THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. 1943 true FEARS Deliriously good color Distinctive prepared halve and eicellent Hoyal City fheum, Itcning roes ana eei ana her inflammatory skin disorders. You can obtain Moone's Emerald li) in the original bottle at W. J. icCutiheon or any modern drug-ore Satisfaction or money back. I HE CAItKY 1 I Everything For i WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Waver Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IX KWONO SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal C12 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT of flavor. quality. Skin Eruptions At last night's meeting of tlv board of school trustees an appliea tlon for a Dosltion on ihe tparhinp o Here is a ciean, stainiess, pene- staff of the loczl was re aring antiseptic oil that . brings celved from Lillian H. Lewis, a ,eedy relief from the Itching and physical training teacher at Rose-scomfort. vllle, California. The applicant will Not only does this healing anti- be advised that It will be necessary cue oil promote rapid and for her to have a British Colum- Jealthy healing In open sores and bia certificate or permit before he ounds but boils and simple ulcers application could toe considered. e also relieved. m skin affections the Itching of The board or school trustees de been asked to assume the duties but she found it impossible to take the position on owing to the weight of other duties. Until ot r arrangements can be made, however. Miss Wrathall will continue in charge of handling school purch asing requisitions, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Percy Leopold, Inspector here for Wartime Housing construction, returned to the city yesterday from a trip to Vancouver. A. Women of Prince Rupert, prepare for emergencies. Phone Blue 722 now and enroll in Red Cross Home Nursing and First Aid Class. (11) Charles Brown, who resides in the Dominion Building, was taken to Prince Rupert General Hospital from the dry dock by ambulance yesterday, suffering from a sprained knee. PAINTERS The first meeting of Local 1442 for 1943 to be held Friday, Jan. 15, at 7:00 p.m. All members urgently requested to attend. (It) tfhhcuhcemehtA All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Meeting of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employees' Assn. and -zema is quickly stopped. Pimples cided at Its meeting last night to : Prince Rupert Dry Dock Medical ,nnn Hrv nn and saif receive applications lor ine position 1 u " vjnj"tl of secretary of the board. Miss f m a very few days. The same nt Barber's Itch. Salt wrauuui, tuy ciem, naa lows' Hall. Cambrai Snowball Frolic, Jan. 22, Oddfellows' Hall. 25. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet Jan. Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Jan. 29. FRY COCOA leads in duality THE ENTERPRISElFRUITC'CO. wish to announce that their store shall be CLOSED BETWEEN JAN. 18 and FEB. 13 INCLUSIVE FOR COMPLETE ALTERATION For those who wish to obtain Delnor's Frosted Fruits and Vegetables, door shall be open each day from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. only. A Beauty Parade ... in any beauty parade, well bet on our New Year Wishes for happiness and good health to win the trophy as the most beautiful of all sentiments. SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON r -tt Violet Man Cor. Cth and Fulton Phone Blue 943 for Appointments START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! nive Your budget a breakl Do your shopping at the Variety Wartime taxes and Increased costs don't need to mean Store! everything. You'll find all your needs and wants domg without .... ... i n tr,r n dollar or less. rlgnt nere ami ; tn sh0D to save. And put Make It the money you Bondsl a jMew i "to c. save shopping at me variety ! THE VARIETY STORE Mr. and Mrs. T. Storrle are leav ing tomorrow night for a trip to Vancouver. Chest Colds To Relieve Misery Rub on Genuine VicksVapoRub Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 7 o'clock, was reported this morning to be fou: hours and forty minutes late. residence here. a .,nnr(owonwwuu"wul'w a For Quick, Safe and Comfortaoie iaai onuviwi PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT iiaaoooaiKraaiKw"'- BIen,Women0ver40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? Txtc wrak. rundown, exhausted roficlitlun tnakt rou fl fBjcgPdjnit. old'.' Try Osirrx Tomr TsblHiit, mlaiu general tuniiw, stimulatiin. oriu ult-4 U(-r 30 or 40. Help joy get ntiriiia! K-p. vim, vt. taWy. Trial ulac SSe. VK Hi:I. MONKY 9ft $1. .lie or Rperlal "Kronoim " xli1 and tav troiB !br. 10 buu. At ail druutitu. tflarl today. mmwsmmmzmm warn msu R a GOLD SEAL! Fancy Red ,Sockeye mm Salmon and Herring in Tomato Sauce are both on active service g B but will be back on your g m grocer's shelf soon as condi- r ?3 ditions permit.' &iril:BIMJMi:tBamEClltlIia D Our Delivery Schedule 3 DELIVERIES WEEKLY TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY Please co-operate by placing your order as early as possible. To ensure delivery, orders must be In by 4 p.m. the day preceding delivery. I MUSSALLEM'S S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More jj Cents" J Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER rrlnce Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 MRS. SMITH IS PRESIDENT Navy Auxiliary Elects For Year 5 ! i Its Officers The regular monthly meeting of the Navy Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas McMeekln, Fourth Avenue East. Mrs. C. H. Elkins, president, was in the chair at the meeting. Officers were elected, Mrs. J. A. Smith being the new president. Annual reports were read fhow ing that a very successful year of work had been accomplished, Eighty-one parcels had been mailed tp boys at Christmas. These par- , u i iVi .(.. , : ucia uuii taiiitu xm,im, uuuwiv ocibcuu -um. ui ! nrotectors. caps, mitts, tooth army recruiung neaaquaners, re- . .,. ' ,- v,-rtw handker 4t, (.. ,ct.rA Paste, shaving pream. I.U1HCU v wc J ' V,lf A or, rAonnTe Th a trip to Vancouver where Wch visits the boys at the hospi ed to Canada after having been taL a since 1936 in Glasgow, Scotland. , ?' Mrs. Gilchrist will be arriving "f' LLS' who with the shortly from Vancouver to take up Auxiliary also has a committee ladies helped knitting so as to make it possible to send these parcels. A cordial Invitation s being ex tended to all who are Interested in this work to join our auxiliary. The election of officers resulted as follows: President Mrs. J. A. Smith. CUssiFlED (Classified aavertlsing is payable cash in advance. No charges. KOK SALE FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner and other electrical appliances. Call between 9:00 and 11:00 ajn. to 149 4th Ave. East. Telephone 536 (11) FOR SALE Must dispose of 26 ft. fully equipped sail boat. Best offer takes it. Caretaker, Yacht Club or Red 701. 10) FOR SALE Double bed, complete: I good condition; chest of drawers. Phone Green 668. (12) FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 1543 Overlook Street. (11) HELP WANTED WANTED Secretary lor Frmce Rupert Board of School Trustees1 part time, applicant to give full particulars Including salary ex rected. Applications must be ad dressed to and 'be In the hands of the Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 18 on or before .Tnnnarv 19. 16) WANTED Female cook for a fam- ily of ten. Good wages. Apply Un-employment Insurance Commls- cinn AF 30. d4) uriTTKV.KF.EPER wanted for small rooming house. Phone 741. (11) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for men snar ing. 718 Fraser Street. WANTED WANTED Couple with one child wish living quarters. Green 815. (14) wanted If vou have a house for m1 Phnne Blue 889. (16) ntnsPFT!TABLE voung couple, no children, non-drinkers or smok ers, desire living quarters. Apply Box 417 Daily News. (5) 1 LOST LOST Pair of gold-rlmmed double vlsloned glasses with pinkies. Finder please leave at Dally M1 News. U1' LOST Outside C.N. Daggage room, black Gladstone bag on New Year's Eve. Finder please return to Daily News. lost Man's green Shaeffer Life time fountain peny Finder please rptum to Daily News oince. uu FOUND' roumjThree keys on ring. Own er may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. LOST T.nsT silver watch and chain between Post Office and Inv nprlal oil. Finder please leave nt nallv News. .(12) LOST Three keys In brown leather case. Finder please leave same nt. Dnilv News Office. .(12). can o-ctaif, as always, the 'Saladd label is von? guarantee- of a uniform blend of fine quality teas SALAOA TEA Vice-president Mrs. C. C. Mills. The regular weekly meeting of Secretary-treasurer Mrs. W. W. the board of school trustees was C. CNeilL held last rugnt, ine session iasuns Mrs. James Simpson was ap- from 8 pjn. until 11:30 pjn. Various pointed as convener of knitting natters received attention and for the year. ' there was much discussion. Among other things the board received; re- NAMED FOR CHRIS ports from committees which had Colombo, the capital of Ceylon, visited the schools last Thursday, was named for Christopher Col- impressions being presented and umbus. discussed. you ' , . upmmemsr be depended upon to give your eyes the attention they need. Headaches, fatigue and Inefficiency are too often the result of poor eyes. For the. early shoppers we have 200 pairs of Shoes and Slippers at the Clearing Price of 99c BHirSH COLUMBIA OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION A-7 SHOE SALE Big Clearance Sale of Ladies' and Children's SHOES AND SLIPPERS LADIES! Here's a real opportunity to buy a good pair of Shoes. Clearing ofodds and ends in our'Murray Shoes. Regular price, $7.50 io 9.50. SALE PRICE - $4.50 Come in and look around, there are many other Bargains on Sale at the FASHION FOOTWEAR Next to Variety Store Phone Red 321 1 943 Tide Tables Prince Rupert Harbor 10c Pacific Coast of Canada 25c CHARTS of all areas in Northern B.C. British Admiralty U.S. Hydrographic minion Government Charts. and Do- BOOKS ' on Navigation and Seamanship Marine Engineering Diesel Audd Guide Books. ty i i 4 X i N s s 1 11