JULY 31, 1943 nned nomy mnnmv cans lor areful thought and . -i rnf11t1ir ue as the oacKDone planned In advance ...v no slv months. - musehoia necessny . cimnle matter. . . r- l 1 n mi AO no I n sh the bogie of bud- anclng. . it-. the usual way, will immediate, careful On trv IViIq and most COnve-nv nf ShODDlllK by j 4n1A unnr lief ..onohlp rpnresenift- " - ' ' ' 1 . nl. inn Tin nrlll It with you person- and you can leave from there on. from EATON'S Catalogue C0VER8" 1- ATAkl f tM Wit . - i JIFF COMPLAINS t Wales, July 31 CP (hat this city's de- ineffective In a re-an Ee 'aid are being ln- by the authorities, It fed the alert sounded fcultaneously with the he first bombs. Bprfinr Court of llrltMi RiimiIiIu In I'rolulr f tlx- "AdiiilitMnttlmi Act' mill Utter r tlif Kktulr of DTId ji- by OrdPT of F. :wr, L xal Judge C ir of British Ool. '.vr 30th day of 1943. enpolntd AdrrUnU- E '. f Jdhn B-ttih, P.'- Rupert. British -- ::3 who died on or 2C t tf June. A.D. mc (ndtbted ito d O persoiw having i 1 En ate ere :i ;om with me pro-ci or tt fore the lV.h - : AX). 1943. falling Irtiu: .i will toe made i suoh dalms cii iae been notl- Prir.-e Rupert. oj luly 1943. 1UMAN A WATT ') Adm'jilt'troAor Prin Rupert, B.C. B.C. pruiie Court of llrltlsh iimlih! ,i Pruluite '' t Hip " A il in I ii ht rut Inn Act' uinl t Hie Kktnte uf llrr. Wm Mjimlt, liecensed. l nilfslate DTICE that by order of f W K Fisher, miule on y of July A. D. 1943 I J'X) Administrator of the iTOert John Mvnott. de- if'H partlea having claims Mra siaie are thereby furniah sunt. DroDerlv Pi on or about the 24th !"' A D. 1943 and all tted to the esturte are (F the amcrturt of their i v me forthwith. Prince Ruoejit nf!. t.hl :Jul A, D. 1943. JRMAN A. WATT Official Admlnliitrator. iTlnoe Rupert. B.C. vs Advertising Brines TILUE THE TOILER ?E WORRIED. BECAUSE I'M 'A THERE ARE SSooo Men! I'D BE WORRIED IF THERE VMBa ONLY SHOOd cJw 1 DONiT KNOW LOCAL NEWS NOTES Miss N. Mueller of Terrace left this morning for a trip to Van couver. A See Annette's windows for her summer clearance sale. (182). Mrs. a. W. Cook and son left this morning for a trip to See Annette's windows her summer clearance sale. for (182 Herbert Pierce Is leaving tomorrow night to spend a In Vancouver. Ernest Unwln returned to the city this morning after a visit to Tlell, Queen Charlotte- August Meeting P. R.R.N. A. postponed. Next meeting Sept. 6. (It) Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Yaeger and child are leaving tomorrow night for Victoria where they will take up future residence. i Mr. and Mra. Fred Cameron and son, Dick, are leaving to- j , muuuw iiigiu jur a iiuiiaay in Vancouver. Arthur Robertson, well known Massett sawmill operator, arrived in the city this morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a brief business visit. Miss E. Rushworth left this morning for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss xiushworth Is a member of the staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Miss N. Bird, matron of the Ridley Home, left this morning for a trip to Vancouver. In Til Hiiirriit Court of llrltMi Columbia In Prnbatr lit the Mailer of the "Admlnl-tratlon Art mid In the Matter of I lie tV.ntp of Kol-rrt l4iar Itrlil, Hei'ennl. TAKE NOTICE ttwt by Order Of HI Honor Judge Pttier. Local Jud$e of the 8uprwn Court of British Columbia. I on the 23rd day of July. A.D. 194J, appointed Adm'.n-lMtnutor of the Katute of Rc-bcrt Isaac Rtld. "TfcnnerTy of WEce" Rup- the ert, British Columbia, decerned, who ct quired to pay the died on or about the 7th day of hell : lr.rdTtmt to me 1 July, A.D. 1943. All peraoi In- detouxl to the mid Ette are re-; qutml to ry te amount of their LndebtedneM to me forthwttii and all uenona having ckunu igwnst the said Ette are required to Me them wrtih me properly veruled on or before the l&th day of September. AD. 1843, felling which distribution will be made having regard only to audi claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED ait Prince Rupert, B.C. Uvls 23,rd day of July 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. In the Supreme Court nr ItritMi Col ii mli In In Probate In the Mailer of the"AdiiilnWratlon Af nml In the Matter of the F.-tate of Cora Kllziiliet h 'lUai-k, IM'iTBitl TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 13th day of July, AD. l.41, 1 was appointed Administrator T the Est&te of Cora Elisabeth Black, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said ertate are hemby required to furnish same. properly verified, to me on or about the 15th day of August A. D. 1943, and all parities Indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth with. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this l&tti day of July A.D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official ftlmlnlalrntM. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be 45 minutes late. Mrs. m. P. McCaffery and daughter, Norah, left this morning for a short trip to Mrs. George Hill and child, who have been paying a visit to Mrs. Hill's former home at Massett, returned to the city this morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Lieut, and Mrs. Arthur Merkel returned to the city this morn ing from a two weeks' vacation trip to Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Tnomas Anderson, former manager of the Tucks Inlet reduction plant, left this morn ing on his return to Vancouver after a visit of a few days here. Mr. and Mrs and family left on last night's tram for Lake Kathlyn to spend a vucaiion. . NOTICE . To my customers, my services will be discontinued at Helen and MlLady Beauty Salon until further notice. Lillian (Davies) Alexander Gotr, of dutch oeiow, wr Fiesr PiArio v scotiand in mst Vf ... .ai ,nl !' MA7Iv f, V I You can't beat Watts & Sic ker-son'x for every item in our complete stork is an attractive ad dition to jour wardrobe! ii'iai:iiail L. M. Felsenthal Is leaving tomorrow night for a business trip to Vancouver. Miss Eleanor Graham, transferred from Prince Rupert to Powell River as a public health nurse, left Thursday night for her home In New Westminster to spend a vacation before proceeding to her new post at the paper town down the coast. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander and daughter, after a two week's visit here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, left this week on their return to Vancouver. They travelled by way of Jasper Park, Prince Rupert, B.C. j making a brief stay at Smlthers. STILL SAFETY" IN NUMBERS! IOR 250O, (MAC Organist. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRES CHURCH NOTICES Prince Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Avenue Evangelist John E. Barnes Sun., 11 a.m. "Human Reason ing Shattered." The Lord's Supper will follow. Sun., 12:15 p.m Sunday School and Bible Class. Sun., 3 pjn. Prayer Meeting. Sun., 7:15 p.m. "Detectives." Tues., 8 p.m. "Interesting Pro phecy of Revelation." Wed., 2 pjn, Women's Mission ary Meeting. Thurs., 8 pjn. Praying Thru For Victory." Frl., 8 p.m. Service Men's and Young People's Meeting, Everybody heartily welcome. St. Paul's Lutheran Church 5th and McHride Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 ajn. "What must I give up to be a Christian?" Rite of Holy Baptism Infant son of Pastor and Mrs. ' No even,ng servIce thls Sunday. R. O Birch A cordial welcome to all. First United Church C3G Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, M.A., Minister Miss Edna McLellan, Deaconess. J. S. Wilson, Sr. Choir Leader. H. C. Hlgglns, Jr Choir Leader. Miss S wanna Olafson, A.T,CM , 11:00 ajn. Morning Service. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Come and Worship. 1 i Salvation Army (Meetings) Saturday (tonight), 8 o'clock. Sunday, 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Captain and Mrs. F. Watson of Hazelton In charge. Special speaker, Captain Louise Bailey of Kitselas. See the building of "The Salvation Lighthouse" Sunday The public Is cordially Invited to attend these gatherings in the Citadel which Is located on Grenvllle Court at Fraser and Sixth Streets. .First Baptist Church Fifth and Young Kev. C. A. Wright, Minister. Regular Services Sunday 11:00 a jn. Speaker, Phil Kelly. 7:30 p.m. P. H. Llnzey. For Income Taj RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER riione 88 324 2nd Ave. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. We have moved to larger premises and will now be able to give quick service. Mail or express your shoes to us. Please enclose your home address, it will help to speed delivery. e WE PAY THE RETURN CHARGES OH, TILUE, THERE'S A SOLDIER FROM CAMP BUSQy.: WANT TP MEET HIM T fillip Iff lii Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Women of Moose Invitation Dance Aug. 4, 10 to 2. Mrs. Jean deCarlo's Orchestra. Oddfellows' Hall. C.C.F. Dance, Frl, Aug. 6. Odd fellows' Hall. Tickets from members. W.A. Coast Regt. Servicemen's Dancej Aug, 9, Empress Club. ' Orange Dance Aue. 9. I.O.O.F. Hall. Contact members for In vitation. BLACK BASS ABROAD A unique American fish, the black bass has been colonized In Cuba, Europe and South Old Timer of Prince Rupert II. T. Lofthus Passes Away at Age of 86 Years Mrs. R. T. Anderson, 1363 Sixth Avenue East, returned from Vancouver where her father. H. T. Lofthus, died in Bayvlew Nursing Home on Sat urday last. Funer(d services took place at Mount Peasant Funeral Parlors, intement at Mount Pleasant Cemetery Lawn section. Mr. Lofthus had been a resident of Prince Rupert for 31 years and had reached the great old age of 86. He had been In falling health for the past year. Relatives and friends deeply regret his passing. Birth Notice as ROML DIP Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Aristocratic families In and- McMeekin. a daughter. July 31 ent Rome bedecked pet moraylat the Prince Rupert General et v. ...(n i i ' ... iu wiui je-weia. ' Hospital. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon of Wednesday, August 12th, next, for the purchase of the following described properties belonging to the estate of Gust Selvin, deceased: 1. 4-roomed cottage with 2 additional attic rooms situate on Lot 12, Block 22, Section 6 (7th Ave. East) 2. Two 4-roomed cottages situate on Lot 23, Block 11, Section 5 (approximately opposite Hawklnson's Ldry. at 6th Avenue West). Avenue West). Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (189) FOR SALE Modern six, room house. Centrally located. Im mediate possession. Phone Green 317.' (tf FOR SALE Man's bicycle, good condifcionf Phone Red-481; (178) FOR SALE 3 room furnished house. Apply 1169 Ambrose Phone Green 322. (181) FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 1340 Overlook St. after4:30. (181) FOR SALE OR CHARTER Llcenyed diesel passenger ferry, diesel towboats. Box 531, Dally News. FOR SALE Steam tug, small scow, 100 h.p. marine diesel. Box 531, Dally News. MACHINERY DEWALT SAWS AND WOOD-working machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. De-Walt Disher Corporation Ltd , 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST LOST On Friday an envelope containing bankbook and some . papers. Finder please return to Daily News. (183) THE INNEDUCIRLE MINIMUM! VJELL, YOU'D BETTEgJ 1 B-W ' """'WKI fl BUT MUMSVj DO WHAT VOUR r7THAT'S Vf M ARRV ) f KARRvA' MEM I My HEART CELLS. HEART TELLS firR'gHT I VNGU I LATERj M V SEEM TO BE you to Dj-jpy iro HELP WANTED WANTED For about six weeks, female executive secretary for Civic Centre Carnival. Applicants should have business and merchandising experience. At-' tractive remuneration. Apply Selective Service A.F. 69. (tf ) ; WANTED Men for construction and" repair work at Anyox, B. C, including carpenters, handy men, laborers. Apply to Selective Service Office AM 69. (174) HELP WANTED Woman for light housework, mornings, except Sunday. Apply J. M. S. Loubser, Wallace Block. (179) WANTED urgently Graduate nurses for private duty at hospital, full or part time. Apply Miss Faust. Phone 121. (181) WANTED WANTED, by Aug 1, light housekeeping room for soldier's wife. Apply Box 535 Daily News. (184) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. WANTED Room for couple by Aug. 3. Phone Red 486. (178) WANTED Two rooms preferably In vicinity of Seal Cove. Apply Box 542 Dally News. (178) WANTED Small boat. Apply Box 543 Dally News. (183) WANTED Substantial reward for suite or house, furnished or semi-furnished, for Airman with family of two. By August 15. Box 538 Daily News. (178) FOR RENT HAVE ROOM for single working girl or one desperately in need of such accomodation. Apply Bulger's Jewelry Store. (178) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men shar. lng. 718 Fraser Street. FOUND FOUND Child's green blouse. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertisement. PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS and TYP ISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. KWONO SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 618 7th AVE. WEST AU your patronage welcome, Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 Change in the Time and Place of WELL BABY CLINICS Tuesday, 2 to 4, Wartime Housing Clubhouse, 920 Hays Cove Ave. Wednesday, 2 to 4 Health Unit, 2nd Avenue. The Public Health Nurse will he In attendance and will give mothers advice on baby care and feedings. These are Well Baby Clinics. If your baby is ill, consult your family doctor. PRINCE RURERT HEALTH UNIT GOLD MINE, MILL AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned on or before August 28th, 1943, for the purchase of the mineral claims, mill and equipment of The Cariboo Hudson Gold Mines Ltd., N.PX,., situated near the town of Barkervllle, B.C,- The property consists, of crown grafted mineral claims with electrically driven- mill, engine, compressors and accessory equipment for mining and mill operations. Inventory may be seen at the offices of the undersigned or in care of H. J. Gardner, Quesnel, B.C., and the property Inspected by arrangement. Tenders to be In double sealed "envelope marked on the outside "Tender for Cariboo Hudson Gold Mine Ltd." ' THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S TRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED, 111 Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, B.C. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTDS A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 250 WINDOW SHADES Width sizes, 36 Inches, 42V2 Inches, and 45 inches. Length sizes, 72 Inches. Phone 775. We are here to serve you. 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert Everyone Should Read The Summary of the WORLD FEDERATION PLAN By Ely Culbertson 39c An outline of a practical and detailed plan for world settlement. ". . . the strongest and most realistic Plan for creating a world police system that will protect all in collective security and protects even against all." Dorothy Thompson. ! "PRESCRIPTIONS i t Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. 7hs Pioneer Drtu&iats THE REXALL STORE T" ft PHONES 81 and 83 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 pjn. Snndayi and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. I 1 5 It 1