5.,,r(l:ty. January 25, W I. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ca,h for Old Gold. Bulger's, tf. just say--Three Tw0 p)eae." just say -Vxrvr -Two plw,? " ! piof Hansen, Uf'tof Skee.oa af- ..... , vt.JF.d . .i f- nrnrlrvllln no-.,, ' oi.u ' rr " W'i o visit with a sister who U 111. On j " pr return, mim.wi wu irayej oy j. c. Brady, district engineer for ancouver. ! the prpxinclal department of pu T. .... . Hp -Fd tp'the city on A. A. Row. travelling auditor for the Prinpess Adelaide yesterday of-,e Canadian Pacific Railway, ar- ternoon from k brief tri'n ,) ived m the city on the Pr nces3. partmental headauarters in vima,. lUlelalde yesterday afternoon from a Pn official duties. ancouver and will sail Sunday Ifciorning on the Princess Norjih to iake the round trip to SKagway. He s on official duties. vorman McEwen. who has been in charge of Young Men's Chrtiari Association ,wprk Among the troops If - - nl I U ...til L. fiere JOi pcYtrtui muiiiii, win l aying soon for Vancouver enroute L) Winnipeg to which city he has ftecn transferred In similar wo,rk. FUNERAL NpTICE The funeral of Jack Harlock Cherry, will take place Monday 2 m. from the B. C. undertakers. No toners by request. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W R Bucknall, A. C. Setterfield. A-, Ross, A. W. Newman and 0. Mowatt, Vancouver; R. B. 'Ma-j it victoria; w. o. cnubb, Que- kc; v m. Miller. Prince RuDert: W Webster, Victoria. I Central ! A. .Johnson, J. A. Trerise, A, F. , ble. U. Mcllardy and A. SeatonJ Royal' J H. VI' Kennedy, J. Janzen. K. ! arris A. A. Miller and Wan Soon, i O. Dunkerley. Barrett. ! PKINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT f DISTRICT EOTICE is hereby given that a urt-Of Revision nnrt Anncil unH l$e provision of the "Taxation Act" Bia amendments thereof, and Public Schools Act." resDectlnK the ssment rolls for the Prince Assessment District for the : 1911. will be held at the Court ouse Prince Rupert. B.C.. on Tucs- fy February 18th, 1941, at 1D0 flock In the forenoon. iDated at Prince Rupert, B.C.. inuary 23rd, 1941. JOHN DYBIIAVN, Judge of the Court of Revision and Appe.nl Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sunderland, wjio haye been spending a few (Jays In the city following their arrival ffprn Vancouver where they were recently marrjed, wiil leaye next Tuesday afternoon pn the Catala for Vancouver where they will ta'ke up, residency, The bride was formerly Miss Winnie Tucker of this city. Lieut. Ian Eisenhardt arrived In the city on the Prince Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to take Up duties here with the Irish Fusiliers. Lieut. Eisenhardt until recently was director of physical education and recreation for the provincial government and Is wpil known here as elsewhere In the province. Margaret's Clearance SALE Mon., TuesvSWed- Dresses 13-42. Reguiar $7.5p j0 $5.00 Presses H-44. Regular 10.50 oV?50Q $7.50 Dressing Gowns Flannel. Regular $7.95 ,95 Blanket-cloth. Reg. $9.50 for Ulouses For . 85,95 50c&SlfQQ "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CQ. Sole Distributors ftjcLepd Jljvpr Hard Cpal EDSON, NANAIMQ-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEY Office and Coal purikersTfojler's Dock We bought three brand new heqters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answpr Phone 58 THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are paired in two-tone blue Their beauty i$ equalled m ease If you want safety with comfprt Call vis at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' PA11WAYS Trains leave lMUNCp RU!CRT 9 the E5T Slftnilay, WedresdJyt Frday? $ p.m. Alr-Cori(HtloneO SJeeplhg and Dining Cars Steamer leave, PRINpE JtyPERT o? YANCftUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p'. calling at Ocean FalU and Fpwell Rlyer WINTER icxqUKSlON FARE; td VANCOUVER and RETURN COfi AA Tickets on site Kov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. " Final rurn llrrilt March 3lst, 1841 For Fuinrifonnatlor' and Regeryatlon, etc. Call or Write CITY TICIJET OFFICE, 52? 3fd 4tm Phone 260 Pftnce Rupert Agents for TranCanada Air Llne ii -TTra hhn.1 HSWB" " PAnnTimr:! DUKE QF GLOUCESTER VISITS EAST AN QUA v-' ' T. Calvlnlstlc faith of the period of being unsurpassed lrfany country his dally existence and which was as shown by the great Scottish one of the reasons of his early names in science, law. literature srenlus. The stirring times of un-iand divinity and medicine. rest in which he lived, the speaker Then the speaker referred to said, gave a certain stamina to the scenic beauty of his native land Bourns' make-up and impelled him and, finally to the intense spirit of ip, express in exquisite, nomely pa- Scottish independence which had thps the struggles and wo;s of the j borne Scotsmen through "many a common people. Comparing Burns far-flung battlefield in the past." work to Dickens' in that he de-1 "These are the people" the speaker vpted himself to building up the concluded, "born of the mountain , - - and the flood, whose courage is Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. Masonic Telephone Bridge, Feb ruary 4. Orawge tea, February 5. .Mrs. ICrlkevsky's Catholic tea) Mrs. R. E, February 6. Hospital Annual llall, February 7. W.O.T.M. tea, -Mrs. S Moore's Ball, Moose February 12. Procf,c3 ar RMef- Presbytertan, tea, Mrs Mitchell's February 13. George i never daunted and who do not know do not-intend to know 4he yeaning of defeat. Such a, people pcould not be conquered. A song by jSgt. MaJ. Day, of the Irish Fusl-'liers, was vociferously encored, the ,Sgt. MaJ. sang "The Waggle o'the Kilt" with an appropriate encore. Next the chairman proposed "Canada" and called upon Capt. R. C. H. Durnford for a reply. The popular padre, enthusiastically re-seived, explained that Canada was his country by adoption. He touched briefly upon responsibilities as citizens and strivings for freedqm. Capt. Durnford enlarged upon the fact that freedom, like virtue, vyas not a right, but an attainment something to strive for, which was one of the greatest lessor taught Dy scots people. uanaaa'S part 'in the war was illustrated,, the speaker I urging that "we are fighting not Haugan's'only for freedom of this Canada of purs but for the betterment of the whole Empire, Mrs. Kenneth Dixon delighted (her listeners with two songs "Floy? Gently Sweet Afton" and a pop,u,- Basketball Association Valentine lar encore which were both enthu . . 4 ' rany reoruty Lutheran Valentine tea, Hall, February 14- slastically receive. , The losses The toast to "The Lasses" pro posed by Sgt. MaJ. Dey, who men itloned that he felt quite Incapable Cambral Valentine Tea, Legion of doing It Justice, but quoted from. Hall February 15. Bums that "The" sweetest hours. '- . Hh poet knew were spent amaig Masonic Ball, Friday, February 21. the lasses 6- Mrs. J. T. Manf '. . ffJlcaHe upon 'for a. tipiy.Tbls S.O.N. Masquerade P'ebruary 21, well-known 'anH' much appreciated mm KyBR.iiK'' His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester with staff officers xeen during his two-day tour of the east Anglia coastal areas. He watched exercises carried out by local troops and inspected area COTTISH 3ANQUET traditions of his beloved country and working for the bettprment of its people, Col. Burnett referred to Burns' patriotic attributes which President qf the Auxiliary, was in and Braes," after which the chair- pneral charge and the arrange rneqfs reflected great credit on the cpmmittee. Regimentale Seargeant Majprr W. M. Bown was very capable chairman and toastmaster. Affer the singing qf "P .Canada" "Land of brpwn heath and shaggy the Haggs was piped in with due :wpod, land of the mountain and cerem.ony by Piper