E 18, 1941. ER AT WCOLITH llpH f,t NfWr if"1"" I of Many Featiirtv.. ltd ing.'durlng the afternoon to repre- wsnuoiunvya. Bl-hcj .3k attend-' ea wis important meeting and eJc-' ncrtea a settlement of the issue between the natives of the Mshga ond.Tslmpsean tribes. This pro-fasalwas welcomed and acted noon . by both sides with a reunion taking , place, -the Church Army Hand of Alyansri being present.; Later sap- tti! Ann id. vidtlt- '- w.- ncivca dv me k nrn h he Enter season fit-Kli -Clubj.in the gymnasium, music be- featured by the reaeoi- proviaea Dy ihe Greenville nswlv renovated Band utldet the fconductorshin nf lurch by the Bishop bf Ffod MiKay. Ihiir repert-n in- Rt Rev O A. "M Dr"-. ciuaea -some classical selections I were many uvuer nwiu ....... e vucm 1 nuu rcxwiv on over a period of set- Early Easter Sunday morning More than three hut)- Bishop Rl tohducted Holy were in tir; , village rhunlon, assisted by Rev. Norman flit? 01 nem icacni.cu uitoi, me rruvur 01 luncomn. At bbm bur all were tilci ll u'ciock the church consecration RrtlPdicstloh of the service was carried out by the Blsh- hhn Olorv or God ana 111c op wan a congregation of five hun- lmi reftfllld the fcriainal dred persons in attendance. The kllcatlon here back In 1900 Greenville Band was in attendance ir Biihon William Ridley, playing selections. The Alyansh jstcr proceedings darted "S Barth Smew's Church choir enlns preceding Good Frl- rendered the anthem "Gloria. The bat.auct given by Chief Bishop, in re-dedicating the church. olton to the visitors 'from ackjnowledgeid gifts presented by i md Hartley Bay, Tnls-ane' various societies from each of -..ln. 'il. U., -111 .t,i- oiace in Jupiieq uau, me vtsiung villages, me ureen- fellth Band in uniform be- vllle 'choir .rendered part of the ttendance In addition to cantata, "The Messiah." sh Church Army dele- Easter dinner was provided, all 1 Moore represented the the visitors and all the people of A .. " J Ilnn!tlU i... 1 tirAMAt. A. ...II ;it,y salvation mmy. jiu- iuuluuhi uy vvumcus nuui is. representing the Klnco- lary of Klncplith. The Alyansh gcil, gave a speech of .wel-'Harmonlc Sliver Band was In at- I tendance, being conducted spleh- mornlne service on Good dldiy by Benjamin A. Monroe. i . . . - 1 I 4 I TV. . Be Aiyansn Cliuir, cuiiuucv- iiic oaimwuu miuy-vi vaiimi nree Robinson Ir. and with City was In charge of a gospel ar Pcilard, organist, render-1 ternoon service In the Church Army . pcantata "Thorn Crowned HalL I rhe supper that cay was In the evening the newly dedlcat- he Kincolith Gymnasium ed Christ Church was again crowd-: a give a larger hall to nc- ed for vespers. Rev. Norman Green it all present. Later in conducted the service and Bishop) bin the visitors from Rix gave the sermon oh the sub tle arrived and the Senior ject of "The House of God." The eld a banquet with the, choir .was In attendance to render kcity Band, conducted by part , of the .cantata "Victory Di al Ousnal, presenting. wll Vine." The choir was conducted I and harmonious music. . by J. E. Stewart and soloist. were aturday was given, over Rolf Xlaytorf, baritone, Ernest Ste- (to the conference In the yens, tenor, Mrs. Alma Vain, So ny Hall called by the prano, Mrs." Alice: Ilaldane, contral- Lndrommlttee to settle the to, and Mrs. Emma Nelson, soprano stir This gathering oc- Laymen from Greenville also took mTRY THI UNION MINUTE MEN HIGH SPEED BUT NQ HIOH PRESSUREI Theonly"ln'gh preisure"theiinuteMen use is the pre$sure,they put intb polishing felass. Their sprvlce if aljuste3 to ifit each customer's schedule. If you're in a hurry. they rush you through to nothing flat! If ytra