! i Hi ' vw. Repairing, Charge Jewelry Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT ...ORE for Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler .Diamond Merchant 1 Rupert Peoples Store i Sale Of Dresses Now On 2 For The Price Of One Dozens Of Other Bargains I Rupert Peoples Store "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 007 FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Elio's Furniture Store, next to the Dally News on Third Avenue. Elio's have a trpmedously large stock of Seamless Ax-niinster Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marbo-lcum, Feltol, Rexoleum, six feet wide. Elio's enormous turnover in Floor Coverings for years gives you better choice at money saving prices. Buy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve you. Just say: "My change in War Savings Stamps." ELIO FURNITURE STORE CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule SATURDAY r-M. 4:00 Afternoon Muslcale 4:30 Dick Todd 4:45 Melody Round-up 5:00 Tea Dance Time 5:30 Operetta Time 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Cubano Rhythms 6:30 Victor Record Album 7:00 CBR Singers 7:30 Serenade in Blue 8:00 National Barn Dance 8:30 Jubilee 9:00 Command Performance 9:30 Hit Parade 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:150. I. Jive 10:30 Yank Swing Session 11:00 Saturday Night Dance Party 12.00 Closing announcement SUNDAY AM. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Chamber Music 11:00 CBC News 11:05 CBC Sunday Concert F.M. 12:00 The Cavaliers 12:30 Piano Rambllngs 12:45 Calling All Children 1:00 Andre Kostelanetz 1:30 Musical Comedy Favorites 2:00 CBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:30 Paul Whiteman 4:00 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 Fitch Bandwagon 5:00 Yarns for Yanks 6:15 Hymns from Home 5:30 The Army Show 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 G. I. Jive 6:30 Hour of charm 7:00 Front Line Theatre 7:30 We Who Fight 8: CO Mail Call 8:30 Fred Allen 9:00 The Sunday Quiz 9:30 Classics for Today 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Vesper Hour 10:30 Silent vorce she heads for Palm Beach, thriftiest, averaged $450 a head STORE HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OPEN 9 A.M. CLOSED 5:30 P.M. THURSDAY OPEN AT 0 A.M. CLOSED AT 1 P-M. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars nave More Cents" Phones 18-19 p.o. Box 575 Men Wanted BY LOCAL GARAGE Two or three skilled auto mechanics; steady work, ceiling wages. One boy or man, full time or part time for lubrication rack and repairing tires. Good wages for smart steady boy. Apply: UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OFFICE. (Mention advertisement A.M. 70) BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers no waste Ready to cook Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT COt Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA in a Wings for Victory Week. Its population totals 25. J. H. Dust, a London air raid victim who has artificial legs, has passed a driving test and been appointed driver of an A. R. P. utility truck. GILHULY CUP STANDING (Second Half) Air Force Reserve Ontario Signals Navy W, L. 0 0 1 1 1 Pts. 4 2 0 0 0 Terry Grimble is leaving tonight, returning to his naval duties on the east coast after spending "furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grimble, Tchesinkut Lake Tchcsinkut Lake Auto Camp Ten miles south of Burns Lake, on highway to Tweedsmulr Park. Three cabins, $1.50 per day. Cooking utensils supplied. Trailer space and camp sites. Rate, 50c per day with use of kitchen. Good trout and char fishing, and big-game country. Open from May 1st to January 1st. Auto service in connection. Write or wire:' R. E. Lord, Tchesinkut Lake. B.C. lif nU 1 1 1 ,r SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Wishes to announce that it will be CLOSED FOR BUSINESS until. Aug. 20. BE READY! Summer is here. Get your TENNIS RACQUETS strung by A. B. Hodges, White Apartments. Phone 127 GOLD SEAL 00DUH&1 ,oorirj Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and ftUO SIAl Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service but' will be back on your grocer's slielf soon as conditions permit. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. 'A Home Away From Home' Rates 75c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Local Tides Sunday, August 1 High 1:09 20.3 feet 13:56 18.9 feet Low 7:49 2.9 feet 19:54 7.0 feet .Monday, August 2 High 1:44 20.5 feet 14:27 19.1 feet Low . 8:20 2.8 feet 20:28 6.7 feet LADIES' PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY jrJ Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Chas. Dodimi Dodimcad "" Optometrist in Watch, Clock, Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) Prince- Rupert Women are required by the local shipyard to fill vacancies in the WELDING DEPARTMENT ' PLATE SHOP i SHEETMETAL SHOP US" and other departments throughout the yard. Apply Local Selective Service Office- A.F. 63 J. L Curry (Late of Yukon) Chirdpractor Westholme Rooms ia;i u um hi main j mxmu r t j Fresh Local Haw and f Pasteurized MILK I VALENTIN DAIRY 1 i PHONE G57 g l:u:mi:hi:;b mm ihi:k;i:im2h:eb Try Our New for lustrous beauty that can't be beat ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Post Office Phone Blue 917 for Appointment If you lose anything, advertise for it, 1 MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45-r-Help Wanted 9:00 Mirror for Women 9:15 The Oakies 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Marek Weber Orchestra 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 1 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11: 17 Recorded Interlude. 