I"1 " 1942 - " f20 - gH3 DArLY aHk' 1b T isif iflsMBMiWBnWnB . i i t i. c HI l"1' mute wuim innui Bi than sny other, if the tea to use in " : . rr- t ; . I i d: ' J cl rstjonung, rv mis maiicr-mcna jgfjfc -, . jJc select "jmsll IeP teat grown Upton i own girucm in ucjiooj Vtl I J L pica's so uniform rich o4 jtftfit -J- voull get more satisfying lor j ;-rtei couponii AM) AUK STILL MAINTAINING SI AA ymr grurr tUy Ufitm'i lull. lUnmd imsOU" Jm.i M Imptrr Uat$ JUftr 4 kimf. IPTON'5 Abo Packers cl UPTON'S NOODLE SOUP MIX THf KM UHikVOH Of n HATtON'i ier Canadian Dry Cleaners llfr. h to draw your aurnuon io ine uri inai ue IMC K TI AND DELIVKK Tjmt rarlnr apparel for drjclcanlnr and preming AS HKKOKE Vfa foitunate In adding more experienced operators from Ore south to our staff BAY SERVICE ON ALL DltYCLEANINO Phone 118 or 8 lii U n Ej L L l SHOES H;, Gagnon Iachapelle rrivcd in Swedes, Crushed . 1 Junglo Calfs. Outstanding ' in High and Cuban Heote. Priced from S5.85 to $6.50 WILY SHOE STORE LTl P "The Home of Good Shoes" l"lTRtr!rinnit i H 1 I I B 1 1 1 E I NOW IS tiii: timi: TO BUY A FUR COAT t JttlVff! V. C.t. A m OA - 1 4 1 .11 .IrlM I I ount G0LDBL00M The Oid Reliable Your Credit Is Good 1 5 ' : TBrni b.i bi b:i bibxbx mi mini mi ai w a i o i a i a i National SSENGER SERVICE ('all it . . We Haul it . . We never close PROMPT SERVICE PHONE RED 392 LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Will Pay Cash For Furniture, Peter Brass, David Jones and stovei. Tools, Musical Instruments, Bill Shruhsall left this afternoon Write or .Phone Elio Furniture for Vancouver. Store, Prince Rupert. tf nd Mrs. T. W. Faboner. Th? Mnan Ban played through the streets jreatetday af-prnoon as part oWtht Victory lxan campaign. afcpfHg at a number of corners to render selections. The music was much appreciated by all the people on Ujp streets. There will be another parade by the band tomorrow G io IL ID s E !A TIIK SEAL OF QUALITY Sockcye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tnmntn Smipp ADont forget the JumSte stall at 4ae by 0t' fe 0e on THIS CROSS is on every fosf-octing Aspirin Tobfer. look for it. Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE 12 h p. Standard Oas Engine from boat 'Drott." Engine In excellent condition. Cylinders 4 years old. heads 1-years old. Clutch in good condition Apply Standard Machine Shop. '2 FOR SALE Piano. Phone Rod 981. (248 FOR auick sale. slxtenstxol lunch counter busiotss?TCS5h only. ResHSOTtH hWkh.Jox 371 Daily FOR SALElWSelS minutes walk from Dry DocflfPhone Red 953. '(247) FOR SALE Nine roomed nouse. almost completely furnished: good foundation, new furnace: suitable for either boarding WANTED i The Prince Rupert Gyro Club. 2 1 having held an executive luncheon lyestetday, will be In regular 4 monthly business session tomor- , row. On Friday night of this week j the club wiQ hoM a fence in the 1 1 Oddfellows' Hall for members and Sj invited friends. Arthur Lavalle, a recent arrival 1 1 from St Piene. Manitoba. Is toe 2 j latest feenstt for the Canadian ' Army at Prince Rupert. He has e Just i been attested and will leaving soon for Vancouver. :' 1 ' A shortage of copper coins fo . ! exchange is developing in Prince ' Sandwich Spreads Rupert, it is reported at city bant - U bpiced bamion Smoked Salmon Bloater which are urging the tum:ne ij i this sort of currency. A sh irlat" of silver coin is also repo f'd fror other parts of the country but hi not vet become evident here WANTED Large room or two small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 365 Dally News. tf) VANTED TO RENT Two or three'.. m lMMiaf1)nta nnccofifiArl . H Family coming from East, des perate circumstances. Apply Box 372 Daily News. (245) WANTED Woman for housework, daily. 35a per hour. Apply 341 West Ninth or Phone Blue 397. (245) house or family. 703 Fulton St WANTED Housework by experi-eaftoaoo Terms. $2060.00 Cash. enced 6lri, sleep-In. Apply Box Street. W. PERSONAL light green, name v..j rrt Communicate Oeo. Col 11113, nrt vjwlneton. B.C. (243) insT -Reddish -brown dog, male, four months, snon mu. lar with padlock. Phone Black 503. Reward. (244) 375 Dally News. (245) OET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Wont blacken. Stores sell "Jet." ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man sharing. 718 Fraser Street (195) LOST LOST-Around Mud Bay, row boat, (244) FOR SALE Coal Heater. 233 11th WANTED TO RENT Furnished house, suite or rooms by reliable couple. Apply Box 373, Daily News. (245) WANTED 2. or 3 housekeeping rooms, furnished preferably, or) house. Urgent. Reply Box 376 Dally News. (244) WANTED Pole saw and engine' or secondhand car engine. Apply Box 370 Dally News. , (243) WANTED One jgood-slzed, fur nished room. Will pay $3500 a month. "Married coupieH cleat), and quiet. Apply Box 367 Dally News. (247) WANTED Housework being looked for by girl. Phone 543. (245) FOUND FOUND Pair of Brown Leather Gloves. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News, Identifying gloves and paying for this advertisement NOTICE CITY Or PRINCE RUPERT VOTERS' LIST 1913 Tb Voters' List U now tn coarse !of preparation. Householders must file a Deelar- E. A. Evans of Second Aveiaie .atlpn certifying that they are Bri- Mn. ;j M b. Hunter is a patient returned to the city last even! n the I'nnip Rupert Oeneral Hon- from a brief business trip to Van 'ill. iiii- b?en admitted to the couver. . sat;, ... a Mie end of the week. subjects and have resided In the city since the first of January 12 and have paid the CU7 I all taxes not chargeable on land ch person for th? cur- Mr H. W. Butl r. wldcw of the n ajn. in Cathedral Hall on Nov. rent year to an amount hot less M. W. But;er Oove.narfea'. 8 The bawrar opens at 3 tjn. J har. F!ve Ool!a- nr In th case or rhs ajent at All :e Arm. 't woman Two Dollars. Bed at Port Simian at the Miss Helen Warner and Mhs' Liceaee Holders ha atw to file nd f the week, and e:!dren ar- Owwrnefh Walker left this afw-'i Deration. v' In the .city from tfea north azm fjr a holiday trip to Vic- Itaelwatloiw must tee filed at the h:s acratn. t0rU i iffte" of' th? City T.erk by Octo- imi. y i Juanita FaUonar MM. of 3. Young. Mlm 0. E. Pornell. j Ui nt Prtoce Raoert. BC New Westminster is paring a vis Mrs. M. MtOrogor and V Atfcins data lth day of 0t aj. 1948 i (! City with hw sarent Mr. a. e nr nnnnann iaavmc IMlav far AUDREY A. WRVTUALT, tmerrts. abe also plans a visit F. Mlker of 8sal Cove Ms sab-Fa:: K-Murrry wttto her bm ai'ted a pon to th Oa Mews 'e- lorn FMeoner, v,"ho la a amesting thai provUrtmi b? made n nr n.i:- -- in rhn --a. tor the how in? cf wivos aad taai!-Shattljr Hiss Falconer will be o- lie? of servioe men a well as of ng on active service with the Roy- dust: la 1 workers. ! Cma"ar Army Medical Corp. ' . a nurting s;:ter. Ctty Clerk. Anncuhcemen Ij Ail advertiMrmenu in v i . solum a Ui bf chtf-c tut 4Jii rnontta al 2 rc I.O".O.F. No, 63 every Tuesday, 8 psn OddfeDowa" nan. sojourntng members invited. z i - ( Can. Legion Fall Bazaar, OcC' 21. Lutheran Bazaar, fellows' HalL ' j1- ,24, Odd- Help Nonvay Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' HalL October 30. Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5.' Nurses' Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall November 6. Presbyterian Baaaar Nov. 10. St. Peter's Fall Baaaar. Nov. 12. Eastern Eastern Star Star Dance. Dance. Nov. Nov. 20. 20. . s a mi m m m it v . v l fWBB B nnL'Jf K now DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. K r : : t A I'm ; HOMING MATTERS NOW i J at the VARIETY STORE Where your dimes are little dollars tn m lazaxn bibi as ai aianr WANTED Girls for lunch counter. j jjere-s a remlnder-Christmas Apply unemployment insur- oniy 2 months away. Send ance commission, no. Aft3. that overseas parcel or card (245) JANITOR wanted for Catholic School. Apply Catholic Rectors'. tf 1 I-. ! Bl Bl B3 UXMMIM.1 WZ9i B'BIBa . SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, - Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. , Phone 568 YouCan Be Sure Of Your MUSICAL ENJOYMENT when you have an RE ORD PLAYER attached to your Radio ELECTRIC MOTOR Semi-permanent Needle (good for 10 years) $o.00 Worth of Records (your own selection) km hi COUPONS are still available with each cash purchase in our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop in and let us explain this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 5 J FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. All for $18.50 at J. M. S. Loubser D.O, RA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 641 : ra rinia raxa iiiiiiiitiiiii Lawnmowers 'I SHARPENED AND I i i OVERHAULED g p First Class Work PHONE RED 884 Delivering , & ! ra ri nut i lazaxa i.a HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 33c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2 oz 4oc CASTOR OIL 4 oz? 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz.25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins 4 oz. 10c . . 16 oz. 25c BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 15c 4 oz. 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE OrmesLta. Vim Pioneer Dmqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8, a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 18 - t p.m. and 7-9 pjn. tea rata imra ra raia era Era antra nxra Era Erairaxra 1 THE PACIFIC CAhE Third Avenue and Sixth Street Wishes to Announce that It will be m OPEN FOR BUSINESS after being closed for renovation, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, j" at 4 pjn. with a first class Chinese Cook. 3 Specialty Chinese Dishes " The Management Invites the Public to try their Special " CHOP SUEY. i:BiB.r,B;a.rraxa:iB:2BffiTafflB:M'Etirrarai'ai:aT;Biaii If you lose anything, advertise for it. ' : I - I., 3 1 i.