have more time they 'check y&ur "car carefully from stem o stern. In cither case, yoq get high tpttd but no high prtsiuri Try them. "TH2-DX1EY NEv73 PAGE riV2 AUSTRALIA WELCOMES tr& SAILORS mmwm$' ;. .rc -st-w Brisbane, Australia, is gaily decorated with the Union Jack and the'Stars and Stripes as seamen parade through the streets amid a bll '.zard of confetti. The service men visited in a training squadron of seven warships. News of Northern Districts RANGE OF POULTRY Advice Given By Superintendent Of Smithers Experimental Farm SMITHERS, April 18: The question of range for the birds Is of range is far from desirable. Rather than have the birds roam all over the place, scratch up the garden, lay in the stables or in the hay loft, they should be restricted Vo, quarters of their own. Though the poultryman whi carries on the business.on a largte scale, may practice an intensive system whereby the birds in their first laying year are confined dur- Easter Cantata At Burns Lake Fine Presentation At tJnited 4 Church In Interior Town On Good Friday BURNS LAkE, April 18: An Easter cantata entitled "The .Risenf King" was ably presented In Bums', jclfcally all day. Ambrose part In the service in the persons .are of a ilk cf poultry on a llkely wher8 a yst;em of d Uke United Church by members 7 Brookes and other leadr of Henry McKay, Samuel McKay, farm. The practice of giving poul- larmin2 is cartled on thai' .su:h-ff the choir -nd Sunday &I100V iJrcm Port Simpson arrlr- Sam , Gray. try on a mixed farm unlimited FESTERED BY HIGH PRESSURE ? a practice win be followed. Hence on Good Friday night , before a the xjuestion of range for the birds large and appreciative audience. will demand attention at all times, iwith B. E. Valdo actin? as chair-tf tays K. MacBean, superintendent, man. Dominion Experimental Sub-. The story was beautifully testation, Smithers, 'acted lh four "garden scenes wt ' Birds : hould not bejnllowed to brilliant oriental costuming adding roam over the same area two to the effect. .The sacred solos', years in suyessipn. They should duets and chorines, Interspersed be, If possible, on at least a three with the story, were well rendered or four year rotation. Land that by thesrs taking part. The1 cast ,df has carried bzirds through one characters was aS follows: The season should toe ploughed up and Widow of Bethany. Misi Annie cultivated the following season Lund; Peter, her crippled son Her r and sown down to a succulent ,bcrt Ashcroft; Peter's sister ;RdcK'-.l green crop for the use of he flock! el, Thelma Eckland; Neiehbors''df'i during the ucceeding year. By, Bethany. Mrs. R. Jewell, Miss Mar- alternating the range ln this way quis. Ms B. M:Tntyre; Greek the land is reconditioned, it is at maidens. Jean Jatterson, Colleen.1 least free of poultry every second Zielke; Scribes and Pharisees, Ken year and an effort made to keep,neth Smith, Gordori Stanyer, Wal ,the soil as clean as possible. ,ter Nichols; The High; Priest, Tom In the long mn such a, system I my Smith: Children of Jersualemvi as outlined is not only desirable Glen Valde, Evelyn Eckland, Ivy jbut in -nil probability will bet Johnson. Kirkie Gowans, 'Shirley lBuna necessary. oiras are ai- fenn, victor wueiro, Betty Jean j lowed to run over the same area and Ann Loper, Marvin Ashcroffc,i year after year d'fease Is likely to Margaret Gowans, Edith Clark;, develop sooner or later. It is easier .Gerald Penn. to prevent disease than control It.' The music ln . copnection with! Accordingly, sanitary conditions ihe Cantata -was. played by, Mrs.; must be maintained' not 6n1v with- Adam Criso who akV dii-Vetp th In hp. nnnU.rv hnnsp hut. nlcn A11I4 npfntmnVipo ' ' ' .' AKiritta .side it. As polluted soil' Is a fruit- Durln the Intermiyjiohs betweerL m Jl . 