V 4 l , i : 5 U 1 t. I fr Me Wise parents know the value of bene light for their children's eyes. For reading and stud Ing, they insist on 100 watt Edison Mazda Lamps. mm I AM PS MAOt IN Vt CANADA Kf CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRICS i I U4 ITED ELM'S FURNITURE STORE Buys and Sells Used HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; PHONE GREEN 916 MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLeod River Hard Coal - EDSON, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEY Office and Coal Bunkers Trotter's Dock Phone 58 We bought three brand new heaters ' Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at THREE-TWO PLEASE' ..RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS commit-" Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River WINTER EXCURSION FAKE, to VANCOUVER ami RETURN (TJQJ AA Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1940 to Feb. 23th. 1D41. " VJUl Pinal return limit March 3Ut, 1941 For Full Information and 'Reservation, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ft-,, i J William Hayner. who has been spending some time in Vancouver, ! in the Interests of his health which i is none too robust yet, returned to Jthe city from the south on the j Prince Rupert this morning. j Fred M. Weils, pioneer northern .mining man. who is now engaged 'in active development of the Dar-Idanelles property on . ot-per River between Terrace and Usk getting it in readiness for production, is a visitor in the city. He arrived from the Interior on last night's train, i Glllis Royer returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after having spent the past several weeks In Vancouver and at Harrison Hot Springs. He reports that Thorn- j a$ Trqtier, with whom he went i south. Is still In St. Paul's Hospital ; In Vancouver but Is somewhat lm-. (proved In health. Mrs. J. D. Fraser, who has been THZ DAILY liltiB, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Just say "Three Two please." t0Mtf'' it iaT7tZ3 .i. ! Di-3areia returned itq the city on, Miss Salome Wesley returned to the Pftnce Rupert thlsf morning the etty on the Prince Rupert this from a trip io Vancouver. I morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. M. C Ma dill returned to the Mj-j. m. m. Stephens, who has city on the' Prince Rupert this been visiting In Vancouver and else- morning from a brier business trip where in the south, returned home to Vancouver. on the Prince Rupert this morning, , Oapt T- D. Johnston' of thtj local battery returned to the cty oh .from a brief trip to Vancouver. Inspector Ernest Gammon. pro- r Corn table w. J. Currie of the elty poOce returned to the city on the the Prince Rupert this raomtaKjprfnee Rupert this morning front a brief trip to Vancouver on escort duty, vincial police, returned to the city Jame Clark, divisional superin-on Saturday night's train from a I tendent of Canadian National Ran- brief trip to Prince George on of-' ways, leaves on this evening's trim ficial duties. J up a trip up the line as far as iSfifithers on official duties, F .M. Dockrill. well known coal v-s . (mine operator cf Telkwa, is paying ; James Bremner and Ned McLeod. a Drier business visit to the elty, j who were members or the original ha ving arrived from the interior oh ;RoytH Canadian Naval Volunteer last night's' train. 'Reserve unit here and have been t stationed at Esquimau, returned A. S. Irvine, manager oJ Govern- j home on the Prince Rupert Uus ment Telegraphs at HazeftDn, to in morning to be stationed here, jthe city on a brief business virit ; having arrived from the interior on jlast night's train. .1 biyiotner, If fluids Young Relieve Misery f Colds Improred Vicks Way If your child Is miserable with muscular soreness or tightness, spells of coughing or Irritation from a cold you 'U welcome the relief a "VapoRub Massage" brings. With this more thorough treatment, the poultice-and-vapor action of Vlcks VapoRub more effectively rttETMTU irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors... STtMUUTU chest and back like a wanning poultice or plaster... STMTS etutvmc misery right away! Results delight even, old friends of VapoRub. TO GET a "VapoRub ilassaget with all its benefits-massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on Di- POBTANT RIB-AREA Of BACK as well as throat .'and enact spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a wanned cloth. BS evre to use genuine, time-tested VICKS VAPORUB. spending the past few1, months.- in Vancouver where first her - - " and then her aisUr oased away, John A B returned the city from the south or lhe c NaUonalRall! on the Prince Rupert this morning. at Terrac accompanied by her son, Oordcn to the , h b m ea on Fraser, who has been in Vancouver m nhv& for the past three or four weeks. ' L" Cripps gave an Jnterestlng w . , o u i a j, i ...,, auwaiograpnicai tain at the rcRU- officer in charge of the local gar- iar weekly luncheon of the Prince rison will be the speaker to- area, Rupert Gyro Club today. He U a morrow at the regular weekly new member of the club ' luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro- Pa3t President G. A. Hunter was in tary Club. His subject will be The the chair in the absence of the , Manner of Men We Are." The presi- president, W. F. Stone. There was dent of the club, Dr. Neal M. Carter, also an interim report from the iuuv.a iW.u nrc spwire fund campaign commlte city, will be back In the chair. Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Tea, January 23. Burns banquet and dance Janu-i ary 24, Moose Hall, 6:30, tickets' 75c, dance only, 50c. Scotch 102nd Auxiliary Dance Armories, January 31. Masonic Telephone Bridge, 4. Orange tea, February 5. Catholic tea, Mrs. February 6. " Mrs. Krikevsky's R. E. Moore's Hospital Annual Ball, Moose Hall, February 7, W.O.TJa. tea, Mrs. S. Haugan's February 12. Proceeds War Relief. Presbyterian tea, Mrs. Mitchell's February 13. j-pole Jlall, February 14. Cambral Valentine Hall February 15. George Basketball Association Valentine Party February 14. Lutheran Valentine tea, Metro- Tea, Legion Masonic Ball, Friday February 21.' of which G. L. Rorie is chairman Steps have been taken to enlist support-of clubs throughout Canada and -the United States. CARD OF THANKS tal The family of the late W. W. T t way aesire to extend thanks to friends and neighbors for kind ex- '.pre$ons of svmDathv nnrf hhi. Mrs. R. Bartletfsjtance In their recent bereavement, .especially Dr. R, G. Large and AO, basketlal. January Vfi?' horf! Hth haikeu free. v ""KV" m wpi- tuuivw Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue. 32 colored Illustrations Full of valuable information. Complete list of plants for the home. Latest plant naveitiei. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With Every Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardls, B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. FRESH SHRIMP Dally After 4:3 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIEK'S DOCK George Hartle. former United States customs officer here and nour located at Ketchikan, is sailing this afternoon by the Prince Rupert on his return to Ketchikan after u brief visit to the city. Owney McFadden, well known pioneer Stewart mining man. 's a passenger aboard the Prince Rurert today returning to the Portland Canal camp after having spent several weeks in Vancouver. j Miss Lorraine Jabour of Los An- j geles, who has been visiting here for the past couple of weeks as the guest of Miss Helen Velentlne, Fifth Arenue East, will sail by the Prince Rupert tomorrow night orj her return south. Reg W. Sparkes, well known officer of Canadian NationalSteam- ships now in naval service for the war, arrived in the city on the ss. Prince Rupert this morning from Esqulmalt. He is joining the local naval offices. C. H. Worby, superintendent of sleeping and dining cars for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters in Winnipeg, arriv ed In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver In the course of an official inspection tour to the coast and will proceed East on this evening's train. j Mrs. A, . Ipgraham and little daughter. Martha Ann, of Surf Inlet mines have danated37to the Canadian Red. Cross