1 Party, Catholic M1H Civic Centre, at- fVtihcr 31. Tea, Mrs. George Church fall sale Pioneer Home Nov. 13 and 14 I Bazaar, Nov. and Home Cook- 23. Cathedral Fall Fall Bazaar I. ews Items .turned to TMm-nuver. ... MtV tnHav from and Seattle. Brown sail - ,. m Van- iper.tor Van- rr '.'.. w- from Van- on official holiday inp members at tVtn Wednesday , 9 30 p.m. at ATM I 74 pi am sucerin- l a i) National 11Y'- I hp steamer nc '.tie round course of a rrrm'tiaei. llii ivwood. Calif.. imfiav in the a lingering r i -uriiiiuiidui oi Prince Ru-0'iends here i net passing. A J Oalland, r residents of d are now re- T 1- tT- M nol om the cus- a in the city proceed to tonight's train George, Jasper and Kamloops home. n ran column word. . Tea. Thursday, r Tlnncp Prlrlav Church. Friday :15 p.m. Admis- r i in i. y . Tea, Mrs. Par- Mrs. D. A. MacPhee sailed Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. j. G. Alexander, local jeweler, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nlckerson, who have been on a five-weeks trin to Halifax, Montreal, To ronto, Kitchener and Vancouver, returned home on the Prince Rupert today. Mrs. Fred Riffou. who left the city a few months ago with the Intention of residing in Vancou ver, returned on the Prince Rupert today and will again make her home here. A Attention Parents and Teach ers P.T.A. organizational meet ine will be held In all of the four city schools at 8 o'clock tonight. Support P.T.A. by your attend ance at one of the meetings. (It) Mrs. Elsie C. Brakenbury of Terrace, who recently underwent an operation at Prince Pu-pert Oeneral Hospital, has reL turned home to the Interior town. Her friends are wishing her a speedy recovery. Miss A. Nolan of San Fran cisco, who returned not long ago from Englanc: where she served with the United States Red Cross during the war, is in the city today aboard the Prince Ru-' pert bound for Juneau for a week's visit. Miss Nor'ah Dougherty arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert today from Ocean Falls, where she has been In the service of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, to resume residence here with her mother, Mrs. M. J Dougherty, Leeds Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. William Murray. who were married In the city three weeks ago, the bride hav-belne the former Miss Owyn- neth Walker, relumed to the city on the Prince Rupert today to take up residence following a honeymoon trip to Vancouver, Victoria and Portland. Hugh B. Scott, who lived in Prince Runcrt as a Boy .In tha early days and is now in the service of a wholesale hardware concern out of Vancouver, came north from Vancouver to Powell River on the Prince Rupert this week and will be visiting this city later. R. H. Young, assistant to the president of Pacific Mills witn headquarters in Vancouver, came north from Vancouver to Ocean Falls on the Prince. Ru pert this week to pay a visit or inspection to tne paper mwh where extensive new construc tion work, including a new ho tel, theatre and living quarters, Is progressing. Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard, mov in it from BrldecDort. Connect! cut, with a view to making their future home in AlasKa, possioiy in Ketchikan or Juneau, are pas cpn?ers irolnc north today nfnard the steamer Prince Ru per. Mr. Leonard for many years Vino Vtppn in the service of the n.n.rol Wlrrtrif. Co. and It is VJCllllM jv-- v.iq intpntinn to co Into the ra dio servicing and equipment; business in Alaska. NEURALGIA Don't lot the pitiless pain of NeuralgU prevent you irom enjoying inc. uui..v, . ii.j ...t.h T.w.rv unmatlv made to relieve you quickly i.f piercing, stabbing f .I..I1 t...til.lncr nrnen. (jOOd nam miu uuu, h...-ij - , , lo for Rheumatic, Arthritic, Ncuritlc Pain and Stiffness, Sciatica. LumbasoJ Lt . w ,i..uUi-. SI at drucEistS. 1-41 act? m ERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Pk 11? 1117 MARY SKOG, VOR WAHL ARE UNITED Members of two well known district families were principals of an attractive wedding in St. Paul's Lutheran Church Satur day evening when Miss Mary Skoz. eldest dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Skog, Hays Cove Circle, became the bride of Ivor Wahl. second son of Edward Wahl and the late Mrs. Hilder Wahl of Digby Island. Rev. M. Aalen per lormed'the ceremony. Entering the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the Lohengrin Wedding March, played by Peter Lien the bride looked lovely In an ivory satin gown of long, torso design. She wore a long veil gath ered in a,halo coronet, and car ried a bouquet of rosea and car nations. Matron of honor was Mrs Henry Wahl. who wore pale' green net over satin, trimmed with sequins and carried a bou quet of pink carnations. A spray of flowers, gathered with a yel low taffeta ribbon formed a lovely halo for her hair. Bridesmaids were Miss Evelyn Skog, sister of the bride, and Miss Ruth Giske. Miss Skog wore a gown of blue taffeta with lace Insertions, with a spray of pink carnations gathered at the crown of her head with a pink ribbon. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Miss Giske wore a gown of pink taffeta with lace Insertion and she also wore a spray of blue and yellow carnations gathered witn blue taffeta riooon in her hair, Groomsman was Ernest Wahl, brother of the bridegroom. John Wick and Pete Petersen were ushers. During the signing of the reg ister, Mrs. Ole Skog sang "Be cause." A reception followed the cere- DRAMATIC STORIES FROW 1 EVERYDAY LIFE CFPR 6;i5 FEATURING JOHN FISHER CANADA'S ACE COMMSNTATDl EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY PRESENTED BY SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NIGHT CLASSES SALE OF HALLOWE'EN SHELLOUT ICKETS BEGUN BY CHILDREN i mony In the Oddfellows Hall, , tastefully decorated, About 75 . friends and relatives gathered to extend their eood wishes to the newly married couple. The guests were received by the brides mothfr. wearing a dress of pale blue with fuchia accessories. The bride's table was attractively-set with lace cloth. Toastmaster was Peter Lien. Toast to the bride was pro posed by George Hill, and the bridegroom responded Toast to the bridesmaids was proposed by John Huslch, while Peter Lien proposed a toast to the matron of honor. Rev. Mr. Aalen' made few suitable remarks. The bride's attendants each were presented with lovely pendants by the bride. Teleurams of congratulation, received from the bride's grand- r4 rente anri nthpr relatives In Norwav. were read by Peter Lien The guests sat down to a tasty Sale of penny Kinsmen Hal lowe'en shellout tickets by city children has begun. Proceeds of the sale will be used by the local service club for welfare work, such as providing a boys' summer camp at Lakelse Lake. Prime objective of the Hal lowe'en shellout Is tc engage the Interests of the children and en- crtain them on tho night when cold-plate supper served by Mrs. Alfred Hendrickson, Mrs. Kurt Carlson and Mrs. Henry Jack son. The tables were later cleared and dahcine was begun to music by Chriss Fossum, Raye Fossum and Fritz Boglo. 1 1 Teacher, MRS. KILL (W.c.t.j PHONE RED 284 COAL WOOD CRATING STORAGE HYDE TRANSFER Phone 580 Mr. and Mrs. Wahl sailed on the Princess Adelaide Monday nisht on a honevmoon triD to Vancouver and other southern points, after which they plan to take up residence on Digby Isand. The bride was formerly em- nloved bv Kalen Consumers' Co oneratlve. and the bridegroom Is emDloved at his fathers boar yard on Digby Island. goblin and witches are supposed to roam abroad. COMPETE FOR PRIZES Tickets sold between now and the end of the month will be collected by the ypur.gtl';rs Hal lowe'en when they make their houe-to-house canvas. At each of three bonfires, nrizes will be awarded to chil dren v.'ho have sold and collect ed most, shellout tickets There will be three first prizes of $15 In cash, three sec ond prizes of $10, three third prizes of Meccano' sets, and three fourth prizes of fountain pvns. LOCATION OF FIRES Robert Moore, chairman of the Kinsmen's shellout committee .announced today tnat lo cations of the bonfires would be: Near Conrad Street; 2. Near Park Avenue; 3. Near Totem Park. At each park children will be eiven weiners. buns and apples Entertainment will be provided and a clown will be on hand. Hotel. . . f arrivals Prince Rupert t. r pprris Ketchikan: C. A Green,. Petersburg; C. C. Mc-Kenzie, Vancouver; Miss T. Hanson, Fargo, North Dakota; Karl Anriprsnn. Prince George; C. W. .Tnvpp. Vancouver: E. McEach- em. Prince George: K. Maiiaiue, Vancouver: Mrs. E. McLellan, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. N. A. McKelvle, Prince George; Mrs. P. Soar, Vancouver; Mary S. Shields, New York; Mr. and Mrs. Riddle. Inverness: Mr. and Mrs. A. Braaten, Blubber Bay; J. . Brett, Nanaimo; Miss Dorothy Markle, St. Mary's. Ontario; t. Ives, Bellevue, Michigan. After moulting, the common Plf WP toad swallows Its skin. H Jf --fXv'1 i mi ii i ip in i i i ii L r: j SrBwjk Only furs can give you lux- I I I I I III I II I urious warmth and beauty'. GOOd tO the laSt VrOpi dyed muskrat. Wby no.- 1 1 oilier iv iuuaj vii uui uuu5v. . j I j I witn W.P.T.B. Regulations. . -I- II . Ill . I lit Mill lalking waxenes... i : If ever we were able to WATCH you I H W F V T l to YOUR satisfaction . . . it is now. I ff liLl : We wont say anything about the cheaper I .If VTUUKI I grades-not this time, . M Ui A fiJCiif I But starting at $17.50,, and up to almost 1 1 any price within reason thisstoreis I j THE WORLD'S STANDARD MAKES ONLY . ONLY MOVEMENTS THAT WE WILL ln0"C GUARANTEE. Box 1308 ; Beatuiful styles, accuracy checked hy I PRINCE RUPERT our eiecuumc . . ( uLUMK1Nlj & HUAlUHb that is our watcn . g COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK H II (Briefly . I Blue 110 Green 787 II L.WP I1" LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Established 1910 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OP CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 tuiics i id ana jli.i Quality Repairs Economy Prices at 4 fe PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Prince Huucit Dally iartus Wednesday, October 16, 1946 Outing Clothh for FALL... Cruiser Coats All, Wool with double shoulder and sleeves;. 4 pockets and game pocket - $11.50 Wool Shirts Red and Green Checked, Heavy, All Wool $.".."0 Work Socks All Wool, weights 3 to to 5 pounds - 05 to $1.10 INDIAN SWEATERS Hand Woven by Vancouver Island Natives $10.00 to $22.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP 532 THIRD AVENUE Du B THEY'RE IN! CLOTHIM ASB FMlMSIIlSiGS See them on display at PHONE 34S arry 9 BEAUTY Ku? PREPARATIONS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP THESE FAMOUS COSMETICS at McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. iv. r. Wallace Msr.) ' . ... i Phone 70 3rd Ave. ai bin oi. L1N6 THE TAILOR We are taking: cleaning and pressing- and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 619 220 Sixth Strcei JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue iiijji iu ii ii 1 1 nil" mm COLD MEATS O FOR WARM WEATHER BULKLEY MARKET WE DELIVER DAILY THIRD AVENUE rilQNE 178 VTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTT A fine selection of . . . TOYS AND GAMES just received. Our stock is bigger and better than ever. These are now on display for those who wish to do their shopping early. There :is also a limited supply of S'mas Tree Lights, Doll Buggies, Kiddle Kars, etc. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE LjOLLAKo ... inn em ThirH Ave. W. T.O, box 1118 ucu uu , Ernone MECCANO Stock Complete - Standard Prices Set No. 0 Hf Set No. 1 p.4o Set No. 2 ttJn Set No. 3 H'H Set No. 4 IJJ Set No. 5 $9- Also Intermediate Sets 1A to 5 A and Dinky Toys Now on display at