1 m T . VI iui isuurue ui uiseait- precauuons scenes mrs. m. nourse gave piano; should b taken to keep the -oil selections and accompanied con? as riean s ross'ble. That cannot eregotional sinelntr of "Eastert d aone 11 oiras are aiiowea to ire nvmns. Mrs James Clark sang ouent the same range year after "Stories of Jesus." year xr eVeh two years In succes sion. FRESH Dairy Products We have thirty-Six cows ln town and can supply you with fresh milk daily. Our barn Is located at Eleventh Avenue East. Visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy pnoNE 10 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" RIOT OVER :CQW,. MONGHYR, India April 18: ifcPW in a not near here following a dispute over a cow one person was killed and several" others; Irii' Jured. J.H. BULGER Optometrist .Royal bank Bldg. TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, Rubberrare, Tires, Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized 6th Sboppi OK barber sW,i SMITHERS Olof Hanson, M.P: for Skeena, and Mrs. Hanon arrived in Smith-ersjs6n:;(Thursday..noon from Van-coWeflf MrriHahson is making the trip west from Ottawa during the short recess of the House-of Parlla ment. Mftny friends bt Dough'; Lay provincial government mlninp, engineer, are very sorry to learn that he is at nreseht 111 in "the lubilre 'Hospital in Victoria, with tuberculosis. iMf. Lay was for many years the-Resideht Engineer at Hazelton but for the past two. years has been working out of Victoria. S.. Mallinson, Indian Agent at Hazejton. for the past two years, was obliged to make a hurried trin outh for immediate attentlbii to his eyes. He hos suffered witli hr eyesight for several years and is now In some danger of becdmlhg permanently afflicted. . KkH t .1 ill Ui Jinitmtnt li not publliKcd &lrft f 'if 1K1 Liquet Cofitiol Botd by A cert at the Bulkley Valley Hospital ' The Bulkley Valley for the past on Thursday everting for' th"bene-month has enjoyed Ideal spring m w tho$e who are confined ln .weather and the farmers are busy A getting their .crops , seeded in the that institution at the present time. Ihope'of. a bountiful' harvest. Sever- It was a repeat performance of the ial nice showers bf rain have as 1st- concert given last Monday ieven- "Jed-them in obtaining conditions h. 0(.nI thfatri which rirovi making for a good start. ' . , . . The mtfhers 1 Band playeda con- cess and was much applauded. No matter what you use to wash with your white Wash needs blue St 'vf 6 ; prevent clothes from forriing yellow,! Rinsing iloes more than anything else to prevent that greyisli-.. yellow tinge. Tjiere are plenty of ways of - .washing ana they mostly get tilings clean. Hut there's only one tiling to make them really white the last rinse in Mue water! Used Furniture Bedroom' Dressers, 4 Beds complete Brown), 3 8-piece pipint Itoom !''uite.s l-3piece Chesterfield Suite, 4 Wood or N, Coat Burning Klfchth hanfes, 2 Wishine Machines. . i a Uieycies, 2 EnglisHPrams, 3 Convertable Carriages, 2 Folding , Carriages,, 'Tricycle,xr2.,'Iladios, 5 Plate Glass Mirrors ll'x58"i J; Clhes5Wrinirs, 3 gultit of Clothes, size 40, 1 Suite of Clothes r $$aiy- rioks rfnowledge, 1 - Singer Sewing Machine, ; ' IrCrlbf PiaiioSr i'Gramop'hones, 1 Guitar, 1 Violin, 1 Trunk. .". .' ' ILIO'S Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE This is the Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Makes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace Albert & McCaffery,.Ltd. PHONE 111 PHONE 117 f