PAGE TWO JULIA ARTHUR and TANGO PUMPS New Fall Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. DAILY EDITION "The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL FRIDAY, OCT. 24, 1&41. Election Talk . . . Election talk is still outstanding everywhere. The people seem anxious to tell why the Liberals nearly lost the Prince Rupert constituency and what is to be done ' at Victoria with the three-cornered set-up. We havej heard it suggested that Pattullo could not get away be-j cause it would have taken a week of his time to visit the city and public business at Victoria with so many of the ministers absent could not be neglected. Undoubtedly,' if T. D. had spent a week in Prince Rupert just prior to the election it would have made a great difference to' t the vote. There was a little feeling here that the con-j stituency was being neglected. The average person did not'realize that the place for the premier is at or near the seat of government. Also if most of the ministers are absent it is the duty of the head of the government1 to be on the job. Proposed Coalition . The most nlmisihlp nrnnnsnl fnr n rnnlitinn rppiviq fn be that the present government will be dissolved and the. premier, with the consent of the leader of one of the! other groups, will form a new cabinet with members in; proportion to the number of elected members. Another-proposal is that all three parties might unite in a war1 cabinet. Another outcome might be the filling up of the cabinet with a new attorney general and minister of edu-i cation from the elected Conservatives, the combination' to continue at least until the war is over. f Should the C.C.F. and Conservatives decide to unite ? they can put the government out but they must agree to, work together for a few years, something they may agree' to do. They might agree to a loose coalition with an understanding that no legislation obnoxious to the other group be dealt with until after another election. I The most likely solution seems to be a union of the Conservatives with the Liberals with a reformed cabinet j Another election seems to be unthinkable just now J Royalty Censored . . . Dealing with the vv"ltul WA unci view vviin me Duke r i of . rr Kent recently the Toronto Globe and Maii has the following to say: ; ''Sir George Campbell, former British High Commissioner to Canada, is now in charge of the Library of Information in New York, and, notwithstanding his sue-' cess and nonnmrifv ns a ncni a1 v7,. -uncial, mi is u disap 4. . pointment as a publicity director because he is not a trained newspaperman and does not know what makes news. The result is that excellent opportunities for building good will have been missed. ' "An example of lost opportunities was seen din ing mi . - T wiiiicu oiaies 01 me uuKe or Kent. , Jnirty topnotch American newspapermen went to La- ?rlr Jleld ft meef 9e Duke' wh0 could Have talked if ffQ pSt"hfnAd- k"owIede about the marvellous exploits of the Royal Air Force; but Sir Gerald Campbell, representing British officialdom, took charge and in tin ated to the American newsnjinovirmn fw ii A. ... r 1 it kutti, cm uuusuons 10 t ho Duke must Je censored by him (Sir Gerald).. Moreover he intimated that tradition prohibited the Duke from answering other than harmless, general questions He simply must not discuss "affairs So the extX spectacle was witnessed of an m,aii .1 , ,na7 enced newspapermen h Royalty nn the subject of the weather and Hkeinan . ties. This was-a fantastic and .colossal blunder S earned anr vppoivori f u a: ' iTr u.ei uen American press." Huon 01 t.he eniirej PUT TEETH IN SPEECH Women Loyal and Selfless, Says Feminine Leader, But Must Strive to Get Thincs Done. By ADELAIDE KERR Associated Press Staff Writer NEW YORK, Oct. 24: AP Women talk too much. They not only are Inclined to. talk too much at home, but In world affairs they talk themselves out of the very things they are trying to get. You have that straight from Dr. Lena Madesln Phillips, a woman lawyer who is president of the International (Canada and the United States) Federation of Business and Professional women. "The thing that makes mc mad i THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER J4 dest about women is that they spend so much time talking about social reforms and won't put teeth into their own words." Dr. Phillips said when I asked her -What's right and what's wrong with wd- men?" or "Take Take women's worK fdf React, In civic '&mih. gorcwBmeh: really illy stUdy study 'tHe the Issues issues bf of war than men. But then' what di" we do? We have a week's convention and talk. talk. Expend the urge and the energy for accomplishing something about it. Release pent up emotion and then feel we've savec the world. It's out of our system and we think we've done it'. Won't Make Up Minils ' "But that doesn't put the right people on the school beard or make peace In the world. If women are going to get anything done they'll have to talk less md work more." Dr. Phillips ran her han& through her silver shock of close- I cropped hair and turned on the heat again. "Women don't drive at the fundamentals. They won't make up their minds and do something about getting the things they want done, such as bringing peace to the world and then go about getting those things In the way they go about managing their husbands. "They know how to do that superblyset the stage, give him a good dinner. let him take his nap and get him all eased up and then broach the subject of a new fur coat. Even then they don't always do it directly. They suggest how stunning his competitor's wife looked ' In her new sables and how everybody admired her and then let it drop right there. But they keep coming Dack again and again and again till thsy get what they wont. Too Much Yes-Yes "Th?y don't use that system Jn their work In civic or world affairs. In a war caused by maladjustment amng human beings and an upset of spiritual values, it's the men who are making the decisions. The women are sitting by and eaylng 'aye, aye' and letting them do It. We follow them and have no more Initiative and ba:kbane than Just to follow alcng. We Compromise for second best. In the test analysis women won't pay the price- -hard work, crircten, censure and misunderstanding. They want to save the world and still not make enemies." What's ltight "I'd like to say a word about what's right about women," Dn Phillips said. "They have a sreat ability to se the fundamental iHues even If they don't always drive at them. They are loyal and elfl?ss. They're more adaptable and flexible han men. And most important of all they understand nm be'ncrs and their weak- nesses. That' t . stop talking go my something done." m Vt Wedding Rings For Necklacej Women War Worker, i Find ew P,lfer JJ. 5 Symbol LONDON, October 24 ? , tory women are starting to heir wedding ring, 0 fhr-iiw around their neck Mson? RlnBs on finger, fere (with efficient S, machines. Also elaborate L irv? on rings Is liable 3 be X ased by oll or machinery SLAVERY IN CANADA Slavery was officially abc -'n " Jwer Canada m 1803 You Cant Put a PRICE TAG on Freedom j Freedom demands all you have every sacrifice you can make. So speed every dollar you have into action. Buy more War Savings Certificates. Buy th'em now. And Keep Buying Them. Don't smugly say you've done enough. You Can't Put a Price Tag on Freedom. Because geography has heen kind to you don't imagine that it can't happen here. That's what Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway, France and Russia thought. They don't think so now. ' Buy to protect Canada. . Buy to huild for a greater Canada. . Buy to keep Canada free. f, V And Buy to Your Limit. 1 Not your limit of yesterday, hut the limitjof to The limit that says "My All Is Not Too Much." Vli P f, to?" 11 needed for Victory. In these days of war the thoughtless, selfish spender is a tra,tor to 'A our war effort. reduction in personal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for goods, to enable more and more ikhour and materials to be diverted to the . The Mout temmng effort, tvhich Canada must make, demands this SpUlpmnl nl vnrh nl ! Iniuut ITS.- C... r a ...... ' VnLn.i Ar. v' , 7l-' I ' xvugs eriipxates the dollars you don t need to -i T PZnndf Vutory, they come back to you uith interest. Spend less now so that you can ' !' SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN YOUR COMMUNIIY SPEND LESS TO BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATE! Publuhed by th War Savings Committee, Ottiua,