lYiday, January 10. 1MI w t Moodle, general snperin- power, and s Morri i-.. ti,lt of Canadian National Rail- -Sneer 'g U fur BriUda Columbia wtth pert last night oTS mum hemuiers la Vancouver; c J. Kmth after ending a coupUTf e OI 1 n,.!.,!!!.- urintndnt of motive da v , fru... ...... TU it the radio receiving set you wnt - on that will teep you in toucti with worM evtnu as ley are happening . . . an that brings you entertainment from all over the world. Now you can have all (hit at moderate tiKt in tliis new RCA Victor act. Come aJ let u irxntwartit. "This Band Spread Tuning" tfv oenain v brinfrc 'o n rv-w from Overseas" m . ' a. Thats the quickest way of ev connecting up with the best coat proposition in this town. The quality coal we sell will farm Its way Into your BATTERY SAVED RADIOS Now make shorl wav at easy to tuno as dornssric stations SENSITIVE SELECTIVE ECONOMICAL Model B-U A sminlr styled hatter tibia . .x- It I Cm-.J JA.,...... t ,. mi . i i ' fliramnn 4Uf k ,m, i hi i fiwin n it nukes th4jtt w luntnjt iy, tow drain tube kftd bitief . plug in .runacrtaun tuc (tecorJ Hjtr. txiuiifut tojtnut oiiuntt- SCI.SS i itnnieic nn bjiteuct w Wuen You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Ieietu!able IS PHONE 1 3 24 Hour Service at Regular Ratea When Your Thoughts Turn Toward COAL ECONOMY ASK CENTRAL FOB 651 or 652 VT-t.C OAs. I In ourcoil yotill find the hut. Jtl l . i-- inai wiiirnant 1 vour home Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rilONE C51 C52 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUFEUT 3600 v FtomPort Simpson $39.75 (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from intermediate points.) Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1010 to February 28, 1911 Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers ' Leave Prince Itupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. C ATA LA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. Tk - and Reservations from I'rlnre Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 568 ...... . i rl.l,.(. ilfflr ll uonvrnieni, ncase rurcn&c xiiwj2ZL-m CANADIAN NAT10NAL RA1LWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 P-m. Air-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leave, PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, liao pjn. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FARE, to VANCOUVER a"d ,fJ.U Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. (I AA Tickets on sale jPgl)UU Final return limit March 31st, 1941 For Full information and Reservation, etc. Call OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue or Write CITY TICKET Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Llnea S.O.N. basket social, January 24, ladles with baskets free. Orange tea, Mrs. Krickevsky's January 24. 102nd Auxiliary Dane Armories; January 31. Catholic . tea, Mrs. R E. Moore's February 6. Hospital Annual Hall, February 7. FOR KEN1 Ball. Moose (00 FOR RENT First-class board and room. Phone Black 965 tf FOR SALE Child's crib complete. Phone Red 915. (10) FOR RENT Large furnished office including heat and light. Dally News. tf- FOR SALE Washing machine. Complete with ' whirl dry. Phone 135. ; '13 HOUSES FOR SALE 15 ROOMS fully modern, 5 blocks from P.O. $2,000.00, half cash, balance to arrange. 6 ROOMS fully modern, furnace, garage, 6 blocks! from P.O.. $2750 $1000.00 cash balance to arrange, 7 ROOM" house in first class condition, fully modern, concrete basement, furnace, nice garden. 8 blocks from P.O. $3500.00, $1,-500.00 cash, balance to arrange. OIL cabinet heater, perfect condi tion $35.00. (10) COLLART it McCAFFERV F0UN17 FOUND Olasses. Owner can have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad it "OoTemment Liquor Art" (Section 28) Notice of Application Fr a lleer I.ICK.MT, wrvnrae IS HEREBY GIVEN that on it, irit.ii riav of February 1941 next ttie underelerid Intend to apply to the Liquor Control uoara iur noriice ui rwjwot of premise being l""t of the building known as the Tortt Hot! on nvinri avmum In the CltV of Prince Bujjert Bixui Mia Devrnvn StreoU upon tlve larate described as Lola Nlneteeu (19) aad Twenty (20) of nivk TSifivtvUm (33) In Section One .11 mm gal. Prince Hubert Land IrWletnutton Dtotrlob In 11 ie Province of BrUlAu cMU2iiioia but wie u u, uw, jy the glass or by the txU for con sumption on Ml fannwes or eisr- wlaere. . . . DATED tlua 4th day o January 1941. ROBERT OTKTLAND MUTCH Applicant. 7nZ DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES C.C.F. Bridge Series, January 11 8 Just say Three Two- please." Fred Swanson arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert last night from Ketchikan and proceeded on last evening's train for a. trip to Chicago Me Miser) With VAPoRua Announcements AU advertisement In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Church W. A. tea Jan. 16. Mrs. James Clark's. Serenaders dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, January 17. Presbyterian January 21. Anglican Tea, January 23. tea, Mrs. Lakles Mrs. Hopkins', Just say "Three Two please." A. W. Lepsin sailed hot night on the Prince Rupert Vancouver. for a trip to Casey Vink failed last night otii the Prince Rupert for a trip to Van oouver. J. II. Sheldon sailed last night A meeting of the Canadian Hali-ion the Prince Rupert for a trip to but Fishing Vessel Owners Assn. will Vancouver. be held tn the Deep Sea Fishermen'-s Union Hall, Sunday, January 12th at 2 pjn. Election of officers and other important business. All mem bers please attend. 8) COUGHING COLDS Peter Lakle. CJfit, divisional freight and passenger agent, xt- turned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Smlthers and I pother interior points on company business. A Memorial Service for the Late Lord Baden-Powell will be con due-j ted in St Andrew's Cathedral on' j Sunday at 7:30 pjn. All Scouts, ex-f iSoouts and Guides requested to I af.in1 Rmtiia will moat In fatVu. - dral Hall at 7:15 pjn. (9)1 Major D. M. Johnstone p.CJ.1., , . 1 who has been spending the past Miss Rose Marie Kilpatrick, -vho couple of days In the city, will sailthas been visiting here tar the pastj tonight on his return to Vancouver. J few weeks as the guest of Mrs.; Major Johnstone is a brother of jNeal M. Carter, wtll sail by the ss. , Mrs. William Cruicksharfk of this Princess Adelaide tonight on her city. t return to Vancouver. Her father,' , , Capt. J. w. Kilpatnck, was recent ly transferred from here to Victoria in the army service. A few weeks ag5 Dr JF. Maguire called up the Daily News-to inquire . the name and address of a Court- enay, Vancouver Islandnewspaper to which he wished tb subscribe. The subscription order was sent. along and the paper commenced ar-' riving. But there was a, further sur-1 for which were sought. Massett Man Passes Away I Hubert - Em rainoeK JohnsBMr Well ; ' Known Salmon Fisherman, Dies In Hospital Robert Emmanuel Johnson, well known as & salmon troller at Mas-sett for years, passed away last night in the Prince Rupert General. Hospital after having been brought here about a week ago for treatment Deceased was 63 years of age and was born at Listerby, yado, Alaand, Finland. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of B. C. Undertakers. The funeral will take place Monday. NOTICE Chicken Rancher on the highway, Jack Dahod, announces that he Is unable to deliver his eggs on account of illness but asks his customers to call at the Kaien Hardware for came. JACK I) AIIO D. LOOK Bicycles and Wheelgoods of all kinds Repaired. Rubber Footwear, Tires, Etc., vulcanized at GUNN'S Variety Repairs Cth SL opp. OK Barber Shop GET BEAUTIFUL SILK STOCKINGS UUiaUrtW wltt BMTMrU.4 btl ... Ml ...i1 Miv&isyMiy fr. J01N THC QUAKES 141 SILK STOCKING CLUB TODAY I Now, at jour grocer't if you hurry too can get one of thete Certificate for membership helping vou to gat a pair of beautiful ilk atockiOKS for onljr 35c and a box top from one package of Quaker Oata. These loreljr heee aiockinca are oude in one of Canada'a leading hoiiery mills offine 5-thread, high-twist aillc They're "Form-Rned" to gie perfect shape, Hae Pkot tops with HE T. .j. t v..