Jiugh Smith- itne ilpo.d " He referred to was borne by Harry CaWexw'ood 'reputation of the Scpttl Scottish ana piacea in iront pi u. y. smart while the chairman delivered with Impressive solemnity the Address to a Haggis "Oreat Chieftain o' the Puddln' Rape." N,ext on the program were selec tions by a, fotcl, rchejtracpn man. called upon D.iC. Stuart for a response to the toast "Bonrjie Scotland." In his ipinitable stylp Mr. Stuart responded with a brief but inspiring description ' of the the great people for thrift, for keeping the Sabbath arid (as one of their Sassenach friends unkindly remarked ) every thing else they could lay hapds 0n. HP spoke of their 'independence and early pioneering in panada. rneiilfinnr 4y ef riirrn-1 nt Vi 4V I ro nnrl ststlng of Mrs.' Halcrow John great privation and of the great n -1 T X-T ...1 'o i 1 a I .L . 1 played old favorite Burns' compo-iing up of this country, whose sitiqns in a delightful manner. names, the speaker remarked, he Following was the toast to "The would not mention, as they are Immortal Memory", replied .to in perpetuated in the mountains and entertaining manner by Lt.-Col. J. rivers of this fair land, "mqnu-N. Burnett of the Irish Fusiliers. I ments which will standi the rava- Col. Burnett spoke briefly but trenchantly of the poet's early life and struggles, of how at the early age of sixteen he was obliged to go out into tthe world to make his own living, of the stern, ges of timp, so long as the human race endures." Reference, was also made to their education", ' which "although they wear petticoats and play the pipes" isnot mcpnsider-able. The education of Scotland speaker did her sex full Justice, also referring to Burns' quotation and saying that it gave her great pleasure to hear "The lasses" ap- were intense in accordance with predated publicly by one of .t,he his nature apd an inspiration for opposite sex. She mentioned the Boras' pay Observed Last Njght lmuch oi hls wor uotipns from j Highlanders being known as "La- f4ne Seppches and Program i ii"y" yucuia sucn as aics irom neu ana aamuteatnpre ' ''"The Cotter's Saturday 'Night" fol- might be some justification for Some three hundred nerson en- lowed and the speaker concluded this as "Hell hath no fury like a love, his poetry was a spoptanequs outpouring and how women were to a large extent the guiding star and influence of his whole life. The speaker enlarged upon the fact that, for every woman who made a fool out of a man, other women have made men out of fools. Husbands were of three kinds, the speaker said prizes, surprises and consolation prizes, but verily a man couldn t do wit fl out 'em. Sgt. MaJ. Dey again obliged with a song in the absence of Dr. R. G. Large, unavoidably detained, and for encore, gave "The Grand Ojd Motherland." With the singing of "pod Saye the King," the program ended and later Scottish' dancing was enjoyed until the wee sma' hours. Th.e Burns' banquet was an outstanding success and credit was 'given by the chairman to the Wo men of the Auxiliary who worked to make it so. The entertainment committee was headed by Mrs. John Lawrie assisted by Mrs- Robert ' Murray, Mrs. J. McQreish. Mrs. W. R. Overend, Mrs. Oden and Mrs. Henry Smith, jr. Mr?. J. S. Black and Dr. H. lif. Brocklesby were accompanists for the songs CUS3IF.E0 FOJl SALE FOR SALE Billiard table, newly covered and in first class condition",, also radio. ' Apply P, H. E-"kins, " ,;-::v(22) FORKEm FOR RENT 5-room flat. Apply 610 6th Ave W. Suite 4. (tf) FOR RENT Large furnished office including heat and light. Dally News. tf, FOR RENT Room and board. Suit able for one or two men. Phone Black 523. (22) WANTED WANTED Driver for milk wagon. Valentin Dairy. (22) PERSONAL yOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man, MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP, VIM Try RSTREX TpNIC