PAGE FOUR Trn? ,ished or dMd by the Liquor wUlu wi uy me uovernmenr ot British Columbia. i HOWHDC A DIE EVEN AGAIN I Contest Dates .April 18 to 26th J SPECIAL OFFER If you purchase a genuine Con-Roleum Gold Seal Hug durin(? : the period of this contcfj, ami, Milieu prove lo ht the Wintnef ojf.' the prize rug, you ria'vcJlie oplion of taking the prize rug or ot having the full purchase price of the rug you have ah reatly bought refunded. This is your, opportunity of getting -a rug of larger size FRLE. Don't mi s this chance! made 9 and 4 points respectively. Individual coring: Ocean Falls Rhodes; 9; Lewis;; Benson, 2; Widsen; Glllanders; Larseni-Adams. Prime Rupert MacKay; Clapp. Prince Rupert High School Boys 1; Murrav. 2 Owens, 2; Payne, 1; Win t Northern' B. C. Interme- ifanerman, 2; E. Yamanaka; M. Ya-dlate Cup manaka. Again the local boys came out (victorious by a score of 41 to 28. Prince Rupert girls lost and1 The locals led from the start to Prince Rupert boy); won in the last! finish and, at ths half, stood 21 to games of the basketball series be- i 8; It was a fairly rough game in tween Ocean Falls High School (which seventeen fouls were cajled and the Booth Memorial High ! by referee Johnny- Comadina. School of Prince Rupert. The local i ,,.,,,,., , boys won the Intermediate basket ball cup for Northern British Ocean Falls Gahans. 10: Clozza: Charleston, 2; Adams, 2; Wall, ' 2; T'hA rtnat-trtn ius.ni1a nM4U I A j ... . i . n - ...v .u-cua ugaui ruiucisuii; uxenoury, n, Larsen. trounced the local girls by a score I Prince Rupert 3111; Oland, 5; Of 15 to 8. Joan Rhodes and Jean'Bussey. 4; Macdonald, 4; Santer-Lewis starred for the visitors and ban, 15; Arney. 11: Vuchovltch, 2. CONGOLEUM CANADA, LIMITED - MONTREAL NEW YORK, April 18: (CP) St. Louis Cardinals and New York Oiants continued unbeaten so far this season In the National League yesteraay oy winning over Cin cinnati Reds and Brooklyn Dod gers respectively while Chicago Cubs lost to the Pittsburg Pirates for their first 'defeat of the year. it hems' the PlratM inlMnl wrfn Cincinnati and Brooklyn have yet to win a. game. Boston Red Sox and St. LouL. Browns are still unbeaten In the American League, neither team playing yesterday, their games with l Washington and Detroit respec tively being rained out. The Phila delphla Athletics suffered their first; defeat of the season at the jhands'-of the New York Yankees, j Yesterday's Big League scores: National League 'St. Louis ....3 iNew York ........ .3 Chicago Boston -.....;....2 Philadelphia 1 .- 0 ....... . (Cincinnati ...0 I Brooklyn- .......0 j American League -rniiaaeipnia .. z Boston 1 '.. 2 St. Louis 4...i.....2 Cleveland ,...1. .2 Chicago "...i l tfew York ....... 2 Detroit ;...,......o Washington 0 Over 2000 Free Rugs will be given away by Dealers, across Canada Your Congoleum dealer has a beautiful 6x9 foot Congoleum'ltug all ready to give away. Perhaps you will win it. All you have to do is play the new Congoleum "Word-Game", making as many 4-letter words as possible out of the letters in the two words displayed on your dealer's window'. ' Simple isn'tiit? and lots of fun. " ...... . So get btiBy right away. Jake a look at your dealer's- window; see' the lovely prize rug: go inside and get a free entry blank: you don't have to buy a thing. Then go ahead and make the ,wprdi; the more you make .the faster they?H"cbme. Once your list is!dcted retnt-arTo lhe 'dealer before store elosidg time Saturday. Winner's name iv ill be : posted jn the dealer's window earlyr the following -week. 