- , ..rr-M w - SQ .... t ir CTftTKlWi CLUB 'CrtfifKm I W4I !UvVi ., I Millions today can know that Quaker Oats contains a vital "health extra", precious Vitamin Bi which helps turn food into energy. A shortage of Vitamin Bi may result in not enough pep and vitality instead nervousness and fatigue. Fortunately, Nature made Quaker Oats triple-rich in Vitamin Bi -eery serving contains enough to "spark" itself and twice again as much food into energy. Thus it doe triple-duty tn helping SEVEN-CENT DINNER nrllft V. 1 n.uW wn r. J.JmiJ (Vint M , . " . uu WUA ouiucu nu-.i, ui london, Jan. lo: (CP) Her- a circulation contest drawing, he , waid Ramsbotham, president of the was the lucky winner of a third I Board of Education, and Alderman prize in the form of a handsome !E. J. Reed, Joined children at a cedar chest, shipping Instructions school here In a dinner costing only seven cents a head. Scratch.!.! Stfitrt Itch fist 'trflof9b& Fur quick rtlirf f rum itrlting uf tnem, pimple, ath. Isltt'a twist. acW, MaLir. wiahm ni iatiaar niatamall' fIU4 aAttl IsMuLka, IM faWttlCUat. CUaltMlg, Mli - m)Hie;hAA ftrlj; -tt. ripli.t. (caackaM. tlMultm Ji ilImA uHlAUtm coxi qukify Waiiamle ito4ing. 8'tc CriUoUlefarovWil,r wmm Iwrtt. Ak Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate PHONE RED 814 CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wtllace Block, Phone 641 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY reoNi 157 I Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 5"5 Notice ! Confectionery Store Closes at 6:00 pjn. Weekdays Including Thursdays. Closed All Day Sunday MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY STORE "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLeod River Hard Coal EDSON, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEY Office and Coal Bunkers Trotler's Dock Phone 58 FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:3 pjn. BOAT W.S.L. TBOTIERU DOCK. . J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rejal Bank llldg. 35 AND A QUAKER OATS BOXTOP mercerized toe, aole and beet for long wear. Most fashionable shade. So don't lose our. Get Certificate for membership at your grocer's right away mail it today with 35c and Quaker Oats boa too to The Vuaker Uats Company, Peterborough, Ont; or Sail - ,etWte ViUmin Bi Is needed by everybody . . . every day, to help turn food Into energy I guard against fatigue, nervousness and other handicaps of Vitamin Bi shortage. Vitamin B 1 cannot be stored up in the body a new supply if needed daily. Serve the whole family Quick Quaker Oats regularly every morning, and assure them a generous supply of Vitamin Bi. Get a package of tnritty, delicious (Quaker Oats right away at your grocer's. . Wanted-Raw Furs 1 -"."Li J L' I T. 3c - Dtn't b!av. Join the Quaker S941 Sit Stocking Ct)r-frt ymr Crrtifuatt fir mtmlitf $bip today mt your grpctr'i. QUAKER OATS HIGHEST jMARKET PRICES PAH) Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Prince Rupert, B.C. Representing- HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley Alberta Minehead Sootless 1M It Pays to Always Buy the Best Fuel Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. pnONE 116 phone in i We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in r . - Thev answer ' 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease " v - . If you want safety with comfort Call us at THREE-TWO PLEASE' RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE a:' "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage frlnce Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia