In ' V tr i 1 4 I Prfnfc Uuprct SWli? JQclus Thursday, February 14, 1946 'LEONA WHIFFIN IS PRETTY BRIDE United in Marriage to Former ' Local U..S, Soldier Leonti; Marie Whiffin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. WhKfin, 708 Taylor Street, and Bonnie Crinkle ot Marion, Virginia, formerly of the United States Army, were united in marriage yesterday in the Chapel of the Annunciation by Father Carroll O.M.I., before a small gathering of family and friends. The bride, who wore a powder blue street-length gown with, matching accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses, entered the chapel on tlft arm ot her father. She was attended by Miss Margaret Moran, who was, &U ' tired in dusty rose aod wore, a, corsage of sweetheart roses. Herbert Whiffin, brother of the bride, was. groomsman. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Wick 1215 Second Avenue, sister and brother-in-law of the bride. Under a, beautifuUy decorated, archway, the bride stood beside the groom to receive 50 or more guests who. came to offer con-sratulatlons. After the cak. nad been cut .and flashlight phorapus. taken of the bridal party. Father Now-sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN' FRESH Keep your Orders Well Ahead for our Quality Coals! Carroll proposed a toast to the bride and groom -in a beautifully expressed wish for their continued happiness. Lt. John O'Brien, U. S. Army, replied, stating that the union of these two young people seemed to embody the spirit of respect and good-will .which exists between Canada and the United States. An attractive luncheon was served at midnight by the hostess, after which revelry and good fellowship reigned. Mr. and Mrs. Sprinkle will leave. Prince Rupert shortly for Marion. Virginia, where they will make their home. ELIZABETH BACK TO LUXURY LINER LONDON The liner Queen Elizabeth shortly will be con verted back to a luxury liner. At present the 85,000-ton vessel i being used to repatriate Cana dian servicemen. There is no truth to reports that the giant vessel will be used to carry war brides and children to the Dom inion. TOOK OVER FINLAND The whole of Finland was annexed by Russia In 1809. fl , YEAST It's so easy to bake delicious, smooth-textured loaves if you use Fleischmann's active, fresh Yeast. Tins fresh yeast is jull-strength. It goes right to uvrk to help you get best baking results every Jime. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-insist on Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast- The cake with the familiar yellow label! Dependable Canada's favorite for otcr 70 years. MADE IN CANADA VITAMIN CiPSULES - Feeling worn out and tired? Got the sniffles? Lost that alert feeling? Protect yourself by taking resistance-giving vita-tamins. Conic in for your capsuled sunshine 4 ...I I McCUTCHEON &$M PHARMACY '-I-. MA Third Avenue at Sixth Phone 79 PHONES no - in ALBERT McCAFFERY GENERAL, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL PLANNING AND DESIGNING ESTIMATES NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION Stone Block LIMITED P.O. Box 1381 Phone ."(W, Evenings: Green !(:$ GYRO CLUB (Continued from Page 1). carry on the good work of his predecessors. In the absence, of the retiring president. Dr. John. Gibson, now located at Pentlcton and from whom a wire of good wishes was received, Past President Frank Skinner occupied the chair during the early part of the proceedings. There was an international atmosphere to the affair with a background of American flags and the singing of national anthems of both United States and Canada. Decorations of the banquet hall were in the SC. Valentine's pink and white theme and the adornments were the subject of congratulations to A. J. Domin-ato, convener of the affair, and his committee. About 100 persons were in attendance. Music for dancing which followed the dinner was by Andy McNaughton. During the evening souvenir spoons were presented, on behalf of the club, by Dr. R. a. Large as mementos of the occasion. Following Arrival of the visitors yesterday there was a luncheon ot the club after which the guests were taken sightseeing around the city. Later in the afternoon prior to the dinner, President-elect and Mrs. W. D. Lambie entertained at a reception for the visitors at their home on Fourth Ave. E. This afternoon weather permitting, there will be a cruise with Dr. R. G, Large aboard the power yacht Fusilier followed by a party in the eve ning b3fore the visiting group Fails by the Prince Rupert on its return south. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a blariket like new after laundering? A. After laundering, hang, it on the clothes line, and beat it with a carpet beater. This restores the wool and makes it like new. To prevent the weight of the water from tearing lt, always hang the blanket W I TNE. S SjJ DISPLAY NOTES Among the 5G junior girls who attended last evening's class at the Y.M.C.A. some were "picked" take part in the Rup-Rec display, to be held In the auditorium pf the Civic Centre on March G and the remainder were merely piqued. The instructress In charge, Mrs. E. Yelland and the four leaders had the difficult task of choosing 11 little girls, whom they thought were the most outstanding in the class. Naturally there was some disagreement among the members. Those who were selected to learn the display routine were enthusiastic while the remainder were somewhat disappointed. However, in the mass display which Is now being planned to wind up the winter season, everyone will be given an cpDortunity to take part. The 11 girls who were chesen for the display were Judy Fel-senthal. Donna Moller, Marie Jurstad, Annette Windle, Mary Home, Gwen Alger, Betty Birch, Anita Brue. Joan Saunders, Mary Doane and Alice Killas. In order to polish up their routine a special practice has been call- Q. How can I remove grease spots from carpets? A. Make a paste of boiling water poured on equal parts of magnesia and fuller's earth. Apply while hot, then wipe it off when dry. . Q. How can I keep the range from rusting during the summer? A. By painting it with a .good lubricating oil. When winter comes, wipe off the oil before using the range. THUS AND THAT m L-r-zz f- r , - - - 'i ' 1 ;;-J,i I -TV. C... U.nV,. kl.m, (mW W f3 I I I don't think much of this reducing clas. "1 TRIPLE TESTED For QUALITY in m OCILVIE FLOUR v Tested For Wheot for Flour quality kX quality before Milling daring Milliig For Baking qvolity i '--j. offer Milling Re-opening February 14, 1946 Maries Dining Room Come In and try our tasty home-cooked meats U'e Specialize. In RUSSIAN. DISHES. ITALIAN SPAOIinTTIt Etc OPEN DAILY G p.m. to 2 aim. MARIE MICHOLTJK Proprietress 622 Fraser Street (Next to Savoy Hotel) Phone 309 WHAT5 DOING, AT PRINCE, RUPERT RECREATION COUNCIL GYM 5 by J.IM: NA5T ed on Friday afternoon in the. "Y" building. POT POURRI After ejecting a few of the rowdy members of, the boy's classes at the "Yi' there has been a marked improvement in attendance and in performance, according to Instructor E. Freeman and Assistant D. O'Neill. Instructresses M, Gogal and M. Jackson report that "what the ladles class lacks In quantity it makes up for in quality." We are not quite cert tain what these versatile young ladies r?fer to in this statement. Do they mean physically? WHAT'S ON TONIGHT -(Westyie w 7 :3Q-9, intermediate boys. Y.M.C.A. Sr9, men's leaders class; S.15-!i;i5, glris leaders class. St. Peter's Community Hall, 7:30-8:30, junior boys. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Dofi a ttubborn bronchial rough, (cither phlmy or dry and backing) make yoa choke, gasp, wheeze, keep you awakt Biihti? Relieve it now I Do thou, undi have done get TemrJrtoa't RAZ-MAH and stop that coughl KAZ-MAlt hat h:lped otheri let itMj you. 50c XI at dmggiiti everywhere. R-W 1 "H.ouse of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized -n.KXPnRM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE B58 Mail Orders Box 89 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 303 3rd Ave. Wv Books, Magazines, Newspapers Phone Blue 310 (Res. Green 955) CAROL ELECTRIC Electrical Installation and Repairs Reasonable Rates Estimates Free Phone Blue 318 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOT? Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone. 655 For Your FOUNDATION GARMENT Made-to-Measure. MRS. PERREAULT representative of Spencer Supports (Canada) Ltd. 1313 OVERLOOK, ST. Box 1177, Station "B" INTERNATIONAL Correspondence- Schools UANAJJIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a F. I.OVIV. Phone arfn 874. Representative Box 52J. 117 2nd Are. W. OnpoMle YMCA prince RUPEHT, aa ANDY ANDERSON PAINTING H PAPERHANGING C33 Tatlow Street Phone Green 937 (After 7 pjn.) HANDYMAN. HOME SER.YICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners Phone. Green 486 Evening Qreen 337 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared fiee R. E. MORTIMER 324, 2nd Ave. Phone. 88 Hotel... MARKED THIS WAY Business and Professional GAIRDNER'S CONSTRUCTION Jackings - Building - Repairing Alterations and Cement Work PHONE GREEN 482 Is arrivals- I'rinrc Rupert T. E; Robertson, Vancouver; W. H. Kitto, Vancouver, G. Meredith,. Vancouver; R. Green, Vancouver; C. A. Akhurst, Vancouver; G. W. Clarke, Vancouver; D. M. Ostrom, Toronto; Col. C. C. Ferrle, Vancouver; M, McCal-lurri, Vancouver; Mrs. H. A. Black, Vancouver; Mrs. B. Mc-Bain. Vancouver; R. Nelson, Vancouver; C. B, Fie win, Port Sjmpsou; Mr. and Mrs. B, S, Sprinkle, city; Miss Anne Heur-chechko, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson. Portland. Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark, and Miss M. E. Clark, Portland. SAILOR'S SURPRISE PACKAGE. LONDON, rV-An lfc-year old girl was found In a sailor's kit-bag at Heme Bay railway station recently. After producing sufficient funds to pay the girl's faj.r, to London, they were allowed to proceed. STARTS WORK IN JUST 2 SECONDS ailing Genuine Aspirin is If It's a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue CCG Concrete Sidewalks, BasementsJ I don't take work I cannot do myself. JOHN.H. ii ULCER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD Third Avenue PARTRIDGE, GUNSTON & RICE General Contractors P.O. Box H39t Station 11 . Phone Green 417 House Repairs, all kinds. Work - Foundations Estimates Cheerfully Given Prompt attention all work. H..T. LUND Painting Paperhanglng Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta? Returns Complied Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD, Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Night Calls Especially 552 TAXI (Tom Harvey) Stand: Westhgtme Rooms, 2nd Ave. Taft and Odowes AUCTION ROOM and Furniture Store Bring your furniture and have It sold for the highest prices L. CHRISTOPHERSON Auctioneer SUPPORT THE WAR VETERAN For Information Phone Blue 69 or Blue 810 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations VAL SPIDEL Green C80 Box 1430 St. "B" FOR PROMPT M4 EFFICIENT SUVKI iour qttsttt to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.Itf IM UYMOURtt VAMCOUYtfLft, tee of the Mann, Reasot T HERE ARE a lot of good rw$0ni ifGni Don is ib widtly recommended for binS babies. o. I iicic me iui uircc or inr : : wTty ' ' d'8",'biI',y, flne food vI"i5 Easier digestibility because of heit-tfeatm nd homogenizatioru all the fine food viw! good, pasteurized milk plus an r!UptZ! "sunshine" vitamin D;.and the complete ! uU of sterilization, No matter u bire you buy Carnation Mill nutter how long you keep it in the unoptnS H can, esen without refrigeration . . . it U the unit, always one of the finest fooJt r.v,,7 ftrd babies (and their brothers and listen Carnation A CANADIAN PRODUCT C..;,,.- J. H . BULGER Optometrist (At Bulger's Jewelry Store) - Mi SERVING THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT SINCE 1925 FORMALS are back . . . See our windows for a Wonderful Display of Evening Dresses Then walk in the store and, see Some more. You will be thrilled - We are keeping Up our Reputation "We Lead . . Others Follow" Annette's Ladies' Wea J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I ir nerves doubly gol Smith Block Green 095 Frpsh Local Raff Pasteurized m VALENTIN OAl PHONE M' IIOMl: COOKING AND Bl TMEUmk Open Daily 5 p to tf -CS) . danf f and. f.'S uaniu-i KATY'S KLEEN K ITCHf :03 Fulton Street PHONE: phnn 1 112 TAXI ON CALL NIGHT AND DAY