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 3 ROBBED TRAIN MAIL yfjpm- , fefcasw .Aft.. jteaLr K2RUG.R) 1000 1000 .500 .667 .333 .500 .000 .000 .667 1000 .667 .333 333 .500 .000 .000 LONDON, April 18: (OP) Ernest W. Waller, lorrv driver, was sin.! pleading guilty to entering asealed imail car on an express train and stealing packets from two mall bags. 57 LaBelle (Savoy) .51 191 Croxford (Savoy) 84 .188 w- Owens 3 177 Erlckson (Annettes) .20 Nelson Sellg (Annettes) 81 Brasell (Knox. Hotel) Berg (Rangers) Reagh (Annettes) 41 Ciccone (Stylettes) ..... .'. (5 McKeown (Knox Hoeel) 81 Stone (Stylettes) -...60 Orinstrand (Rangers) 10 Moss (Lucky Strikes) 33 Lautens (Stylettes) 78 tOD SCOr Polne in h Prmol . a " wuiia" dian Air Force team with a total 40 35 f nninii tv,.. ti v. j ilionalres pany, Rocky Mountain Rangers with 2481 while the Roval Cnna. dlan Corps of Signals came third WlUl Z358. Teams and scores were aj. fol-i I R. C. A. F Wemp, Dodge, Pat- Pierce (Blue Birds) 84 176 V Dodd. Meyer 2M9 nirgeon.BiueBras) .81 173, Defence Headquarters- Peder- Arney (Annettes) ... 81 173 son, McFarlane. Reld, Forbes Basso-Bert (Stylettes) 3 172 Mapleton, 2256 Smith (Savoy) 41 172, r. m. rs (C oompany)Ora. " - '-j - wf.,vBema. Z4B1. Basso-Bert (Savoy) 24 168 1 R. M. R.'s (A Company) B Basso-Bert (Annettes) 3 168jCoomfield, RobmsoT Porter Col' Mae Bond (Big Sisters) 77 mlllns. Davles !U63 James (Rangers) 73 167, R. M. r1'&D5 Yarcer Alinrri - weaver, St. Jean, nnm mi. ei.t.,11 o, ,,5 ww., 9t iot:oparKS, cais, OHourke 2358 T . ' y pesnicK, Archiba d. McKav 208T Hartwig (Blue Birds 1 . ....... ...SO: lGt I n n n ?:LC;:?Y' J0?3' Robin, (Rangers) iOll "r1 Montgomery (Knox Hotel) .171, 161' ;r. m. R.'s- CummlngTAUan Boulter (Blue Birds) .'. ...84 Menzies (Lucky Strikes) ......84 Asemlssen (Rangers) A73 157.; . 1 156 15B'j GOGGLES AT NIGHT 156 1 .,.J LONDON Anrll 10. inni r, . (Stylettes); "81 ot ' lol -k ju. ivrj an Blackhall (Stylettes) 72 151 taln's nleht fighter pilots wear Reagh (Stylettes) ;3 153'ereen Boggles for some time be- 152 . c UU'"K pa-iroi to accustom 'no iro' their eyes to darknp fimn. v.-.,- W IllA, ... - . , JJAkl littVC ...17 152i?fcome so keen they are recep- 149 149 148 147 146 "ve 10 illumination Invisible to or- dinary sight. J. Dickens (Stylettes) 21 Pnrpnt mii.n m.j.. 107 108 j" ;H. Bond aucky Strlkes)i ....33 105 Hague (Lucky Strikes) 84 143 n , ".7L ,A Rothwell (Big Sisters) ......J14 MS ; ' Nlckerson (Annettes) .. .... -m 145 tf . (Lucky Strikes) 3 , ,w . ,w wnmnTn f T iiAkVti nt-il 96 0l! 83 83. Ciccone Annettes) 3 142 " tin monZ, " "" 3 Scharff fKnnv Hotel) 11 14? lMa"ln (RanBers) i 42 Peacock (Lnrkv Strike) 21 no Schaeffer (Stylettes) 78 136 Bremnet'- (Luekv Strikes) ...5ft 1SR (Annettes) 3- 133 IMoorehouse Hanson (Rangers) 3 132 xager (Knox Hotel) S3 130 Wynne (Lucky Strikes) 3 130 Hale (Knox Hotel) 42 120 J, Dickens (Big Sisters) 58 125 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" n.C. .la.,nereay lvet that on the intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board tnr ll, - . prtmlsr Mng part of . bulldlnB ?rJ?!f. Ule Uelmont Jfatl. situate &t 727 Third Avnu Wrf nir j . .w .4 u, laws , sa, Beotlon 1 Hanson (Knox Hotel) 19 122 lf Towmite, Map 823. prince . I Rupert Land Rritit,iin m-i.. . aaraam (Lucky striKes ..ib mu Prov 0f bwamxZZX? f Bremrier .(Lucky Strikes) . 6 120 li..1? by the gHB.or by the Dickens Br. (Big Sisters) . ...12 "9 of eilrni',Uon oa ti ta . tTintV9t.nn" -.D"vv f 1iUUlt.VbV0 InnattBsV 1 in DATED 1hl SRt.K . "itutii. a .D. IWarrerHLucky.Strlkis) 39 115 jqj ilrind (Lucky Strikes) 3, 110 JOHN' llOSKtNa Applloant, 1 Winners of the Memorial Cup, symbolic of the Canadian Junior hockey championship, follow: 1919 University of Toronto Schools. 1920 Toronto Canoe Club. 1921 Winnipeg Falcons. 1922 Fort William. 1923 University of Manitoba. 1924 Owen Sound Greys. 1925 Reglna Pats. 1920 Calgary Canadian. 1927 -Owen Sound Oreys. 1928 Reglna Monarchs. 1929 Toronto Marlboro. 1930 Reglna Pats. 1931 Winnipeg Elmwood " JJ 43,not been able to cop the free! 1932-S"dury Woives. -" :. tickets for jcypraj weeks b t 1933 Newmarket Redmen. "iwccjv, unaer oerseant uoaee thpi uuii wucgc, Annettes ...31 53 1935Wi ,v .n.. 4 4. . ma si. Boniface Seals. Mil- Lucky Strikes :23 ifil'hlirhMt .Z 1936-West Toronto mi.i. Averages of players In the for 1940-41. O Av. Balllnger (Rangers ( 54 200 S Leacue Leaeueinnnv X.... t 1937 1937 Wlnn1ntr Winnipeg Monarchs. MniMiV. 4 i LONDON PREPARED IF NAZI LAUNCH CAS ATT ,VCKs V GIANTS AND B SURE TO ASK FOR I CARDS WIN Chicago' CuW Lose First Game Of Semswn In National' League Gas or no gas, the English people are determined to continue their daily tasks. At the left, a gas-masked w ren, also prepared for the "gas attack," to a shelter. In the centre, hauling his cart, a baker's roundsman dnUvr "gas; at the right, gas-masked housewives receive their bread fro m the roundsman. These photos were mac!, d London. STANDING IN BOWLS Final Figures for Season, in Ladies League Announced The full standlne in the Ladles Bowling League for the year 1940- 41 was as lollows: Blue Birds Stylettes ...... Big Sisters Knox Hotel' 1.. W L Savoy Swlrjgers . 59 25 Rangers AIR FORCE IS WINNER Captured Theatre Tickets Weekly Bowling With R. M. R.'s Second For Army bowling at Max's bowling alleys continued on Wednesday with Interest runnine hiirh and the CUP WINNERS Canadian Junior Amateur Championship SPORT CI Winnipeg ?.t t. one of thn ir.o- -rx x- orial Cup years ago u when they v.;,i:c v. - ; Cliff Redmen 70 Lit first three game . 2) five series w dr ti; goal. Redmr i it overtime 4-:s i: jt next two 6-1 . : : it also won p year. Baltimore Or . '-M Hubbell to air si.rrc-' 1 three-run outb:;: -it Inning of a gan:- t na C and Toronto Ma i. 15 ago today Hubbt : :for New York C "Cn tlonal Leacue : "; I developlntr ur frffcl greate't pttctici ' 1939 Oshaw . Ccr 1940 Oshu-a 1941. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIU Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CARDEN'A EVERY ITJDtt 1:30 p.m. in so dju. Due Vancouver Thurs. n.m. v.nnurrr Mondif U Queen Charlotte Islands Service (fortnljhtly) Ure tm Rupert April 11 and 2G If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information npont-Hinrr n..nn.ntinn. TicteLsW FRANK J. SKINNER, rrlnco Rupert Acent. Third Ave. Thcne"! PRESENTING 1 7T &azimM!PMr7P. MjuH OF ENTERTAINMENT ! MM MODEL ILLUSTRATED Other Complete Entertainment Instruments $109.95, $187.00, $229.00 Radios from . $18.95 Victrola Attachments from $19.50, J"4;