i 13, 1941. west in T7LEWEAR I II1IU) AVE. Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Underdahl i r lonorea ur zing City by Lutheran Church yes- ;:oon at the home of Dack Duck's Shoes arc, built by export Craftsmen" 77' nuilt" right to give ' you solid comfort faultless fit and exceptionally long wear. Call in today and see the spring' samples and get your copy of the 11)11 catalogue. SOLK A(JENTS atts & Nickerson you can do. PHONE 315 REGARDING STREAMLINING . NEW YORK. April 18: CP Now that fashions are feminine again, and frills and burbellows take away that tailored look, it is 'time to think or streamlining. You can do that by shopping for slim- liiesa when looking for a new frock, settling tne diet business with of the Lad les Aid y01"" doctor- and Betting advice irom mm on now mucn cxerclilng i. iUnusen, Graham Av-i .... . ' ..... YAUN HOLDER BRACELETS was said to Mrs. NEW y0RK Aprl, J8.. Jcp) ""- one of the mst Smart New Yorkers, "knittln for :cr:i of long service, Britain." ar wearing yarn , holder , ( W -J K m nnlnfp oUmI . AM1J ...lil. Mrs Chris Johnson, OLDEST SCOUT DIES r.'.r pic Lure of Rrincc. LONDON. April, 18:t-CP Col- I ndcidahi responded Sir Launcclot Rollestoh. who when OaV W240 IT'S WISE TO BE THRIFTY! 1- HaHI,aVaaV-,7i Wt e aiVf mad at Nobody SPRING SALE all. IS SUCCESS l ine Affair Yesterday Afternoon by Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cathedral Favored by beautiful weather conditions and a large and repre- Home Cooking Mrs. J. and Mrs. S. A. Klelback. Durran Women Of Moose Annual Banquet the affair was highly enjoyable to The proceedings opened with 'the h rrsiihed from a scoutlnir an- singing of "O Canada" after Which refreshments were polntmcnt last year was considered Grace was said by the regent, Mrs. lie hostess to many the oldest Boy Scout in the world. iR. Adcock. The senior regcnt,'Mr3. is dead at the age of 93. S. Hougan, sDokc briefly as did the 'past regent and Mrs. Nels Amolh who was the winner in the raffle of ;a round trrp to Vancouver, om-jmunity singing was enjoyed alter which there was a session rl court' whlsl with Mrs. Richard' Olske as , first prize winner, Mrs. Sam Haud- enschlld second prize winner on a cut with Mrs. Henry Dbiroii and Mrs. A. McFarlane consolation prize winner. The singing of "God Save the King" brought the evening's ' proceedings to a close. ' Mrs. Sam Hougan, senior regent', was lp charge, assisted by Mrs. T.iO; Morgan, chairman of the entertain ment committee; Announcements AH,aUertijfnn;nU uj thi.i col-iniiti will bt i:li,u?,rd for a .full ii hi 'ifti i ward Red Cross Dance, April 18. rm-jorlcs, R.M.R. Orchestra. I L. O. B. A. Spring 8ale. April 23 Pop's Dance, Armory, April 23. Presbyterian Spring Sale. April 24. i Gyrn Hoedown, April 25. Mayday Dance, Oddrrllows' Hall, United Spring Sale ky 1. i : 102ndi Auxiliary Dance, May 2 I Armory.'- . ' . I AngUcun Evening Branch Tea, J'Mrp. ijucston, Leeds Apartments. layS. e t7ir St. Power's Spring Bait. May 8. I Eaatfrp Star Tea, ..'Mrs. h, W. .jKcrgln'Bt May 8. J. oSjtnl Auxiliary Tea. MB vimr mrw PAGE THltEl Nurses' Home, 'May 15. ( Cambral Chapter I O, p. E. Spinster ' Spree Friday May 16. R-Cd., R.C.A.M.C., R.C.A.S.C., R. C. E.i Auxiliary Empire Tea. Legion, May 17. W. A. Canadian Legion Spring tMt-tMtM-tBt((Mttt,wt Sale, May 2J -t ii LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N. meeting tomorrow Used furniture bought lor ill l cash LdAll or sold on commission, Ello's,Moose Building, Third Avenue. ( tf ) sentatlve patronage, the annual j nay Scherk, who is In the naval spring sale yesterday afternoon of jsiprvlcc, sailed yesterday afternoon Mil. VTUiUCUD J V .. TUll kfllK iUlVVOO V W. u. drew'g Anglican Cathedral was a i highly successful affair. Miss E.' Norman L. Freeman, after spend-M. Davles O.B.E. opened the event :mg the past couple of weeks here wth a few appropriate remarks, jo international Fisheries Com-The guests 'were received by Mrs. 