Japancte Attack United Slates Marines on Solomon Islands And Suffer Heavy Losses Themselves VMSHINOTON. Sept. 14 In a C - ,T,ncd attempt to dislodge ( "' States marine from the r r: Island, the Japanese v wurted troops and are-utlng yi m aad pianos In making ; j k A heavy toll has been k of the Japanese attacking r v und twenty enemy planes v been sboUdowru .m i T '- Japanfc hwevffcare oon-g their throat whteh the driA are tuecessfully stifling 1 - r rmy have made successive y.i- on the United States post- Ouadal Canal and TulagL i f MK-ial communique has an-c i that five enemy bombers 1 f ur fighters were brouiht - :i September 9. for bomb-r fv'ptembor ip and six bomb-! hic fighter on September . i . Japanese destroyers shell-, r i ' '"mis of the Sotemen Islands. September 11 United States atUcked enemy shipping nations on New Oeorita ' .iid one small Japanese sunk. i JandUMt troops are sUll be-out at Ouadal Canal rrcments and supplies . n landed dortne the hours firss at night by the efTfemy.' ONTARIO BLACKOUT Sharp Curtailment of Electrklly lor Non-r.ential Uses Is Ordered VISITING A Softball team Journeyed down 'ram Terrace over the week-end l.nH Injtt. rArrfA nnK !h Air Frre I The Prince Rupert Ministerial Auvuuon held a meeting this morning when Very Rev. Dean J.j - - . mm mm . . . mImI DPMlrlatlT ' I EAM WIN c- a- ht- reu- lUng up Softball Game Tlayed Here, Air Force Losing HALIBUT SALES Summary Amcrlcan--li4.000 pounds. ' and 13c to 16 lc and 13c o 6 in a bang-up game at Acrop- Hill The Trrrnri. hnv stnrted uananau 4iuv. fr fireworks off In the second ln-' i; s on a home run by Onlloway wl'h one man on. They took a 7-2 lead with a flvc-man scoring spree In the fifth lnnlntr. The Air Force Curry R.C.A.F. Allen, Speagle, Louden, Q ray. American 15c Altcn. 48.000. 15c and 13c. Royal. Zenith. 50.000. 16c and He-Booth. North, 36,000, 16.1c and 13c, Pa- made determined thc,clflc- . a rally In A. At- Mltkolf. 60.000. 16c and 13c. rishth and ninth innings and had! he winning run on second base 'ln- but Curry, the visiting pitcher, borel ' down and struck out Durant to EAItLIEST 1NDUSTRV ' nd tho Inning and give his boys Basket making Is believed to be a closo 7-6 win. Tomorrow the one of the earliest human Indut- umo two teams will battle It out tries. in im exhibition game at Bcall ; Cove 1 BACH'S GOOD WOKKS Unc-ups: I The choral works or Johann Se- Terracc Rawllncs. McCall. Bar- hastlnn Bach Include more than rons. Bulkovltch, Dcmarco, Oallo-'250 sacred and secular cantatas way. Elliott, Hornlng, Murphy, . j ,,, r n.h.i. I rplurnlnir TUi-i Bi ..omnundi' far.' W..:kc::e!. v, a intpartment of one of the inva sion barrr u..iS ... leu of l.u u.-r ..ad one... t. -i away during the raid on Dieppe. Ttdi.f- Thj unusuai photo shw- hw the mrr. 'ike w::rn u:ey returned. There ;.. ilf tie laughter, a: id mas.y a w-ary. drooping r:ul In the burk-r.d i. another invasion barge, its camouf.agc plainly visible. The biggr .t ruid of it. me. l it was called a great ucc--w(. DESTROY BOMBERS Heavy Smash on Japanese Rase Itesults In Destruction of 1 Seventeen Planes 1 MELBOURNE. Sept. 14.-A heavy 'smash by Allied planes against the Jananesc base aU Buna on New OTTAWA Sept. 14: sharp Oulnea resulted In the destruction x iit of non-ejsentlal uses of at least seventeen grounded ;e-tr;rlty In power shortase enemy bombers. There were four of Ontario and Quebec separate attacks, will black-out advertising r i , and show windows, curtail !i Killing and prohibit hlgh-lirhtlng was announced Sat-, by Hon. Clarence D. Howe. :i r of munlttaiu who said m uaUon was. so serieus in ! ..fleeted arfas that , power be available to war m-unless the public co- DEAN GIBSON IS PRESIDENT Rev. C. A. WrUht Is Secretary- Treasurer Of Ministerial Association War News LANDING AT TOHKIK LONDON An Italian High Command statement, unconfirmed here, said that British forces attempted a landing at Tobruk but ere repulsed. CHINESE OFFENSIVE CHUNGKING The Chinese continue their offensive in Che-kiang Province and have captured Kupang, six miles from the important base of Kinwa from which Japan could be bombed. ICA.F. IN BURMA NEW DELHI Royal Air Force planes, based in India, bombed three important Burma cities of Mandalay, Chrome and Rangoon. JAP SHIPS ATTACKED MELBOURNE Three enemy cargo ships and a Japanese cruiser were attacked near Port Darwin. One enemy ship was sunk. IN JUGOSLAVIA LONDON A new reign of terror with even gitater repressive measures by the Nazis in Jugoslavia is reported. COL. MARTYN TAKES OVER New Commandant of fences Arrives Col. leaving d Victoria and Is to pro-inoi ....... . Ixcal Dc Johnston from Vanbouver to assume his now post here. Col. Johnston will leave tomorrow afternoon for Victoria, having been transferred there to take command of fixed defences Baldwin. 'ceedbv the evening train to Burns .tinue her Im Lake Lake to to conduct conduct a session of us. -o tvu Umpires II. R. MacKcnzie, John County Court. Prln-e Rupe.t. SITUATION FAVORABLE llritish Sweeping In On Capital Of Madagascar From Four Directions TODAY'S STATEMENT LONDON, Sept, 11 (CP) The War Office announced today that steady progress Is being made in the occupation of Madagascar and little or no resistance is being met. LONDON. SeDt 14 The Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides mm (Standard Time) High 4:05 ajn. 19.0 feet 16:14 pjn. 205 feet Maximum Low 10:14 am. 6.0 feet Minimum NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 225:4 pjn. 4.6 feet VOL XXX, No. 212 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS 5V Breme , Is Heavily Attacked Again TRYING TO THROW OFF AMERICANS LEFT LEG OF HIS TROUSERS AT DIEPPE BOMB TOKYO jRussians Deal Blow By AND BERLIN A;. L.. P. ci i United States Under Secretary of War Predicts Punishment Foe Is Going to Take WILLOW RUN. Sept. 14 Speak-1 lng to Ford Motor Co. war produc-1 tlon workers. Under Secretary of . War Ralph Patterson said that UP BATTLE Still Holding Nazis Out of Stalin grad Despite Heavy Pressure By Enemy NAZIS ENTER CITY? MOSCOW, Sept. 11 (CP) After three weeks of frightful stru-gle on the immediate approaches to Stalingrad, the German offen sive reached a new peak of fero- , city today against the elastic t .Russiarudetence and ..the Ger- ' mans claimed two penetrations of the city itself. By Russian accounts, however, the battered capital of the lower Volga region still flew the Red banners of bat I tlon on Madagascar Island, after heavy Nazi assault west and the fourth day of the new British southwest of Stalingrad but, nev- was every indication of rapid and. on other sectors. complete occupation. ASSIZESON NEXT WEEK Mr. Justice Harold Robertson To Preside Two Criminal Cases And Eight Divorces Mr. Justice Harold n. Robertson will be the presiding Judge at the Supreme Court Assizes opening here on Wednesday of next week. T. W. Brown will be crown prosecutor. The list consists of two criminal cases and eight divorce petitions. The criminal cases are: Rex vs. William M. Scott, charged 'with the murder of Alfred Vlk at Col. D. B. Martyn, new com- Atlln. mandant of Prince Rupert , de-j Pi,jnip Qun-a-Noot of Hazclton fences, succeeding Col. S, D;. John- charecd wlth theft, ston, arrived in the city last 'night I . HARDER THAN NAILS The diamond Is the hardest and most imperishable of metals. Capt. and Mrs. Walter It. Cross will sail tomorrow afternoon for Victoria, Capt. Cross having been transferred south, West of Stalingrad four fierce attacks were repulsed, seven enemy tanks being destroyed and 400 ! Hitlerites killed but the Russians were forced to retreat to new de fence lines. HAVE QUIT THEIR JOBS UI iniormaiion-'nrucc iiuich Ison Joining It OTTAWA, Sept. 14: O) The Wartime Information Board an nounces receipt and acceptance of i mi vpuu ia3uciii i lanrv Of Axis At Bucharest British, Canadian and Russian Bombers Were Active Against Enemy During Last Night four-motored bombers would soon J the air roads from willow LONDON, Sept. 14 (CP) British, Canadian and Jw.hYt.hT.fniLiTtmnd Russian bombers, delivering a new twin blow to the dieted that those capitals would . - . , . .' . ., , , - be aflame from great bombing at-, flanks of the Axis one thousand miles apart, smashed the tacks. He said that there were 600.- northwest German port of Bremen last night in an attack ooo American fighting men over- probablv hundreds of planes strong and raided Bucharest sea ow and that this number an(1 the pjoestjz 0n Tegion of Rumania from bases deep would be doubled and doubled to . 2 , Russla Mr MinIstry me nmii oi manpower um a victorious peace had been achieved. 1h -tske was "war to survival or death." The United States would fight on to complete victory. REDS KEEP NEW ARMY HEAD HERE 'Major General G. R. Pearkes Is I Making Inspection Of Prince Rupert Defences ' PEARKES- tle with the foe checked once interior, more on the outskirts. The Ger- mans said that Stalingrad had been entered in both southern and northwestern sections. The southern penetration was the first reported yesterday. The northwestern was claimed today. Latest German claims said that dominating heights in the northwest of the city had been occupied. MOSCOW. Sept. 14: The Rus- sltua- slans are still fighting off the Prince Rupert area since his re-' Commercial Vehicles To Be Designated ana uie rcrgiauricu auuicoo ui mm. vehicle painted or attached on "highly favorable for the Allies." tightening their grip on the ap- both sides of the, body in letters! The British forces are now seventy proaches of the city. The battle 'and figures not 'less than one lnchl miles miles from from the the capital capital city of has reached new heights of fury in height , Antananarivo, sweeping . ... . .l I ftLil. 