', i if -1 vmW&MW7jmW& PAOS TWO THE DAILY NW3 FRIDAY. JANUARY 29. tj Record breaker! New, easy-shaving Minora Blade for double-edge razors is Canada's fastest-growing economy blade. IV THE l tMt CrKT or BKIIIMI roLiMKit rv rKiiTr ! the Ulllfr m4 the -.ManHntiM AH- l. I U la yiMln W IKr TMmte MHfcrfaa Mm lajr-jl, TAO SOnci tost by OMR- of f&i 2i3cr W. E rhan, an tbe 2U F ot imauBrj K D 144. I ra ap-t .VkMHmcr ot dK suu of ADfW VKtta Jotmoo. deceased, and Jl partita lTta( cairns sralnf tbe enje rt berets- icqturad to far-ax) bw. prop nrVM. an me on r about tbe 2nj by PsfcruMy. A. D U. and aU parties tadatced to tte siie are uufLed to par h? aaaooat Uj tnrtcMwiK-o to me tartksttk. DATED at Prime BaM, BjC this rd j at ,lsar. A. D 1U. NOHMAX A. WATT Of OatU Adatialatfater Prince Jtepect. B. c. The United Suites army is sting 28 types of combat planes. WOMtN TOO joei "tht n agi cian woxen Lil ntal jcfei ia the R.CAJ. V.'ooea'TDin-Boa, m:-n iot aiz ciew dsbes. Recrait are reded, o;e 18 to 40, piyv icollr lit with at leail Hiah ScLcxjl ecbance. Many Gseial aid icnonaSag joti await yon. No etfehenc ceeded. The Air Force wfl! bain yo qxicllj to tale yosr place witk Canada's air-rcen. Full isisrmabos at amy B.C.A.F. Hecrnilina Ceatre, or unite address below lot eiplaaatcrf booklet INDIA'S -ACTIVES- More ttaaa aWjM soldiers from Jwfia arc now serving onou. CHINESE INVENTIONS The Chinese invented or discor-e.ed silk, porcelain, tea. printing and ANCIENT CliLTUKfc Qiineae coltere dates tack morn thaw 4JQ0 yean the aide in tbe world. LONGEST CANAL A canal bout In China many cen taries ago is still tbe longest in th world. 'Op' completed --listening out The boys cn a bom rang flight Esien to the radio, too bet not to swisg cusic. Their wireless give then vital inforaaticn to guide then to their target and hcsie again. And their "sparks" is the Wireless Operator. An expert in radio signalling, he keeps in contact with their feOavrs and the home base. And when the need arises he mans a gnn to fight eff enemy planes. The Wireless Operator is tie ears end the voice ci the air crew, playing his part, as do all the ethers, in dealing devastating blows to shatter the enemy. The air crew is a groap cf specialists, each trained to do his own job well, and all fused into a smoothly working team. They share alike in the great deeds they are rrcrming today, and they will share also in the future that awaits them after Victory is ours. The expanded Air Training Plan has room for mere men who want to Be with these fighting comrades of the skies. Right now applications are being accepted for air crew at R.C.AJ. Recruiting Centres throughout Canada. you ate phytieolly fit. mentally alert, over 17'i and not yet Z3,you are eb(ible. 11 you are over 33, but have exceptional qualification, you may it ill be contidered. Lack of formal education is no lonter a bar to enlistment. Royal Canadian Air Force AIRCREW SMITHERS BONSPIEL SMITHERS. Jar. 29 With the Hanson Cup Tournament drafting to a close the Smithers Cuil r. iciub held a meeting to plan fur ther programs far the winter. At a very large meeting held in the club room cn Sunday afternor:, was dfcided to start a iwirswi B. this Thursday ter the iater-r.nk competition for the newly acquirec cop presented by E. T. Keaney, VJiA R wa aha decided to hold the bonspteJ on Febmary 6. 7 ani 6 when it is hoped that one or mere rinks from Prince Rupert and from Prince George wfli come to Smitfc-ers to take part in the corapelticn for the Imperial OU Cup, the Shield and the many prizes that will be presented at that tune This bonspiei is the main even: the season and is looked fonrard to by tbe local carters and t-Billy Little of Woodcock who -fails to bring a rink here ! r conjest but who has neve.- ber . -(able to carry away the siivtrsu- yet atthoogh being in the on several occasions. The date r.a FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES t fabtr early this winter in the "hope that the weather wffl be Weal as fa several years '-he anther has been too mild to pro-ride good ice. The rtofe skipped by Prank ftew-bery has finished Us games in the Hanson cup tournament and has seren wins and four losses to its credit. It is possible that one or two other rinks will tie this scare when aH the gaaaes nave been played but it is not likely that any will exceed it a it is possible that these win have to be a play-off between two or three rinks before the cop is won. Aside from a mild spell winch made the ice aoftt for curling in the first part of the rbonth the play has been carried on regularly bat the extremely cold weather recently heaved the ice on one rink so that it required considerable guess-wcrk as well a skill to put ;h jtone.i on the desired spo: i in i mm wnBIJMlUlm 11 Ml 1 , ' . -f .FoT illustrated booklet iving full information, write: ' Director of Manning, R.C.A.F., Jaektort BuUdini, Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centres: Vancouver. Calgary, Hioocton, Sajictoon, Ratea. Winnipeg, North Bay, Windsor. London. Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa. Montreal Qtoebee, Moncton, Haifa i. RUSSIAN TAG DAY Setma Ctvadren t Tarn Out To Upsseres cl ehry xhood -h ren taggers wfll tam out t-r. . : on ci:y M7Ks U aavus f - - ? Canadiaa Ai4 ta Xussta fund 1 gen? at ctarge of the day . 'ye M-s J. A. Teng, The taggers will be: Jane: fc-Jatrich jsade'.rr.e Yyvt man. acsfaeune Rat;hrord. Jea.. Fendici. Pauline Boouist. VUnraret WUr. Marian 9henton. Margret Jo hxsien. Oordon Ostetburg. Dogl&s dsshman, n:rrr? Te aia. Su-art Hills. Dsk Smith. Alfred Btack-sbv. Mily 3 a r. Edna Tton&L Gladys Breimo Roy Cirfford. Bffii MeChesney. Mari?ne sioore, Chris-:ina Soencvr. BUh Mv.eh. Ann Pet-roff Harry Rochester. Daanv BU: c. te CstHhirt Canrxs i- fe;hy Ji nf n. Vingi&s Cbwthr:. j. Moore. D. nalda OU1. Mtrv j :.i . Shiriey &tH Billy Ha - " Hit :ard. Haxine Moase Edsar. Norman Hill Lor-.(ma.B. Betty Wide. Don . M a'thur oyce Young. Eo"i L ane Kennedy. LVfhka Per - '; Lnc-a Oa'dnsr. B"l!y Wit: . .ohn Schild. Oljn Bi". 5ar- Mac Afee, Kathlren Smith. There-Won. r.-T- West Ka sten Miller. Flore-nr? SUi-r. Reggie Rcnald Bruce MUs. a;-. Hartwig. Kathleen Bills. LUian.Hedberj. Lenort SsaiUt. ioy;e WU?an. Ben Forres: K!tth Mitthen. Ruth L?av::t Je-, '-tntosh. Yvrnae. Bauye:te Ma-Wsc:! Inuis Patnek. Barbar-"nf. L ily 3elr;f. I ene Kllda T"Te vOT-tld Dorcthv Hut'hT.-ri. Mildred Furness. Jovce Orrtis-ton. Aire Peter-an. J-hn r.r.:.v rm. R?rold Pi-rce. Lis Teavt; ov?e T7?cr. Xocn Wr'Kler. Ul'.:z: and Jean Hnnv Harold R-wer Jtme OasTie. Ksv TVmbs Aid' J Prir.ee Gr? Htj" Pf-rr.- M--- Dk I ir? r -v. c: r a-d '- ; ir Fit.- SHRIMPS BOAT XS.L. Fresh eTery day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. J. L. Curry Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westhelme Rooms I a.BjsiBiBar.Bimri-5 Fresh Local Raw and h; ! Pasteurized MILK HI i" . "i 3 VALKaTIa DAIKY ! i niONE 657 I MBiBTtKtiriirirarsTywBtmBa : For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone IX 321 2nd Are. J. M. S. Loubser D.C. Chiropractor aKOaBBSBKBBBBI KWONG SAXO IHNO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Nest to King Tal 512 :th AVE. WEST I H All your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 ajn. Phone Red 217 f..t7frtrt nnnniDnntc St SCOTCH WHISKY Th;$ advert senent s "at pub'. shed cr dsplayed k- Se c x Control Boarder by the Government of British Cc mr Fight Fast-Spreading GRIP PE-COLDS THIS PROVEN VAY! Uurinj the present eUcmic don't let a cou'h, rnee.-e. achs w shirer so uncbeclied. At the tery first sijn take BotiVri Cinnamated Capales and Bntklej's Mixture. This dout!. tiealwnl acU fast. Berkley's Mixture eases the coush alni Ustantl) and helss ewrett o-er-aridity. Buckleys Cinnamittd Capules jrre yuu the benefit of not ONE but THUEE win-lebevinT. e!d-dipelnnf in r red if n Is. One inzredient hrirpi qwie relief frcm iches, pains and told mkery. Another st-ws. late and refreshes. The third induces a beneficial rthuUa ot the nerves. A fwirlh insrtdienl Oil of Cinnamon has bar been a standby in Europe for Hthting grippe and siniUr maladies. Bt Pieraird. Get these dependable Buckley remli NOW If this treatment does not bring prompt relit tall jr doctor savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phoae J7 P.O. Bas 5tt FRASER STREET PRINCE RCPEKT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAKK1XI PROP "A Home Away rroni nomt" Kates 75c op M) Rooms hot Si Cold Tfwr Prince Rupert, BC Phone 21 p.O. Box IN JUST ARRIVED - - -CONVERTO LOUNGES BEDROOM SUITES e CONVERTIBLE FOLDING CARRIAGES ELIO'S FURNITURE Ihird Avenue WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Hoots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-Kinjr, Valentine, Greb, Til-sonburjr and Sterling, makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in a'i' let us show vou. - Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes"