MONDAY. JULY 20, 1942 THE DAILY NEvva ' kaaaaaaaaaaav aaai "Itulld I1.C. Payroll!" Perfect Milk ''M is exeentlunil 111 Pacific MUk has all the food jHinclpato in It that you need for health." Miss p. has found Its secret. P i- trie has all the elements of wh..le tnlllc complete, perfect. And one thing in addition MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. n 57J fhonri lg-lj I'llONK C57 Legion Tea, August S. .".V.W Fresh Local "Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY J. M. S. Loubser n.C iua, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace H!ok I'hone 610 rfhhcuhcetnehtJ Ail advertisements In this "'lurnn will be charged for a full month at 26c a word. El ' t'Y" publi-shea r by the . ". Pj-C! Liquor . . IK rd u or bv he government of nntu Columbia CARD OF THANKS i lorry m. Blake and family wish to express sincere thanks to Uw of our nuny friends who sent flowers, or In any way showed acts of kind ni during the Illness of our dear wlf and mother. These kindnesses are much appreciated and will always be remembered by us. Those sending flowers were: The Family, aster Jessie. Sid. the wuney ana limy, Kamloops, B.C.; Lizzie and Dick and family; Sister Lily and family. Edmonton, Alta.; the grand children; Mr. and Mrs. R. Bury Jr.. Mrs. W. O. Oakley. Vancouver, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. RftUh. Wlnniue Mrs. Churl. Pacific MUk is vacuum neck-1 DrwrUm MurW and . All IU oualltv la r, Lmu Bc BPUt Church: C. perfection U retained. PACIFIC MILK Irradlaled and Vacuum Parked CI i 4 t M 1 rg ' Htl.KI.KY VALLEY HITTER Arrives ITnh Ktry Week ! We txlseve in featuring It i l and helping our up-river . J. fa; v.erx Try It once and we t-f , sure yu will want no ! c-'lirr Us freshness and Qj.i.i'.v is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river I VEGETABLES whenever pos- t.S.e a. tvngni; twot iianson. M.F., and Mrs Edith; Mrs. W. J. Orear and Jim; Tommy and Edna Johnstone; the Oreen ramlly: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Macintosh; Mrs. P. W. Hart: Telephone Oirls; Mr. and Mrs. constantly, Serves six. lgln Fall Hasaar. Oct. 21.;Urr,n SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hox 541 KRASKR STREET PRINCK UUI'KHT MUTUAL EXCHANGE In 1939, 75 per cent of Cuba's exports went to the United State and 3 per cent of imports were received from Uiat country. WALLV. I GOT UP AMD V4BEDED UNTIL 1 ftVBRY TU-m I CLOSE MY EVES T SSEMTO KEE VMEEDS BEFORE THEM I LMI HM1IOTHV ACT MUM H rrrtirimtr of ltll . l tM W, iMi-k I ft. VMkHi . lt n( Prlitr Kunrrl, MJ SO. wiiEHBAa MSiaejotonr or of tw idrvr OrUTioMr of Tir MHnd U lh nun of OUw PHoqukn las bnro DM In 4tlta oUH. noWce twtvtoy (r)vi UM I hall, ti tit -ptraiion at on month from iw Arte at Um tin puMJnuon hmrf. k rrovUlotMU CrttflCT of TWO in !u of aid M CtfUtkate. m&m In Um mmnttnw Ud otJon be nwde to nw In wrtUne DATED M Uw Und OUk. Irino Ruswrt, BC, this y of Jun. IMS. Andrew TncwnSMon DHUTY agQISTKAB OF TITLHI. RUSSIAN PORT LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Allan LandaLf (sailed yesterday morning for a . trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Olaf Skog and Miss" Violet Wick left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. H. S. Meadows, local manager of Canadian National Telegitiphs, sailed yesterday morning for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Judge W. E. Fisher left this morning for Atlln where he will conduct a session of County Court. Meeting of all painters and doc-orators will be held tomorrow night. July 21, Carpenters' Hall, Fraser Street. Trade and Labor Council M67) Harry Drinkwater of the Empire Stevedoring eo. arrived In couver. city last night from Van Mrs. II. O. Kennedy and sens ate planning to leave Prince Rupert shortly. Capt Kennedy was recently transferred from Prince Rupert to Victoria. William 1. Bewemmn, district superintendent of Government Hanson; Mr. and Mrs. 8. 1 RadtoteJMraefc Service, arrived In Hambttn. Ktleen and Phylis; Mr. 'the city last night from Victoria, and Mrs. George Johnstone and, He Is hew oa a viaK of inspection bqiui; Mrs. w. Cumnungs and to the Dtgby Island station. family; Mr. and Mrs. R. & Moore and family; Mr aad Mrs. Casper Knutson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Norma Rogers sailed Sat urday afternoon for Vancouver In P IL Unary: Mrs. Cromp and .connection with the transfer of the Pdnee Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental staff of which she a member. Dr. H. N. Brockleaby, for fifteen years in charge of the vitamta research department of the Prinee Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, which is being moved to Vancouver, left for the south Saturday afternoon. He Is to, reestablish the department in the southern city and will then leave the service of the Fisheries Research Board to take an important position with a commercial company. Dr. urocKiesny wm oe back here lor about a week towards the end of August at union time Mrs. Brocklesby and family will move south.. Nathan Harris Smarlnsky of London. BBglitnd. more recently living in the United States. Is at "r:r -ss-iSSIS SSS, K oC. . su anu pepper, v-- ...c ,,afu In uhteh both Win 1 lui 1 vi v4 a -. 9 civilian aad militaty popula- tlon of Prince Rupert would participate. A meeting ts to be held Wednesday night in First United Church for the purpose of organ-tthnr Mr. Smnrinsky. who has had considerable experience in connection with movln picture production In England, believes that activity In the field of drama would b of much benefit In Prince Rupert, particularly under rnndltions here. A play a I.O.O.F., No. 63. All members requested to attend Tuesday next at 8 pjn. for 2nd. Sojourning members specially Invited. (166; EHo's Furniture 8tore Buys used articles of any description. You may have articles you want to dispose of. Call Green 916, Third Prince Rupert. C. I. C. (A.ILP.) SIRENS Sirens will be tested daily at Twelve Noon, commencing Tuesday, July 21. Only a short blast of a few seconds will be given so that we can be assured the sirens are always in working order. Authority J. J. Little, Controller, North Pacific District NOTICE UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP TAKE NOTICE that I have acquired the business formerly carried on by Mr. John Harris as the Atlas Boiler Works, and that I propose continuing the said business under the firm name of PRLNCE RUPERT BOILER WORKS. Public patronage is solicited. Dated July 17th. 192. ROBERT PARKINSON Fit Young Women For War Service Greta MID Jr. and children: Staff, been vtetttnc la the city for the I the National Association of Girls' Scott Sr.; Rat'4 and Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Daly and family: Limey ti Ingram Ltd.: Mr. and Mrs. V. Houston and David; Mr. and Mrs. W. J Da vies; Mr. and Mrs. Sim-berg and family: Mr. and Mrs. L. Sandvor and Melvtn; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roe; Mr. and Mrs. Len Brewerton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaays and -family: Mr. and Mrs. Cy Kel-lett; . LUlle and Alice; Mr. and Mrs. John Knutson and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dixon; Mr. and Mrs Walter Balllnger; Mr. and Mrs Len Orifftths; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lund: Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Reynold: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Houston; Ganley and Flo Watmough: Mr. and Mr Stelnert; Magnhild Stor-srth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom King; Mr and Mrs Yafier and family. Timely Recipes CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 3 cups milk Vfc teaspoon salt Put one and one-half cups raw spinach through a food chopper ustag the fine blade. Add to the white sauce with one cup of boil at TleiL Dr. A. Knight, chief veterinarian for the Province of British Columbia, Is in the rUy from Victoria carrying out InspeeUohs of local dairy herds. S. J. Hunter was the winner of the mmsftture teeemottve' mf- fttng of which for the Red Gross has been under way for some time. The drawing took place Saturday night age and their association is the little sister of the uniformed auxiliary services, the W. R. N. S., the A. T. S. and the W. A. A. F. The movement to form the as sosiaUen got under way only last February and Miss Grace Brown ing, chairman, and Miss K. Cur-lett. the organizing secretary, Dreaohed the cosoel of the move ment in tours throughout the EITHER country. They straased the need of giving all girls nearing conscription age some sort of pre-servtce training. So far as the girls themselves were concerned they aparently menta. The Women's Voluntary Service helped the girls obtain their uniforms the girls have to get them themselves and classes now are under way In signalling, first aid, and physical exercises designed to fit the girls for quick acclimatization when they are called up for full-time service. SPORT CHAT Joe DiMaggio cracked out three hits one a ninth-inning home run with the bases loaded to pace New York Yankees to a 5-1 victory over Bob Feller, Cleveland Indians' pitching prodigy five years ' ago today.. . FeUeriallowed seven hits and struck out seven but failed to stop the Yankees' hard-hitting outfielder. Henry Armstrong, tMffjlO FOR SALE FOR SALE Chevrolet touring sedan, 1936. New pain4., good rubber. Overhauled. Al condition Avenue next to the Dally News, J Phone 546. U70) jFOR SALE Beds, tables, chairs, f odds and ends. Black 719. 166) tun bale Prudhomme Lake summer camp, including boat and outboard motor. Thos. Trotter, Rear 812 2nd Ave. (167 FOR SALE 5 room house and bathroom, fully modern 43950 unfurnished or $4950 furnished with first class furniture. Terms cash. Kitchen with tiled walls, double dralnboard sink; bathroom with tiled walls, recess bath, stand lavatory, new plumbing, medicine cabinet; new linoleum; hardwood floor; fireplace; Venetian enamel steel blinds. Nice habror view. Immediate occupation. Collart it Mc-Caffery Ltd-, Telephone 1L 167i FOR SALE Latest model studio. couch. 346 Fourth Ave. West, evening. f 167 FOR SALE Boat GlenwelL fully equipped, 35 feet, west coast trailer. New floats after 5 p.m, 167) WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment Home Oil; Mr. and Mrs. Judge and . past week or so, left Saturday Training Corps. They are Britain's WANTED family Bulk ley W'.rket; Mrs. J. 'night on her return to her home young women nearing conscription , for quiet couple; permanent. Box LONDON. July 20 0 The first 314, Daily News tf W0.008 recruits now. are wearing WANTED Hraispkwwr fnr ,11 Mrs. H. M. Hellawell, who hasle navy and white uniform of roomine hrai. Phnn 7.11 ict. Cocker Spaniel male puppy. Write Box 1472, Prince Rupert, B.C. (tf) WANTED One Fourth Class Steam Engineer, at East Kwlnitsa, B.C. Apply, Gordon L. Little, Skeena Orient Timber Co., Ltd, East Kwlnitsa, B.C. U67 WANTED Chambermaid, out Knox Hotel. ISLAND BARGAIN v,.r,.T I I ( WERE VOL) ARE. NtH, I 3 LEMNV OO VOU "NINqi IF J v TTSnovv) I CAKTT Vwty.,' v T1L ,,E vy see AWvTHiMS Atw V. I .' . I I ,TUr TT1C 1 tb W.U I I T-r Z 1 1 f . H ( A Rrt it TUlP lfiBL.J r.JB " M3U KEEP (?H OH ,-7 Ai4 UrVV3 rr 3.VV' ,a -VVAVueb out of the ; ar'j &mt mac. m ,r r,'eST: k tir ss . w i i - aat i i .aaa. t-. i r 'l vanm. i -j i i i i i i ' m i ... lwyrj an A rerv re a rsea y is Sleep 