35' trim vmt m TMDEft it. Tlie World's News Smi Throuch The Christian Science Monitor A IniftutUved Davy Keu iuvr iiTruiMu' Cwnrurtiv0kij Fr from Srautionat-ua tJilorfaU AV Timaljr and InMrurtiva and Il( Daily riiii, T"r " l WUr Mftarint Section, Make ,(,, Moniioc an Nrair far th Home. Tt Chtixtan Scimct PuUUhing Society IM Norway firm. Eojton, Maaaacfaurit Pr.ce 12.00 Yearly, cr Jfl.OO a Month. ; ;: .ay Jtoe. meiud.nt Mrrirv Section, f 2.60 a Year, duitory Off, 6 Saturday luun 7") Onti. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST yjticuHcemeHti rjRavesemenU In tbll k ... t chanted for a jflW:-.") at Jftc word .F No. G3 every duv.8 pJJUOddfel-r-: 1 1 : iv. nvwrtbett in. Dance, Nov. 20. . Uaxanr Nov. 21, ' Rpgltaeat Dance, !.!. Friday Nov. horn Manner. Invitation Daee, November M. Dec. 3, Invitation Dante, Dec.4. SIIRVICES TO iTtoroum, Victoria and Wt- Stewart and North. rn Charlotte mtanas. ftill Information. Tlrkftt and Keervalluni lltANK J. SKlNNfch rrinre Kuprrt Asmt rd Ave. Phone S6S TERRACE the groom. WEDDING TERRACE, Nov. 16 On Friday afternoon test at the CathoMe Chapel, Rev. Father Fabre OAIJ. officiating, the marriage was solemnised of Mbh Baiter Mary klay Sherwood, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood. Terrace, and Victor Hre Byng Olreud. sen of Mr', and Mrs. A. Oiraud of Smlthers. Present at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Ottaud, Mr. and Mrs. Prtee and Jolmny Price. Lieut and Mrs. Earl Oordon of Prince Rupert. Dm Mae Donald and Robert i Walker of Haaeltan. Mrs Price The bridesmaid was Mi's Myrtle ! MacLeod R IK. of Haw 1 ton ant the groomsman, Wilfred Wtson , The bride was charming in tur- quoese totueweol Jersey frock w;th tyn. area eem- J brwu turban and fcrown ar: e been la Vfttseou-: to rRateh and wore a r wej-k. ti expected , pink and white carnations 1he brtriwinuud wore a grey woo! afternoon frock with kMege hat i and aeeessories to match with cor-sake of pink carnations. Mrs Oiraud. mother of the troom. looked well in a pale blue frock wUh navy Mite accessories. Mrs. Sherwood, the bridel mother wore a dnsky rose wool yeorfette sett with brown hat and Hatching outfit. A teeeetien was held at the home ci Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood jo whlrh msny frtends came to live the newly married couple besj wtthes. The bride's toast was proposed by Father Fabre to which the groom. "Vic" Oiraud, suitably replied. The toast to the bridesmaid was proposed by Captain A. Marfan and WW ted Watson, the groomsman, responded. Many benattful and tsseful gifts were viewed. The newly married couple left ; for the const On the evening's train for a short wedding holiday after which they will live at the Red Rose Mine where Mr Oiraud has completed building a house. I B-BrBTr5.:a?BmB?B!rBVB!BfBBBflBlKBl announcing the Opening of the i VICTORY 330 Third Avenue West VILLI E THE TOILER CAFE SHORT CUT TO ' VICTORY! ilES1 here Is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH 1AT:::lh.BOU PERMANENT. AU ends tapered with Frank iPr H; ir Shsner. Individual stvllnc to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon vioLirr mah Cor. Cih and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone lllue 943 for Appointments OH, mac UUS.T RECEIVED A ic.LF. iKAM FEOM I ILUlfc SHE'S COMlUG HOME OM A FURLOUGH Y -i. I it ' : a rar aiara tBrarBTBTBTBTBi a ra i a i a rat i a i:bi , miss J ore Stewart, youne Mi ms Itarbara Sherwood liecomes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bride of Vic tilraud 8tewart. was here this morning re turning tb her home at Stewart after a three months' visit to Van coirver. Mm. Bablngton, who has been nursing an the staff of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, is leav ing tonight for the south to take p a position on the staff of the Powell River Hospital. I Oof Hanson. MP. for Skeena. arrived in the city on last night's train from Smlthers. having come In to meet Ira Dilworth. regional j n director of the Canadian Broad and Mrs. Gordon are sisters of iwjth improvement to the local sit nation. Mr. Dilworth night for Vancouver. leaves to- BRONCHITIS U LO vHoRu ioi:RNM:T i.iqtoit rr" (Wtl.m Ml) NOTICE IB HEREBY 0VSN Um. on the leui day t.' Deormber 1043 next the underurd '.tttende to wpptf to the tiqu-f Control B rd fee uuit to tnuuCer ot Hear LAaaooe No SSSe