sent aipross the Atlantic in a new battleship, showing that while Mj- pirates tnay nWulk around in their submarines here and there the British still have command of the seas. She entered ,a United States harbor and dropped anchor npt ar from . the great naval training centre. . It is probable ' that ' l t ...mi i. .1.. : i i me warsmp win nt;ip convpy ipqu anu war supplies uacK 4 rt n t?iJfJaVi rtnrf V nun yvv NOTICES ST. BAUL'S LUTHERAN CfWRCfi 'Corner 8th and 9th Aires. East IferJ. I. M'yrwa"nr,'6.T,'Dr PaAlor. tt 1st y. W. P.hoi V ' ? 'Mr, i. Fenm, Orrapfst Mrs. . U. Myrwanf, &S. $u It r ,Jlist.. SUNDAY, ;aUAIJY 2Gth 11:00, a.m-I)lvlne Serrlces'ln Norwejlan 12:15 p.m-Sunday School 7:30 pmr Younc People's Luther Leaiue All Are Invited ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st 10' a.m. Confirmation Class mi one Blk. 888 nnun IMP TC i fflrtty Dusks VERY CLOSE JCera Eace le Mww is Z-ritx Lere aw kattat tin? Bsrstane; Lesase f star ana pontes are vtzC jertfael FcapflfTS Atari- a Q and S. are m tarn' &?&mMft bat aaoOaer patnt be-. MM. Afwn only one- puans drral are (Tfwi'fi and ASey Gats an' tse MTaarfW set ail in aJL as: a Msj ftosi Ip ijk yfar Pwpirti; Stay ri fcr 1 Prminc Bapire. Frss&x yap esjer Q. and L Cn&cs , SkfHM dtantneel Cojmnms. Toelfx Tiajaaaiiii.itf tnai and fttniyj DUl Ht ABsjr OBU anf9 casan. Soon fa east esse na two gates to we. i Pttr Sft ram Cy Ktlfelt vaslucn' average sears' vnfe M4 and for the -meat JObs Da T1 iWni rr H1 tops Tab 205. 1 Ot aearcs thai ek vce Mi 1 ppne MQl Iff MS! Pe4B)6x Since )4S tt&f S o. & s. Qsuacj mi m mti Frai 1M9 1IS3 Ita - M0 1 IU OKSfie I1TZ W M3 rroOer - - IMS 12W 1 vrosafas . iiU 1151 HO Afc? arts. - - 11 167C 1172 JttafeDtfls 9 11H 1K4 teaase anfHngt to dare: Rtak Dmfct C Ereotae Eiajstre 6 ' Frzau -1- - 5 ToOea . 5 Peoa Store - 4 Q. asd S. Gocery . 4 Cozx&trs 3 ABey'Cats 3 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 A "spot" eo yoa only hall 7 Ulllrti . 11 W U MJT 1AHJ f riisdHd eotenn. tl COf EKXMOT UQt'nc XIT" (Scctloa '36) " JSOTTCZ OP APfLlCATIOM FOB A CICB UCESCE urn ar r rttxmn ixi utu. tt UXITIZ) ta&ccdc V PCr to tt liq-tnr OvrjtrrJ Bond for Chib lMn to prfQlM t!Utte oa t&r lr TfaJrd Arza &d Tntn SVt. fcirrt . &Uo9 t. Uy 2I in bCKr Vftux Vx&xi. Vru Btort Land of BrttWi Cobsxsbu, to enUtSe 4en sucr ci( Ct nid Ctwb to tow? oa U o. r'UK3abw quMitily ot ffcrn-jr (or inrAl 'rjcmjm&uia on tt DATED tfclJ 4ii 1T Jaatury 11 hex eowusc cu;s uurrzo . Bt Oo Prizzefi. Prw 1H TIIK EWftiOXZ COUKT OF BRXTWH IS TIZ JtATTES Of THE -ADKIKB-TBATIOM ACT AND IS TJZ ilKTTOl Or THE ESTATE OF 13 AVID AIXKH. IXtiiwl TAKU JrOTJE Oiiv 67 OfiW of Hi JuOsre FVitvT, local Judee of tfVe 8joaf Court of BriUiH Cutttmb1. WM Ml Uj VKb Of JMUATf A D IV4I aiDMuted AdmbUatrUf- of U EAte DW: JVn. fcrwrlr of the f-Ucwtc of Hyder. UrtUt Cbtuoibia. oir of 6zxrJer 141 All penobt ln- lefl fc the iJd IUU arc reqvired to pay thvy ooount ct tiiefr tndet)- Eft 4 tee Icrt2)7tth and sit ptrmm t&nsr ciunn knim(, tne sua Estate v jrautred to il Jttan wltb me pro- pftty verxm 00 or latere the 3h day of Afirjl AX. mftiOShg which dlxtri. tAiuan will t ri&de nTtn fgua only to such rtxaa of ' wttVTi shall hate DATTO PT) BC , tty? lh dy of JUiiiiij mt WJtlCVM WATT. Prince Raort. B. ih THR wiprurMR rrmBT op rrttirh cxnxruEtA in tooeatk m Tin? uatjtr