DECEMBER 20, 1M3 ttON-PAY Another Wartime Xmas - ill,.;,..',,, and f( or We njrain KUKKwt that Christina Shoppers this year he patriotic and buy VICTORY HONRS or WAR SAVINC CERTIFICATES. If you insist oit buying Men's Wear, see W. F. STONE Clothes of Distinction" Sport Chat Death of Oeo:ge Cook, former Australian heavyweight "hamplon who had more than 500 fighU in Britain and the United Statea, left the ring mourning one of the strongest character In Its history. He died at the age of 45 following a short illness at fiurtalton Surblton. Sumy England. D ir-Ing a lengthy career he fought the best heavyweight in the eountry at 4 o'clock met such top-notchers at Larry Gahw, Toronto negro who once held the Empire heavy crown; Oeor Res Carpentar and Trimo Oar-nera. He had several fights for the British and Empire titles, none of them successful. His I biggest handicap was that he , lacked a knockout punch. Not For , so long before )U death. Oeorge a member of the, fire force formed to deal with bombing, told a friend: "They say I'm to old to soldier. However, notary's too old to fight fires." Promptness Courtesy, Safety and Long Experience For General Contracting of all Kinds - - Call 32 Seal Cove Truck & Transportation Exchange Block JOHN GURVICH Sixth Street Frank Soo of Stoke City. English-born athlete of Chinese descent, long been one of the accepted stars of England's professional soccer circuits. Now another Chinese looks like emulating him. J. Scott-Lee. a Liverpool University graduate. in THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FIVE 1 played for Everton against Bumley In the League North match and was the big success of the tilt. Like Soo, he Is a wing halL Small but powerful, he should have plenty of natural ability and bralnwork. When a British Coastal Com mand bomber was forced down in the Atlantic after attacking a submarine, all Its crew were lMt excent one. The boy -who cheated death crashed a big league soccer a few weeks later when Set. Arthur Turner, an air gunner from London, shone at eentre-forward for Charlton Athletic of the League South. That menas his ambition has been realized. The chance came when Turner was posted to ground duties after 18 month's flying. Bravery while engaged In tunnel blasting at Gibraltar earned the Oeorge Medal for L. Col. Terry Hicks, former Welsh junior 105-pound boxing cham-Bion Thirteen times England's diving champion, Wing Cmdr. C. D. Eomalin has been award ed the D. F. C. for his leadership of a Mosquito squadron Capt. Robert Mayne, Irish rugby j international forwaid capped six times, has been awarded a I bar to bis D. S. O. for distinguished services In Sicily. Kingston was the capital of Canada from 1840 to 1844, and Montreal from 1844 to 1849 For Mutual Benefit A .ealth and Accident See JOHN L, WKIGHT Thene 711 A Pioneer Rooms No. S J WE M MANY SHOOT FOR TURKEYS There were over seventy en tries at the Christmas turkey shoot at the Canadian National Recreation Association ranges on Saturday afternoon. Ladles were present as in other years and made a fine showing, considering the fact that in some cases competitors had not pre viously handled a rifle. A visitor and competitor was A. It. Holtby. retired B. and B. master, who Is spending the Christmas holiday in Prince Rupert, renewing old acquaint ances. Mr. Holtby won the bird in a luck competition and also marked up a splendid score In one of the standard bullseye matches. It was remarkable for a man of his age. Mr. Holtby was a famous shot In his younger days. Following are the winners in various matches: Bullseye Target (Men) First match, Capt. Dawson, score 50-5x. Second match, A. Dahlberg, score 50-4x. Third match, Capt. Dawson, score 50-3x. (Ladies) First match. Miss Maureen Earl, score 50-5x. Second match, . Miss Peggy Arkman, score 49-3x. Luck Targets First match, A. Holtby, high score; T. J. Fortune, low. Second match. Mrs. W. Watts, Ugh score; Allen Armstrong, 'Third match, Mrs. W. Brass, low. W. Brass, chairman of the Rifle Club, was in charge, assisted by T. J. Fortune, Mrs. W Ottawa, December 13, 1943 iYANKS BEAT AMERICANS Stretching their wlnnbioi streak in the area basketball league to six games to take over first place, the yanks defeated Americans. 