Ul'KSDAY. JANUARY 15, J942. ESS sqm' And take hot Prem . . . broiled or fried with tomatoes, scalloped potatoes or left-over vegetables . there's a main dish for HOT or COLD, ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W Vatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for jou. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING ROOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 649 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. ALWAYS KEEP IT ON HAND! When friends drop in unexpectedly and you want to serve a light lunch or sandwiches, what a comfort to have Swift's delicious Prem on hand! Always keep a few tins handy for just these emergencies. JUST WE TICKET mp ntiir.K urn Vl)ISHONABUSyDM!); you . . . ready in a jiffy ! Try Prem, too, for Sunday brunch, with eggs! ' KHiuiiyr I tic iuc-BOX IS SUCH FUN WHEN THERE'S PREM WOUND! Prem FILLS THE BILL A delicious meat all ready to eat, made from fresh, juicy cuts of choice pork . . . sugar-cured Swift's special way. Your mouth begins to water as Prem comes out of the easy-to-open can. Be sure to get Prem tomorrow 1 Swift Canadian Co., Limited. Made by fhe makers of Swift's Premium Ham and Bacon BUY MORE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES liet ii ai me ! Variety Store 330 Third Ave. West .kkaa .--.-.- J. A. A. JL. JL A. VVVtnVTTVVVVVVVTTVTTTVTT savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Wanted -Raw Furs , HIGHEST MARKET I'RICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S. BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHLIM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable USSL PHONE 1 3 rrri zr, 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates COAL! . COAL! mm Jly We make very sure that every ton of coal that is sent to us from the mines has the proper heat-producing qualities. We're particular about the kind of coal we buy. In this way we make certain will be customers that our pleased. Place your order now. We'll be pleased to serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Broadcast by the Youth Committee, CFPR, 0:45 pjn. tonight. S. O. N. meeting tomorrow 8 p. m., followed by social. All members attend. Jack Ray of Mussallem's Economy Store is sailing on the Prince George tonight for a holiday trip to West Vancouver where he will visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks are George for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. Brooks is accountant in the local office of Canadian National Telegraphs. The Prinr RuDert Gvro Club. at its regular monthly business mncneon yesterday, named Arnold Platen and H. S. Meadows as au ditors for 1941 and Arnold Flaten and Frank Skinner as auditors for 1942. Herbert Morgan, formerly of the typographical staff of the Prince Rupert Dally News and now training as an observer with the Royal Canadian Air Force, has been transferred from Edmonton to Trenton, Ontario. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan, have received word that he left Edmonton for the East on Monday of this week. Citizens Help New Official The new city sanitary Inspec tor. Alex Macdonald, reports that he Is receiving a gratifying meas-d ure of co-operation from many citizens in. his efforts to clean up the city generally. A little later after spring arrives and weather Is more favorable, an intensive , campaign to Improve sanitation and cleanliness conditions In the city generally will be Instituted. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. O. Boomer. G. R. Jones, R. Kennington, Jessie M. Nash, D. C. Scott, Jack Warke, G. Easton and A Peterson. Vancouver; A. J. Crawford. Toronto: Mrs. Exley and J. F. Preston. Victoria; Mrs. F. : Frank, Terrace; W. S. Cooper, Boundary Bay; R. W. Hansen, i Pasadena; J. Crowder. Portland; Fred A. Elder jr.. Atlanta; 6yd Barton and M. L. Larson, Yakutat; John H. Ivery, Atlanta, C. Wick-holm, Port Edward. j THE DAILY NEW3 LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 1 TViMlrrVit'e train rtiiA in arrlvp from the East at 11 o'clocK, was reported this morning .to be on 1 " " "' time. Mrs. John Bremner. who had th misfortune to break her leg in October, Is gradually recovering and hopes to be able to be oui ana around again before long. Arthur Robertson, well known Massett sawmill operator, arrived in the city at the first of the week from the Queen Charlotte Islands and will be here for a couple of weeks receiving dental treatment. Otto Younc. refrigeration engi Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE Owner leav ing town: Uprlgnt piano, si.