op tut "aominis- fVA A AV A AND IN TlfE VtATTEB OP TH ESTATE OP BOOKR raAWCW raHRT. roeaMd. TAKR HOTlCE that T OrdY of IIU Honour JUdze PShr. lorsd Judw of the Stiwerne CXxlrt of prttlrfl CctUnibU waa in tfie 13th day or Jinutrr A. D IMI Hrpotnttii AOmlnlsr o the EUi rrf IW-er Frahetf rVfrry, fonnerlT of Mr City U ftte KmpT. ?ntUh ooiusnbu, ictiL-d. vno died on or Wxa; the alat diy (A ' Auut' 40, All penocw in&tirfjn to the uld Estate sre rwuired to My the amount Of tnelr In44rdni to me fcirUiwnh kn4 all pW!orA 'having cU!m'':flnrt the Mid esva.t .ar (quired, tp iua tnn Uh me prcptrly verified on or beSure the 30th of Aprjl AD. IMI falll alileh diitrtlxrUcn will be ihaat ' having rt-Bard ttfdy mch claitnif Of thKh I Htm have th jvatlfjed. " DAiro'ot'Prtriee. tovxrt. B.C., the 'J.h dy of January 19M ORMAN A. WATT, Otrtebl Admlnlatr Uor. Pttnce Rupert. B.C. tzz diht rrxs .Mil 1 1 MMmmiullliini THEY FIGHT FOR FREE FRANCE 1 CmUf the laaaoe deseet-tetd canin a France ars-ai and leariess nser. : -m ... . i -. niuli jniUMu, irn nuif 'rTTT; SlTta aad ;OtT.5 'Si STATEMENT BETTERING I ON PARLEY THEIR LEAD JlinhtfT af rinanee ExpUias H Sirt Keport WaM lUre Hart Britfca ColsmbU VICTOKIA. Janaary 25 Can-adiaa Press Hon. John Hart, minister f finance, in a state-ment today, dectarrd that adoption ( the SiroU report re-C9mmendalkinc "would cortaD ereatly the autonomy" enjoyed ty British Colombia and nid "xentraliz HnaDttal control in Qtawa under a finance comnib-4n from ho decision there yppjd be- no appeal" Mr. Hart said that for this rtaMn and others rtfljf T. D, i'aUnllo bad told the Ottava conference that it voold not be in the protincial interests to ac- I Spokane Beats Seattle and S Three Points P to Pacific Coatt Hockey Leajae ' Standing : SEATTLE, Jan. 25: CP Spokane fnrtner iaaproved ita leadership in the Pacific Coast Hockey League standinc hut night by scoring a for to tnree victory oer Seattle. Tats gms the Banker i three point lead m the sUndir sith the VaneeuTer Lkma. Seattle CHyrapics and Portland Backar&s foUp'slof tn order nased. The leagae ttarwHnt to date: Spokane 15 3 11 70 &5 3S yaneouTer 13 4 14 U 77 m Seattle 12 5 13 27 M 29 Hmla&d 14 0 1C 72 85 26 The finance minHUr-ji sUte- fj k 71 Q A Dp menl was accompanied by a jllTallllJ 1 j brtei conlendinc that the pro- rinee would suffer by ovs of rerenne? under the proposed set-up. Sixth Avenue a Property Sold AcUnt City (mmUsioner in Session at pity " Council Triis .Morning Aaatstant City CofBoiswoner p. J. Matbeaon. aitttoz this inorniozi as a city oqonpL aothorized the city collector to accept taxes In adranee of dc date and to anov flre percent dlaoount on taxes so paid. The eoracitasioner also authorized the sale of a lot and a half on Sixth Areriue West to Alex. Mr-KenzSe. This property adjoins Mr. Mackenzie's home and may be re- - .J. RECAPTURED Two More Escaped Germans Retaken But a Couple More Are Still at Large pTTAWA. Jan. 24: 'CP (Capture of two Na2i priaoners of war. one at Ogdensbarg. New York, and anetber at St. Leonard Junction, Quebec was reported today a miB-Ury and civilian pohce searched Snath's Falls and sarmndtar dis- trkt for tvo other escaped priarri- Tbe latest escape and recapture reoorted ae Rndoiah MuOer. submarine mechanic, at Si. Leonsrf! function. Like others, be broke way from a