'mission business, sailed by the ss. J.' B. Gibson, wife of the dean, and prtn'ce George last night on hi; Mrs. H. S. Meadows, president of . return to Seattle. the Women's Auxiliary. The Ca-i , thedral Hall was attractively decor-, mtS, Robert arew ana Mrs. j. a. iiinion pourea Mrs; r, w. Cameron, and Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. A. L. Holt- by, Mrs. P. A. T. Ellis, Mrs. Robert r. Kempple and Sam Nutter Bartlett, Mrs. A. R. Nichols, Mrs. 0f smlthers arrived In the city on William Crulckshank, Mrs. W., M. last, night's train from the interior Watts, Mrs. G. P. Tinker and Miss and will sail tonight orfthe Prln-Gwen Ellis acted as servltcur3. Mr3. cess' Adelaide for Victoria where George W. Crlpps was cashier and tjiey will take up radl6 :work for Mrs. George Orosvenor was in he government in connection with 8'board the steamer Princess Norah Twenty-Two Ladies in Attendance wnich wa;- In port yesterday after-at Enjoyable Affair Last Nijht noon southbound. In Boston Cafe ... I Vancouver to take a bobbin and -aln on which they . up R , ban ln the Bo3ton v rri ln(lf..rMliB nT worn . -I- . in The presentation " J iCafc. last evening. evening. I I With some Jvirs. Underdahl by , twenty-two ladies in atteiidalicc. of a well known Juneau, druggist. pd Miss M. Goldstein, sister of Charles and Isadore Goldstein, prominent business men of the Alaska capital, were among passengers going through to, Seattle night. Make your date now for the Oyro 92) . hoedown next Fxidav nlcht. ADrll I 'I'm up at the crack of dawn witt hit hitter Oats brtaiastpr that 'Human tjmamt' husband oj mini I" "Activt atfirtcrackm and wild about tprti tht twins cat plenty oj eatmtall". A tail sum amm tirt ItM aaimm ft urn fututM 1i M t-t Queen gets her Quaker Oats daily I ' oeneve me, sot aaesi amonggrain foods, is also extra-rich in vegetable proteins which can aid in building muscles. Delicious Quaker Oats is economical j too. Get a package tooayi And of Course Dan Expects -Me fo be Clamorous Tool -So last QUAKER OATS rith and thrifty tourca of Vitamin f Growing children, need 'many food factors for normal growth and development. Vitamin -Bt is one such factor necessary to normal nutrition and it cannot be store d-up by the body. . .'must be replenished dally. Quaker Oats is rich tnd thrifty source of V itsminyt QUAKER OATS i B. C.: Ilrwenycbmmls-sloncr, Is leaving Victoria, today ;for a visit to Prince Rupert. j Miss Nora McCaffery, after spending the Easter holidays here with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. M. P. McCaffery, sailed by the s. Prince George , last night to resume her studies In Vancouver. f T . . Tnmlnrtnn f V ' BABY'S COLDS Relieve misery last externally. Rub on Fulton prosecuted. charge of the kitchen. the war Mrs Robert Cameron sailed last Pledge for War Savings IM A V A V AH Quintuplets Are ana. UlUIit HiUIUCWU, V. w. i . f. y-y member of the Legislature for Van- Nppn I In NPfPPn 'couver Centre, will arrive In Prince Lloyd-Jones and Rupert on April 30 to spend a few ated with daffodils and narcissi. !chlld arrived In the city on the davs In the course of a tour of the Cantivatinr Feature Mrs. C. V. Evltt was In charge of pxmces3' Adelaide this afternoon the tea room. Mrs. O. A. Rlx, Mrs. from Vancouver to pay a visit with R. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. Thomas An- Mrs, Lloyd-Jones' parents, Mr. and north coast. AA. VH AAAA Awl AH AAAA TF & Ak hSWW.A hSWA VVIA on Current Program .at Capital Theatre Pictures of Norway Raid A captivating feature of the cur- There'll Always be an England." Confiscation was ordered by Mag- n, ht were heard to femark that lstrate W. D. Vance In city police tne Dionne fUm was alone worth PYinl.lnn5illv documents under De- being Illegal good news reel on this bill, featur- ;Mrs. H. R. Van der Lee"t. wife) fence oi Canada regulations. W. O. mg. unusuai pictures of a recent foray by the Royal Navy on the ... ' German -ocupied Lofoten Islands on Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwoodsall- fhp Norwav rnast ed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where they will'. (make their fututre home. After . - , Hl,n2!ala Well Ivnown Local UUMIUU JU.tJU lit HUlbllCtll VIA- i ters, Mr. Greenwood is now "" .Couple Married Weather'permittlng the .holding miss Marie Schaeffer Betomes of the St. George's Day parade next Rridc of Oscar Wmghain at Wednesday afternoon, City Commls-. Thursday Evening sioner u. J. Matnton lias agreed . Orrmonv to declare that afternoon a half . at Seattle yesterday as follows: At Wednesday's weekly Gyro Club Grant. 39.000 nounds. San Juan. luncheon arrangements for the irjc and 95c; Lincoln, 9,000, Wash-spring hoedown dance to be held ington, 12c and 9 Vic; Swift II.. 16,-on Friday of next week were-re- 500. Whiz. 12c and 9 Vic. ported to be well under way. The event promises to rival past ones No less than ten new halibut tr Its kind for general enjoyment "boats have just been completed or and arrangements are being made are nearing completion in Pugct to handle a big crowd. Sound, five of these being built in George Cripps, who wa.