-, oak office desk and chair, $35; hall box seat, heater and small stove, dressers, washstands, single B and double beds. Phone 759. (12) FOR SALE 5-room house. 3 bedrooms; located 1203 Seventh East; 2 lots, low taxes, close to dry dock, cement basement. Possession at once. Apply between 2 and 4 in afternoons. (12) FOR SALE Enterprise range with Silent Glow oil burner; piano, $75; 2 single beds, 2 dressers. Apply 1203 Seventh East between 2 and 4 in afternoons. (12) jitst Received, a large stock of mpn's work nants and fine dress pants at very reasonable prices, In all sizes. B. V. uiomiers tiio. Third Avenue. FOR SALE-Savage Whlrldry el-prtric washer, running order $18, mirror front wardrobe $6, radio, shelves, etc. Suite 1, Wallace mnrV Phnne Blue 637. (13) FOR QUICK SALE 27-ft. launch. Owner leaving town. Phone Rinrk 510 and ask for Mr. Doug las. 17) FOR SALE-Stove with oil burner, In good condition. Phone Red 284. (11) FOR SALE 100 chickens, good laying hens. JacK uanoa, new Road, P.O. Box 405. (12) FOR SALE Winnipeg couch. Phone Red 955 evenings. (14) FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. HELP WANTED neer at the Prince RuDert Fisher- lies Experimental Station, wa3 the sneaker todav at tne regular week ly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, president v. n un-.pv u-as In the chair over a cood attendance , of members w 1 1 h a few guests. The local Moose Lodge last night postponed the nomination of 1942 officers for two weeks. Busi ness at last night's meeting was largely of routine nature. F. H. Cameron, governor of the lodge, was In the chair. In the latest Canadian National Railways magazine appears an in teresting ana well uiusirarea article by George Baker of this city describing a mountaineering ex pedition to the Seven Sisters group near Cedarvale led by Dr. Neal M. Carter of this city last fall. Advertise In The Dally News. i J u Here's Easy Time-Tested Way To Get Relief Oet after those distressing spells of coughing and ease misery of the cold the widely used Vicks way... Boll some water. Pour It into a bowL Add a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub. Then breathe in the steaming medicinal vapors. With every breath you take VapoRub's medication soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and 'breathing passages. FOR ADDED RELIEF... At bedtime rub Vicks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Its poultice-vapor action works to bring you comfort while you sleep. wanted Smart girl. Macey's Confectionery. tw HELP Wanted. Central Hotel. WANTED wanted At Fort St. James, cap able woman or girl, general housework, four In family. $20 per month, room and board. Ap ply Box .195, Dally News. WANTED Housekeeper at once by man and three ennaren. Apply Box 198. Dally News, or Mill nt 1463 Sixth Ave. isasi. (14) WANTED One boarder. $45.00 per month. Mrs. E. JacRson, tsoi Ninth Ave. West. Phone Green 598. 12) WANTED for newspaper shop, ap prentice, preferably with some experience. Apply Dally News. Of) dry DOCK Worker wants house keeping room by Feb. 1. Apply Box 197, Daily News. WANTED Janitor with engineer 4th class certificate. Phone 11. (17) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman. Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dommion-wlde exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. LOST LOST Sum of money laat week about $20. Finder please advise Box 190, Dally News. LOST Wrist watch. Initialled on back D. to C. Sentimental value. Reward. Phone Blue 325. Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 THRIFT TEA Fine flavor; lb 70c NEILSON'S V lb. tins; each COCOA COA 10c READY DINNER Favourite Foods; Ckt 8 oz. tin ROAST PORK Hedlund's; 8 oz. tin PRUNES Gilt Edge; 2 lb. pkg 20c 19c RAISINS Sultanas; QCp 2 lb. pkg PITTED DATES Per lb SALMON Sockeye, Hold Seal; l's tin LUNCH TONGUE Australian ; 9 Q P 12 oz. tin &lOX" LEMONS Per dOZ ORANGES r Family size; doz. PEARS Fancy eating; doz. . 20c 40c 29c 25c 35c flnhvuiicetnentA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Bridge and Dance Jan. 16, 8 sharp. Cathedral Evening Branch Tea, Legion Hall, Jan. 17. Proceeds for war work. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet, Jan. 23. Vardens' Tea, Metropole Hall, Jan. 24. Oddfellows Fortnightly Scotch Dance, January 24. Admission 50c. Anglican Tea Mrs. Johns, Jan. 29. Queen Mary Tea January 31. St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall, Feb. 12. United Church Valentino Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. All Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C Unit No. 1 MEETINGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red 4G9 P.O. Box 577 mm Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.ni. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pin. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Jan. 13, 27 Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations. FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Acent Third Ave. - Thone 568 SPECIALS QUALITY -GROCERIES HERE AT LOWEST PRICES! FRIENDLY SERVICE FREE DELIVERY BROOKFIELD BUTTER First Grade; jE 3 lbs JAaJLtJ EGGS Fresh, Grade "A" QC Pullet doz. OtJU SWIFT'S COTTAGE ROLL Whole or half per lb. 35c FRUIT JUICES Grape Fruit Juice, 48 oz. Apple Juice. 48 oz. Tomato Juice, 48 oz. Per tin H-'tf GINGER SNAPS Just fresh In; 2 lbs Uts ASST. COOKIES- Fresh stock; fff 1 lb. pkg AJt Red Arrow SODAS Plain or Salted; 99 n large pkg t Shredded Wheat pkg 12c PEANUT BUTTER Malkln's Best; t SJo Tumblers each JLOix LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES Fancy Pack; tZOn 1 lb. box tPifl Permanents THE MODERN BEAUTY SHOP has purchased a new Wireless Permalosc Permanent Wave Machine, the very latest In pre-heat machines. For that tight oil permanent you desire, phone 1)17. EL$IE KLOHN 3rd. Ave. Golden Bantam CORN Royal City, Choice; 16 oz 2 tlnstJ' LIBBY'S KRAUT 20 oz. tins; 2 tins 16 oz 2 tins, 25c Country Kist PEAS Delicious flavour, Q"n J6 oz 2 tinsel Canned CATSUP Malkln's Best; f il P 16 oz. tin JL JL' DILL PICKLES Polly Prim; OCJp 28 oz. Jar Mt CHILI SAUCE Aylmer; 10 oz. bottle SOUPS Hedlund's, assorted; tin PEACHES Glen Valley, PEARS Dewklst; 9p 15 oz 2 tlnsUtJ1' CLOTHES PINS Lpkgs: 25c WAX PAPER 100 ft. rolls; each KLEENEX-SCO size; pkg 18c 10c s27c 19c 33c NOTICE The ANNUAL MEETING tf the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society .MONDAY, JANUARY 19 at 8 p.m.. City Hall. AH persons giving one dollar or .over .are fully qualified members and Invited to A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY-BEDROOM SUITES AND PIECES Walnut round mirror; 2Qft 00 priced from tJOV.UV (One-third cash balance monthly payments) RESTMORE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS. pricerom $20.00 ($10.00 cash balance monthly payments) PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVE. FANCY SOAPS Magnum Bath Soap, "English", per cake . . 33c 3 for $1.00 Cusson's Apple Blossom Soap, per cake .... 25c Gusson's Lime Blossom Soap, per cake 25c Cusson's Cold Cream Soap, per cake 20c Imperial Leather Soap, per cake 40c Gerrard Fancy Toilet Soap, per cake 10c Odors: Lily, Jasmine, Violet and Honeysume Eau de Cologne Soap, per cake 15c Lanolin Soap, per cake 10c Vinolia Boracic and Cold Cream Soap, cake 20c Yardley Lavender Bath Soap, per cake .... 55c Castile Soap, French Formula, per cake .... 10c per bar 25c ill HI 'Jfift Pioneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 OpenDaily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. S3