train bearing nrtam- 1 s from an east coast port to ia- trnment camp. ane otner recapture was that of a German air force ssvadron leader McriUned, as Barop Franz von Wer- Tl VlsU4 K ffViA yA J . . deemed by tb former owner any .,ttr hrLZnrt enwurs time before next October. Te price1 JS?1 prwon train sruard north of Qltawa and cross- paid was $1729. The City Engineer was "-r 1 """1""""a' wtuer led to connect the sewef on Third Avenue with the Jot owned 07 James Killas, next to Ranee and Hardy's store. Also connection will at tho same time be made to tbe lot? owned by tbe federal government whkh liaye already b?en excavated 1tie work on thu has al ready commenced. FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4:30 p.m. BOAT iy..L. TROTIRR'S DOCK SUP'S FURNITURE STORE Buys and Sells Used HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE QREEN 916 MOOS? B;H.DNp TIURp AVENUE i ,ioat freedom iarces rf Free at - Sr .r apw tbeu Aran tns Use Fnaee ure? C-rrr.. w Giui S-oopo.- ick Bulletins Ji ETCH I KAN The frinte Bn-pert bailetUJl team bad a rtfsth Jrip cmia: hcte jester-day ith ke haf may np the mast of the boat. Bawey. Defl-dal and rerfttson vere the only ones not sick. On arrival they mere tieii a smeU receptjon mith cheer leaders and the band ffi-ciatinr. The score was 5C U 23 in faror of the home team. Bs-sey made II point and Uolke-tad 7. ptber oiemhers of the team were stUl sxiiferlnt' from the effects of sea skknes. FIRE THIS MORNING A residence on Tulton Street owned by Matthew .Murray and occupied by two families was Catted by fire this morninr, at . 10:20. By the time the firemen -arrjetl the fire was well under way. REP WINGS ; MOVING l pcJratrd be Yarfc A-erin,, i DBTROTT. Jan , Bed Wtaaja dafeattc s, t y ertrana by a aeon- ! . . and vent anio exc... . iiaaac-t pasi... lataMtac fujr i... leadioc DMtiMft ,ieli the Bortoc B . teen tied th .-. Uurd place. Tbe vet-eod v.v i- aj lollQmn Totvnjht-Coac.i . Suxxjay Boaior. Ajr.rrieaSf Tbror. : Rarit;er at Chkaso The kaajve ttantf. Tortmto Detroit Boston Ranters Chtea Aipfapa 13 : K CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO. Janus:;. 2 vteat prieea . day wltn Uay a: 8Gc 11 I. ; mi J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rit p PRINQE RUPB DRY DOCK AND SHIPYAI ShlpbuUders and Lnritw i Iron and Brass Caitao tkctrie and Arctjltnt Wetdine Speclalhts on Sainfl and Minint Marhiaer; All Typea of fias tarJtitl Repaired and Orerkul "RUPERT BRAND' SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25g per lb. Obtainable at STERMN'n FOOD MARKETS LTD. IIUPEKT BUTCHERS BULKLKY MARKEI Also served at the Boston and Cornmodore Caff Snioked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed JJy Canadian Fishl&Iold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. When Your, Thoufhts Turn Toward British ColMikii htn You Want a Reliable, Comfortable. De jwndable TAXI Sprvipe PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Rreular Ratej CQAL EC0N0MY1 CJ'-NTKAL FOR 651 or 652 That's the quickest wqy of connecting up with the best coal propositions In this town. The quality coal we sell will warm Its way into your Js&k 'Thai Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 652 It's interesting to. know when readini? the Daily M that the people of the whole, district are duto tb n