166) house, apartment or housekeeping rooms for married ; couple. $10 reward. Apply Box 313 Dally News (168) HELP WANTED Male or female. Apply Central Hotel. (167) needed no argtag to Join the WANTED Rooms, housekeeping movement. Ik was the parents who preferred, sharing, close in. by had to be convinced. The girls several men, good habits. Box clamored for the same opportunl- i 312, Dally News. (156) ties which are provided their bro- 777 , , v-i mnvA-' WANTED Young man to learn radio servicing. Good opportunity. McRae Bros. Ltd. (tf) LOST LOST on Third Avenue, paper bag containing white crochet work. Please return Dally News. 166) BOARD AND ROOM WANTED Room or room and board near U. S. Government project Box 314, Daily News. BOARD AND ROOM for sharing. 718 Fraser Street man The U. S. bought the Virgin Islands for $25,000,000. more than the entire Loulsana Territory and Alaska combined cost OF HISTORIC INTEREST Port Llmon In Costa Rica Is welterweight, built on the site ot an ancient boxing champion, stopped Lew vth mnirt be staized. he thinks. 1 Jenkins, lightweight tltleholdcr. ' in the sixth round of a scheduled TINY COUNTRIES ' Jl2-round non-title bout at New York two years ago last night The two smallest independent 'Armstrong took a pasting In the . . ...... .u. .nrM Mm. first three rounds but weathered principal " . u.c the storm , to win . when .u .TenVln Jenkins' Indian village where Colombus landed on his last voyage to America. ItltEWERIES DECREASE rm, ... CIA UHn,. .1 u l 4 A""c WC4C "1U eo and Voucan -.iiy, eatu have . TTni stnf t iv. firf f ... i : f nn. half a sauare couwni come out 01 nis corner.- MurmanK is "ua " for the seventh round, round ice-free Arctic port. mile. TILLIE THE TOILER A QUESTION OF SANITY year. In 1935 there were 750. BY WESTOVER Protect Your Pay Check Through the Largest Organization of Its kind In the World For a few cents a day the Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay you from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for. as long as yeur earnings stop due to sickness or accident and will pay It continually from one day. to the end of life. Special protection against bombing and blackout. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. ' Find out if you can qualify to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out he coupon today It will bring you complete details. Put In the Mail NOW This Offer is Limited Box 1459 Prince Rupert, B.C. Name - .r , Address Occupation . BBaaHHiHiHiaiSIHIIIHHIsSHHaVHIiiilHBBl A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 40 CONGOLEUM RUGS, all sizes 20 LINOLEUM RUGS, all sizes Also a large stock of Linoleum, Congoleum, Molr Inlaid and Moulded Inlaid Just arrived. SEE US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS PHONE 775 327 3rd AVENUE For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT OOtlCHKWlKH30XCHJCHKCH3CKHlOO ANNOUNCEMENT MODERN TAILOR NOW OPEN LADIES and GENTS SUITS NAVAL OFFICERS' UNIFORMS Tailored to Measure FIT GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES 318 5th STREET, Behind Royal Bank iWHKKMWMrtKMMWWQOQOOfflHKXXIlXHta CHOCOLATES We have been fortunate to receive a shipment of Picardy's "CANADA'S CELEBRATED CANDY" Chocolates this week. Satisfy your candy wants with these famous candies. Burgundy Chocolates, 1 lb. Assorted 75c 2 lbs. Assorted . 1.."0 BurgundyjCandies Assorted, 2-lbs. $1.50 Roses of Picardy Chocolates, Assorted, 1 lb .'$1.25 Pioneer Package, Assorted, 2 lbs $2.0U - ALSO Macintosh's Assorted Toffee, lb 50c Riley's Assorted Toffee, lb 75c These prices include all taxes. Ormes Lid. 3?ui Pioneer Drtuzg is ts THE ItEXALL STORE PnONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 Z p.m. and 7-9 p.m. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. 4 aV