laeued in rrtprr of pramtaaa betnc par: of touBxUng known a Knok Brcel KttuaCe en Kimt Awout UfMm laula dfTr tjfd Lot IS aod li-of Blr- a ftpflcm !wMp JMb.Qtj Prtn-e SUnevt. PMnce Ramut Land BeHrMoti D'.frUX, In dw rrsvutoe ct nrfUan ColutnMa. Tram oeorae L otic. Tiwrtee or te puyJ of Kno Motel OomoMiir Limited. SnttMrlexd Aaaawre'. ci Pr.iioe nupaK. Brttlah Oal urrMta. to Jowjrti Ovraa LaBaUe ol l SOS Rcton n'KOBt. vanoouw Oolmimaa he transferee. OATCD wi Pr me RoperV Brttamb Coluenbca. Uife lU day of Morcntlicr 1942 OTROB Acgaiaanl and TreMteee in Tin: stTKEMr. rttt ht or iikitiii COM Mill I IV I'KOIUTi: In the Mailer of the ArfmlaHtrellim Art" and In the Matter f the ltate of tjitile TAKE NOTICC the by order of Hla Honour Judge Flahar- aoeeJ Judfe of tne Supreme Oourt of Bmtati Ooium-bta. ! wma on tbe SOU) day of Ootdber A D 143 appntmed AnrolraUtnftor of the Eatnte of Louie Xaaok Mnc toiimeriy of Oooan Falla. BrtUaO CloitiiiUite., 1-reaaed. vho died on or about t&e lSUi day ol Autruat AM ftenom In debted to the aaad Batato are required to pay the amount at Utelr in-debtednea u me forUiwKti and all perron hariuc c la una aalnnt ttte aJd Eatate are retfutml to file tfeeai vrttib me properly verilled on or bulore ttw lMh day of Deoomber AD. 14 SalUng whlrh (tlKrtbuUon wUl be tnade hav- uw rard only to aucb datma ol a-hlnh I alwll have bean notified DATED at Prince Bapert. B.C. thla 30Ui day of OoUibrc 12 NORMAN A WATT OfTtrlal Adinlnlatrator Prtw Rupert, B.C savoy HOTEL Carl ZareHi, Prop. I'hone 37 P.O. Hot 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUTLRT TWATS AWFUU-V MICE OF VOU ws V u-iiow TILUEL WILL APPRECIATE VOUC MEET. VOU AT THE - HAT10M- BVE J FORCE OF HABIT THE DAIL7 HfiWft LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Reverattle Satin Comforter!, wool filling, each $7.95 and $9.95. Bio's, Prince Rupert. Alex Duaean of Premier was here this morning returning to Premier after a trip to Vancouver. CoL D. M. Martyn, area com mandant, returned to the city last night from a trip to Victoria on official business. E. T. AppfewbaKe, Stewart bar nsier em mttmetpai clerk, was here today retnming north after a trip to Vancouver and Nelson, having been in the south for the past month. Brigadier Glrvan of Terrace Is returning there on tonight's train. having spent the week-end In Prince Rupert. Frying Officer John E. Fisher. formerly with the local branch of uie Bans: or Montreal, is now flying with the Royal Canadian Air Force over Egypt, according to word received in the city Two n.ore fui.ie alarms were turned in Saturday, according to the local fire department. The first alarm was sent from the corner ol Ninth and McBrlde at 5:30 p.m.. and the second from Ninth ; nd Fulton at approximately 11:30 last night. There were no wit- in either instance who could recall seeing anyone near the a1 x at tne time the atann casting Corporation, in connection j was given. Hockey Scores Saturday Detroit 5. Canadiens 1. Chicago 4. Toronto J Rangers 3, Boston 5. Sunday Boston 4, Rangers 3. Detroit 3. Canadiens 1-Chicago 5. Toronto 4. KUK SALE FOR SALE One elet&lc ..range; . good oondJUtirK PAonK ?TL501 Borden Street. " 266t FOR SALE Oateleg table and chairs, dressing table, chest assorted tools, two-candle floor lamp, living room light fixtures, shotgun, miscellaneous articles. Armour Salvage. Phone 564. (267) FOR QUICK SALE Double bed and mattress, two chairs, baby crib, rocker. Morris chair, baby's high chair, two case sealers. Call 1W 8th West after 6:00 pjn. (268) FOR SALS House with three lots and two roamed shack. Near Dry Dock. For particulars, phone Green 506. 268) FOR SALE Occasional cnalr. single cot with couch cover. 513 Herman Street. (269) FOR SALE -In beaj'of legations. . . a a .Va t a.. The first, orange tree brought to England in 159S, flourished, with care, until destroyed by a heavy frost in 1740. f POOR MAC WE FEEL SO SAD ABOUT WOT BEtKiG WM ABLE TO GET 1UTO SOME fOM (auchoftme servicfB ni Timely Recipes SPANISH TOAST 2 eggs beaten slightly 4 cup tomato juice 1 teaspoon sugar f optional) teaspoon salt pepper 5-6 slices bread 3 tablespoons fat onion Juice Blend beaten eggs, tomato juice. Ira Dilworth,-regional manager sugar and seasonings. Dip both of the Canadian Broadcasting Cor- sides of each slice of bread into poratton, who has been here study- !the mixture. Brown