- a guest Tacoma at Wednesday's luncheon, told of plans being made for the obs;rv- ance of St. George's Day here next week with a patriotic demonstration Including some special features. The Gyro Club wili hear an appropriate address by Capt. R. E. Yerburgh. President W. F. Stone presided at Wednesday's luncheon. Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SIIWEKSim-S BLOCK Second St. Phone Gn-rn 11(1 THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Snckeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon canulnir company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 1 Refugee Relief Group Is Formed A senior Queen Mary refugee relief dub was formed at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Lamb last night. Already the new group has sent rtvar nno Vi i r-irv on t nnH wrlr nn n rent program on the screen of the gecond u we under way Capitol Theatre Is a film about the j., R T Anderson and Mrs. Dionne quintuplets, bringing mov- David Ritchie are in charge of ttew-iegoers up to. date on these very lng with Mrs. II. V. Tattersiit'JMrs. popular young Canadian ladles who James Laurle and Mrs- A- Peleraon are now nearlng their seventh ,as helpers. birthday. The film Is narrated by 13 m Ui Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe and, in ad- the knitting withMrs..W .Davidson, Other departments of "trie sale j night on the Prince Geoige for ditlon to some scenes of their earl- Mrs. L. Halcrov. Mrs. Arthur Leigh- were in charge ss follows: Mrs. S. C. Burton and daughter, Ocean Falls where she will pay a . llf ;h nictures The M"- George Rodger, Mrs. Wll fitiiius ivi lxs n,. fvi. u a. vies a.nu ivYiee uom Hnrrnn wnr arr vpn a v uiico v -w a. - v w " " . w Mrs. J. G. Johns. ' few months ano at Terrace from Sewing Mrs. W. J. Greer :nd the prairies, 'arrived in. the city on Mrs. M. Stewart. lat night's train from the Interior Woolies Mrs. J. H. Nordan. ' and wUl sail tonight on the Car-Candy Senior Girls. deria for Vancouver where they Patterson. son-in-law and .., . r. i,itir, fr liam Cook and Miss F. Dixon as daughter, Mr. and Mi'.. Morley c,HIor! onH nna th n.. of helpers. Fish Pond Mrs. Hague and Mrs. -will join Mr. Burton and take up court -of certain papers found In the lce of admission J.H.Bulger. future' residence. possession of Dr. R. E. Coleman, the Thprp Thprp , Is s'1sn nlsn nn nn , Mrs. William Davidson is secre- Rnmp nr thp nnnitni natrons last tary-treasurer M, TKIITIHI ATK OI' IMIMIOVKMKNTS Ant l-'nullwiul Minrral t'luim KVUwtbc In Uv AUr.i Mtmiu; Division. Vlhrtf lxl : CMi Uv; iwM. hide of Uic holiday-.for-strhwls-rmt-trre-Trfc interesting -marrtagn tookffriKn' m": children may participate" in ob- niace last nvenlnir o'l a well known mg Otmnir. lw. Nutntx-r o( uit .crvance of the occasion. St. George's Day To Be Marked By Gyro Club young couple of Prince Hupert In take notice i. jt, t v-tlie persons, of Miss Marie Schacf- drriiin. fi.c. 53303E ooUng asit fcr and Oscar Wlngham. The nup- JFJf S,1' . , , , Pree Miner OcrUftcate No. 53127E. lii- tial rites took place at the Ciiurch tend. t tl m of eix.tr dy from um of the Annunciation and were fol- c (wof, n mpiy io u Mitikng iowca Dy a reception at tne nonic Uw mp htiii a of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens jr. orrwn erajit of ui aiw ctim. j And f,utllwr .kr notice itrtit setlon, iiiKh-r Section 85 of We '"Mlriertl Art." I nni. lye comtnriu'ni tonforc liir kmimtw Tlircc halibut boats sold catches " rtir of inifreivctirontji. Dated Uiln 23 day oi February 1911. PAINTING Derorativc Kalsoniininir LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 Donnacona Insulting Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirement. All our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have all of the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND PHONE C31 CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PIIONi: 652 Trains leave I'KINCE KUl'EKT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-CondlIoned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PUINCE UUPEUT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, ll;30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Poweli lllver For Full information and Reservation, etc. Call ur Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, S28 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince It u perl Agents for Trans-Canada Air Line 5 . Or w