tahJets. Sti mulants and oyster concentrates aid to normal pep. Results with first package or maker return low Price. Call, write McCutch-eon's and all qther good drug stores NOW IS THE TIME TO GET GOVERNMENT job as cleric, Postman, Rstpms Clerk, Stenp. etc. Five Dpni!nl?n-wicV; exanis, held since the war'"begafl. Frw Booklet. M.p.C, Schools Lttf., Wlinnlpeg. Oldest In Canada., No Agents. Civil Protection Committee A.R.P. A prerjeral Alarm Test will be (Carried out between the hours of 2 P.m, and 4 pjm., Sunday, January 26. On hearing the fallowing signal, all members will report as previously Instructed. ALARM .5 Shprt Blasts, 5 seconds duration, with 2 second interval between each blast. This signal to be. repeated 3 times, w)th qne minute interval between each series of blasts. ALL CLEAR 3 Blasts, 2p seconds duration, having 3 second interval between each blast. This to be repeated 3 times, with one minute interval between each series of blasts. j SKATING IN COLD SNAP Lowest Thermometer Reading: qf Present Winter Recorded Here During Night The present cold, snap has brought good skating conditions to Lake Oliver, Morse Creek and other ice sheets and many are enjoying th recreatipn of the flashing blades while it lasts. Pxince Rupert had its lowest Joyed the excellent viands set w"h a farewell to Burns in his qwn Woman scorned." Other humerpus ia beautiful wtthimter Hurm.g lasl .nlRl nen. to tne forth bv th wompnv Anviihrv nf words. ireferences were interoersed te Caadlap Legion Jn Bonnie ScptUnd references to woman, plac, in -Q for cZIS at the Moose Hall when Burns' Mrs. H. N- Brocklesby next,Burns' life- now wnen he e11 ln uay was cetepratpd i a fitting man- charmed the audience with her ner y the loyal Scots of prince1 rendering of "The Star of Rabbie Rupert M. William Rothwell.lBurns" and for encore "Ye Banks northeast winds, mostly fair, becoming milder with light snow or sleet. Follow these 3 steps as picture:' 1 For tmtlntt from coll, dissolve 3 Aspirin Tablets in ii gljJS .of water ami gargle. Pain, rawness 'are cuol in a very few minur js. 2ToquicLlr relieve tttiLtht, Mi daan-art (ml scttf. tale 2 Aspirin Tablets inj drink fall gll of wiier. Repeal treat, merit in 2 noun. 3. Chtti Umptrmtm. t Tou nave t (ever fkl temDerature does nor to down if throat pain ii not quickly relieved, call your doctor. Both aches and raw throat quick) , relieved without dangerous, strong drugs At the first sign of sore throat from a' cold follow the directions in the pictures ' above the safest fast way you can' use et home for wonderful relief. The Aspirin gargle will amaze you easing throat rawness almost jm- -mediately. And the Aspirin takent'. internally quickly relieves the other' painful cold symptoms. k" Try this safe way. Even when taen frequently, Aspirin does not harm the hearf. So don't risk drugs your -doctor does not approve. TTv. 6EE THIS CROSS baYFDV. yvith Your Own Eyes g tW 1 ' )1 mutt M sUptrla tablet XJt ? Any Old Radio , . f Works Very Much Better When Thoroughly ChecUcfl and Reconditioned in a Moderri SerYjce Department Thp cqst is lower than evei4 bdi fore because R.C.A. Victor Latest Type Equipment And Specialized Servicing Reduces the time required for a Complete Check-up All Makes Serviced Work Guaranteed Member Associated Radio Technicians of B.C. in Charge UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Oue Vancouver, Monday aJn. Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnightly) Leave Prince Rupert January 6 anrl 30, February 3 and 17 10 p.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent. Third Ave. Phone 563 1.1 I. MacKenzie's Furniture A Gqpjl PACE TO BUY 1911 Patterns Linoleum Just Arrived 400 Sq. Yards Inlaid Linoleum 400 Sq Yards Printed Linoleum 30.0 Sq. Yards Feltol Sec Us For Your Floor Covering 327 3rd Avenu, Prince Rupert B.C. 'v ' ' ' 5 4.1 . I; 4V l - its