on both sides ing the need of Improved local ' in hot fat in frying pan. Place on radio service, is leaving today for a hot platter and serve at once Vancouver. with 1 scrambled eggs, (2) cream- led vegetables, 3) cheese sauce. ftraiTBiTairrTirBrirra "Build B.C. Payrolls" A Patron For 20 Years III We get encouragement when we receive a letter telling of a patron who has used Pacific Milk 20 years. That's 20 years of satisfaction. Pacific Milk is doing favor to health and welfare when a good, discerning cook will find reasons for using It day In and day out for so long a period. Appetite stands up for 20 years only to treatment that It particularly cares for. Mrs. K. is a marvellous cook. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed ttzisi tutn tvrxaat vrui m tr Classified Ads. WANTED WANTED Suitcases to rent to sol diers going on furlough. Respon; 1 sible soldier will buy or Tent your bag on share basis. Send name, address and phone number to Box 390 Daily News. WANTED Floor maids for General Hospital, 8-hour duty, good salary, duties to commence immediately. Apply Miss Faust, Superintendent. (268) WANTED Room for lady. Urgent. Apply Blue 419. 27H WANTED Young employed couple badly In need of room, or room and board. Phone 175. W. C. Nelson. . (268) WANTED Small boat with engine Reasonable. Box 392 Daily News. (268 BACHELOR would like to share In small house or comfortable cabin within 15 minutes of Dry Dock. Apply Box 391 Daily News. (271 two blOCKS on wuuniDia . ,,vTrnjRmiTi n nrlvate home semi-modern bungalow, 10 rooms, bringing In $100 a month. Inspire Owner, Bert Jorgensen, 623 Agnes SL. New Westminster, B.C. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street (195) ROOM for two, gentlemen only. Phone Black 965. (tf) ENGLISH ORANGE TREE by young couple employed by U S. government. Phone Blue 579. Inquiries lor Massey or Plumb. (268) WANTED TO RENT House or ap artment. furnished or unfur rushed, for two adults, reliable j tenants. Mr. Richardson, Phone 86. tf WANTED Student working in shipyard desires board and room. Apply Box 389 Dally News. (266) LOST WILL the party who got hand crocheted bedspread by mistake, please phone the Pioneer Laundry. This Is an heirloom which the owner Is very anxious to reclaim. Reward. (265) BY WESTOVER THEV CAW'T KEEP ME ; OUT OFA UWIFDKM, w twv nil TILLIE. EVEUIF1TIS ACUAUFFUR5J-H UGHT -but Save Power . . . Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 It Pays to Advertise in The News NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARKT.I.I, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 ED1S0 Kara ran tumxmim raiai msm m m K City Chimney Sweep 1 " 'Licensed ii Chimneys Cleaned $1.00 Flue fj Roof Repairs Eveirou;hs g Ph. Green 99C D. Thomson , K.siB raia rarji laracarjixa ra im mm 'A ZWJ J. M. S. Loubser D.O, B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone S4S 2 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE I PHONE 235 g DAT AND NIGHT g vmOOlDOfKWMMOOOOOOMOOOCKIOMO eU'eEiarcB? axgai IU TMZMXtn H Of course I shop at The j E Variety Store it's so handy! g b THE S : tig I Variety Store JJ Where your dimes are little H dollars Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pm., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Daily except Sunday, 4:15 pjn. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: " TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY. 10:30 pjn. j THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pm. f TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 am. Dally except Sunday. ' AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN,. OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER ' For full Information, etc, call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines t r 7 Gift rappings To Impart the Spirit of Christmas Fancy Gift Wrapping Paper, pkg 10c Dennlson's and Coutfs Distinctive Christmas Seals, Tags and Labels, pkg 10c Seal and Tag Assortments 36 pieces and 50 pieces, pkg. 5c 40 pieces Dennlson Valu-pak 10c 100 pieces Dennlson 10c and 15c 200 pieces Dennlson - 25c Tissue Paper, red, white or green, pkg. 10c Tinsel Ribbon, skein 1 10c Cellophane Ribbon, red or green 10c Tinsel String 10c and 15c Any Gift worth giving is worth wrapping Attractive Wrapping Doubles the Value of Any Gift. CHRISTMAS CHEER HEADQUARTERS t a f