with, the wkh that the money should go towards buying clothing for children that have been evacuated from England : and are now living in British Col-' umbia. Funeral Of William Way Many Attended Service Yesterday At n. C. Undertakers Chapel Many friends gathered at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers yes- I terday afternoon for the funeral service of the late William W. T. I Way of Seal Cove who died over the ' week-end. Very Rev. J. B. Gibson DJJ. and Rev. Canon W. F. Rush-' brook officiated and MUs Swana Olafson presided at the organ to accompany the hymn "Abide With Me." Pallbearers were Victor Houston. F. E. Wermig, Louis Richardson, J. E. Jack, Robert McKay and Oeorse Ciccone. There were numerous floral tri butes Bill and Imbra and family. Pat. Eddie and Diane, Temple and Ha-. zei, vavenoy, Sask.. Harry. Lillian xamiiy, oupuc, Sask., Harry. Lillian 1 and Marjorls. Winnipeg, Man., Cpl.j ana rs. j. H. Smith" and family. nir. ana Airs. j. a. McDougall, Ev erett, wash., Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jonasson and nunny. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ciccone.'. ait. ana Mrs. Robt. McKay, Louis Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wermig, Mr. and Mrs. v. Houston Mr. and Mrs. D. Zllle. Mr. and Mrs Scoop Bury, Hilda and Carl Zar- lli, Dr. and Mrs. R. o. Large. Fish Packers Union, prince Rupert Bridge and Cribbage Leaeue. Mr and Mrs. B. Turbitt ,Mr. and Mrs. Richards and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. George Howe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Decina and Ross Mazzel, Mr and Mrs. H. Worsfold, Mr. and Mrs John ni t ...... ttim ianjuy( xr. j and Mrs. J. L. Jokansen and fam-' uy, Mrs. Maud Viereck, and family Mr. and Mrs. D. Zarelll and f9J mlly, Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaacher. Mr, ana Mrs. John Campbell. John Campbell. Women Of Red Shield Active Carrying on War Service Work Un- aer Auspices or Salvation Army Mrs. Henry Smith President uist evening at the Salvnti, Army Citadel a meeting of women Interested in war service work in connection with the Army's Red Shield organization was held There was a good attendance nnri the election of officers resulted as follows: President, MrHenry' Smith. Secretary-Treasurer", -Mrs. Calder Press Correspondent, ;.Miss Dolly Smith. The Red Shield has been working steadUy for months knitting for the men In service- at home and abroad and the women are determined to do even more In the coming year. . 4e next meeting wH be next, Tuesday night. BOVRI Phones IS & 19 fer tin P.O. Box Mussallem's Economy Stoi "Where Dollars Have More Cents" FINEST QUALITY GOOD SERVICE CASH COlroxJ compare me tames ana see ior lourself GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Country Home. 16 at. 4 4 p Per tin SOVEREIGN FACE TISSUES 400 cheets to 25 C LIBBY'S PREPARED 4 )p MUSTARD 9-OZ. i&r-iy HAPPYVALE PICKLES Sweet Mixed and Sweet Mustard. 32-ci. Jars 29c Your Last Chance at This Low Price QUAKER CORN Offp FLAKES 3 pkgs. Aoy FORT YORK COFFEE vAKj COp 1-lb. vacuum tin AUSTRALIAN SLICED cnoice Qua'v 15 02 2t;:., Regular 3 . II AYLMEK PEAS quality. S- v. 4, 2 tins OLD ENGLISH PASTE 1 2 for oeuer p ..i : ai 2-lb. tin I'll 'j pint tin L:q :. : W .x r: With ;m .-,.- PUREX TOILET TISSIT- rieecy sort nil 3 rolls til HANSLICK-Th. v nand cieano: (jtj Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throivthout the Cilj Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Atlentln SPECIAL SALE Genuine EASY WASHER! $7Q.95 79 Including your choice of a years supply of Rinso or a Singer Automatic Iron Here, is an Opportunity Not to.be Missed The Rest Washer on the Market at the Lowest Price One Year Guaranteed EASY Perfection Thru Terms Arranged at Your Convenience Act Now This Offer is Limited deMvs.A "RUPERT BRAND'' SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. . tTTT RUPERT BUTCHERS BULKLEY MARK11 Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the 'above Storcs-PackcdTByv Canadian FishMd Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Col If you lose anything, advertise for it .law'-