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:15 Hi Neighbor 12:30 Sootlight Bands 12-45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale 1:15 Lud Gluskin 1:30 Andre Kostalenetz 2:00 Silent YV GLLCI ll UllL RJH Whiffs Halibut Landings Lower This Week Official Pack Report on Salmon Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert have gone over the ten million pound mark for the 1943 season with 565,000 pounds landed during the final week of the month, bringing the total for the year up to 10,407,700 pounds. Of the week's landings of 565,000 pounds 13 American vessels brought in oui.uw pounas ana iwo Cana dian boats 61.000 pounds. All the American fish received the celling price of 17.5c and 16c while the price for Canadian fish was 18.2c and 16c. The spekeye pack on the Naas and Skeena Rivers for the present season up to the end of last week totalled 27,665 cases ' as compared with 44,557 cases at a corresponding date last year while the spring pack amounts to 2,125 cases as compared with 6,473 cases in 1943. The steel-head pack for the two northern rivers is 83 cases, cohos 5,690 cases, pinks 2,730 cases, chums 3,556 cases. The aggregate pack for the Naas and Skeena Rivers this year to date is 41,849 cases in comparison with 74,783 cases a year ago. FUNNY FILM IS SHOWING "Falm Beach Story" is Showing at Capitol Theatre on Monday and Tuesday A love story with accent on laughs is due at the Capitol Theatre here on Monday and Tuesday next in "Palm Beach Story" which stars Claudette Colbert and Joel McCrea with Rudy Vallee and Mary Astor. The' picture takes the plight of a young couple married five years who have not a penny and develops a funny plot on the fact that the wife, played by Miss Colbert, decides that she can do more for her husband, Joel McCrea, if she is divorced from him. To acquire the di- on the way picking up a rich young man in Rudy Vallee.. But the husband has not taken the walk-out lying down and is waiting at Palm Beach, when she arrives on Vallee's yacht. She introduces him to Vallee as her brother. From then on com- HURDLING FISH i plication after comrjlicatinn A leap of 40 feet across water arises but everything ends up Is not unusual for the sailflsh. very happily. Briefs From Britain Dr. W. T. S. Stallybrass, principal of Brasenose College, moved a decree at Oxford for the appointment of an "Institute of Colonial Studies" to co -ordinate colonial studies in the university. Civil defence workers and members of the town hall staff at Barking, Essex, formed a human chain to save foodstuffs threatened when fire damaged many shops In a covered About 3,500,000. persons, about 25 per cent of the total working population of Britain, eat their- noon meal In Industrial canteens, said William Mabane, of the Ministry of Food. The great ornamental gate3 at the entrance to the grounds of the Northern Ireland Parliament buildings on Belfast are to be converted into munitions. istry The British Ministry of Home Security is improving the training and equipment of Fire Guards to enable them to 'deal ' with new types of incendiary bombs. Official warning has been given ,to British seaside landladies who have been turning war workers out to make way for better paying holidayers. Sandford, a Shropshire that claims to be Britain's Officers Paying Visit to City Capt. Louisa Bailey, missionary school teacher of the Kitse-las Indian Reserve, has recently arrived t 'in the city and will be taking a prominent part with Captain and Mrs. F. Watson of Hazelton district in the Salvation Army services this weekend. The Sunday night meeting, will be featured by a presentation entitled "The Salvation Lighthouse," when several of the young people will be speaking and otherwise taking part. LADIES! CHOOSE HaJrtL Lressing AS YOUR CAREER Sptrnditl opportunity. Rapid tdranrc-mrnt. War work has absorbed many halrdrcssrrs. You should train to take thtir place. 90 of today's Beauticians are School Graduates. Where they made such (real success, you can also. Right now smart girls are seeded to train for hairdressers. Fractical expert training guaranteed. Very reasonable rates. Write today for free literature. MOLER Hairdressing School 303 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B. C. Registered Under Trade Schools Regulation Act. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Rfpalred and Overhauled nAk ENDS TONIGHT SUNDAY JilnD "IN WHICH WE SERVE" J Chester Morrb (at 7:20, 9:35)) 5 rarker In "Hi8h . and Carol., i .7 llk complete Shows, 7:00, 9:15 9:15 t Mnn, Montgoml " " """on BEGINS MONDAY Complete Shows at 1:00, 3:00, 5-00 7 cd Feature at 1:43, 3:43, 5:43, 7:43. 9;43 2 S DAYS ! A Paramount f icfurt itoT 1 CLAUDETTE COLBERT i&totoJw and JOEL McCREA,iflrf Pete Smith's "Dog House" "Unusual Occupations" "Rovers Rangers" CAPlfl J.M.S.Loi D.C., IS A. f Chiropracl 'Gionella' Dress Sh In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Biw Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in 10 spike and cuban heels. High styled line? suit any taste and priced to suit any poet book. 'it TVTRM'G "DAT TVfn'DO iirtncr; TTr-tr' WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8" Just arrived. i Family Shoe Store Lt "The Home of Good Shoes" v''! $ NOTIONS FOR EVERYBODY AT Tit VARIETY STORE! You haven't the barest, nnt.lnn intt Vinw manv no" have hcrel But you can count on this a store f: for Its completeness with everything from comnwJ to complete sets of closet accessories. Its convenience right in the business section and N to-date stocks whpthpr nHnif thmnj nr hnlr curfc" otner things you can count on. No matter what 3"" noUon for, you'll find lt as usual at