ft! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 Ihristmas Greetings lo what end is all sacrifice anil suffering: If not, lo nurture the- hope for Lie ultimate peace and liberty of man. kind? And to what end is hope if we are not ready l seize it and convert it Into faith, strength and courage to face the challenges and changes to come? Peace, we shall surely have. And whether it be a good and lasting peace for us and ours depends on how alertly and effectively we are contributing our labors to preserve and build upon gains already won. So this year, among other good things, we wish you an abundance of faith, strength and courage. May these never desert you. Dibb Printing Co. 6r SI Merriest Yet! I We wish ill our Customers and Friends S the Merriest Christmas yet and may the $jf coming year be to all of you Happy and SI The Management and Staff The OYSTER BAR M wish to extend their best I wishes to all SEASON'S GREETINGS and Best New Year's Wishes to All Our Friends Jjf Prosperous. it & LING the TAILOR fcj? SIXTH STItEET THRIFT Cash and Carry y !ly ii Old Fashioned Is Right! There's nothing streamlined about this greeting. Kverythinir about it is old, and rusty, and creaky with age. Still it's sincere: Just a very merry Christmas to all of jour family from all of ours! ft? fa rilOXE G19 h For a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year MM 9 I si 9 rijs i n-v Fa mis i EDITORIAL THE DAILY NEWS The Spirit of Christmas ... The spirit of Christmas will outlive any and every i attempt to destroy it. The spirit of Christmas always has j and always shall cast its joyous spelt into the hearts of mankind. j There are forces in the world today that would tear asunuer me spirit oi Lhnstmas and the very principles that form it but none can, no matter how disguised, succeed in putting themselves and their motives above the teachings of righteousness laid down when the" Saviour was born 1942 years ago. Canadians and their Allies the -gaged today in a war to overthrow the forces of tyranny i unu uespousm. ine armea lorces ot our country are fight- ing to keep the spirit of Christmas alive and we need ' have no fear of the outcome. In the midst of any degree of conflict all Canadians will observe in some measure the spirit of Christmas. As our fighting men do here and abroad, we af, home would ( do well, to observe in the amplest measure possible and I with full and proper understanding of the occasion the Ipnirit of Christmas. That nhspvvnnnp Will ho)r man and ourselves in the great fight on which we have joined. Dreai'V WOUld our Hvps hp witrirmf flip n ! -jv wVfl4W wj l' IIWV V IV," tory. Let us be united in a concentrated effort to keen. Al 1 I , a . . '... up me morale oi our country in keeping ith the true pnirit of Christmas. Only faith in the freedom of mankind can enable us to go through to victory. Let us by word and deed, express belief in ri(?ht over might. The will to carry on must prevail but it is not fitting that the beautiful spirit of Christmas should be marred bv the Gods of War or anv other influence. On this Christmas Eve. the most of us, some of us very directly, cannot but think of those near and dear "'ho this dav mav be far away en gaffed in batP for our akes. Our thoughts must also go out to those Christians in less fortunate lands than our who are today under the dictator's heel. We can do no better than keen the true Rnirit of ChrMmas clear ad bright here where it is still amnly nOSSi'Me for IIS tn (In sn. Wp f.nrri ami pvpiv rmp nf nc can if .... do our . nart a tomorrow by making it a Teal, Christian merry nnsimas. It is in that spirit that the Daily News today extends tho compliments of the season. To All Our Patrons A Merry Christmas ELIO'S FURNITURE la This Is to thank all our Customers and Fiiends for their patronage, and wish them all J5 A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year & RUPERT BAKERY! Compliments of the Season g 1 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All Our Ffiends and Customers Family shoe store liD. "The Home, of Good Shoes" Skeena Crossing Memorial Feast Event Held to Mark F! , Annivef sary Since Jacob Mot Sson Became Missln jSKEENA CROSSING, ic 24,- A memorial feast fcr Jacob Rjbin-son Of Hazelton, who i& believed to have lost his life on his trapllne on the Babine trail last winter, was held here by Robert Robinson sr., brother of deceased, and Joseph, Silas and John Wesley, nephews. It was announced that search parties had all failed In their efforts tr, recover the (body and that there would be another memorial feast at Hazelton in the near future. y y V y y V y y y y y No Our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year M. T. LEE Tailor ASiS(.5it-,l3'.S,3tSj5i.3!3iS,S;a,1 j t it. I V matter y mav vnn n1iv g nas holiday. Even hpj ens, A Cjirist- vhiiilil K there be a blackout, li t the y d.tltn .w .. ..I . . . . y the walls of your home, y y y y y- Be Happy, Be Jolly Keep Alive. GORDON & ANDERSON ....J.:;.5-.35l.,J1..S.iSi.J,J( t 1 y y 'Tis the Season To be Merry;' Let's be Gay And Jolly. Make this Christmas I the Best Ever s .......... 6! . HNNV.'S I SNACK BAR m Wishing Our Many Friends A Very Merrv Xmas 5 and A Happy and S Victorious New Year Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kraupner and Use Dry Goods and Novelty Shop L r . . . te-VlLK'l(liX11IljlllkS.1.3ll3;Vl)l 2 7f Aft 5 y ifil We Sincerely Wish You . . . all the Joys a Happy Chrhimas Season can hold We are glad of this opportunity to express our appreciation of your friendship and goodwill and to wish you continued success and prosperity in the New Year. The Management and Staff of S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealers and Service Station t.ts I I fa A A Merry Christmas 1 To our customers and our friends ... to everyone in Prince Rupert ... we extend the felicitations of the season. ROSS BROS. 67 TAX! and BILLIARD HALL t wn w:..i, n.. "'..t...,. 1 .1 mi.- lit tt iaii uui ustuiuci a uiiu I'liciiua ui lllls Joyful Season A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year LONG MOTORS A a hearty wish, For Xmas cheer. Good health and happiness Through the year , Annette's Ladies' Vear and The Style Shoppe i ii n aE j i Thanking you for your valued patronage gj during the prist, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas . and a I Happ' New Year f Pioneer - Canadian Laundries p p And Dry Cleaners .1 1 1.11 1 'AH