4 rfU t - 1a. I a Vaam 1M AffOitt in irom wun nana to nana ugmmg mi viuc tux wcu m four directions. close quarters over a broad area. With continued success there There are substantially no changes m i a. rr. J I sued by the administrator. Enlistments In Canadian Army the resignation of G. Herbert Lash depot In Vancouver. and Claude Mclancon as director and associate director of the Bureau of Public Information rcspcci tlvely. A statement said that Bruce Hutchison of Victoria would be associated with the board recently created under chairmanship of Charles Vlnlng. Enlistment of Miss Matilda Lar son and Miss Mary Louise Bird ln the Canadian Women's Army Corps is also announced. PRODIGY BEETHOVEN Beethoven began violin lessons at the age of five years. that the 'one-hundredth attack of the war on Bremen was delivered by a very strong- force, nineteen British planes failing to return Indicating that hundreds of bombers participated. Three Royal Canadian Air Force squadrons took part. Lone-flying British bombers were back over northwestern Germany again at dawn today, the Major General O. R. Pearkes. A' J? 'V.C., former commander of the jJL. First Canadian Division overseas p j and now head of the Pacific Com mand, is paying his first visit of inspection to the LAND FIGHT NOT HEAVY cent appoint- ment. He arrived But British and Americans Are here this morn-j Pounding Upon Axis From Air ing by air after i in North Africa havtrtg' been" vis-1" " -" , Ring the Vancou- CAIRO, Sept. 14 Except for ar- ( ver Island and Vancouver defences tillery exchanges in the El Ale-idurlr.g the past .week. General main sector, the North African I Pearkes will spend a couple of desert war is quiet as far as land day? here and then proceed to the fighting is concerned. However, J British and United States bombers have been hammering the Axis positions, communication lines and supply concentrations. Tobruk and Mersa Matruh have been heavily jhit. , The Germans and Italians felt the growing Allied air might In, ithe eastern Mediterranean as well as in North Africa as another pounding was administered by Private commercial vehicles and; heavy bombs. limited (contract commercial ve ' TTnlto CtatAQ nlo fine Vtlfc aaln hides In British Columbia must at Suda Bay on the Island of Crete, now have the name of the owner I - - TRAFFIC IN AIR LARGER since August but many cases oi Mai, and & Up ,n July Bnt have been noted, non-observance passengers Somewhat Fewer oy uie irucK octvicea ucpoi imcm i oi uie warume rnces ana iraue XVTmirpm. Rpnf li Air mall Board. 'onH nnrrn nrrlpH hv tho Trn n?. On and after November 1. lM2.,Canada Mt 07ied further no such vehicle shall be operated at a greater distance from its registered address than 35 road miles. Southwest of Stalingrad iNazl Exceptions can be made under tanks penetlratcd the Russian lines authority of a written permit Is- and were then thrown baclc to their original positions. Enemy counter-attacks in other sectors were all repulsed with considerable losses to the enemy. increase in July, according to a report made public by O. A, Larson, vice-president. Passenger traffic declined slightly from 10317 in June to 9.440 but the indications are that travel was heavier in August. During July, the mail load amounted to 192,971 pounds, an increase over June of 18,867 pounds, and 63,728 pounds better than July, 1941. The greater volume w-as spread fairly generally Five Men and Two Women Attested over the entire system, with a In Prince Rupert During notable Increase in the quantity Past Week J out of New York for Toronto, 'which has nearly doubled ln the Latest enlistments in the Cana dian Army from Prince Rupert lash and Mclancon Leave nureauare announced as follows at local month. Increasing by 4.312 pounds over June, express reached a record of recruiting headquarters: 33,323 pounds. A numbor of prior- II. S. Kelly. Casslar Cannery. llty snipments were carriea. D. J. Edlund, Burns Lake. Passenger traffic ln the New- W.H.Davidson. Langley Prairie, foundland service, a war opera T. Cronley, Port Arthur. -R. W. Fraser, Ladysmlth. All left last week for manning tlon, remained at a high level as did mall and express. The average length of passenger journeys over TransCanada Air Lines ln July was 555 miles, aj compared with 525 ln June and 505 ln July, 1941. PLUCKING PLAYED The chc Is a Chinese musical Instrument with 25 strings, played Iby plucking. a