39 to 24 in a cage encounter Friday night. This long awaited engagement between the only two unbeaten clubs In the circuit proved more decisive than most fans expected as the powerful Americans had previously won six successive games. Yanks' grip on the top rung will not be challenged now until the contenders resume activities on January 6. Christmas Music Is Appreciated Christmas music, so far at least, has not been so general on the" air as It has been in some years past- The hour's program, featuring such music, presented from station CFPR yesterday afternoon by the Acropolis Hill Choir, was, therefore, especially appreciated. The quality of the music itself was particularly good. The chon consisted of twenty-five voices and soloists were Mary Lee Brown, soprano; Harald C. Nermann, tenor; and Henry W. Kane, bass. The choir was under the direction of John E. W. Clark. David McCracken was narrator and Walter Roberts was organist. Llovd Morris of station CFPR acted as announcer. Brass, Walter Morgan and Ray Olsen. PIONEER OF CITY DIES AST HOLD THE LIN On the home front the battle against inflation is now the most critical of all. The winning of this battle will contribute much to winning the war. It will contribute more than all else towards the solution of post-war problems. The purpose of Price Control is to prevent inflation. Its purpose is to protect and maintain a basic standard of living. A higher money income will not be of any advantage if, because prices are going up, our money buys less and less. To win the battle against unemployment in the postwar period, we must first of all win the battle against inflation. Salaries and wages are a large element, often the largest element, in the cost of everything we buy. If the Price Ceiling breaks down, in the long run all stand to lose. We must hold the line against inflation to assuro victory in war. We must hold the line to provide a solid foundation on which, after the war, to build a greater and a better Canada. 'RIME MINISTER Of CANADA Willira Iteiwy GMdseU Pates In 'Mltitaxy lloipttal Funsval Here Wednesday. William lUnry Goedtwil pioneer of Prince Roper ;, cteran of the last war and for many years in the ettjr service, aied n Saturday at Shauhnps.9y Military Hiltel in Vancouvc where hed bt-n a patient for a few- we:ks. The rcimlns are being iir nd hew on W 'i s-day and ;hs funeral will ntr olace Thursday afternoon. The late Mr. Goodsell was born seventy-sfar i;-r a r-TunbrKlge Wells, Sassex En? land. He had been in Canada sixty years and thirty years in Prince Rupert. Serving In France In the last war with the .famous forty-eighth Battalion, he was wounded at Vlmy and at hill Seventy j Besides his widow, who lives here, Mr. Goodsell is survived by two brothers and two sls- He Goodsell, Is serving with an antl- aircraft unit of the Roya! Canadian Artillery. t t TTTTTTT T V TYTYTTTTTV V Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee is Tops) .1 It p. ' MO kAAAAA ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET We carry a complete line of DELNOR FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES uIL BURNERS CLEANED nANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Uck 735 tM Seventh Ave. West NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away Trom Hume Hates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Void Water Prince Rupert, IVC. Thene 281 P.O. Boi 15 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on actht tervice but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Bras Castings Electric and Acetylene Weldine 'M i SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and 1 MINING MACHINERY AH Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled I i VTTTTVTrVYTYnrTTT TTTTTTT lepers 1 Don't be foolish and Mil Z your Furs on the Water- 3 front to buyers who are 2 getting big commissions Goldbloom can pay 30 per 'cent more 5 than anyone else as a re- 2 suit of finding- the best markets when in Moutreal and New York. SEE GOLDBLOOM FIRST SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Intimation, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phona SH 4 4 1 '! m If ' 4 J: ii ! 1 1 35 fi-